Chapter 35
A/N - Welcome to the last chapter! Title announcement and summary for the next book to come.
The Doctor and Elise appeared in front of two Amy's.
The older one and the one they had met as a little girl.
"Trouble. Oh," he said, seeing the Dalek coming toward them. He spun around and saw the two Amy's. "Ah, two of you. Complicated."
"Exterminate! Weapons systems restoring."
The Doctor grabbed the older Amy's hand, while Elise grabbed the hand of the younger Amy.
"Come along, Ponds!" the Doctor said as they ran.
They ran towards a display, where the Doctor grabbed a fez of one of the dummys.
"What are we doing?" older Amy asked.
"Well, we are running into a dead end, where I'll have a brilliant plan, that basically involves not being in one," the Doctor told her.
"What's going on?" a man's voice asked.
"Get out of here. Go! Just run!" the Doctor yelled.
"Drop the device!" the Dalek said.
The man held a flashlight in his hand.
"It's not a weapon. Scan it. It's not a weapon, and you don't have the power to waste," the Doctor told it.
"Scans indicate intruder unarmed."
"Do you think?" the man asked. The man dropped the flashlight and energy beams came out of his hand.
It was Rory!
"Vision impaired! Vision..." The Dalek powered down and they came out from their hiding place.
"Amy!" Rory exclaimed.
"Rory!" Amy ran towards him and they hugged.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. It just happened," Rory told her.
"Oh, Shut up." Amy kissed Rory.
"Yeah, shut up, because we've got to go. Come on," the Doctor told them.
"I waited. Two thousand years I waited for you," Rory said.
"No, still shut up," Amy said kissing him again.
Younger Amy and Elise looked on in disgust.
"And break. And breathe. Well, somebody didn't get out much for two thousand years."
Younger Amy tugged on the Doctor's sleeve. "I'm thirsty. Can I get a drink?"
"Oh, it's all mouths today, isn't it?" the Doctor said shoving the fez onto her head.
Younger Amy took it off and shoved it back into the Doctor's arms.
"The light. The light from the Pandorica, it must have hit the Dalek," the Doctor said.
The Dalek started to power up again.
"Out! Out! Out!" the Doctor yelled.
They started running and eventually came to the reception area.
Rory closed the door to the exhibit while the Doctor soniced them.
"So, two thousand years. How did you do?" he asked.
"Kept out of trouble," Rory told him.
The Doctor still had the fez in his hands, so he put on his hand as he ran over to a janitor's closet. "Oh. How?"
"Unsuccessfully. The mop! That's how you looked all those years ago when you gave me the sonic."
The Doctor tucked it under his arm. "Ah. Well, no time to lose, then." He pressed the button on the Vortex Manipulator and disappeared. He returned and put the mop through the door handles to hopefully keep it shut. "Oops, sorry," he said.
"How can he do that? Is he magic?" Younger Amy asked the older one.
He disappeared again and then reappeared a second later. "Right, let's go then," he said, about to start running up the stairs, "Wait! Now I don't have the sonic. I just gave it Rory two thousand years ago."
Elise pulled hers out. "What about mine?" she asked.
"Gotta keep the timeline. Sorry, love." He disappeared again.
"She talked!" Amy squeaked out.
"Yeah, she does that now", Rory told her.
The Doctor reappeared. "Right then." He reached inside Amy's jacket and pulled out his screwdriver. "Off we go! No, hang on. How did you know to come here?" he asked the younger Amy.
She pulled out a pamphlet and a post-it note.
"Ah, my handwriting. Okay." He grabbed a pamphlet and a post-it note from the desk and disappeared. He returned with a drink and handed it to the younger Amy. "There you go. Drink up." He started to run up the stairs again.
"What is that? How are you doing that?" older Amy asked.
"Vortex manipulator. Cheap and nasty time travel. Very bad for you. I'm trying to give it up."
Elise rolled her eyes at the bad joke.
"Where are we going?"
"The roof."
A second Doctor appeared at the top of the stairs and tumbled down them. His clothes were singed.
"Doctor, it's you. How can it be you?" Rory asked as the current Doctor soniced the dead one.
"Doctor, is that you?" Amy asked.
"Yeah, it's me. Me from the future."
The future Doctor woke up and whispered something into the current Doctor's ear, before falling back to the floor again.
"Are you? I mean, is he, is he dead?" Amy asked.
"What? Dead? Yes, yes. Of course he's dead. Right, I've got twelve minutes. That's good," the Doctor said.
"Twelve minutes to live? How is that good?"
"Oh, you can do loads in twelve minutes. Suck a mint, buy a sledge, have a fast bath. Come on, the roof."
"We can't leave you here dead," Rory told him.
"Oh, good. Are you in charge now? So tell me, what are we going to do about Amelia?"
Amy and Rory turned around to find her gone.
"Where did she go?" Amy asked.
"Amelia?" Rory called.
"There is no Amelia. From now on, there never was. History is still collapsing," the Doctor told them.
"But how can I still be here if she's not?" Amy asked.
"You're an anomaly. We all are. We're all just hanging on at the eye of the storm. But the eye is closing, and if we don't do something fast, reality will never have happened. Today, just dying is a result. Now, come on!" The Doctor ran off, leaving them there with the dead Doctor.
Elise knelt down and ran her hand over his hair before leaning down and kissing his forehead.
"He won't die. Time can be rewritten. He'll find a way. I know he will," Amy told them.
Rory covered the dead Doctor with his jacket.
"Move it! Come on!" the Doctor yelled.
They finally made it to the roof.
"What, it's morning already? How did that happen?" Amy asked.
"History is shrinking. Is anybody listening to me? The universe is collapsing. We don't have much time left," the Doctor said. He started sonicing a satellite dish off its pole.
"What are you doing?" Rory asked.
"Looking for the TARDIS."
"But the TARDIS exploded."
The Doctor pulled the dish off its pole. "Okay then, I'm looking for an exploding TARDIS."
"I don't understand. So, the TARDIS blew up and took the universe with it. But why would it do that? How?"
"Good question for another day. The question for now is, total event collapse means that every star in the universe never happened. Not one single one of them ever shone. So, if all the stars that ever were are gone, then what is that?" The Doctor pointing to a giant burning ball in the sky. "Like I said, I'm looking for an exploding TARDIS."
"But that's the sun."
"Is it? Well, here's the noise that sun is making right now." The Doctor soniced the dish and they heard the TARDIS' wheezing noise. "That's my TARDIS burning up. That's what's been keeping the Earth warm."
"Doctor, there's something else. There's a voice," Rory said.
"I can't hear anything," Amy told him.
"Trust the plastic."
"I'm sorry, my love. I'm sorry, my love. I'm sorry, my love," the voice repeated.
"River!" Elise yelled.
"Doctor, that's River. How can she be up there?" Amy asked.
"It must be like a recording or something," Rory said.
"No, it's not. Of course, the emergency protocols. The TARDIS has sealed off the control room and put her into a time loop to save her. She is right at the heart of the explosion," the Doctor told them. The Doctor disappeared and reappeared with River.
Elise ran towards her.
"Little star! Amy! And the plastic Centurion?" River asked.
"It's okay, he's on our side," the Doctor told her.
"I dated a Nestene duplicate once. Swappable head. It did keep things fresh. Right then, I have questions, but number one is this. What in the name of sanity have you got on your head?"
Elise laughed. She loved it when River and her father got into it.
"It's a fez. I wear a fez now. Fezes are cool," the Doctor said.
Amy grabbed the fez off his head and threw it in the air, so River could blast it with her gun.
The Dalek from earlier appeared, rising to meet them on the roof. "Exterminate!"
"Run, run! Move, move. Go!" the Doctor yelled. He grabbed the satellite dish and used it as a makeshift shield so they could make it back into the museum. He soniced the door to the roof when they got inside while River covered him with her blaster.
"Doctor, come on," she told him.
"Shush. It's moving away, finding another way in. It needs to restore its power before it can attack again. Now, that means we've got exactly four and a half minutes before it's at lethal capacity."
"How do you know?" Rory asked.
"Because that's when it's due to kill me."
"Kill you? What do you mean, kill you?" River asked him.
"Oh, shut up. Never mind. How can that Dalek even exist? It was erased from time and then it came back. How?"
They ran down the stairs, into a corridor, and made their back into the museum.
"You said the light from the Pandorica," Rory said.
"It's not a light, it's a restoration field. But never mind, call it a light. That light brought Amy back, restored her, but how could it bring back a Dalek when the Daleks have never existed?"
"Okay, tell us," Amy told him.
"When the TARDIS blew up, it caused a total event collapse. A time explosion. And that explosion blasted every atom in every moment of the universe. Except..."
"Except inside the Pandorica."
"The perfect prison. And inside it, perfectly preserved, a few billion atoms of the universe as it was. In theory, you could extrapolate the whole universe from a single one of them, like, like cloning a body from a single cell. And we've got the bumper family pack."
"No, no. Too fast. I'm not getting it," Rory said.
"The box contains a memory of the universe, and the light transmits the memory, and that's how we're going to do it."
"Do what?" Amy asked.
"Relight the fire. Reboot the universe. Come on!" He ran off and both River and Elise ran after them.
"Doctor, you're being completely ridiculous. The Pandorica partially restored one Dalek. If it can't even reboot a single life form properly, how's it reboot the whole of reality?" River asked him.
"What if we give it a moment of infinite power? What if we can transmit the light from the Pandorica to every particle of space and time simultaneously?"
"Well, that would be lovely, dear, but we can't, because it's completely impossible."
"Ah no, you see, it's not." The Doctor tapped River's nose. "It's almost completely impossible. One spark is all we need."
"For what?"
"Big Bang Two! Now listen..." A beam hit the Doctor and he dropped to the floor.
"Exterminate! Exterminate!"
"Get back. River, Elise, get back now!" Rory yelled.
Rory shot the Dalek a couple of times and it powered down.
"Doctor? Doctor, it's me, River. Can you hear me? What is it? What do you need?"
He disappeared, having used the vortex manipulator.
"Where did he go?" River asked, "Damn it, he could be anywhere."
"He went downstairs, twelve minutes ago," Amy told her.
"Show me!"
"River, he died."
"Systems restoring. You will be exterminated."
"We've got to move. That thing's coming back to life," Rory said.
"You go to the Doctor. I'll be right with you," River told them.
Amy and Rory left.
"Go," River told Elise.
"No," she said.
River was the only to not be shocked by her speaking. "I'll be fine, darling. Go find Auntie Amy and Uncle Rory".
Elise finally left and ran back towards reception.
"How could he have moved? He was dead. Doctor? Doctor!" Rory yelled.
"But he was dead," Amy said.
River appeared at the top of the stairs. "Who told you that?" she asked.
"He did."
"Rule one. The Doctor lies."
"Where's the Dalek?"
"It died."
"The doors..." Elise said.
"What? What is it Elise?" River asked her.
"The doors are open", she said pointing to the doors to the exhibit.
They ran in and found the Doctor in the Pandorica.
"Daddy!" Elise yelled, running towards him.
River stepped into the Pandorica.
"Doctor!" Amy yelled.
"Why did he tell us he was dead?" Rory asked.
"We were a diversion. As long as the Dalek was chasing us, he could work down here."
"Doctor, can you hear me? What were you doing?" River asked him.
The light from outside was getting brighter.
"What's happening?" Rory asked.
"Reality's collapsing. It's speeding up. Look at this room," River told him.
Everything in the room was disappearing.
"Where'd everything go?" Amy asked.
"History's being erased. Time's running out. Doctor, what were you doing? Tell us. Doctor!"
The Doctor finally came to. "Big Bang Two," he mumbled.
"The Big Bang. That's the beginning of the universe, right?" Rory asked.
"What, and Big Bang Two is the bang that brings us back? Is that what you mean?" Amy added.
The Doctor nodded.
"Oh," River said, realizing what he had done.
"What?" Amy asked.
"The TARDIS is still burning. It's exploding at every point in history. If you threw the Pandorica into the explosion, right into the heart of the fire."
"Then what?"
"Then let there be light. The light from the Pandorica would explode everywhere at once, just like he said."
"That would work? That would bring everything back?"
"A restoration field powered by an exploding TARDIS, happening at every moment in history. Oh, that's brilliant. It might even work."
River pulled out the Doctor's sonic screwdriver and soniced the vortex manipulator strapped to his wrist. "He's wired the vortex manipulator to the rest of the box."
"Why?" Amy asked.
"So he can take it with him. He's going to fly the Pandorica into the heart of the explosion."
Elise sat at her father's feet as River worked.
"Amy," he whispered.
River stepped out of the Pandorica.
"Please don't", Elise begged the Doctor.
He smiled softly and ran a hand over her hair.
"River will take you."
"What? No. I wanna stay with you." Elise wrapped her small hand around his larger one. "But...but it's you and me. No matter what. You promised." But then Elise remembered what River had said.
Rule #1: The Doctor lies.
"Be a good girl, okay?"
Tears filled Elise's eyes as Amy entered the Pandorica. Elise nodded and walked away from the man who had quickly become her father. She approached River and Rory.
River stroked her hair. Whatever happened, she would find Elise and raise her as her own.
The room started to shake.
"Doctor! It's speeding up!" River yelled.
The Pandorica closed as the room shook even more.
"Back! Get back!" River yelled, shoving Amy to the floor.
Elise buried herself into River's side as the Pandorica took off.
River's communicator beeped. "It's from the Doctor," she said.
"What does it say?" Amy asked.
River and Elise appeared in the churchyard.
"Wait here", River told her.
Elise nodded as River went inside the reception hall.
She came back out and said, "Now we wait".
Soon, Elise heard the wheezing of the TARDIS engines and River nodded at her. Elise picked up her blue dress and ran inside the reception hall to see the TARDIS materialize.
"Okay, Doctor. Did I surprise you this time?" Amy asked.
The Doctor opened the door in a tux. "Er, yeah. Completely astonished. Never expected that. How lucky I happened to be wearing this old thing. Hello, everyone. I'm Amy's imaginary friend. But I came anyway."
Elise ran forward and threw her arms around the Doctor's waist.
He laughed and patted her head. "Did you ever doubt me?" he asked her.
"Never", she told him.
"You absolutely, definitely may kiss the bride," Amy said, striding towards him.
The Doctor stopped her. "Amelia, from now on I shall be leaving the kissing duties to the brand new Mister Pond." He approached Rory and shook his hand.
"No, I'm not Mister Pond. That's not how it works," Rory said.
"Yeah, it is."
Rory hesitated before saying, "Yeah, it is."
"Right then, everyone. I'll move my box. You're going to need the space. I only came for the dancing." He entered the TARDIS and it disappeared.
Elise ran a hand over Amy's wedding dress. "I want to look like you when I get married", Elise told her.
Amy blushed. "You look pretty too."
"River bought it".
"Let's get you some cake, eh?"
Soon the party was in full swing and the Doctor was dancing like an idiot.
Sometimes she didn't understand what Amy and River saw in him. Elise enjoyed playing around with the other children, feeling almost normal for once.
Eventually the party wound down and people started to leave.
The Doctor was leaning up against a doorframe watching Amy and Rory slow dance. "Two thousand years. The boy who waited. Good on you, mate," the Doctor commented.
Elise wanted a love like theirs one day. She wanted someone who would wait forever for her.
"Come on you", the Doctor said, ruffling her hair.
They made their way to Amy's house where the Doctor had parked the TARDIS.
"Did you dance? Well, you always dance at weddings, don't you?" River asked from behind them.
The Doctor and Elise turned.
"You tell me," the Doctor said.
The Doctor handed River her diary and vortex manipulator back. "The writing's all back, but I didn't peek."
"Thank you."
"Are you married, River?"
River strapped the vortex manipulator to her wrist. "Are you asking?"
"No, hang on. Did you think I was asking you to marry me, or-or-or asking if you were married?"
"No, but was that yes, or yes?"
"River, who are you?"
"You're going to find out very soon now. And I'm sorry, but that's when everything changes." River pressed the button on the manipulator and disappeared.
The Doctor and Elise entered the TARDIS.
"Does this River is my mum now?" Elise asked, "I mean you're practically my dad now, so..."
"Do you want her to be your mum?" the Doctor countered.
Elise thought about it and then nodded.
"Oi! Where are you off to?" Amy asked, popping in, "We haven't even had a snog in the shrubbery yet." She joined them on the platform.
"Amy!" Rory said.
"Shut up. It's my wedding."
"Our wedding."
"Sorry, you two. Shouldn't have slipped away. Bit busy, you know?"
Rory joined them on the platform. "You just saved the whole of space and time? Take the evening off. Maybe a bit of tomorrow."
"Space and time isn't safe yet. The TARDIS exploded for a reason. Something drew the TARDIS to this particular date, and blew it up. Why? And why now?"
The phone on the console started ringing.
"The Silence, whatever it is, is still out there, and I have to..." the Doctor told him, "Excuse me a moment." He picked up the phone. "Hello? Oh, hello. I'm sorry, this is a very bad line. No, no, no, but that's not possible. She was sealed into the seventh Obelisk. I was at the prayer meeting. Well, no, I get that it's important. An Egyptian goddess loose on the Orient Express, in space. Give us a mo." The Doctor turned to Amy and Rory. "Sorry, something's come up. This will have to be goodbye."
"Yeah, I think it's goodbye. Do you think it's goodbye?" Amy asked Rory.
"Definitely goodbye."
Amy ran to the door of the TARDIS and opened it, shouting, "Goodbye!" She shut the door and ran up to the platform again.
"Don't worry about a thing, your Majesty. We're on our way," the Doctor said and hung up the phone. He danced around the console hitting buttons. "Elise, darling, amazing, precious daughter of mine, care to do the honors?"
Elise grabbed the lever and pulled, yelling, "Geronimo!"
And they were off.
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