Chapter 8
Rainbow Dash wandered the dark open ocean, she new her father was overprotective, but she never imagined he'd kick her out when she had nowhere to go and her only companion was Tank.
Rainbow: I just wanna go home to my friends.
She laid under a rock and settled for the cold night. She only had a light blanket and nothing else, it was a long, sleepless night.
Sometime around midnight, Rainbow Dash heard voices calling to her.
Rainbow: Wh-Who's there?!
The blue sapphire shined brightly like a flashlight
Rainbow: Whoa...
She used the sapphire to light her way, she stopped at a large cave where the voices were coming from. Pinkie and Fluttershy noticed and followed her.
?: Come in, my child
Pinkie: Where's she going?! Is she going to a party?! SHE DIDN'T INVITE ME!!!
Fluttershy: Shhhhhhhhhhhh!
Rainbow Dash cautiously swam into the cave, she hid the sapphire in her bag in case anyone would try to steal it. As she swam deeper into the cave, she stopped at the Sirens.
Rainbow: Adagio...? I thought you were gone! My parents banished you 25 years ago!
Adagio: Did you think that just because we were banished, we'd instantly be dead?
Rainbow: Well, my father said you were dead
Adagio: You mean the king that just got rid of his daughter?
Rainbow: I can't forgive him for that to be honest, I can't believe that he kicked me out just for trying to reason with him
Aria: Well, maybe he had a good reason to-
Rainbow: My dad never has reasons, he just does! He forbid me from going up to the human world since my mother died!
Adagio: Well, we believe your story
Rainbow: You do?
Sonata: We do?
Adagio: Yes, your poor mother was only trying to rescue you
Rainbow: Yeah...that was my 4th birthday, now all my birthdays are anniversaries of the day she died, it's not as much fun as it used to be. But I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for her.
Adagio: You poor poor princess
Rainbow: But I have become friends with Soarin Skies from the human world, he's so dreamy...
Aria: Perhaps we can make you a deal
Rainbow: What do you mean?
Adagio: Come
Rainbow Dash followed the Sirens into the main room, she was intimidated by the amount of potions and how ugly the room was. Adagio led Rainbow Dash over to their crystal ball
Adagio: Look closely
Rainbow Dash looked into the crystal ball seeing past events from when she collected treasure from sunken ships, from when she rescued Soarin from the storm, and when she visited him a few times.
Rainbow: Have you been watching me?
Adagio: Yes, we've noticed you've always been going up to the surface, meeting with this boy, and studying human treasures.
Rainbow: Yeah, so?
Adagio: How would you like to become a human yourself?
Rainbow Dash's eyes widened.
Rainbow: Me?! A human?! You mean it?!
Adagio: Of course, my dear.
Rainbow: YIPPEE!!!
The excited little mermaid swam swiftly around the room in delight.
Aria: *stops her with magic* Not so fast!
Rainbow: Huh?
Adagio: You have to give us something in return.
Sonata: She does?
Rainbow: I do?
Aria: Yes
Rainbow: Well, then name it and I'll give it to you
Adagio: Your voice
Rainbow: My voice? That's impossible, how will I be able to give you my voice? And why my voice of all things I could give you?
Adagio: Your voice is just all we ask in return, he already knows you so it should be no trouble communicating with him
Rainbow: I uh...I what else is in
Aria: We're gonna whip up a spell that will temporarily turn you into a human.
Rainbow: Temporarily? Like how long?
Adagio: 3 days top
Sonata: 3 days?
Rainbow: That's it? That's ridiculous, that's such little time, I won't even-
Adagio: Not. So. Fast.
Rainbow: There's more?
Adagio: Yes, we'll give you three days for you to get your prince to fall in love with and kiss you, but not just any kiss, the kiss of true love.
Rainbow: True love...Gotcha
Fluttershy: Psst! Dashie
Rainbow Dash turned around seeing Pinkie and Fluttershy spying on her.
Rainbow: Could you excuse me for a second?
Adagio: Take your time
Rainbow Dash swam over to her friends.
Rainbow: Hey guys
Fluttershy: What're you doing?
Rainbow: The Sirens are about to offer me an opportunity of a lifetime!
Pinkie: Ooh! Fun!
Rainbow: They're giving me the chance to become human!
Fluttershy: What? I don't think that's a good idea, Dashie!
Rainbow: And why not, Flutters?
Fluttershy: Think of what your father would say if you-
Rainbow: My father? He's in the past. He literally kicked me out like a pet, he's become a heartless king against his own daughter!
Fluttershy: Is that why you're going for this?
Rainbow: Partly, also because I want to do more than just study the human world, I wanna explore it.
Pinkie: That IS a big opportunity! Go for it, Dashie!
Fluttershy: No! Don't do it! It's not a good idea!
Adagio: Tick tock, princess, tick tock.
Rainbow: I gotta go.
Fluttershy: Ugh...Why doesn't anyone listen to me.
Pinkie: I do! I'm not deaf, Flutters!
Rainbow Dash swam back into the room
Adagio: So, do we have a deal, princess?
Rainbow: human, I may never see my dad or Atlantis again
Sonata: Correct, you won't.
Rainbow: Well, my dad won't miss me or anything, sign me up.
Aria: Just one more thing we forgot to mention.
Rainbow: And what's that?
Adagio: If Soarin kisses you, you're human forever, but if not, you turn back into a mermaid and belong to us!
Fluttershy: Dashie, no!
Rainbow: Shut up!
Adagio: *smirks* Do we have a deal?
Rainbow Dash nodded.
Rainbow: I'll do it.
The Sirens made two magic spells as Rainbow Dash signed a contract confirming her deal with them.
Adagio: Now...sing
Rainbow Dash held her throat and sung a small melody. As she sung, she felt a mist go down her throat and just like that, her voice was gone.
Adagio: Perfect!
Rainbow Dash looked down already missing her beautiful voice.
Sonata: You made a deal, remember?
Rainbow Dash nodded sadly, another spell was cast on her which magically put her into a deep sleep. Little did she know that the Sirens had another plan and she was their prey.
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