Chapter Nineteen: "Secrets Shared In The Dark"
Nate rolled to his side on the shore, watching Sean sit up. There were strange flying creatures that were starting to glow around the little island as the sun sank over the water. Sean squeezed the water from his shirt, chuckling out to him shyly. "Well... That didn't go as planned, huh?" Nate propped his head up on his hand, smiling to himself. He was happy to be alone with him. Giving up on his shirt, Sean pointed to the sunken boat, telling him softly. "We should try flipping that back over. It will be too dark to see soon, and we have to get back. If we work fast that fish might not catch us again." Nate reached out to grab Sean's wrist, keeping him from getting up. Sean met his eyes, then bit his lip nervously. Despite not saying or hinting at anything, Sean mumbled out a little anxiously. "Oh... I guess you still want that kiss?" Sitting up, Nate leaned in to rest his head on Sean's shoulder. He did want to kiss him, but he just wanted to be alone with him more. Sliding a hand over Sean's stomach to hug him, Nate felt Sean inhale sharply.
Why was he so scared? Sean's hand shook as he placed a hand on Nate's arm and lifted it up his stomach a bit more. Nate watched him shuffle his legs and hold his arm against him. It was strange behavior that he was confused by. Resting his head against his, Sean asked him in a breathless whisper. "Are you cold?" Nate shook his head, his heart beating faster as he tilted his head back enough along his shoulder to kiss his neck. Sean's grip on his arm tightened and his body tensed. Nate felt him swallow and pulled his lips off him. Lifting his head off him, Nate looked into his eyes. Sean looked so afraid of what he might do next. Giving him a small smile, Nate leaned in slowly to try kissing him again. This time Sean turned away and gasped for air in sharp light breaths. Nate sat back, watching Sean roll away from him to lean back against one of the willow trees. Nate crept closer, feeling helpless. What was happening to him? It was like he was drowning on land. Sean reached up to grab a branch, forcing himself to arch his back as he breathed in deep. Nate reached out to touch his chest. He didn't know what to do. So, he just stroked his chest as a way of letting him know that he was here.
When Sean's breathing leveled back out, Sean dropped his arms and uttered out through light coughs. "Sorry... I'm not supposed to get cold... It does something to my lungs." Nate touched Sean's wet cloths and flinched. As the sun was going down it was getting colder. Running a hand through Sean's hair, he made up his mind. He had to get him home. Climbing up onto his weak legs, he ran back out into the water. Diving into the water, Nate swam down to grab the sunken boat. Trying to lift it was harder than he thought it would be. It felt like something was trying to suction it to the bottom. Swimming over, Mark grabbed the side with him and together they slowly worked it up to the surface. On occasion, Nate had to go get air, but Mark continued to push it up from beneath. Getting it to the surface, Mark helped Nate flip it over. Ducking under, Nate quickly signed to Mark that something was wrong with Sean and that he needed to take him home. Mark's ear fins perked up, then he nodded before signing back to him. "I'll help. Can you get him in this?"
Nate nodded, rushing back to the surface to stagger back across the shore. Sean coughed a little, rubbing his chest before chuckling out to him. "How did you do that all by yourself?" Nate smirked, reaching out to take his arms to help him up. Nate's legs screamed in pain as Sean leaned against him for a minute. Nate didn't care though. Carefully, Sean pulled from Nate and headed to the boat. Nate was about to join him, when something on the tree trunk caught his eye. There was a carving on it. The strange thing was that it was written in the language of the Merfolk. While beneath it was more writing in a language that he couldn't read. What he could read took his breath away. It read; 'Ursel Vanessa Jones and James Killian Jones. To the farthest shore or the deepest fathom of the ocean... We'll be together somewhere in between. Where we can be free.' Reaching out to touch the carving, Nate looked around the little island with a sudden realization. Was this island called 'Weeping Isle' because of Ursel? Was that why Flotsam and Jetsam had known where this place was?
From the boat, Sean asked him curiously. "Nathan? Are you alright?" Nate jerked his head back to Sean and nodded. Prying himself away from the tree, he went back to the boat. Though Nate couldn't read it. Mark could. So, as Nate moved to the boat, Mark discreetly read it to himself to see what had distracted Nate. Reading the writing that was in someone else's handwriting, he read to himself. "I've been flotsamed and jetsamed my whole life, but you see my worth... and I see yours. You are treasured by me." Mark felt the words to the depths of his soul, before his attention was drawn to Nate. Swallowing passed the lump in his throat; he sank beneath the water to grab the belly of the boat before he was seen. Resting his forehead on his arm, he felt his tears mix with the sea as he listened to Sean talk to Nate about raising the anchor. Though his heart hurt, he forced himself to focus on helping Nate. With the anchor up, Mark started to push the boat slowly. Within the boat, Nate watched Sean huddle up on the floor at the front of the boat.
As cold as Nate was getting, Sean seemed to suffer the worst from it. Nate leaned over the boat to steer it the best he could as they drifted around the island. Reaching the beach, Nate jumped out as Mark shoved the boat up the shore. Nate thanked him and Mark signed for him to rush Sean to the castle. Sean was shaking in the boat and coughing more. Leaning over the boat, Nate hefted Sean into his arms. Sean wasn't that heavy, but to his legs... his added weight was murder. Mark swam along the shallows watching Nate make his way up to the castle bridge with worry on his face for Nate. Nate was staggering in pain and looked to be silently crying out in pain every few feet. The guards at the gate turned their weapons on Nate, until they recognized Sean. The guards yelled for a doctor, helping to take Sean from Nate. Then caught Nate as he fell. Briefly, Mark saw that Nate's feet were covered in blood. Hissing loudly, Mark slammed his tail in the water in distress and swam around the castle to see if he could see through some of the windows. Lingering by the beach that looked into the castle's dining hall, Mark briefly saw them carry Nate and Sean up the stairs deep within.
Mark hated that he couldn't help him or be there for him. Clawing the sandy beach, he reluctantly pushed himself back into deeper water. All he could do was wait. Inside, Nate writhed in pain as the guards brought him to his room. He didn't understand what had happened to his legs. They just seemed to break out in cuts. The doctor had people hold him down as he looked over his legs and put stuff on them that burned. Tears brimmed his eyes as silent screams tore from his throat. When the doctor finished, Nate was exhausted. The doctor had wrapped his legs in tight cloth that he didn't like but was told not to touch. The doctor soon rushed from the room to check on how his assistant was helping Sean, leaving Nate in the silence of his room. Unlike Sean's bright bedroom, Nate's was dark. The sheets and furniture were all a deep shade of blue with gold accents. The walls were done in a soft brown and the curtains were a blood red with golden fringe. Even the fuzzy carpet was the same soft brown as the walls. Compared to the other rooms in the castle, this one was by far the darkest one. Yet, the bed was wider than any he'd seen, and the padded headboard had a strange family crest in the golden accent.
Nate stared up at the crest above his head without really looking at it. He was lost in his thoughts and trying to fight down his pain. He was just thinking about opening the curtains to let in some light and air from outside, when he realized what the crest looked like. Sitting up to look at it better, he gawked at the design of a ship. It suddenly made sense. They had given him this room because it had belonged to the pirate. Forcing himself to ease onto his feet, he opened the curtains behind the headboard of the bed and on the walls beside it. Then dropping back down across it, he rolled onto his side and stared out at the dark ocean. Rubbing his aching legs, he couldn't help missing his tail. His tail had never hurt him so much. Not even the other humans had the issues that he was having. He didn't want to blame Ursel, if Ursel had done his best. It was just bothering him more and more. He hoped that if Sean kissed him that the pain would go away. Outside, he saw Mark swimming around the water edge looking at all the windows for him.
Forcing himself to rush to the window, Nate waved down to him. Mark stopped and waved back. Nate was going to sign something to him, until a knock came at his door. Rushing back to his bed, he hopped into it as someone moved inside. Nate's heart leapt as Sean closed the door quickly and leaned back against it. Bringing his finger to his lips, he waited by the door a minute. Nate blushed a little, seeing him in a thin loose bathrobe. Had they forced him to take a bath? He could smell the fresh scent of soap on him, and he did look wet. Creeping away from the door, Sean whispered to him. "I'm avoiding the doctor. He wants me to eat raw onions... Says it will stop my 'attacks.' He practically boiled me alive in the tub... Ugh. Whatever is wrong with me, he is not helping." Nate patted the bed and Sean climbed in with him without hesitating. Laying beside him, Sean chuckled softly. Nate forgot his pain as he rolled over onto his side to face him. Sean looked over his legs, telling him more seriously. "I heard about your legs. What happened? Did you hurt yourself getting me out of the boat? They think the pirates did it too you, but they don't believe me when I tell them it wasn't..."
Nate put a hand on Sean's chest, avoiding the question directed at him to gesture if he was alright. Sean blushed, laying on his back to look up at the high ceiling as he answered grimly. "Ya. I'm ok. I've dealt with it since I was a kid. I thought it was going away... but I guess with all the excitement today... it just brought it all back." Nate absently found his hand rubbing Sean's chest, loving the soft fabric beneath his fingers and feeling Sean's warmth. Sean looked at him, smirking as he asked him. "How many times are you going to save my life today? You keep this up and I won't be able to keep up with all your rewards." Nate shrugged with a disinterested expression in response. He was more distracted by Sean's skin that was showing between the folds of his sea green bathrobe. Sean started to say something about making him a personal guard at the rate he was going, but Nate didn't catch all of it. He was peeling the fabric of the robe away little by little to see more of his chest.
There was just something about seeing hair on his chest that was fascinating to him. None of the mermen had that. The most mermen got were freckles of scales. Tracing his finger along the center of Sean's chest, he felt the soft dark hair there. He hadn't even noticed Sean wasn't talking anymore, until Sean's hand rose to touch his own chest in nervous warning. Nate pushed the fabric across his chest more, his fingers following his chest hair out along his pectoral muscle to his pale nipple. As his fingers touched his nipple though, Sean gasped and grabbed his hand to stop him. Turning on his side, Sean adjusted his legs and stared only at the pillows between them. Biting his lip, Sean pushed his hand off, mumbling out breathlessly. "Don't... We... We could get in trouble..." Nate moved his free hand to guide Sean's hand under the open neckline of his tunic. While his other hand peeled the fabric of the robe off Sean's pale shoulder. He didn't exactly know what he was doing. He just wanted to see Sean without all his clothes on. Merfolk never covered themselves up as much as humans did. He'd bonded well in the tub with him. Why not now?
Sean's fingers clawed his chest a little as he wispily uttered out in a small voice. "Nate... I can't... What are you doing?" Nate lifted his head to press a finger to his lips like Sean had done at the door. Sean swallowed, blushing as he asked him breathlessly. "Nathan?" Nate lowered his hand, leaning in to smell his skin. The smell of the soap on his skin was drawing him in. He couldn't resist it. He smelled like a freshwater spring with an intoxicatingly crisp light sweet smell that reminded him of food. He enjoyed the smell so much that for a moment his mind blanked out as he wondered if he tasted as good as he smelled. Pressing his lips to Sean's soft skin, Nate found himself nuzzling closer as he kissed his warm flesh. Sean moaned softly, resting his forehead on Nate's shoulder. Sean's hand draped over Nate's side, pulling him closer. However, the arm that was still within his shirt was keeping Nate from laying him back across the bed. Nate listened to every breath and soft sound Sean made. He didn't want to scare him and the sounds he was making were not of fear.
Nate kissed Sean's collarbone, then kissed his way down his chest to his exposed pectoral muscle. He wanted to kiss every inch of him. It was a primal desire unlike any Nate had felt before. A desire to mark Sean with his scent. Sean inhaled sharply as Nate's lips found his nipple. Nate paused thinking that he had hurt him. Only to see Sean fall back across the bed as his hands tugged at the hem of his shirt. Reaching back to grab the collar of his shirt, Nate pulled his shirt and vest off to toss them to the floor. Giving him a smile, Nate returned to hugging Sean's body close as he kissed his chest. Nate barely focused on how Sean spread his legs to let him roll completely on top of him. Or how Sean's hands were untying something between them. It was only when Sean pulled his robe open and panted out to him bashfully. "I must be out of my mind... How are you doing this to me?" Nate smirked against his skin, then lifted his head to look at him. Sean was breathing heavy, and his eyes were glazed over. Adjusting over him better, Nate brushed his lips against Sean's watching them part for him. Licking his dry lips, Nate started to lean in to kiss him, when someone banged on the door.
Nate jerked his head away as Sean bolted upright and tried to flip his robe closed. The person behind the door, then called out loudly. "Hey, Castaway? I hope you are decent. I'm coming in. I'm sorry to bother you but the prince is missing again. Is he with you?" Sean scrambled out from under Nate, yelping out. "Oh, shite! It's Verlaine!" Nate fell across the bed, snapping his fingers in frustration. Falling on the bed like he did though, caused the bed to bounce and Sean lost his balance. Which resulted in Sean falling off the other side of the bed with a loud 'THUD.' Nate sat up to see if he was ok, when the door opened and drew his guilty attention to her. Verlaine stepped inside, asking again in a sweet hopeful tone. "Have you seen the Prince? The doctor is pretty mad at him. He can't keep running off when all he is trying to do is help..." Nate gave her a quick shrug and shook his head a little too quickly in response. Verlaine started to leave with a sigh but stopped to ask him suspiciously. "Are you ok? You look like you've seen a ghost."
Nate blinked, starting to sign something quickly before pointing to the window. Verlaine blinked, moving to look out the window. Then closed the curtain for him as she uneasily told him. "Yes... Well, get some rest. And if you see the Prince let us know at once." She made her way to the door, stating out really worried. "With the pirates attacking the village, doesn't he realize that he can't do this? I'm so worried they got in here and have taken him..." Nate nodded, until she left and closed the door behind her. Then he leaned over the side to see Sean laying on his back. Sean hugged himself, blushing as he started laughing quietly. Nate propped his head up on the edge, smiling down at him. They just couldn't seem to catch a break, but he was glad Sean was ok. To Be Continued...
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