Chapter Twenty: "Progress"
Nate shook his head as he stared down at Sean. He wanted to be mad that he had missed his chance to kiss him, but he just couldn't. Sean's laughter was just too precious. Sean sat up slowly, leaning his arm on the side of the bed. Giving him a bright smile, Sean blushed out to him in a soft whisper. "I should go before they send the castle guards to find me." Nate's heart sank, but he nodded with understanding. Sean shifted up onto his knees though, bringing his face closer to Nate's. Nate stayed still, staring into Sean's beautiful blue eyes. Sean swallowed, nervously licking his lips with a strange look on his face. Nate lowered his hand that was propping up his head. Taking a deep breath, Sean leaned in closer and whispered to him. "I don't really know how to feel about this... but I do owe you a kiss." Sean leaned closer inch by inch like he was afraid that Nate would stop him. Staying in place, Nate tilted his head for him and waited. Sean's lips drew close enough that he could feel his warm breath. The room fell into silence and Nate's heart leapt as their lips touched.
The kiss was light and brief at the start. Barely lasting more than a second or two. As Sean started to lean back, Nate leaned in for more. The kiss had been too brief. He couldn't let that be the end to it. Their lips met again, and this time Sean moaned ever so lightly into it. Their lips brushed over each other timidly, before Sean leaned in more to really taste his lips. Sean's hands reached up to cup his face and Nate's hand reached out to stroke Sean's exposed chest. Their moans filled the kiss, until Sean pulled away from him. Covering his lips, Sean told him a little embarrassed. "Don't take this the wrong way... but I feel like I've kissed you before. But that's not possible... is it?" Nate stroked Sean's chest with his fingertips, trying to draw his attention back to him. He wanted to tell him that they had kissed before. That it was him that saved him that night on the beach. Sean's fingertips slid over his lips, still not looking at him as he distantly mumbled out to himself. "I guess a hallucination doesn't count... So... That makes you my first kiss."
Nate bit his lip at his words. The was something so pure about being someone's first kiss. Lifting his hand from Sean's chest, he lifted his chin and tried to tell him that it was him. He just didn't know where to begin or even how to begin trying to sign it to him. Upon taking too long, Sean got to his feet, mumbling out to him shyly. "I have to go now." Nate tried to stop him, but Sean moved too quickly. At the door, Sean stopped and told him over his shoulder with a smile. "Thank you, Nathan. See you in the morning." Sean slipped out, leaving Nate to wave weakly as the door closed. Nate wanted to be happy but he wasn't. He just couldn't seem to tell him what he wanted him to know. Lowering his hand to his bandaged legs, he touched them and sighed. He didn't feel any different. Was the spell permanent now? How was he supposed to tell? Sliding out of the bed, he moved back to the window and opened the curtains. He was only a little surprised to see Mark still there. Turning off the light in his room, he discreetly opened the window and slipped out.
Crossing the grassy courtyard, he took the stone steps down to the beach. Mark straightened up more as he sat on the shore, asking him aloud with worry. "What happened? Are you ok?" Nate signed that he was, then dropped down to sit in the sand. Mark tilted his head, reaching out to touch his bare foot as he said softly. "Nathan? Why so gloomy? Did something happen?" Nate sniffled, then began to sign in a rushed mess as he explained that they kissed but nothing happened. Mark chuckled to him lightly, receiving a glare from Nate in response. Gesturing with his hands for him to calm down, Mark openly told him. "It's only been one day, Nathan. You think true love happens overnight? You are making good progress. Give it time. You kissed him and he didn't reject you. That is a win. Take it." Nate signed out that his time was running out, but Mark waved a dismissive hand to stop him and cut in. "Nathan. Stop. We've still got time. Now run me through what happened, and I'll give you some advice for what to do tomorrow."
Nate sighed heavily but began to run him through how the day had played out. He didn't leave anything out in the hopes that it would help Mark tell him what to do. Mark didn't interrupt him as he explained the whole day. Only when he finished did Mark blurt out suspiciously. "Wait... Hold on a second. You said the mermaid in the garden knew your name? How did she know? Sean only learned of your name recently." Nate shrugged and showed the sign for his name as a possibility. Mark shook his head, mumbling out to himself. "Not possible... The signs for our names are only known but the people of the tribe. Merfolk outside our tribe wouldn't know that meant your name specifically." Nate leaned back on the beach, sighing out that she could be one of the merfolk that left the tribe a long time ago. Mark nodded, before saying firmly. "That worries me. If the prince's dad built the garden... Then your dad was right. They were hunting us... but why? Why keep her?" Nate shrugged again, signing back. "Does it matter? The king is dead, and Sean isn't like him."
Mark shot Nate a serious look before stating out. "Nathan, I know you are lovestruck right now. But think. This could be bad. We don't know what Sean thinks about Merfolk. You claim he doesn't know about the mermaid in the garden... but how has she remained a secret all this time? Why has she not tried to kill him before if he's always down there alone?" Nate held up his hands to stop Mark, then signed out that she was probably weak. That she was starving until Sean started putting fish in the pond. That she might be bidding her time to break free. Or was scared. Mark stunned him into silence by stating out firmly. "If she could call your name. She could sing. Why didn't she sing to him? It would be easy for her to sing to him and force him to set her free." Nate shifted uncomfortably on the sand. He refused to believe that Sean had anything to do with her containment. Shaking his head, He looked away from Mark. Mark exhaled heavily in response, before telling him. "You wanna know for sure? Get her out of there. Set her free."
Nate nodded reluctantly. He did want to see her again and find out why she was there. Mark tapped Nate's foot to get his attention, then told him cautiously. "Nathan... There is something that is bothering me too. You mentioned a painting and back on Weeping Isle there was that craving in both Atlantean and human... Ursel." Nate signed out casually. "Explains why he knew so much about the surface. He too loved a human. But Sean's father stopped it. It had nothing to do with our kind." Mark glanced out at the ocean, uttering out wearily. "I think both sides kept them apart. Your dad has always hated Ursel... and Ursel is a lot like you. He wanted out... but I don't think either side wanted them to be together." Nate waved a hand to get Mark's attention back, before signing out. "Why does that matter? Ursel helped me?" Mark glared at Nate's bandaged legs, growling out. "Did he though? Do you think Ursel suffered when he walked on land? There is so much you don't know about him. And his eels attacked us! Why? If he was trying to help you truly get away. Why stop you from making the spell permanent?"
Nate's blood turned cold. He hadn't thought about that. He'd been so distracted with Sean. Mark's ear fins folded down along his head as he whispered to him. "If they stopped you once, they will do it again. The question is what does he get from you losing?" Nate tried to remember, then winced in pain as it dawned on him. Shaking his head, he signed out to Mark grimly. "If I lose. He gets me." Mark bowed his head, his rainbow tail sliding across the lapping waves as he mumbled out to himself. "That's right... Shit... He gets Triton's only male heir. And then he can trade you for Triton's power." Nate tensed. Mark started to move toward the ocean, rushing out. "I've got to warn Triton! There has to be a way that he can stop this!" Nate grabbed Mark's arm, huddling up against him to keep him from leaving. Mark tried to push him off, telling him seriously. "Nate, let go! I know you care about that human, but this is more important! We have to stop this from happening!" Nate tugged on Mark's arm to keep him on the shore, until Mark turned and snapped out. "What?!"
Nate released Mark and reluctantly began to sign out to him with a pleading expression. "Mark, please stay! I can't do this without you. If you go to my father, it will waste time. Help me? Please? We can do this, but only if you help me." Mark gestured to the ocean, telling Sean with reason in his voice. "Nathan, we can't do this on our own." Tears brimmed Nate's eyes as he signed out desperately. "I can't go with you. I'll be stuck here on my own... and if Ursel's eels come back... Mark, I need you. Please don't leave me. I'm begging you." Mark reached out to brush a tear off Nate's cheek as it ran down his beautiful skin. Staring down at the sand, Mark replied in a broken voice. "Ok. I'll stay." Nate could see the pain Mark was in to be so torn in his choices. Lifting Mark's chin, Nate signed to him without looking away from his eyes. "I'd be lost in this world without you. I love you, Mark." Mark smirked a little, reaching out to pull Nate into a hug. Mark kissed his neck, then whispered to him in a deep voice. "I love you too. If anything happened to you... I'd never forgive myself."
Nate squeezed Mark in his arms and kissed his cheek in return. He hated that he was forcing Mark to stay, but this idea of him leaving scared him. He'd never not had Mark around to scold him and watch over him. He was more than his friend. He was family. Nate snuggled closer to him, starting to cry against his shoulder. His day had been long and terrifying at times. It was all so overwhelming. He had done so much wrong, but he'd kept himself strong. Yet, being in Mark's arms... he felt safe enough to let his bottled emotions out. He just wasn't used to feeling so isolated. Even for as alone as he felt back home, Mark had always comforted him. Rubbing his back, Mark purred out to him. "I told you being human wasn't going to be easy. But it's only the first day. Things will get better." Nate rested his head on Mark's shoulder, enjoying the feeling of his strong arms around him. After a little while though, Nate started to drift off as Mark gave him advice about tomorrow. Nate got some of it, but he was getting tired.
Mark noticed the weight of Nate getting heavier and cooed over Nate's shoulder. "Nate? You should go get some rest." Nate shivered from the cold sea breeze, but simply snuggled closer. Running a hand through Nate's hair, he chuckled out under his breath. "You are hopeless..." Kissing his neck, Mark eased him off himself and ordered him firmly. "Go to bed before the crabs eat us both." Nate shook his head, groggily. Kissing his forehead, Mark told him in a sweeter voice. "Nathan? Please go to bed. It's dangerous for me to linger." Nate's sleepy eyes opened, and he leaned in to kiss Mark. Mark accepted the kiss, then swatted Nate's butt as he got to his feet to leave. The tap made Nate stagger and sign out sleepily. "Alright... I'm going." Mark stayed on the beach, making sure that Nate got back to his room. After watching him climb back into the window, Mark pushed himself back into the water. He had a nice shelf spot located by the ship that was docked at the castle. It would be close enough to let him hear when people were awake and moving around, but deep enough to be safe.
Stretching out in the deeper water, Mark started to swim toward the ship but slowed to a stop. Something was glowing beneath the dark water and heading straight for the dock. Ducking under the water, Mark swam as best he could to follow the glowing creature. The creature curled around one of the posts by the dock and Mark breached the surface seamlessly in the hopes of seeing it better in the light coming from the lanterns on the dock. It looked like a merman, but the way its skin glowed was... unnatural. It was like the merfolk was covered in glowing tribal tattoos. He was just about to go confront the thing, when he heard the water trickle behind him. His ear fins rose, and he turned slowly to look. The merfolk staring back at him was nothing like he'd ever seen and yet... its one bright yellow eye was frighteningly familiar. Giving him a grin that showed off sharp teeth, the man tilted his head a little and said giddily in beautiful voice. "Hello, Mark. Lovely night for a swim... don't you think?"
Mark's ear fins shook as he hissed at the man and braced for a fight. The merman hissed back, his own ear fins shaking with aggression. Only as Mark watched, he noticed that the man's fins along his spine and arms were starting to ripple with sparks. Mark raised his claws and bared his teeth, realizing that the other one was moving in to surround him. To Be continued...
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