Chapter 2
The girls froze, Fluttershy hid behind Rainbow Dash.
Fluttershy: I'm scared, Dashie, what do we do?
Pinkie: ...SWIM FOR YOUR LIFE!!!!!
Rainbow: ...What she said!
The girls swam as quickly as they could to lose the shark, but it was really fast.
Rainbow: So much for having fun!
Rainbow's bag got caught on a piece of wood, the shark was getting closer. She quickly swam back to get it just before it reached the girls. They continued swimming.
Fluttershy: Dashie, the stone you found isn't important.
Rainbow: It is to me!
Fluttershy facepalmed herself. The girls hid behind a rock quickly, the shark swam past them without seeing them.
Rainbow: I think we lost him.
Pinkie: Close one!
Rainbow Dash sat on the seafloor and took the sapphire out of her bag, she examined it for a while.
Rainbow: This is so pretty, I wonder where it came from...and who it belongs to.
Pinkie: Me too!
Rainbow Dash got caught in a daydream. How would it feel to have legs? What places were there to go? What would it be like to live out of water? Was everyone there friendly? Could she go back underwater if she lived up there?
?: Rainbow Dash!
Rainbow Dash was interrupted from her fantasy world when she saw her dad, king of Atlantis. She quickly slipped the sapphire back into her bag. She tried to play it cool.
Rainbow: Dad!...What's up? What're you doing here?
Dad: Castle. Now!
Pinkie: *whispers* Busted!
Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes and crossed her arms.
Back at the castle, Rainbow Dash was sent to her room, her father came to talk to her.
Dad: Young lady, what were you thinking? Going into a sunken ship that was filled with humans? You know that humans are dangerous!
Rainbow: There were no humans! There was absolutely nothing in there!
Dad: Have you forgotten what they did to your mother?
Rainbow: They weren't trying to kill her, it was an accident! They didn't see her!
Dad: *sighs* Do I have to review the rules with you again?
Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes.
Rainbow: I know, I know. Humans are dangerous fish eating barbarians and we're not allowed to swim up to the surface for ANY PARTICULAR REASON!!!! They're not barbarians, Dad! Tell me, when was the last time you've actually seen a human do all those things? And this doesn't involve what happened to Mom, she was hit by a ship, not eaten by humans.
Her father was speechless.
Rainbow: My point exactly! You've never actually seen that happen, you're just making things up because you miss Mom! Move on with your life, Dad...move on.
Rainbow Dash swam out of the castle. She had a point, her father never saw a human harm a fish...or a mermaid. Rainbow's mom died from a ship incident, humans never harmed her. How could he be sure that humans are dangerous?
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