Birthday disaster
Once Floyd, Boom and Rocky went inside they see a family of land trolls
Floyd: hey Clay
Clay: how have you been
Floyd: we are doing great and I see you Boom and I had adopted little Rocky here six months ago
Rocky: dad who is this
Floyd: Rocky this is your uncle Clay and aunt Viva
Clay: it's nice to meet you Rocky and these are your cousins Bride, Leaf and *notices that one of his kids is not with him*
Viva: Rosa what did we tell you about sneaking off like that
Rosa: aww but mom I just wanted to eat the chocolate 🍫
Clay: anyways Rosa this is your cousin Rocky
Rosa: how come you don't look like either one of your dads 😐
Rocky: oh I'm adopted and I have been with this family for a past six months
Rosa: what happened to your actual parents
Viva: Rosa we don't ask questions like that
Rocky: it's alright I never knew my brith parents because they died in a shipwreck when I was a baby *turns to his dad* hey dad
Floyd: yes Rocky
Rocky: *thinking about what his cousin was going through when those kids were gossiping about her* had you ever felt like you didn't fit in with the people around you
Floyd: yes *thinking about when he first became a land troll 13 years ago* when I arrived in this kingdom before you or Willow were born I had felt like a little bit like a fish out of water
Then some trumpets were playing announcing the arrival of the birthday princess
Announcer: presenting the eldest daughter of Queen Poppy and King Branch's eldest daughter and our future queen of Troll Kingdom Princess Willow Rose
Then Willow walked down the steps and appeared wearing a beautiful green dress where she sees her parents and her younger sisters and finally to the cheering crowd
Then Willow walked down to where the announcer was standing
Announcer: now Princess as is the standard royal birthday tradition you have the honor of picking your first dance partner
Then Willow picks a noble troll boy to dance with and things go smoothly at first (no she doesn't develop a crush on him or anything guys) but then he makes her trip and she accidentally drops the locket and she quickly grabs it and runs away ending the party early
Then When Willow was in her room and she was upset and she feels like she could never fit in and wishes to be somewhere where she could belong and she decided to take another look at the locket when her dad came to her room to try and comfort her
Branch: oh Rose Pop I'm sorry about what happened back there
Willow: dad what's wrong with me 🥺
Branch: Willow there's nothing wrong with you
Willow: but dad I feel like I'm the princess of disaster
Branch: Willow I know it's hard being this young and all kids around your age feel like that too
Then Willow decides to open the locket and she sees the Mertroll Kingdom
Willow: woah what is this there's lots of mertrolls but dad you never confirmed or denied their existence to us when we ask about them
Then she gives Branch the locket a item Branch thought he would never see again
Branch: where did you get this
Willow: I found it
Branch: did you go into the ocean didn't you 😨
Willow: but dad I've seen what's under there
Branch: Willow Rose you know that you and your sisters are not allowed to go to the ocean
Willow: but why and why does that locket have my name on it 😠
Branch: Willow listen to me
Willow: you are hiding something from me
Branch: I can't believe you deliberately disobeyed me and I never want you to go out into the ocean again because it's dangerous in the sea
Then Willow grabs the locket from Branch and ran past Poppy crying
Branch: Poppy
Poppy: Branchifer what happened why was Willow so upset
Branch: she found the old locket
Poppy: Branch we knew that the day Willow will start getting curious about the ocean was coming
Branch: your right Poppy Flower it's time we tell the girls the truth
Meanwhile Willow runs out of the castle with Rocky seeing her and rushes to her while she got out a boat
Rocky: Willow what are you doing 😨
Willow I am going to figure out the truth for myself since no one else is bothering to tell me
Rocky: no wait Willow *hops on the boat*
And while the two rowed Willow decided to sing a song
Meanwhile Ruby saw the whole event
Ruby: oh I love this family drama Fang to get the trollings looks like one of them needs my help 😈
Fang: alright and once you get the trident you will return me to my normal size
Ruby: of course I will 😈
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