Chapter Twenty-Four: "A Song For The Lost"
Nathan leaned back in the seat; his eyes locked on Hook. He was afraid to look away from his dark eyes. Knowing Hook had hunted and possibly killed his kind, he felt like he was in the presence of a menacing predator. Hook turned his hooked hand to press the hook point to a soft spot under Nate's jaw. Nathan gripped the arms of the chair, his nails digging into the leather. His hands were shaking too badly to answer. Hook's eyes narrowed on him, before telling Smee in a stern voice. "Mr. Smee. Leave us." Smee inched closer, starting to say nervously. "But Captain, what if he-?" Hook looked at Smee with those intimidating eyes of his, causing Smee to bow and utter out obediently. "As you wish, Captain." Smee quickly slipped back out of the cabin and Hook waited until the door closed before backing away from Nathan. Nate exhaled the breath he was holding. Hook pointed at him with his hooked hand, telling him seriously. "Answer me, boy." Nathan wasn't sure he should tell Hook the truth but didn't think Hook would believe him otherwise.
Raising his hands, Nate began to sign out to him slowly. "Ursel is my uncle. He thinks you are dead." Hook made no expressions as he signed to him. When Nathan finished, Hook's eyes looked over his body like he was trying to see the resemblance. Backing up, Hook leaned against his large wooden desk calmly. He tapped his steel hooked hand against the side, his eyes never leaving him upon saying softly. "I can't decide if you are very brave... or very stupid. I've played this game before with a king. It did not play out in my favor." Nathan swallowed, his mind rushing to think of a way to convince him. Hook's eyes looked to the door briefly, asking in a dark voice. "I'm going to assume Poseidon sent you. Since only one person knows Vanessa's true name. And my question... is why? Did he think I wouldn't escape Neverland a second time? Did he realize that the hold of my ship was filled with a few of his precious mermaids?" Nathan didn't know what to say. He didn't know what Neverland was. Giving Hook a shrug, he signed out quickly. "I don't understand. I came here on my own. I'm here to save the prince."
Hook scoffed loudly, moving around his desk as he told him in a bitter tone. "Save the prince? That's not happening. I'm here to cut his throat and spill every drop into the sea. His father didn't uphold our bargain. And now that I'm back... I'm here to collect what I'm owed. I didn't spend all that time challenging Poseidon's wraith... just to end up with nothing." Nathan scooted to the edge of his seat, signing out desperately. "The king is dead! The prince has done nothing to you or Ursel!" Hook leaned his arms on his desk, sneering back through clenched teeth. "You're wrong. His son has EVERYTHING to do with what happened to us! Just like Triton's wife! They are both going to get what they deserve! And if you are Ursel's nephew... then you must be HER son." Nathan's blood felt like it turned to ice. He'd made a mistake. Jumping to his feet, he rushed to the door of the cabin. He grabbed the handle, then jumped away as a dagger impaled the door over his shoulder. Nate sank to the floor as his legs gave out under him.
Hook moved back around his desk. Walking casually over to the door, Hook yanked his jeweled dagger from the wood and told him in a deep threatening voice. "I'm not a believer in fate... but surely some kind of luck is on my side. I came for a prince... and I get two for the price of one." Hook sheathed his dagger up the sleeve of his hooked hand, then drew his sword slowly. The candlelight glinted off the shiny steel blade as Hook told him in a voice so dark and emotionless that Nathan got goosebumps. "It's a shame you lost your voice. Otherwise, I'd keep you alive so that your mother could hear you scream." Hook thrusted his rapier out toward Nathan's chest with quick precision and Nathan panicked. Without thinking, Nathan's hands jerked up to grab the thin blade. Nathan whined as the blade bit into the flesh of his fingers, causing them to bleed. Hook leaned his weight into the blade, forcing the blade to slowly slide through Nathan's grip on it to get closer to his chest.
Blood ran down the blade to drip over Nathan's chest as the sword tip drew closer and closer to his skin. Hook's eyes stared down at him mercilessly, adding with a growing bitterness and rage. "Ursel NEVER should have helped your mother! I should have GUTTED HER when I had the chance!" Nathan used the last of his strength to push the sword over his shoulder. Releasing the blade, the sword pierced into the wooden floor. Hook lost his balance as the blade lost the resistance and Nate kicked Hook in the pelvis to knock him back. Hook's hooked hand slashed out for Nathan's neck, missing by inches only because he'd been kicked back. Nathan rolled over to run, then belted out a silent scream as pain shot up his leg. Hook had hooked his leg and yanked him backward toward him. Nathan reached back to try and dislodge the hook, but Hook wrapped his arm around his neck to pull him upright against his chest. Nathan clawed at Hook's arm as Hook firmly gripped his jaw to pin him in place.
Removing his hook from Nate's leg, Hook brought the hook up to Nathan's neck, sneering into his ear. "Relax. They call me hook because I cut my Captain's throat with a fishing hook after he almost got his crew killed! One day, I'll do the same to Peter for trying to kill me. Until then... rest assure. I've had lots of practice. I'll make it quick." The tip of the hook cut into Nate's neck, but Hook stopped as the door to the cabin was thrown open. Hook looked over his shoulder, yelling out in a rage. "NOT NOW, SMEE!" Smee panted heavily, before rushing out. "Captain! Report just came in! The prince is leaving on a ship tonight! The castle will be under minimal guard! Should I signal the crew to get ready to move in?!" Nathan stayed completely still in the hopes that Hook would forget about him. He didn't even dare to breathe. A grin spread over Hook's face as he told Smee excitedly. "Perfect. Signal the crew. We're taking the castle." Smee nodded, then his eyes drifted to Nathan. Nathan felt a tear run down his cheek as his heart raced. He stared at Smee with pleading eyes, prompting Smee to ask. "Do you want me to take the lad off your hands, Captain? Or have you changed your mind about using him to lure out the prince?"
Hook took only a moment to decide, before shoving Nathan to the floor. Getting swiftly to his feet, he told Smee in passing. "Tie the fish boy to the mast, Mr. Smee. I'll give the signal to the crew myself." Mr. Smee bowed his head, uttering out to Hook. "Aye aye, Captain." Nathan began to breathe deep to savor every breath like it was his last. His leg was in unbearable pain from where Hook had pierced it. He could barely move it and his fingers hurt to bend where the blade had cut them. Smee walked over to him, kneeing down as he told him in a sad voice. "I'm sorry... The Captain has developed his father's merciless rage. You should consider yourself lucky to still be breathing. Whatever you told him... it got his attention." Nathan gave Smee an uneasy look. This was getting Hook's attention? He didn't want to know what happened to people that bored him. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, Nathan winced as he raised his hands to sign out to Smee. "Hook's mate and his sons are at the castle. She thinks he is dead... Please help me convince him?" Smee's eyes widened as he uttered out softly. "Vanessa is here? Her babies survived? How do I know you're telling the truth?" Nathan looked deep into his eyes, before signing without hesitating. "I'd bet my life on it."
Back at the castle, Sean sat at the end of a table in the war room. His nobles and advisors were droning on and on about the pirates and how to deal with them. He tried to listen and get a word in, but everything he said was quickly shot down. They wanted to get rid of the pirates without provoking them into attacking the castle. Being a castle by the seaside, it made it an easy target for cannon fire. Since they weren't letting him get a word in edge wise, he decided to just let them argue amongst themselves. He really hated meetings like this and wondered how many his dad had been forced to sit through. They had woken him up so early for this that he was barely awake to begin with. Stirring his coffee, his mind drifted to last night. He couldn't stop thinking about Nathan. About that kiss. Just recalling it had his heart pounding with an eagerness to see him. Biting his lip, he discreetly licked his lower lip to see if he could still taste him. As his mind turned to the conversations, his heart started to ache painfully. Anslo was yelling to another noble. "Then I vote to push the wedding! Verlaine is here. We marry them and have her father send his fleet to help us chase them off!"
Another advisor banged his hand on the table, stating aloud. "That will take days! We don't have that much time! These aren't common pirate rabble! This is Blackbeard's son! Captain Jones, we are talking about! He's taken this castle before! He will do it again!" Another noble nodded, interjecting. "Then maybe we should let him take it without a fight! Let him believe he has won. We take Verlaine's ship and sail off to her father. Then we return in a month's time with his fleet to take it back!" Sean leaned back in his seat, stating over them all in an offended tone of voice. "Now hold on! I decide whom I marry! You can't just force me to-!" Anslo cut him off to tell him seriously. "I assure you, we can. You had time to look. That time is over. This is war. In times of war, the council decides for the good of the people. You haven't been officially crowned King yet. Therefore, the power of this decision rests in the hands of the King's Regent. Which is ME." Sean bolted up to his feet, snapping out in anger. "That's not fair!" Anslo shrugged, telling him swiftly. "Life isn't fair, Highness. Not even for one of royal blood."
Anslo looked to the other nobles, telling them swiftly. "I'll start preparations. We'll hold the wedding on Verlaine's ship as we journey to her father. By the time we arrive at his dock, they will be wed, and we'll convince her father to aid us in place of her dowry." The nobles and advisors all began to nod, but Sean felt like his life was slipping through his fingers like sand. Anslo gave the final nod, telling everyone curtly. "It's agreed then. I'll inform her highness of the arrangement. We leave as soon as preparations are done. You're all dismissed." The nobles and advisors began to file out of the room, while Sean glared at Anslo. Once everyone was out, Anslo told Sean with a reluctant sigh. "Highness, don't look at me like that. We have limited options. Princess Verlaine is a fine choice. Uniting with her kingdom will only help us. She loved you enough to chase you down." Sean slowly rose from his seat, moving away as he bitterly shot back. "I won't do it! You can't make me!" Anslo rushed around the table, yelling after him sternly. "Stop being such a spoiled brat and think of your people, Highness!"
Sean stopped at the doors, turning to face him as he said in a hurt voice. "I'm always thinking about them! I wanted to talk to Captain Hook! Discuss this like civilized people! Not provoke him into war!" Anslo shrugged, yelling back. "Pirates are bloodthirsty devils! War is what he wants! And I did not spend years of my life raising you to be king, just for that devil to kill you! If this is what I have to do to keep you and the kingdom safe, I WILL DO IT! Your majesty." Sean shook his head, muttering out in a strained voice. "I'll never forgive you for this." Anslo bowed to him, telling him flatly. "So be it, Highness." Sean stormed out of the room, running through the castle as tears started to fall down his face. He needed to see Nathan. As he ran into the library, Verlaine jumped in her seat and moved away from a man he didn't recognize. Rising from her seat, she closed a book and asked him with a worried face. "Your highness? Is something wrong?" The man sitting by Verlaine looked at him with slightly worried eyes that took Sean aback. He had one yellow eye and one green eye.
Verlaine noticed him staring and introduced him nervously. "I beg your pardon, Highness. This is Flotsam. I've recently hired him and his brother as cabin boys aboard my ship. Right now, Flotsam is helping me learn about... Navigation." Sean eyed Flotsam numbly. He couldn't believe someone would name their kid after discarded ship debris. Shrugging it off, he started to move on. Verlaine moved hastily to try and stop him, asking again. "Highness? What is wrong?" Sean didn't answer her. He just raced off toward the other side of the castle. He took the steps two at a time and ignored servants that tried to ask if he was alright. He didn't want comfort from anyone except Nathan. He needed someone that would truly listen to him. Just as he reached the hallway, Sean skidded to a halt. There was another man that looked similar to Flotsam, but his eye colors were switched, and his earring was in the other ear. The man was sitting on the windowsill and only turned to look at him when he heard him approach. Upon seeing him, then man hopped down from the windowsill and bowed to him with a warm smile. Sean tried to walk around him, but the man moved into his way and straightened up from his bow to lock eyes with him.
Sean wiped the tears off his cheeks, snapping out. "Get out of my way!" The man leaned a bit closer, starting to hum something to him. It was a pretty and eerie sound, but Sean simply scoffed and pushed him aside to rush onward down the hall. Jetsam watched him go with a slight smirk on his lips. Flotsam crept up behind him, panting out in a low voice. "He resisted it? How?" Jetsam waved for Flotsam to calm down, whispering back. "Because he's already heard another's voice... Nathan's." Flotsam stiffened, asking anxiously. "How are we supposed to handle him then?" Jetsam patted Flotsam's shoulder, coolly telling him. "Leave him to me. Go tell mother to meet us in the courtyard. She'll know what to do with him." Jetsam made sure Flotsam left, before making his way down the hall after Sean. Sean knocked on Nathan's door a few times, before just opening it to go inside. Calling out Nathan's name, he looked around the room for him. When he didn't see him, his heart sank. Where would he go? Part of him got a sliver of hope that he'd be in the secret garden, but as he turned to leave, the man was there.
Sean tensed up, asking a bit sourly. "What do you want?!" The man gave him a humble bow, informing him nicely in a silky voice. "My apologies, your highness. Nathan wanted me to wait here for you. Told me to tell you to meet him in the courtyard. I didn't really expect to see you and became a little... overjoyed. I trust your meeting went well?" Sean inched closer, asking a bit suspiciously. "You understand him?" The man grinned, answering casually. "Of course. We're part of his old crew. I can teach you the language if you want?" Sean thought about it for a little bit, but he was too emotional to dwell on it. Nodding, he uttered out a bit strained. "Fine. Right now, I just want to see him. Excuse me." The man stepped aside, giving him another bow. Sean felt like the castle was a cage and it was closing in on him. He couldn't wait to get outside. Running back through the castle, he went to the large glass doors that led out to the courtyard. The sun was setting over the water and it was gorgeous in its grey and orange light. He couldn't focus on it for long though. Scanning the courtyard, he called out loud. "Nathan?! Are you out here?"
He didn't see him in the courtyard. So, he moved to the railing to look down at the beach. Had Nathan decided to walk the water? To collect shells like the ones in his bedroom? His eyes looked over the beach with a heavy heart, when a familiar voice started to sing out across the shore. The voice pulled at his heart in such a longing way. It demanded his absolute attention and as his eyes fell upon a figure walking along the beach, his heart leapt at the sight of him. His love for him overflowed until he lost all will to do anything else. To think of anything else. The figure stopped just before the railing, reaching out to him with comforting hands. Jetsam slipped out the glass doors, after distracting the guards with his own song. He watched Sean rush down the stone steps to run across the beach. Rushing into the arms of a man who looked like Nathan. As Jetsam reached the railing, Nathan looked up to reveal his bright purple eyes and grinned at Jetsam. Jetsam nodded to his mother. They had him under their control now.
Flotsam made his way up the stone steps, asking Jetsam curiously. "Ok. We have him. What now?" Jetsam lifted his chin, telling Flotsam in a low voice. "Now. You get Verlaine. It's time they married. Just like mother planned." To Be Continued...
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