The trident
Willow had finally made it to the mertroll kingdom along with Dewdrop and Lily where she was amazed by the castle and as they were swimming to the castle they saw a couple of mertrollings
Mertrolling one: hey Dewdrop whose this
Dewdrop: this is Willow, Lily and I are showing her around the kingdom
Mertrolling two: that's cool hey are you guys interested in playing with us
Willow was surprised to see that these kids were being genuinely nice to her since she knew that other than Rocky the other land trollings were only nice to her because she is the future queen but instead she headed inside the castle where she saw the king of the mertroll kingdom but sees the trident and as he places the trident down to see his infant daughters Willow grabbed the trident and swam out not realizing that Dewdrop and Lily saw her but she swam too fast for them but they do see a small boat with Rocky in it who snuck out to find Willow and were also followed by Rosa and Leaf who noticed their cousin
Lily: whoa a land trolling 🤩
Rocky: um hi
Rosa: Rocky what are you doing out here I thought you weren't allowed in the ocean
Rocky: wait you and Leaf are mertrolls as well 🤯
Dewdrop: you guys know him
Leaf: he's our cousin but one of his dads lives on land
Rocky: but I could have sworn you guys were land trolls along with Birdie
Rosa: well you would be half correct because our mom was born a land troll
Rocky: but I saw you guys yesterday
Leaf: why else do you think that we only come for cousins's birthday
Lily: anyway what are you doing out here Rocky
Rocky: I was looking for my cousin Willow
Dewdrop: is she a mertroll who is purple with pink hair and a green tail
Rocky: yes that's her
Lily: what a coincidence we were looking for her too but she swam very fast
Rocky: I think I know where she went
Then Rocky rowed his boat to Ruby's lair as fast as he could with the help of the four mertrollings meanwhile as Willow as getting closer to Ruby's lair she started to have second thoughts about what she was doing
Willow: *thinking* am I being selfish for going through with this on one hand my dad lied to me and was forbidding me from something that I love but on the other if I do this then I won't get to see my mom or my sisters again and Rocky will be alone
And while she was swimming to the lair she was spotted by Branch and Floyd and they followed her to the lair
Ruby: ah good Willow you are here with my trident
Then as Willow was about to give her the trident
Branch: WILLOW NO 😨
Willow: dad uncle Floyd you guys are mertrolls 😦
Branch: Willow please listen to me don't give the trident to Ruby she's bad news
Ruby: why should you listen to him I gave you what you want and he tried to take you away from it
Branch: Willow I'm sorry that I lied to you and I tried to make sure you never went to the ocean I didn't mean to push you away
Ruby: but Willow your destiny awaits you
Floyd: Willow I know what you want is something more than being a mertroll
Willow: like what
Floyd: you just want to find a place where you feel like you belong and believe Willow I was like you when I was younger
Branch: please Willow give us trident and we can head home and me and your mother will tell you the truth
Floyd: and we can try to help you find your sense of belonging if not for your dad can you do it for the rest of your family
But Willow was conflicted with what she should do and who she should listen to until Ruby grabbed the trident in a fit of impatience and restrains Branch and Floyd and locked up Willow in a ice block
Willow: what are you doing 😨
Ruby: oh I was never going to turn you into a mertroll permanently and I was just using you to get the trident so I can take over the Mertroll Kingdom
Willow: why would you use me
Ruby: I couldn't get the trident myself I needed someone of royal mertroll blood to grab it for me and by the way you're time as a mertroll is up 😈
Then Ruby leaves as Willow is turned back into a land troll feeling guilty about what she had done
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