Chapter 1
A/N Do I have other books that need updating? Yes. Am I going to start writing another story anyway? Absolutely.
Anyways hello and welcome to my book, just a warning: I procrastinate a lot and don't have a regular updating schedule sooo...
Philip POV
"I'm gonna catch you!" I said, chasing my squealing sister around the palace. She flicked her dark pink tail faster as she attempted to lose me in the maze of a castle. I pretended to be out of breath, and made my half-blue, half-green tail stop moving as fast so I slowed down.
"You're too fast!" I panted as Angelica giggled. I waited until she let her guard down, then I leapt out and grabbed her, tickling her as she shrieked. We were interrupted by someone clearing their throat.
"Prince Philip? Your father's have requested to see you," a servant said. I nodded to him, then turned to my sister.
"I'll play with you later, ok?" I said. She nodded, and swam back down the hallway. I then turned in the opposite direction to my sister, and made my way to the throne room.
When I arrived, the guards lifted their spears and let me enter. Sitting on the matching thrones at the end of the room were my fathers, the Kings of (I was about to put Asgard-) Atlantis.
"Hey Pops and Dad," I said.
"Hey Pip," Dad smiled. Dad looked almost identical to me, except that he was way older and his tail was just blue. He wasn't born into royalty or even a high class, but Pops fell in love with him and they got married (breaking quite a few laws). Pops on the other hand, is the adopted son of the old king, George, and his wife, Martha. George decided to go into retirement pretty quickly, so Pops was crowned King at a young age. His tail is a sea green colour, so my tail is basically a mix of both of theirs.
"What did you need me for?" I asked.
"Well, as you know, you are almost 19 years old, and it's about time that you started training to become the next king," Pops said. "And that means no going outside without permission, and having to do extra classes."
The extra classes didn't sound so bad, but not going outside the palace? Was he trying to drive me mad?
"You mean, not even going to the park with Angelica?" I asked incredulously.
"I'm so sorry, Pip, but you have to stay here to learn how to be a proper king," Dad said sadly.
"Can I have one more day of freedom?" I begged. Pops sighed.
"Yes, of course, but be back before dark. And remember: No surface or human contact!" Pops warned.
"Yeah, yeah, I know," I rolled my eyes. Pops was very strict about me, or any of my siblings going to the surface. I didn't know why, I heard that before my birth, mermaids and mermen would visit the surface regularly.
I turned away from my dads and swam out of the room, taking a shortcut out through one of the open windows. I swam over the top of the palace walls (I still didn't understand why they were there, anyone can swim over them) and through the city, waving to the few people that recognized me. I made my way out of the city, and was almost to my hideout when I bumped into someone.
"Ow!" they exclaimed, rubbing their head. They looked up at me, and I saw that it was none other than my best friend, Susan Lewis. Her short, curly hair flowed in the ocean current, her red and yellow tail shimmering in the small amount of light that was down here.
"Oh, phew, it's just you," I said, relieved that it wasn't a guard who would drag me back to the palace.
"That hurt, you know," she grumbled. "Going to your hideout again?"
"Yeah, please don't tell anyone you saw me, I'm not supposed to be outside the city," I said sheepishly.
"Only if I can come with you," she smirked.
"What are you waiting for?" I said. "Race you there!"
We sped off as fast as we could, weaving through rocks, scaring the hell out of some fish, and disturbing all the sand in the seabed. We raced beside each other for most of the race, but towards the end, I lost sight of Susan. I turned my head around to see where she went, and as I turned back, I saw she had snuck around me and was now leading.
"Hey! Cheater!" I shouted, picking up my pace again, but it was too late. Susan had already made it to my hideout, a cave full of strange objects I had picked up over the years.
"And she wins again!" Susan announced, laughing as I caught up to her, out of breath.
"Only cause you cheat by distracting me," I grumbled. We spent hours going through all of my stuff, stashing the ones I really love in Susan's bag to take home, because this was probably the last time I would be allowed to come here.
"What's this again?" Susan asked, picking up my favourite object. It was a small, slightly curvy, metal object that I fiddled with quite a lot.
"I'm not completely sure, but I think it's a humaning-fiddling-thing," I said, taking it from her. I held it in my hand, using my finger to pull on some sort of small lever. "See? It's really satisfying,"
"Cool," Susan said. She pulled out her shell-phone to check the time, and swore. "Shit, I've gotta go, I promised my mums I'd help them organise dinner, bye Philip!" she said, rushing out of my hideout. I checked the time on my phone, I still had a bit longer before I had to head back home.
I swam outside the cave, and went right to the top. The surface above me was looking a bit rough, and I could see a human machine up there, so I didn't go right to the top. I sighed, and took in all my surroundings, knowing that this would be the last time I could come here. I turned around, about to head home, when I heard a splash from behind me, next to the human machine.
I squinted my eyes, and saw that a human had fallen off the boat. They were wearing this long fabric thing, so they couldn't swim upwards. In a split second, I made a decision to save the human, despite the law that we couldn't come in contact with them.
I hope my father's don't hear about this...
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