Chapter Twenty-Three: "Baiting The Hook"
Nate struggled to paddle the boat to Weeping Isle, but eventually he got him there. Hoping out of the boat, Nate carefully lifted Mark out to lay him across the shore. His legs buckled under Mark's weight though, forcing him to set him only half on the shore. Leaving Mark's tail in the water. Dropping beside him, Nate looked over his legs, there was blood leaking from between his toes and cuts were opening along his legs. The sea water stung against his wounds, but he cleaned his legs as best he could. When he finished, he laid down against Mark's side. His adrenaline was finally draining away, leaving him to feel utterly exhausted. Nate rested a hand on Mark's stomach, tracing the lines of his abs absently. He couldn't leave him until he knew he was alright. While he laid there, his mind drifted to all the times he'd been the cause of Mark getting hurt. Every scar Mark had was because of him. Even the new ones from Jetsam. He blamed himself for not letting Mark go home when he had wanted too.
Sniffling a little, Nate buried his head against Mark's ribs to cry a little. He felt like such a failure. He clung to Mark a bit desperately, seeking comfort. He missed being a merman. He missed his tail and the sea. Mark's hand stroked down his spine, causing Nate to jerk his head up. Mark looked at him with a groggy expression, before telling him in a hoarse voice. "You saved me... Why did you do that?" Nate scoffed loudly, sitting up to sign out a little distraught. "What?! Of course, I'd come for you. How can you even ask me that?!" Mark's hand touched Nate's arm, telling him in a strained voice. "Ursel is going to do something to Sean... You shouldn't have come for me. You'll lose him." Nate glanced back in the direction of the castle but signed out to Mark honestly. "I love Sean... but he hasn't been there for me like you have. I'd rather lose him... than lose you. You're my best friend... I can't replace you." Mark's lip split and started bleeding when he smiled. Reaching up, Mark brushed his fingers down Nate's cheek, mumbling out to him under his breath. "You're hopeless, Nathan... Completely hopeless."
Nathan leaned into his hand, chuckling enough that Mark chuckled with him. As Mark's awareness came back more, he sat up and told Nathan bluntly. "Nathan, you can't stay here. There is a chance you can still save Sean!" Nate shrugged and Mark added in a rush. "Ursel. He thinks Captain Jones is dead. But if you can get them together... it might buy you some time." Nathan shook his head, grabbing Mark's wrist with a worried expression. Mark put a hand to Nate's cheek, telling him in a hopeful voice. "I'll be fine. But if you don't do something, Ursel is going to win. I don't want you to be taken by him." Nathan gestured down at his legs with a defeated look, then quickly signed out. "I can't. I barely got to you in time! And that was only because of Poseidon. I can't face pirates on my own!" Mark blinked, mumbling out a bit stunned. "Poseidon...? How...? Nevermind." Waving his hands to dismiss his own words, he then told Nate seriously. "Don't be scared. I know you can do it! All the shit you've gotten me into over the years... and you're afraid of a bunch of pirates?"
Nathan blushed, signing out meekly. "You were right. I was reckless. I would have died if you hadn't saved me... I can't..." Mark cupped Nathan's face with a wince as his wounded shoulder seized up on him, but he pulled Nathan's forehead to his own and said confidently. "Nathan, listen to me. If you love him... YOU will have to save him. You've never let anything stop you before. You're the most stubborn and frustrating man that I know... You don't need me to hold your hand." Nathan could almost feel his words empowering him, but he signed out to him with worry. "What if Flotsam and Jetsam come looking for you?! They won't spare you again..." Mark smirked, telling him honestly. "They can try to find me... but I won't be here. I'm going to get your dad. If things go wrong... We're going to need him." Nathan's heart sank to the pit of his stomach. He really didn't want Mark to leave. Mark kissed his cheek, whispering into his ear. "Don't forget what you are. You are Triton's son. A son of the sea. A prince. You bow to no one." Leaning back, Mark patted Nate's cheek, adding with a warm smile. "You got us into this. Now get us out... like you always do."
Nathan nodded, but signed out curiously. "How are you going to get home?" Mark rolled his eyes, answering a bit sarcastically. "I'm going to call a ride. I'm not helpless, you know. Now go. Daylight is wasting and you have a pirate to find." Nate hugged Mark tightly, then forced himself to get up. Running back to the boat, he started to push it back into the water as Mark called out to him. "Oh! And Nathan?" Nate stopped in the shallows, looking back at Mark. Mark rubbed his hurt shoulder, informing him gently. "If the Captain doubts you... tell him that his sons Flotsam and Jetsam are alive. Ursel told me that Jones sacrificed himself for them. Even if he thinks Ursel is dead... Knowing his sons might be alive might make him come around. Especially, since Ursel seemed to name them after what he wrote on this tree." Nathan raised an eyebrow; he hadn't truly believed that Jetsam was Ursel's legitimate son... but it was scarier to think that Captain Hook was their father. Nodding to acknowledge that he heard him, he climbed into the boat.
Mark wished him luck, then scooted into the water to whistle for the Hippocampus. Taking the oars in hand, Nathan started rowing with a bit more experience now. Just before he was about to vanish around the corner of the island, he saw the Hippocampus rise from the water. Mark pulled himself on, turning the creature in the opposite direction of himself before the Hippocampus dived. He could only pray to Poseidon that they both would succeed as their paths separated. Nathan's arms burned as he rowed to the dock of the port town. Abandoning the boat, Nathan climbed out and stumbled out across the sand. On the beach, pirates eyed him with curious glances. As he made his up into town, he exhaled heavily. The pirates had taken over the port town. They were all over enjoying the spoils. Drinking and taking things from market stalls without paying. The towns people gave the pirates fowl looks but did nothing to instigate them. Compared to the first time he was here, the whole place felt like a tavern. Some of the pirates were so drunk, they were fighting with each other or tripping over themselves with uproarious laughter.
Nate looked around for Captain Hook, but he wasn't out in the open that he could see. Wondering around, Nate bumped into a few pirates. The pirates lightly scowled him for making them spill their tankards or knocking into barrels where groups were playing a game. He was thankful that none of them seemed to recognize him. As he made his way to the tavern in the hopes of finding Hook there, he was grabbed from behind by a burly pirate with art inked into his arms. The pirate smelled his neck, drunkenly slurring out. "You smell good. Is that soap?" Nathan twisted around in the man's arms, before punching him across the face for touching him. The pirate fell back, smashing into a cluster of caged chickens beside a market stall. Pirates in the area laughed, but Nate didn't think it was funny. Limping a bit, he started to push open the tavern door, when another pirate purred out to him. "Now why would a pretty lad like you being going in there?" Nathan signed that he was looking for Hook, but the pirate just moved closer menacingly, telling him. "What's wrong, Lad? Cat got your tongue?"
The hair on Nathan's arms rose as he backed up. The pirate reached out to brush a thumb over his lips, stating aloud. "Ah... What a pretty mouth you have. Look at those pearly white teeth and soft lips..." Nathan backed up into another pirate that grabbed his arms, causing Nathan to thrash and kick. The other Pirate moved in to cup his face, his thumbs forcing his mouth open as he started to tell the other pirate. "A mute with a tongue. How interesting. I always did like the strong silent types. What do you say we take- AH!" Nathan opened his mouth, then snapped his teeth down on the pirate's fingers. Nathan refused to release his fingers, trying to bite his fingers off! The pirate slapped him and screamed, prompting other Pirates to rush over to force Nate's mouth back open to release him. The pirate yanked his hand back, snapping out darkly. "Son of a bitch!" One of the pirates laughed out to him. "Be thankful that wasn't your dick! Guy has got a wicked bite!" The pirate rushed back in with a hand raised to punch Nate, until a softer voice stated out. "Don't touch him. The Captain wants him. Undamaged. Thank you."
The pirate rolled his eyes, snapping out over his shoulder. "Fuck off, Smee! The Captain isn't here. And I only take orders from him!" Smee fearlessly stepped forward, making the others part for him, when he told them sternly. "I am the Captain's first mate. You WILL show me some respect, Quartermaster. Or would you like to tell the Captain personally why you disobeyed one of his orders that was relayed to you by me?" The Quartermaster groaned, turning to face Smee as he growled back to him. "How does it feel, Smee? To be the Captain's bitch!" Smee lifted his chin, smugly retorting back with a proper smile. "Feels pretty good. I'd worry about your own position though. There are only so many times you can stick your head up your own ass, before it gets too big to fit up there. And with a snake like me whispering in the Captain's ear... Do you want to risk losing your head completely?" The Quartermaster's anger boiled over. While a few women that passed by suddenly cooed out. "Smee?! It is Smee!" Smee glanced at them, giving them a little bow as he greeted them. "Good evening, ladies."
The women giggled, then pleaded out to him. "Come visit us later?! No charge!" Smee blushed, waving to them as they blew him kisses. The other pirates all froze with startled looks. Nathan couldn't even help smirking at their shocked faces. Smee cleared his throat, shooing the men aside as he told the Quartermaster smugly. "Being the Captain's bitch has its perks. Wouldn't you say?" Smee flashed the Quartermaster a devilish smile. Despite being smaller and thinner than the man, he walked past him fearlessly. Extending out a hand to Nathan, Smee told him firmly. "We meet again. You can come with me. Or take your chances with them. What will it be?" Nathan yanked his arms out of the pirate's hands, moving closer to Smee. Smee draped his arm across Nathan's back, leading him out through the crowd as he told the others cheerfully. "Carry on, lads. Try not to catch anything." Nathan let Smee gently coax him along as they headed back to the docks. Nathan tried signing to Smee that he was looking for Hook. Then got the shock of his life when Smee replied calmly. "Well, you are in luck. The Captain is aboard his ship. And I know he'll be in a better mood now that you are here."
Nathan eyed Smee with curiosity, but slipped into a small boat at the docks. Smee then slowly rowed out toward the large red ship with black leather sails. Just as they reached the side of the ship, a man screamed as he was thrown overboard. The pirate splashed into the water by the boat, while above them, Captain Hook yelled out across the deck. "I told you to shut up! I can't hear myself think with all this racket! Get the fuck off my ship! Or I'm going to start sending all of you down to Davy Jones's locker!" Crew began to jump and scramble down the side of the ship and into the boat. Smee managed to push Nathan up the ladder that was built into the side of the ship, then followed him up. Climbing onto the ship, Nathan stood in awe of it. He had never stood on a ship that looked so grand, but he liked it. He wanted to explore it, but Smee grabbed his arm and pulled him toward the single cabin on the deck. Just as Smee reached the doorway, the Captain tensed at the sound of their footsteps. Leaning over his desk, Hook growled out over his shoulder to them. "Did you not hear me...? I said-!" Hook drew his pistol, whirling around to aim it at them with a cold darkness within his dark brown eyes.
Nate tried to run, but Smee stood his ground and kept ahold of Nate. Smee fearlessly stepped into the cabin, grabbing Hook's pistol to take it from him nicely. Nathan couldn't believe Smee got away with that. Smee set the pistol on a side table, calmly telling Hook. "I heard you, Captain. But you know as well as I, that gun needs to be cleaned. After all the fighting today, you wouldn't risk shooting it, only to have it backfire. Besides, you'll want to save the bullets for when we take back the castle. Use your sword. I spent four hours polishing it and sharpening it. You haven't used it once today!" Hook rolled his eyes, leaning back on his desk as he grumbled out. "You found the wrong one. I wanted the prince." Smee ushered Nathan into a chair in front of the desk, then moved to shut the cabin door as he told the Captain casually. "I know, Captain. But one is better than nothing. Maybe we can use him as leverage to lure the prince out?" Hook put a foot on the seat between Nathan's legs, lifting Nate's chin up with his hooked hand to look him in the eyes, upon asking in a careless tone of voice. "Tell me, boy... Do you think the prince will sacrifice himself for the likes of you? Because I seriously doubt it... and I HATE people that waste my time."
Nathan stared into Hook's eyes, before signing out slowly to him. "Ursel is looking for you." Beside the door, Smee mumbled out softly. "I didn't understand that first part, Captain. Who is looking for you?" Hook lowered his hooked hand from Nathan's chin, asking Nathan with sudden dark suspicion. "How do you know that name?" To Be Continued...
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