Chapter One: Spell
Juvia took a deep breath as she walked down the streets towards her home under Fairy Tail's roof. With each step she found her nerves growing more unstable and her emotions more uneasy.
She has been talking herself in and out of what to do next. She had finally made up her mind, however her mind also held doubts. The Water Mage picked up her pace, doubts ultimately turning into determination. The next move was hers and she was finally going to use that to her advantage.
She would finally confess to her beloved Gray-sama.
Okay, so she knew full well that Gray knew that she loved him more than sunlight. She practically told him so every time they were within ten yards of each other.
But this time would be different.
This time she would explain herself. Explain why.
Why she loved him. Why she felt as though she would never be able to ever repay him. How he obliviously took the rain away, gave her a home, and a family to return to. Why his opinion mattered so much to her and how much it hurt her heart when he didn't seem to notice that every word he said meant the world. Whether they lifted her spirits, or crushed them.
Today she would explain those things to him, carefully and clearly. It was going to be her final act towards making him see how much she really loves him. Her last chance...
Her last hope.
As her thoughts went on, the Guild doors soon came into view, causing her to halt momentarily in front of them. Her mouth went dry, for once in her life, and with a shaking hand, she opened the doors to find the common commotion of her comrades a bit louder than usual.
She ignored them, looking only for one in particular. Scanning the room, she finally saw him amongst the crowd. Noting momentary that everyone was gathered around team Shadow Gear's table, she walked up behind him. "Good morning Gray-sama!"
He glanced back at her and gave the smallest of smiles. "Oh, hey."
Curiosity got the best of her as she glanced around, then back towards her beloved. "What's going on?"
He looked back over at the table where Levy, Lily, and Gajeel sat on one side, Jet and Droy sitting at the other. Levy was clearly not paying any attention to her surroundings as she studied the old-looking book in front of her. Notes, ink, quills, and paper scattered across the table. "Looks like Levy was asked by Gramps to decode that book. Mira apparently found it deep in the Guild's library and neither one knows where it came from."
She made an "Oh~" sound. Her eyes sparkled in interest as she watched Levy work. She slightly felt bad for her that everyone was being so loud. Jet and Droy were cheering her on and Gajeel was throwing threats at them to try and get them to be quiet, though it wasn't working. Lily was trying to help the solid script mage, giving suggestions. The rest that were gathered around the table were Team Natsu, Wendy, herself, and the Strauss Siblings. She smiled at them all before realizing that she was getting too distracted. She had a mission to carry out!
Glancing back up at Gray, she found that he was already in an argument with Natsu and sighed. If she interrupted, he would most likely just get upset with her. So instead, she listened as the argument turned into a fist fight and decided to walk over to the table. It wouldn't hurt to look while she waited for her beloved to win. Once he did, she could catch him in a happy mood. Then if he lost, she could cheer him up before explaining herself. Either way would be fine with her.
She leaned over Levy's shoulder and scanned over the book, mumbling as she tried to read the description somewhat. However, she couldn't find any way to read it. Squinting her eyes, she studied the text curiosity.
Βε χαρεφυλ ασ ψου ρεαδ, Ορ ψου ωιλλ φινδ ψουρσελφ ιν μακε βελιεϖε.
Βε χαρεφυλ ασ ψου τρεαδ, Ορ τηε στορψ μαψ νεϖερ ενδ.
Χοντινυε ονωαρδ ασ φινδ, Ψου μαψ ρυν ουτ οφ τιμε.
Λοϖε ανδ ηαππιλψ εϖερ αφτερ, Χουλδ τυρν ουτ το βε δισαστερ.
Ενδυρε τηε ϕουρνεψ ανδ ψου ωιλλ σεε, Τηε ποσσιβιλιτιεσ τηερε χουλδ βε.
Μυλτιπλε ενδινγσ μαψ οχχυρ, Προϖε ψουρ λοϖε το βε πυρε.
"Levy-san, Juvia is curious. Do you know what it says?" The other blunette stopped her work, smiling up at her friend. "Oh, good morning Ju-chan! I totally didn't see you come in, sorry. And to answer your question. I've narrowed down that it's similar to English and Latin where the letters have both Capital and Lowercase. From there, I've managed to narrow it down. Now it should be easy to descript!~"
She went back to reading and taking notes and Juvia smiled as she worked. Levy always worked so hard if there was something she could do. Juvia always admired her for that quality and hoped to learn from it.
She heard a frustrated sigh behind her and turned to find her precious Gray-sama shirtless while running a hand through his hair. Her face grew red as it seemed like sparkles flew right off of him in every angle. "Dang Erza, I would have had 'em if she didn't stop us..."
Here it is, her chance! Gaining what was left of her confidence, she turned to him fully. "G-Gray-sama..?" She mentally gave herself a facepalm at how awkward she sounded.
He blinked at her, slightly shocked that her voice had stuttered. It was unusual for the Water Mage unless she was nervous, and if she was, he hadn't the slightest idea why. Great, now his curiosity was getting the better of him."What's up?"
She tried to swallow the frog in her throat, looking at the ground for a moment before raising her head to look him in the eye. She was suddenly extremely nervous. "J-Juvia would like to, w-when Gray-sama has some time, t-to talk to him in private...I-if that's okay."
He wondered for a moment on what she was trying to get at, but the honesty and surprising desperation in her eyes told him he needed to listen to whatever she had to say. So after a moment, he went to reply, however, Levy's happy cheer next to them caught them both off guard, making them flinch slightly.
"I got it! It's a simple transition of an older storytelling language where most of the characters are replaced with shapes and symbols!" Everyone smiled at how proud she sounded, however, Gajeel merely raised a brow at her boredly, asking what the rest were really thinking. "And that means..?"
She looked down at him, not losing any of her earlier enthusiasm. "It means- I can read it." Everyone eagerly waited as she looked back down at the book, ready to hear what it said. She cleared her throat before continuing.
"Be careful as you read, or you will find yourself in make believe.
Be careful as you tread, or the story may never end.
Continue onward as you'll find, you may run out of time.
Love and happily ever after, could easily turn out to be disaster.
Endure the journey and you will see, the possibilities there could be.
Multiple endings could occur, prove your love to be pure..."
As she started to read, Juvia felt a strange feeling well up inside her. Her vision started to blur and her head started to pound. Yet the words Levy spoke seemed to engrave themselves into her mind. As if they were being spoken straight into her head. There was a bright flash, white light engulfing her completely.
Before she knew what was happening, her world turned from white, to pitch black.
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