Return to the sea
Branch and Poppy explained everything to their younger daughters Maple, Winter, and Joy and after that they had the girls be taken care of by Poppy's father Peppy and they went on a boat with Floyd and Boom who noticed that their son was missing and during their search for the kids they found Rocky who was in a state of panic
Floyd: Rocky what happened and where's Willow
Rocky: Willow was upset so she took this boat and then I hopped on to try and convince her to come home until we followed this mini shark and then we met this sea witch named Ruby and now Willow is a mertroll and she is going to get her stolen trident but she is on a time limit and I was coming back so we could save her from a suicide mission
Then they called upon John Dory for help
King John Dory: who summoned me *instantly recognizes his land troll brothers* Floyd Branch it's been so long 😄
Rocky: 😨 your the king of the sea
King John Dory: and who is this kid
Floyd: John this is my son Rocky
King John Dory: it's nice to meet you Rocky
Rocky: so not only is one of my dads was a mertroll but my uncle is the king of the sea 😨
Then Branch explains what happened to Willow to his oldest brother
King John Dory: so Ruby is trying to get the trident
Rocky: what do you mean she told us that it was hers and it was stolen
King John Dory: no Rocky this Trident has been in the royal mertroll family for generations I earned it from my mother and now in the future my daughters will have it one day
Floyd: you have daughters now
John Dory: yes I recently had three little girls of my own and mom is so ecstatic to finally have grandchildren she could spoil
Branch: but I'm so worried about Willow
King John Dory: don't worry Bitty B I will have search parties for her and I will join them myself
Poppy: Branch I think you also need to go and find her
Branch: but Poppy
Poppy: Boom and I will stay here on land incase Willow comes back but Branch you know about the water and you know our daughter you have to go
Branch: but it's been so long since and I should have never deprived our daughters from the sea because it's a part of them and it's a part of me even if I had spent most of my life here
Floyd: and I'm coming with you Branch there's no way I'm letting you do this alone
Rocky: and me two
Boom: no Rocky you need to stay here with me and your aunt Poppy
Rocky: but poppa I want to help
Boom: and we need you and the rest of the kids safe
Then Floyd gave Rocky a big hug and kissed Boom while Branch and Poppy hugged
Poppy: please bring her home
Branch: I will
Then John Dory used the power of the trident to turn Floyd and Branch into mertrolls and they immediately dived into the water where Branch was surprised to see his tail again after so many years and the two brothers swam out in order to find Willow before its too late
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