"H-Hi." I shyly greeted him as I entered the room through the window. "So, um... what does this mean exactly? I mean, what are we?" I nervously asked.
"Well.. I haven't exactly asked yet so.." He started. ".. will you be my girlfriend..?"
My lips curved into a smile but I tried my best to suppress it, before I began to walk towards him with my head down. "You idiot."
Once I was standing only inches away in front of him, I grab him by his shirt's collar and pulled him down, giving him a quick kiss on the lips. I let go of him, and flashed him a smile, "Do you really have to ask? Of course."
His once shock expression turned into a happy one, before he leaned in and pulled me into a kiss, a longer and more passionate one.
We soon pulled away, a smile was on our faces.
"You know," He spoke. "You're pretty cute when you blush."
"S-Shut up." I stammered, earning a chuckle from the cyborg.
"A-Anyways, just because you're my boyfriend now, doesn't mean that I would be going easy on you on your training." I informed, changing the subject.
"I don't expect you to be." He answered.
"Good." I commented. "Well, I'm going to go sleep."
He nodded. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." I spoke in response as he leaves. I looked down at the broken door knob before I let out a sigh. I simply took my office chair and used that to keep the door close. Once that was done, I changed into my pajamas and went to bed.
"Finally, it's over." I muttered to myself as I began to walk home. I just went to another interview with the hero association, and to sum things up, I'm a S-class hero now. Unlike last time, I didn't wore a dress. I simply wore a plain white shirt, my normal black jacket, and a black skirt. I also decided to be kind enough to wear a pair of black flats.
I looked up into the night sky, before I heaved out a sigh. I found the walk really peaceful, and surprisingly didn't felt lonely despite the fact that I was the only person outside. That was when I heard a motorcycle roar from behind before someone called out my name.
I turned around to see who it was, only to see that it was Hwoarang. He was wearing a biker outfit, and his hair was pushed back by the motorcycle goggles he had. He was also riding a motorcycle.
"Oh, it's you." I plainly greeted as I approach him.
"Nice to see you too." He shot back with a grin. "What are you doing out so late? Alone, even."
"Had an interview, I was just on my way back." I answered.
"How about I give you a ride?" He asked. "You can tell me the address, and I'll take you there."
"Sure, that's surprisingly kind of you." I spoke, earning a hurtful look from the man.
"You say that as if I'm a selfish prick." He muttered, placing a hand above the area where his heart should be.
"Aren't you though?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.
"Ouch." He simply replied, causing me to laugh.
"I'm kidding, I'm kidding!" I manage to say between laughs, earning a smile from the orange haired man. "Sorry if my jokes are a bit too..." I trailed off.
"Mean?" He continued with a smirk.
"I guess you could say that." I spoke.
"Anyways, let me take you home." He insisted. With a sigh, I told him my address before I got on the back of his motorcycle.
"Hold on." And with that, he drove away with great speed that I had to wrap my arms around his waste and bury my face into his back, in fear that I might fall off. I can already see him smirking at my reaction.
Soon enough, I heard him speak as we stopped, "Hey, we're here."
I looked up, relieved to see that it was over, before I got off the motorcycle, "Thank God, it's over."
He laughed at my comment, "Sorry, sorry."
I turned to Hwoarang before I spoke, "Thanks for the ride, even though I could have died." I joked.
A laugh escaped both of our lips, but it soon eventually died down.
I took the chance to speak, "Anyways, I should be going. Thanks again."
"No problem." He spoke, flashing me a smile. "Goodnight."
I flashed him a smile of my own in return, "Goodnight."
And with that, he drove away with great speed.
"I sure hope he doesn't crash or anything." I sighed, before I turned on my heel and entered my house.
"I'm back." I announced as I took off my shoes.
"Oh, Suzuno, you're just in time, dinner's almost done." Saitama shouted from the kitchen as I walked in the living room, where Genos was, watching TV.
"How did it go?" The cyborg asked.
I flashed him a bright smile before I answer, "I'm officially an S-class hero."
He nodded as his lips curved into a small smile, "That's great news."
I simply nodded in agreement. "Anyways, I'm going to go and change real' quick."
The cyborg simply nodded, before I left to go to my room. I was about to push it open, knowing that the doorknob was broken thanks to my brother, but the door stayed close.
Hesitantly, I turned the knob and pushed it open, and was more than relieve to see that the broken doorknob has been replaced.
I entered the room, closing the door behind me, and quickly changed into a black oversized shirt, and some shorts. Once I was done with that, I went back down stairs only to see Saitama about to yell for me to come down.
"Come on, let's eat." He spoke before he entered the dinning room, and I followed.
After dinner and washing the dishes, Saitama went to his room, claiming that he was going to sleep, while I stayed in the living room with Genos. On the right end of the couch, Genos sat while I leaned on his shoulder.
We were watching a horror movie, which wasn't all that scary.
... or so I thought.
The demon suddenly appeared infront of the camera, screaming.
A squeak escaped my lips as my whole body tensed. Genos must've noticed, since he tried to comfort me by pulling me close to him.
Everything was going well from there until they showed a girl, crawling torwards a male character. The girl was mostly covered in blood, and looked extremely terrifying. She only had her torso, and was leaving a trail of blood as she crawled.
"Please.. don't..." The girl pleaded as the character has found himself in a corner.
Before he could do anything, the girl smirked and pounced at him, before she began tearing him apart.
At this point I couldn't take it anymore. I turned away and buried my face into Genos' chest.
He paused the movie as he began to rub my back in a comforting way.
"That.. was gruesome.." I managed to comment.
He let out a sigh before he spoke, "Maybe that's enough for tonight?"
"Y-Yeah." I manage to speak.
Without a word, Genos turned the TV off, and carried my bridal style. He brought me to my room, and placed me on my bed.
"Did that seriously not scare you?" I asked him in disbelief, only to receive a shrug.
"You should go to sleep." He spoke as he turned and began to walk away. "Goodnight."
"Goodnight." I managed to say to him before he left the room, closing the door behind him.
A sigh escaped my lips, before I got into a comfortable position in my bed, covering my body with the sheets.
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