Chapter Nine: Departure
Gray had never felt so uncomfortable in his life. He messed with his collar, feeling unbelievably hot for some odd reason. Okay, so he knew he was nervous. But he didn’t know why. It was just Juvia after all. How much difference would this ‘date’ be than if they had just gone on a job alone together?
Movement caught his attention and he looked up to see Juvia coming down the stars in a beautiful dress and the most gentle gaze he had ever seen her wear. It was...enchanting. He couldn’t look away, stuck in between the feeling of glee that she was giving that expression to him and him only, and the troubled realization that he liked it for some reason he didn’t understand.
What was she thinking about at that moment? What was she thinking about for her to have that expression, and why show it only to him? That’s what he didn’t understand. And he caught himself before asking the question out loud. Making himself blush at the thought that he almost had.
She walked up to him and gave a questioning look, which seemed to kick him out of his thoughts as he answered her silent question, still red in the face. “U-Uh, I thought we could go and explore the town...Take a break from all of the, um, craziness?” He really wished that he could keep his act together, but somehow he wasn’t cool for once in his life. Wasn’t cool at all.
She smiled brightly at him and nodded, and even though he knew full well that she wasn’t going to say no and reject going out with him, he had a small worry in his gut that nagged at him anyways. Really, what was wrong with him? He has always known that she loves him, but somehow it has never been more clear to him than in this moment. Somehow it made him flustered and nervous, but he just couldn’t pinpoint why.
He glanced down at her curiously as they walked out the double doors and towards the carriage. “How are you feeling..? Do your feet still hurt?”
She glanced back up at him, thinking briefly on how to answer before finding that she just couldn’t lie to him. So she put for thumb and index finger close together. A little bit. So it wasn’t a lie, but also maybe not the whole truth.
He nodded and helped her into the carriage. So she still felt a bit of pain. Where was it coming from? Juvia was never one to get injured and stay that way for very long. It was unusual. He wondered if it was this place, and decided to ask as they rolled away. “Hey, do you think your feet hurt because of the spell we’re under?”
She blinked at the question, inwardly touched that he was worried enough about her to think it through like that. She nodded slowly, worried that the answer would put him even more on the spot than he already was. He shouldn’t have to worry about her wellbeing. He was pretty much being forced to make a decision with the risk of not being able to return home, get their magic back, and return to their lives. He shouldn’t have to worry about a little feet pain. So she realized that her life was also on the line, and she couldn’t imagine how he would react if he knew, but she still felt that he shouldn't worry. If he made the seemingly right choice, but for the wrong reason, she feared that the spell wouldn’t react well.
She saw the troubled look on his face as he thought a similar statement, however, he was more worried for her than anything. He couldn’t stand that she was hurt and he couldn’t do anything about it. Even if he only thought it was a bit of foot pain.
Just like all of the other amazing women in his life, he just couldn’t seem to do anything as they disappeared one after another. His fear of getting closer to Juvia than he already was, was that if he did, he would lose her too. And he knew he wouldn't be able to handle it if he did. Especially if it ended up being his fault. He’s never been strong enough to protect the ones he cares about, what made now any different?
Juvia must have been trying to get his attention, because she had moved to sit next to him instead of across on the other chair. Before he could look up at her, she put her hand on top of his. It sent a warm feeling down his spine and when he looked up at her gaze he found that she was giving him another gentle look. But he could tell this one said please don’t worry. And somehow he instantly relaxed where he sat.
Her gentle touch and support was like a tender wave that washed over him. It was all he needed in that moment and again he found himself questioning why that was. Why she had such an effect on him.
He still didn't have an answer.
But maybe this ‘date’ could bring him one, or even more. That was the hope anyway. To find answers. Too many questions were floating around in his head, causing him to lose focus on what should be more important.
Without really realizing what effect it could have on the both of them, Gray moved his other hand on top of hers, making her blink up at him in question. Two shades of blue made eye contact and he offered a small smile. The same smile she rarely saw and hopelessly believed was only for her. “I'm sorry. You're right. I'll try not ta worry too much. Just...let me know if it gets worse, okay?”
Her eyes reflected the sparkling sunlight from the windows as her heart swelled at his concern. She knew that he didn't know how much pain she was actually in, but the fact that he took notice and was so concerned with just knowing that her feet hurt warmed her heart.
She nodded and he did the same. She felt as though they could break the spell in that very moment. As in only in her dreams did his eyes ever reflect hers so well. Her mind reminded herself that he was only worried for a comrade, but her heart had already been fooled into thinking something else.
Soon however, both rider’s train of thoughts came to a halt as the couch itself stopped. The two looked back at one another with wide eyes, as if seeing each other for the first time, and simultaneously backing away. Letting go of the other’s hands, they hid their flushed faces, not daring to even look at the other as the coach driver announced their arrival.
Their date hasn't even started and they were both already extremely embarrassed.
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