Chapter Twelve: "Castaway"
Nate leaned on the Prince, ignoring how every step felt like landing on sea urchins along his legs. He just couldn't believe he had found him. Let alone was touching him. Walking across the beach, the prince pointed to the castle that laid just ahead and told him nicely. "I live there." Nate turned his gaze to the castle, marveling at its beauty. The castle sat on the large beach made from white stone with tops that were a sandy shade of red. It was gorgeous. The prince blushed at his reaction, telling him humbly. "It's small but I love it. The whole beach here belongs to me and behind the castle on the water is my private dock. Farther inland is the fishing town. When you are better, I can take you there." Nate smiled at him. The prince was so nice. People ran up to them, dressed in similar attire as one said with unease. "Your highness, everything alright? What has happened?" The prince gestured to Nate, answering curtly. "Must have been another ship that got wreaked in the storm. He washed ashore. Help me take him inside to see the physician."
One of the men moved in to take Nate from the prince, telling the prince defensively. "With all due respect, Highness. Let us take him to the village. We know nothing about this man. To let him into the castle could be-" The prince shook his head, saying in a polite voice. "No. The village is too far. He's exhausted. We can handle one man for a night." Nate shoved the man back that tried to take him away from the prince, causing the men to draw those strange sharp needles. The prince raised a hand, snapping out. "Lower your weapons! He's probably been through hell. Stand aside." The men tensed, refusing to sheath their weapons but they lowered them as ordered. Nate shifted closer to the prince, practically resting his head on his shoulder now. However, his eyes were locked on the men with a hard defensive glare. If he'd had his claws and tail, they'd be sorry. The prince walked up off the sand to a large patch of green that distracted Nate. He didn't know that they had mini seaweed on land.
Sitting on a blanket farther ahead, Sean met the eyes of Princess Verlaine. They had been having a picnic by the beach. As he approached with the shipwrecked sailor, she rose to her knees and stated aloud. "Good heavens! Is he ok?" Sean nodded, telling her reluctantly. "I'm afraid that I'm going to have to cut our breakfast short. I'm going to take him to see the physician." Princess Verlaine nodded, closing her book as she climbed gracefully to her feet and said with a bow. "Of course, Highness. Take him at once. I'll manage." Sean bowed to her in return, slowly walking away as he tried to coax the man onward. He seemed so distracted by the grass and the trees. Had he never seen them before? How long had he been at sea? Behind him, he heard Princess Verlaine tell the guards standing around her. "No. Don't pack up. I plan to stay and read a bit longer. Thank you." Taking the man across the small covered wooden bridge, the guards stationed there opened the large doors to let him inside. As he passed by servants, they staggered to a stop to watch him. The moment he looked at them though, they scampered off to no doubt gossip about his latest actions.
The inside of the castle was bright and decorated to look like the bottom of the sea. His family had always loved the sea and their castle mirrored the beauty of it. With pillars of polished white marble with crown molding of shells and coral. The man stopped, his eyes widening at all the little details. The floor was tiled in a blue that changed shades as the light reflected off it at different angles, making it appear to move like water. Between the dual staircases was a large open oyster shell throne chair with a plush purple seat. The windows were stain glass with the image of ships sailing the horizon. As more servants rushed in to ask if he needed anything, he told them to call the physician and meet him in the royal bath chamber. The servants nodded and rushed off. The man touched a statue of a large seahorse at the bottom of the steps and asked nicely. "Like it? He looks so real doesn't it?" The man smiled so genuinely that Sean smiled in return. He never brought anyone to the castle because it wasn't proper. It was nice to see someone like the things he did though.
Taking him up the stairs and into the royal bath chamber, Sean helped him sit down on a stool before the large vanity. The man reached out to touch the mirror, making Sean chuckle as he asked him curiously. "Have you been at sea your whole life?" The man nodded and gestured something with his hands that Sean didn't understand. The male servants finished drawing the bath, taking their leave as the physician showed up. Sean explained where he found the man and how he seemed to be in pain, causing the old physician to scold him a little. "Highness, you should have let me look at him outside. He could be contagious. Lots of diseases going around the ships." Sean shrugged, taking a seat on the edge of the large pond like tub. The physician gestured to the man's clothing, prompting him to take them off and the man did without hesitation but gave them worried looks. As the physician checked him out, he told Sean casually. "He's wearing a torn sail... Might be a castaway. He looks strong though... if not a little... odd." The man grabbed the tool the doctor was using to listen to is heart, looking at it with a perplexed expression like he didn't understand what it was for. Taking the tool back from him, the doctor continued his examination.
Upon looking over his back, the doctor licked his lips nervously and said softly. "Highness... I think this man might have been keelhauled. And there is this." The doctor pointed and Sean moved closer. Around the man's neck was an old compass with a pirate's symbol on it. Touching his shoulder, he looked at the man's torn up back and asked the doctor. "You think he's a marooned pirate?" The doctor nodded anxiously, telling him with worry. "Highness... If he is... you know the law." Sean swallowed, then told the doctor. "I don't know what he is. He could have just found that. He doesn't act like a pirate. So, I'm not treating him like one until I know." The man started to gesture with his hands with an expression like he was trying to ask something. Sean gestured to the man's hands, asking the doctor hopefully. "Do you know what he's doing?" The doctor moved to see it better. After a minute of watching, he pointed to it and said lightly. "I've seen something like this. It's like the hand gestures I've seen a few of the sailors use. I've heard of cases of deaf or mute people using things like this too."
Sean bit his lip, asking hopefully. "Can you understand it?" The doctor shook his head honestly but replied promptly. "No. But I can ask around if you would like?" Sean gave him a nod, saying nicely. "Yes. Have them brought to me at once when you get the chance." The doctor climbed to his feet, adding calmly. "He looks to be as healthy as a horse. Just a little banged up and probably needs some rest. Have him wash up and then I'll tend to his back." Pointing at his legs, Sean slipped in. "And his legs? He was limping a lot on the beach..." The doctor closed his bag, giving Sean a shrug as he replied confidently. "I don't see anything wrong with them. They might just be sore from the swim to the beach. A warm bath might help him." Sean thanked the doctor, and the doctor took a bow before leaving. Sean frowned as his personal guards slipped into the bathroom to watch him. He hated being followed everywhere. Looking away from them, he took the man's arm and tried to coax him to the tub. The man resisted, looking at him like he didn't understand or was scared.
Realizing that his men might have keelhauled him, Sean released the man's arm and said apologetically. "Sorry. I forgot... You must be terrified of the water after being dragged under the ship..." The man lowered his eyes to the floor guiltily, wincing as he moved to the edge with a few short steps. Taking a seat on the edge, the man started to put his foot in, then yelped and scrambled away. The guards tensed, but Sean dropped into a crouch and told the man calmly. "Easy. It's ok. Look." Sean hesitated to do it but began to strip himself down. He wasn't one to bathe with others, but he often shared a bath with other male royals. It was hard to heat water as it was. Stripping down had made the man calm down a lot. Blushing, Sean hugged his pasty pale skin and slowly stepped down the steps into the warm water. Reaching the last step, he looked over his shoulder to see that the man had scooted closer to the water with a hand covering his cock shyly. Sean smirked to himself. The guy hadn't been shy at all with the doctor around, but now he was? Sean wondered if the size of his cock made him suddenly uneasy. The noblemen often made jokes about public bathing and how sizes made one feel jealous or embarrassed. Royals never spoke of those things though. It wasn't proper.
He'd always thought he was smaller than other royals. Maybe he was better than he thought. Sliding into the water up to his chest, he beckoned to the man and told him with a blushing smile. "Come in. The water is a bit hot, but it feels great. Trust me." The man got to his feet, his legs shaking as he limped toward the edge. His legs appeared to be getting a little better. He was walking with more confidence now, but his face still looked like he was in pain. At the edge, the man let out a sigh and smiled. For a moment, he looked proud to be standing tall. Then his legs buckled, causing him to lose his balance and he splashed into the tub. Sean squealed as the water sloshed over him, soaking him completely. The man's head slowly breached the surface, his large dark brown eyes staring him down with worry. Sean burst out laughing, moving back to sit on a bench that was built-in along the inside of the tub. He hadn't laughed like that in a long time. The man rose more from the water, revealing his gorgeous smile. Leaning back in the tub, Sean chuckled out. "Are you ok?" The man nodded, wading in the water so calmly.
Sean found it quite fascinating. The guy was so wobbly on land, but in the water... the guy seemed almost at one with it. Sean pulled the basket closer to pull out the soap and started to lather up his hands. The man had been swimming around the large tub, until he had caught his attention. Swimming up to him, the man reached out to touch the bubbles along his hands. It wasn't uncommon for commoners not to know what soap was. The man poked a bubble that popped, causing him to swim away in surprise. Laughing, Sean lathered his hands more and raised them to blow soapy bubbles off his palms. The man sunk down in the water, watching the bubbles float through the air, then reached out to try grabbing them. When he swam back to him, Sean carefully took the man's wrist and told him through giggles. "Here. You try." Giving him the soap, he showed him how to lather up his hands and make bubbles. Sean liked watching him play with them like a kid. He'd never had anyone his age around when he was younger. It made him a little sad that his childhood was so lonely but seeing this man have so much fun made him want that part of his life back. He had been forced to grow up so fast. He'd almost forgotten how fascinating things used to be.
He showed the man how to wash himself by simply having him watch him wash himself. The man watched him closely and copied him. Although, there were times when he was washing and noticed the man just watching him. Whenever he caught him looking at him like that though, the man would dive into the water and avoid his glaze for a bit. Sean was used to people looking at him like that. Commoners rarely saw the royals and when they did... it was like seeing a shooting star. You couldn't help but stare and notice how real they were. The majority of his people would go their entire lives without ever seeing him. After bathing his front, he called over a servant to help wash his back. The servant happily made their way over, rubbing a sponge over his shoulders. The man swam over to watch, causing Sean to mumble a little embarrassed under his breath. "Yes, I'm spoiled..." The servant giggled very softly, causing Sean to look up. The man was taking the sponge from the servant and looking it over. After a squeeze or two, the man put the sponge to Sean's back and moved it down his spine. The servant gave him a few tips like the man was a child, then backed away from the tub since he didn't seem to be needed now.
Sean shifted on the bench to let the man wash his back. He was a little scared to turn his back to a stranger, but the man had not hurt him yet. The man soaped up his skin, then set the sponge down. Sean was confused, until the man's hands touched him to rub his back with his fingers. Sean moaned a little as his tense shoulders were rubbed loose. It felt good. The man scooped up water and trickled it down his back to wash the soap away, giving Sean goosebumps. It was a strange feeling to feel this man's hands on him. His touch was relaxing and made him feel like he could trust him. Looking over his shoulder, Sean said rather softly to him. "I wish you could tell me your name." The man tried to answer, then winced. Recovering though, he tapped Sean to coax him into facing him. Sean turned to face him better, watching as the man put a hand to his chest and then raised a fist with his thumb between his middle and ring finger. Then the man turned his hand sideways so that his palm was facing back to himself and extended out his index and middle finger. Sean raised an eyebrow, asking curiously. "That's your name?" The man nodded and Sean tried to do the gesture with him. It was simple and he kind of liked it. Smiling to him, Sean told him happily. "Well, at least I have something to call you."
The man brushed his long wet dark bangs from his face, giving him a warm smile in return. For a while, the man showed him random hand gestures to things he asked about. When the man tried to tell him something though, Sean just couldn't piece it together. He didn't know those symbols and no matter what he thought they meant, he got them wrong. Giving up, the man flicked water at him, and Sean huffed back playfully. "Hey! I'm trying. You try to learn a new language. It's a pain in the ass." Sean splashed him back and within seconds, they were in the middle of a splash fight. Sean's laughter echoed off the walls as he tried to swim away from the man. Looking over his shoulder, he saw the man was gone. Just as he saw the shadow in the water, it was too late. The man yanked him beneath the water by his legs and pushed him down to the floor of the tub. Sean let himself get pushed down, staring up at the man over him. The man smiled down at him, his features looked stunning within the water. Sean's heart slowed as he stared into his eyes. He looked so familiar, but he couldn't recall from where exactly. It was like trying to recall a distant dream that was fading from his memory.
The man put a finger to his lips, then lowered down over him more. Sean tensed, rising on his elbows. The man's hands slid up to his shoulders before he brought his lips closer to his. Sean was frozen in place. He didn't know what to do. Their lips drew so close that Sean could feel the air bubbles escaping between them. The mood ended as a distorted voice above yelled out. "Your majesty?!" The man jerked away, swimming away from him. Pushing himself up to the surface, Sean spit water and addressed a worried Anslo. "Yes, Anslo?" Anslo let out an exhale in relief before asking bluntly. "How long do you plan to stay in the bath, your majesty?" Sean shrugged, chuckling out. "I don't know. I'm having fun." Anslo raised an eyebrow, sarcastically uttering out in a dry voice. "Having fun...? Highness, get out of that tub before you get all pruned. You're not a child." Sean let out a heavy sigh, getting his feet under him to stand up. Anslo snapped his fingers to a servant to bring over a robe, then leaned down to offer his hand to help him out. Sean started to accept it as Anslo muttered out. "Honestly, Highness... What were you thinking? Bathing with a commoner. Are you trying to get yourself-" Anslo was cut off by the man bursting up from the water to spit a steam of bathwater at his face like a dolphin.
Sean laughed, until Anslo looked at him. Then clearing his throat, he told him more composed. "Sorry, Anslo." Helping Sean out, Anslo wrapped the robe around Sean who then told him seriously. "You must dry and get changed for lunch. There are important matters to be discussed." Sean straightened himself up, his walls building back up as he answered like the king he was supposed to be. "Of course, Anslo. I'll be there presently." Anslo stepped aside to let Sean walk by him. Sean started to make his way for the door, when Anslo snapped out. "NOT you! You stay here." Sean turned to see the man had gotten out of the water and was trying to follow him. Smirking, Sean told Anslo in a kingly tone. "Anslo, show some decorum. I've invited him to join us. Have the doctor tend to his back and find him something nice to wear." Anslo's jaw dropped as he said curtly. "Highness, you can't be serious?! He's a commoner! He has no manners." Sean walked back toward Anslo with his head held high. Staring Anslo down, Sean said in a kind but firm tone of voice. "A king is nothing without the people that put him there. The man has nowhere to go. I took him in. He's my responsibility. I'll find him a place, but for now... He's joining us for lunch. Ok, Anslo?"
Anslo bowed his head, coolly replying. "Very well. As you command, your majesty. I'll take care of him. Using the hand signal to call him by name, Sean told the man happily. "Get dressed and then Anslo with take you to the dining hall to eat with me. Ok?" The man grinned and nodded. Sean tipped his head to them, starting to turn away. Although, he caught Anslo grabbing the man's neck to force him into a bow like the other servants around them. As Sean left, his guards left with him. The whole way back to his room, his mind raced with the image of the man going in to kiss him in the tub. He didn't know what to make of it. No guy had ever tried to kiss him before. He wanted to be concerned about it... but he found himself a little flattered. This promised to be an interesting lunch. To Be Continued...
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