Chapter Five: Discovery
Meanwhile, Juvia was being gently cared for by the two ladies before her. The trip up to the dressing room was one that was hard to bare, but she had somehow managed to stop crying. If a few tears did manage to slip, it was for other reasons other than being in pain.
After a little while, Juvia had been dressed in a simple blue dress with white long sleeves and a black corset. They had also brushed her hair and pulled a part of it back, where they placed a matching bow. For now they decided that she could walk barefoot, afraid that the shoes would worsen the pain in her feet.
Because Juvia couldn't talk, the two just went on and on about the castle, then they started talking about the Prince. Juvia wondered what kind of person the Prince was. He sounded nice and all, but she just wanted to see her Gray-sama. He was the only thing she seemed to have left after losing her voice and her magic.
So when the two announced that they were finally done, Juvia eagerly went to the door, masterfully ignoring the pain by thinking of nothing but Gray. Now that she had some of her senses back, she was still a bit embarrassed by, well, everything that happened, but she wanted nothing more than to see him. So with the help of the two servants and/or maids, Juvia made it down the stairs without feeling like she was going to pass out. They led her to the dining room. First she saw the long table and tilted her head in confusion when the two turned her to the corner of the room.
Then she saw him sitting at a much smaller table, his arms were crossed with a thoughtful expression on his features. He was so in thought that when she sat across from him, he didn't notice her. She raised a brow, wondering what he was thinking about. The two servant girls glanced at each other before clearing their throats at the same time.
Gray came out of his thoughts and looked over at a curious Juvia. He blinked at her then gave a small smile. "Hey, feel a bit better?" She nodded and gave the girls a nod of thanks too before they both left. She was gazing after them and turned to Gray with a questionable look. Seeming to understand what she was asking, he shook his head. "Yeah, I don't know why they look almost identical to our friends either. In fact, I don't have any idea where we are. I woke up in here and they all kept flocking to me like ducklings or something. Man, it was a pain." He realized his mistake after seeing her glance down. 'It was a pain'? Did I really just say that? To her face?!
Gray mentally punched himself before trying to correct it. "I-I mean, they were a bit annoying because they kept saying I was a Prince. T-That's all." He couldn't believe how stupid he was!
But her reaction was unexpected. She had shot her head up to look at him with wide eyes. Gray-sama was the Prince they were talking about?! Juvia had no idea! Wait a minute...
Gray watched as her expression changed into one of deep thought, like she had just realized something important. He raised a brow. "What's up?"
She ignored his question, or rather, to deep in thought to hear him. Not that she could without her voice anyways. Gray-Sama is a Prince, Juvia woke up on the beach without a voice, and with pain in her gut and feet...This sounded an awful lot like...
She suddenly gasped, which made Gray flinch slightly, not expecting it. Juvia had just remembered something very important. The words to the spell that came from the book Levy had translated. She looked at Gray with slight shock. They were trapped in the spell.
Juvia stared at Gray as he looked at her in confusion. How exactly was she going to tell him what was going on? Of all the fairy tales, they had to fall into The Little Mermaid. Sure, on the outside Juvia loved the story because she could relate to it very well. And in this situation, a little too well...She could tell by the look on his face that he had no idea what was going on. She then realized that the story was already in motion. Oh, she had to tell him somehow.
That's when the food came, brought by Reedus, who seemed to be the chef. He poured them some water and Juvia watched it sadly. Gray glanced at her as the chef left. One second she was anxious the next she was sad again. He had never seen one girl go through so many mood swings, and that was including Lucy the week before her rent.
As Juvia stared at the water, she realized that Gray probably hadn't figured out that they couldn't use magic. She loved the man dearly, but in times like these, he could be a little slow...
She would try to tell him that first. She picked up her glass and was glad it had ice cubes in it. She took one out and showed it to Gray, who was watching her curiously. "Uh, an ice cube?"
She nodded, but then realized he didn't understand what she was trying to tell him. So after thinking a moment she took her other hand and made his hand-sign for his maker magic. He blinked, seeming to finally understand what she wanted. "You want me to use my magic?" She nodded, excited that she was able to get through to him.
He nodded and put his hands together. "Ice Make:..." He stopped suddenly. There was no magic power. He couldn't use Ice Maker Magic. After a moment of shock, he looked up to see Juvia's sad expression. She knew. She was trying to tell him in advance. "You...can't use magic either. Can you?" She shook her head sadly.
Now he understood why she was so upset and sad. She couldn't use water. Yes, he couldn't make things with ice, and that hurt him a lot, finding that it was his last connection to his teacher, but she was made of water. It was literally a part of her, more than a part, she was water. A thought came and he connected the dots. That's why her skin was warm, she was just a normal human now. They both were.
He was quiet for a few minutes and Juvia was getting worried. Maybe she should have just kept that to herself...But what if she had? What if she did and something happened, he would try and use his magic and find that he didn't have any. Then it might be too late. Yes...She thought, This was the right thing to do.
An awkward silence came after that. The food on the table long forgotten, both losing their appetite. Gray sighed. He didn't even notice that he had no magical power. He gave a small half hearted laugh. "Is there anything else I should know?" He wasn't being serious, but the way she looked away after opening and shutting her mouth told him that there was clearly something else.
He blinked. "There's something else I need to know?" She shifted in her seat, glancing back up at him warily before nodding. He raised a brow before laughing half heartedly again. "Well, what is it? It's not like you know what's going on, right?" Again she gave the same reaction and he froze.
"Wait..." Juvia glanced up at him. His shocked expression meeting her guilty one. How was she going to explain what was going on? "You really know what's going on!?" She slowly nodded again and he sank in his seat, his hand running through his hair. How did he end up not knowing anything? Was he that dense or something?
Juvia thought on how to tell him. Then a thought came to her. She waved her hand to get his attention. He looked at her with a raised brow. She then moved her hand in a way that looked like she was writing. He blinked and then realized what she wanted. "Good idea! I think I saw some paper and an ink pen over there. I'll go and get it." With that, he was gone for a moment before coming back with said items.
Both were excited with the idea and quickly started. Gray tested the pen and nodded, handing it to her. She happily took it and started to write. Well, she tried to, but nothing would show on the paper. She could feel her excitement melt away and turn into cold disappointment.
Gray blinked, having watched her over her shoulder. "That's weird...Let me try." She handed him the pen and he leaned over her to write on the page. Juvia ignored the happy feeling inside as he did so and instead focused on the fact that the pen worked again. "There, now try it."
He handed it back to her and she took it wryly before starting to write for the second time. Again it wouldn't write for her. They both blinked and Juvia thought of the reason, freezing. The spell...In the story the girl never even attempted to write to the Prince. So because it wasn't part of the story, the spell wouldn't allow it? If Juvia could groan, she would have right then and there.
Gray became even more confused. "It...won't let you write?" She nodded, large anime tears in her eyes from disappointment and frustration. Gray flinched, he just wasn't any good when it came to a crying girl. Yet another thing to add to the 'you're useless for' list, which he was finding growing by the hour.
He sighed, sitting down in his seat. "Alright then, we'll just have to play 20 Questions. You'll only be able to answer Yes or No anyway. We could even try charades." She nodded, though she wondered if it would work.
He nodded in confidence, seeing her uncertain face. "Okay, so you know what's going on. Did you figure it out?" She nodded.
Let the questions begin.
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