Chapter 3: You Can't Cage Wild Birds
*Dedicated to the girl who is the real life Venise to my Ari. To all the Venises in the world.*
I was awakened by a female shouting, which was coming from the paper thin wall I shared with my best friend, Dean. I threw my overly fluffy spare pillow over my head and hoped that today it would serve as the best pair of noise cancelling headphones. Cheap solutions for those moments with cheap people. I was used to these wake up calls, especially when the girl was getting pissy about being kicked out.
I told myself that I was going to have to tease Dean more about his choice in overnight sleepover friends, when it wasn't 4AM! I managed to fall back asleep, deciding to give myself till 9AM. Any later and Venise would bust through those doors, only to jump up and down on my bed like a five-year-old until I finally managed to roll out of the safety of my warm cocoon.
I was up and showered faster than most normal mornings. I sat at my kitchenette in my robe and towel, munching on a bowl of cereal while I gave Evangeline a few last minute strokes before I had to take her to Mrs. Rodriguez's house.
It had been three weeks since the blow up over the list talk and things had been better between Dean and me. We sat down for a long time after things calmed down and looked over the board and places I had bookmarked, deciding what was realistic finance wise and what I would be capable of doing. I was a little sad that hiking Machu Picchu was quickly discarded. I only had the money to complete one overseas trip and somehow I doubted that I'd be physically able to hike over five miles and three thousand steps. Sometimes, the excursion of getting down a flight of stairs to get my mail proved taxing.
I glanced at my phone and saw that I had a text from Venise, which told me she would be at my house in an hour. I decided to text Dean and see if he was up; he did have a long night last night. Thinking about it, I caught myself rolling my eyes for a minute.
Ari: Hey are you up??
Almost instantaneously I got a response which told me he'd probably been up for a while.
Dean: Yeah, I'm downstairs working on my truck
Ari: K :) I'll be down in a bit
It was typical warm August day in Los Angeles, so I opted to do the wet head messy bun look. What better way to rock the massive curls later? I threw on my favorite H&M distressed jean shorts and paired it with the garage tank and matching black bralette with lace detailing that Venise bought me a few months ago. She was an absolute fashionista and ever since she started her internship at Armature, her style had evolved even further. Luckily for me, she loved a project and I guess to her, I was begging to be molded into the trendy sidekick. If it wasn't for her, my wardrobe would be 100% QVC 3AM, Can't Sleep Shopping.
I ventured down the flight of stairs and paused for a second at the bottom. Mrs. Rodriguez was waving from upstairs, with her knitting in one hand and Evangeline in the other. It was a little warmer than it had been the last few days and I felt a slight relief that we were venturing out of LA's Indian Summer weather for a while. I would miss my apartment and Evangeline, but I knew she was in the best hands and the trust my dad's pension set up for me would take care of all things related to my apartment. Sometimes, it felt nice to have one thing I didn't need to constantly worry about.
I walked out to the back of the complex, to where Dean's Ford Bronco was sitting with the hood up. Normally, most people rushed to upgrade their cars, but not Dean. This 1996, midnight black Bronco, was probably the one thing he owned that he'd never part with. I didn't blame him, it belonged to his Grandpa Sammy, who was probably the nicest guy you'd ever meet in your life. A guy with a story for everything and a smile for everyone, he was a permanent fixture in Dean's life until four years ago when he died of lung cancer. His death hit Dean especially hard and that's when I noticed that his serial womanizing increased massively.
Dean was under the hood, checking his oil and doing something else that I'd never understand. I had never been literate in car. The sun added its rays to his already rich golden tan as he tinkered shirtless with only flip flops, black knee length shorts and a black bandana tied around his forehead. He was the typical LA guy: the hair, the eyes, the facial stubble, the body...
I noticed that his entourage was already in full effect by the time I reached his truck. The Complex Cougars, were always out when Dean was and they stood and watched him like lions stalking antelope on the savannah. Darcy Clemmings, a late fortyish, newly single cougar was lightly stroking his arm while she twirled a piece of her bleach blonde pixie cut. If she was any more obvious she'd lick him from 8-pack to forehead. The rest of the Complex Cougars waited patiently by until he glanced back and smirked at them, at which point they all started to fan themselves.
If there was one thing that Dean "The Panty Raider" Andrews was, it was smooth. That man had more game than Lebron.
I think he sensed that I had arrived late to the party, because he looked my direction and smiled, much to the dislike of Cougar Clemmings. The ladies in waiting began to shuffle off, but not after waving their fingers and saying their winey goodbyes, "Bye Deeeaaannn..." God, that made my skin crawl. What made me even sicker, was the jiggling of massive fake breasts in tiny tub tops as they pranced away looking for their next meal.
"It amazes me how committed to this truck you are." I tried to break the uncomfortable moment that I was feeling.
"It's the longest relationship I've ever been in." He chuckled, as he looked up at me with those vibrant blue eyes of his that only made his golden skin glow more "Are you ready?"
I think I snapped out of the Dean bubble for a second, when I realized that he was standing directly in front of me shirtless, reaching over me for the tank top that had been draped over the hood.
"Yeah, just waiting on V."
Just as I said that, the screech of Venise's little pink mini cooper squealed into the parking lot and jammed right for my designated space. I should say it was more her designated space, because I didn't own a car, so having a space was just a perk for my friends. I could tell she was not in the greatest of moods when she got out of the car and slammed the door, glaring at the cougars milling around the mailboxes, and then proceeded to stomp up the stairs to my apartment.
When we left the outskirts of Los Angeles, I remember looking out the passenger window and feeling like I was five years old and the world was at my fingertips. All of my life, the only experiences I had with the world were either on the internet or found in one of those recycled magazines with the name label unsuccessfully blacked out, which sat on the tables of doctor's offices. I couldn't begin to tell you how many times I fantasized that I was looking at that AAA Travel magazine that once belonged to Martha Keems, not because she had been bored and given them to the hospital as a donation, but because I was planning my own vacation.
17 hours and 1,137 miles to our first destination!
Dean had suggested that instead of doing cliche stops, like the Grand Canyon and Golden Gate Bridge, that we try and think outside the box. It pained me a little, because I kind of liked the cliche. I could see that he was slightly excited about the prospect of doing some of this stuff as well. Venise's only formal request was that we had to go to Seattle and since that destination fit perfectly into a surprise that Dean said he'd handle, I didn't complain. Give me the birthplace of Starbucks any old day and I was like a little girl getting a pony.
We had been in the truck for about six hours and found ourselves somewhere really brown and hot. I thought the sign said something like Madera, but it all looked the same once we hit The Valley. Dead brown grass, potholed highways, and a lot of In & Out billboards.
Dean made me change places with him about an hour before and now he was stretched out across the backseat, with his legs somewhat crammed. At six feet, one inches, his tall stature was no match for that Bronco backseat. Looking at him snuggled up, I was really thankful that he was so adamant that we weren't making the trip in the little pink suitcase. His head was resting near the door behind me and somehow he'd found my pillow that I had stashed in the back. His left arm was draped over his face to shield his eyes from the sunlight that was cascading in through the window.
The stereo clicked off as Venise reached for the knob. It was apparent that her Pandora EDM playlist had worn out its welcome for the time being.
"Me and Pats had a fight this morning." She glanced my way for a brief second, before adverting her eyes back onto the road.
"I figured when you were late."
At this point I wasn't really sure how to answer her. Don't get me wrong, her boyfriend of five years, Patrick, was a nice guy; kinda dorky looking, but in a way which added to his handsomeness. I remember the day that Venise confessed to me that she was crushing hard. We were sitting at a table in the common area of the university we both attended. I thought it was so cute that I teased her relentlessly about it for months, still do. I knew the feelings of attraction between the both of them were mutual, even though our other friends tried to persuade her that he was that goofy flirtatious boy with all girls. Score one for Team Patnis that she didn't listen to them.
"Was he mad about the trip?" I guessed that it could be a toss up between the trip and the company traveling, or Venise had explained to him about the bucket list. Let's say that Patrick wasn't Dean's biggest fan because of how "ungodly" he could be at times.
"Hells ya he was mad about the trip, but I think it's more about his desire to keep an eye on me. You know how he can be at times." I gasped as the statement actually left her caramel colored lips... I must remember to ask her where she got that lipstick.
Patrick and Venise hadn't always had the easiest relationship and I was a firm believer that if you were going to attach yourself to someone for life, it shouldn't be a constant rocky road. When he left to travel for eleven months in third world countries on a humanitarian mission, even though it killed her to see him go, she was his biggest cheerleader. However, the moment that she wanted to spread her wings, all of a sudden it was a problem.
Guys like Patrick just didn't understand that you couldn't cage wild birds, especially birds like Venise Collins. Guys like Patrick only saw beautiful and talented women as easily corrupted in life, so they needed to be guarded. I guess it was true that some girls were wild and careless, but the only horrible thing Venise had ever done in her life was forget to feed her goldfish for two days when she was thirteen, and I think she was still guilty about that even today; even though it lived. Venise Collins might have had boy crazy eyes, but her heart was fiercely loyal to her first and only love.
"I'm sorry V, you know if this is going to be a problem with Patrick then you don't have to come. I understand how hard of a time you guys had after he left and I don't ever want to be the cause of another break." The truth was, if she turned to me and agreed that it was too much of a problem and she was going to go home, I might have just gone and cried myself to death in that 3,000th dead grass field we just passed.
"You think I'd bail on you because my White Chocolate forbids me... Silly Ars." And just like that, sassy Venise was back. "Oh no Mama had to put her foot down! I looked him dead in those beautiful green eyes of his and told him what was what!"
I couldn't help but chuckle and thanked the heavens that they delivered me this package of sass. We both broke out into rounds of earth shattering laughter. In the back, Dean groaned and shifted a tad on the seat.
About two hours later, we were somewhere in the thick of Sacramento and traffic had begun to get very congested. The music on Pandora had shifted more into easy going and currently I was lost in my thoughts as Syml's "Where's My Love," played on. My head was leaning up against the window and I found myself sneaking glances at Dean's sleeping form over my right shoulder, between the gap in the seat and the door.
I was mesmerized by the way he looked, so cramped yet so peaceful. His arm was still draped over his face, his mouth was slightly agape and small but quiet breaths were escaping his perfect lips. My eyes got lost on his muscular arm, tan and thick. Small veins bulged slightly from all the weight lifting that he did. He wasn't gross yoked like some guys you saw at the gym and then immediately wondered if they'd been sucking down the roids. Dean took great care of his body. Why he never became a model or an actor was confusing, he'd be a leading man in all the romance and action circles.
"You're staring Blakewell, see something you like?" I about peed myself when I realized that even though he couldn't see me, he knew my eyes were fixed on him.
"I...I was seeing if you were awake or not. Yeah, didn't want to disturb you." Smooth Ari, way smooth.
He let out a slight chuckle, sat up and draped his arms across my seat and my chest, as he leaned over my left hand side and whispered ever so softly in my ear, "Sure you were."
The hairs on the back of my neck stood up as I felt his warm breath on my ear and neck. I turned my head, our lips were only inches apart and at that moment if the truck hit a bump our mouths would be on each other's.
"Yeah, I'm sure." I pulled away to leave the tease to sit back on his seat and slightly shift himself.
Two stops for sleep and a lot of driving rotations, mixed with all kinds of playlists and we were finally entering Seattle and Oh.My.God, it was beautiful. It was night, so the city was illuminated in a way that had the glamour of Hollywood, but the air was clean and crisp, which made the lights brighter. At least to me, they were brighter. Somewhere deep inside, a flicker of warmth sprung forth and I felt something I hadn't felt in a long time. It was the feeling of being actually worry free and happy. It was brief, but hey, I would take it!
I rolled my window down and stuck my head out, feeling the crisp air on my face, my hair whipping back. I hoped at that moment, that I didn't look like a puppy with floppy ears swishing in the wind.
We made our way to Patrick's parent's condo down on Western Avenue. They had left for Europe at the beginning of July, but when Venise called them explaining that we were taking a road trip to Seattle, they jumped at letting us stay at their place. When I stepped out on the terrace that overlooked the water and the boardwalk with the ferris wheel, I could definitely see the appeal.
The stylishly decorated deco modern two bedroom apartment, would be our home for a few days. Venise retreated to the master suite after dropping off a few essential food items we had from the truck. Her only request for the evening was a long hot soak in the jacuzzi tub, after which she made her intensions clear that she planned to be the most stylish blanket burrito Seattle had ever seen. That meant that she was going to wrap herself up and veg out in front of Netflix. I couldn't blame her, it was a really long drive.
Unlike her, I felt the need to stretch my legs after my hot shower, so I threw on my white shorts, UCLA hoodie and black Converse. I dried my long dark brown hair, which had a pretty cool beach wave happening, which was perfect for exploring Seattle at night. The dark circles around my eyes distracted me for a second, causing a somber moment to an otherwise excited one.
As I approached the door, I saw Dean positioned up against the wall waiting. When I looked a tad surprised he simply said, "You didn't think you'd conquer the city without company?"
As we stepped out into the beautifully breezy Seattle night, I was amazed at how clean the air was around us. I'd never been here, but I knew Dean had, so I let him usher me out onto the sidewalk and choose our destination. We headed in the direction of the boardwalk off Elliott Bay, taking in the massive amounts of people that were roaming around. I was used to crowds, you kind of had to be if you grew up in LA.
There was a wall of silence between Dean and myself that was almost peaceful, yet heartbreaking. I knew he had a million questions that I wasn't even sure I was ready to answer. I had never felt in control of my life, for even a second. I mean, I did the typical things like graduate high school and go to college.
I thrived at college and I had a lot of laughs and memories, yet there was always this looming dread that I couldn't shake. I suffered a lot in silence, putting on a brave face like I had my crap together, but the truth was, that I was constantly scared and ready to break down in tears. I'd never wanted people to pity me for being sick, I got enough of that pity after my dad died. I also lost a lot of friends, because let's face it, people sometimes suck. I wasn't sure if I really blamed most of them though. I understood that there was a fine line between not knowing what to say to comfort someone and getting tired when someone was constantly making excuses why they couldn't go out or hang. People got tired and uncomfortable and sometimes the only solution was to ghost someone. It happened in friendships, just like it did in relationships.
The purpose of this trip was simple though. I needed to experience life, but at the same time I didn't want to die with regrets or have things that hung over my head. I needed this time to reflect on events in my life and my feelings, so that I could go with a clean conscious. I had lived with too much baggage for too long and I was tired of baggage.
"A corndog for your thoughts," I said nonchalantly and I looked over at Dean who was eyeing the line of food trucks nearby where we were standing. Give that guy a corndog and he became a kid in a candy store.
A smile formed at the corner of his mouth as his eyes came to sit on mine, "Just thinking about things to do while we are here." Oh god, he was the worst liar.
"I can guess what kinds of things you're thinking of doing in Seattle, let's see I'm sure there's an Amy and a Heather and-" He quickly placed a hand over my mouth to silence me, so I decided to act childish and lick his palm, which made him jump and laugh.
He snatched me up and lifted me off the ground under one arm and hauled me over to the line of food trucks. I couldn't help but laugh at how helpless I seemed to everyone staring at us. My legs kicked against his grip, but his grip never faltered.
After I shelled out cash for corndogs, I could tell that he had broken out of his funk. There was only room for one Debbie Downer on this trip and I had already punched that ticket too many times in my life.
"Any thoughts on what you want to do tomorrow?" I looked his way, waiting for him to spring some amazing ideas on me.
"Well, I know for sure Pike Place Market." This guy knew me well and he knew I would do anything for coffee, so as he continued my heart raced in anticipation for a bit. "So, definitely take you to the original Starbucks and probably Daily Dozen Doughnuts, I remember how much you loved those when Pat sent them to V."
Oh...Yes... Daily Dozen was probably as amazing as Voodoo Doughnut, which just opened a storefront in LA. Daily Dozen were these tiny little things that were utterly delicious with all their frosting, sprinkles or cinnamon sugar.
"Then probably let you and V do your shopping thing, while I grab a beer at Athenian." I had almost forgot that he was detailing a very eventful day, because I was currently lost in the lust of the doughnut.
"That sounds amazing! I know for sure Holy Cow Records is down there and Pats teases me all the time with pictures of all their vinyl. I can't wait to see what kinds of stuff they have there."
"Yeah, that's why I'll take that time to grab a beer. I know V and her obsession with Nicki Minaj and Taylor Swift, so I'll sit that one out." I knew how much he hated Taylor Swift and because of it, he had imposed a No Taylor Zone in the truck.
"Hey!" I slapped his arm and he chuckled at me. "You just haven't embraced your inner Swiftie and learned to Shake It Off." We both broke into laugher and he shifted his weight on the picnic bench we were sitting on and looked at me.
"It's good to see you laugh again." His eyes traveled down my face and to my neck slowly, causing me to chuckle and turn my face away.
About an hour later we arrived back to the condo and made our way up to the bedrooms. He stood at the door to the guest room and was silent. As I reached for the knob of the master, I could hear the sounds of Venise and Patrick yelling at each other, more than likely over FaceTime. I realized that now wasn't the best time to interrupt and I looked back at Dean.
"I'll take the couch," he said, as he opened the guest room door to let me in. He waited for a second for me to enter the room and said, "I've got some shirts in my black bag, help yourself. See you in the morning."
And just like that he gently shut the door as I sunk into the bed.
The next day was amazing, yet I could tell that Venise was feeling down. This trip had really put a wedge between her and Patrick, and I felt somewhat responsible. I had several times tried to reassure her that if she needed to go back home, I would gladly pay for her flight and that it was ok. She was adamant that there was no way in hell that any guy would spoil her fun, but I knew it still broke her heart that things never really were easy between them. I knew the feeling of being in relationships where things weren't ever easy; it wasn't a good feeling. It was something that could tear down your core, until you either sacrificed pieces of who you were and convinced yourself that it was something you had to do out of love, or you abandoned it entirely in order to save yourself.
Dean had disappeared off into a little shop that had something to do with all things brined. Corndogs and pickles and that guy was content, sometimes I wondered if he was pregnant. The thought of it made me let out a sharp laugh, which had Venise staring oddly at me while we sat sipping our Starbucks.
"Sorry, funny thought, nothing Pat related. So, did you guys work everything out?" I looked at her as she placed her chin on the lid of her cup, sipping at the straw.
"I guess..." she hesitated for a second, "He just doesn't understand what it's like to feel trapped and want to discover yourself. He knows that all I've ever wanted to do was explore the world. A world which he's had the opportunity to venture into, but I never have. Last night he said that my dreams are too big for my body."
I gasped and looked at her shocked. I could see the hurt in her eyes and at that moment a new feeling welled up in my core and I realized that my face had turned red with anger.
"What? If I had the strength, I'd punch that smug ass in his goofy looking face!"
Venise looked shocked for a second and then giggled.
"Calm down rocket. It's fine." I knew it wasn't at all fine and this was just her way of defusing the situation. "This isn't the first time it's come up."
For a second, I was taken aback that this had been something that had been said multiple times. She gathered up her massive mound of curls and pinned them back. Her eyes looked tired and I could tell that this fight went on into the early hours of the morning. I knew she didn't sleep much, because I heard her playing her signature depressed soundtrack on loop most of the morning.
"He wasn't the only one that was hard on me about this trip, so it sucked when he went off on me. My mom put on her signature guilt trip before I left," she further stated.
Venise's mom, Sharron, wasn't without fault in how Venise felt afraid to spread her wings. That woman was amazing to me and caring, yet she expected that Venise take on the responsibility of managing the family, while she went off on vacation constantly. Sharron loved adventure, especially when it involved a guy half her age in a speedo. That left Venise to be the adult and manage the finances and household duties. Venise's dad wasn't any more responsible. He drowned himself at his finance job and then drowned himself in the bottle once home. It was his way of forgetting that his wife couldn't stand to look at him and at every opportunity made sure that he knew it. Why did he stay, simple, the fear of alimony payouts.
"I think that this trip will help all of us," I looked at her while she said this, because I was a tad curious what she meant by that. I think she sensed my confusion because she added, "Patrick will realize that life is meant to be experienced by both parties in the relationship and you will really discover who you are and figure out if life is worth living." Ouch... "I'll figure out who I want to be and Dean, well maybe he will find something he's been looking for, for a long time."
I felt like she was being a tad cryptic with the last part, so I decided to prod a tad "What is it that Dean's searching for?" I waited to see if she would take the bait.
"It's not my place to tell his secrets," she was quick to answer. In famous Venise fashion she then winked at me and shut it down.
I felt someone behind me hovering and looked up to see Dean standing behind my seat. He had a bag of goodies in his hand and I could tell he was ready to head back and truth was, I could use a little nap before our adventure night out. I might have been in remission, but it didn't stop the constant fatigue from overwhelming me sometimes. I realized when Dean began to chuckle that I'd been yawning nonstop, even though I was not especially tired.
When we got back to the condo, I plopped down with a thud onto the huge bed in the master suite. It was quiet except for Dean cooking up something downstairs in the kitchen. He was probably playing with his newly bought goodies and I smelled steaks. My mouth would have watered if I could've stay awake that long. Two hours later, I was awoken by Venise jumping up and down on the bed in excitement.
"Up! Up! Up!" she chanted, as I threw the pillow behind my head at her, wishing at that moment that I hadn't, because now my head was bouncing hard on the mattress with each jump she took.
I rolled out of bed, in the process rolling under her legs and knocking her down onto her butt on the mattress. I laughed as I went to shower and get ready. Venise had been adamant that we go clubbing. She even packed her famous Seattle clubbing outfit that she wore when she came with Patrick for Christmas last year. When I finished drying my hair, I looked out into the bedroom where she was throwing on her chunky brown heeled ankle boots, which she paired with leopard print leggings and a cream colored scoop neck top. She had a chunky gold necklace on and bracelets which jingled as she put on her boots. Her hair wasn't in her typical massive curls, but instead she channeled her inner diva with Spice Girl buns. Her cherry red lipstick and winged eyeliner sealed the deal and she looked like she has just stepped out of a London Underground photoshoot. All she needed was a nose ring and FKA Twigs would have nothing on her.
I decided for tonight that I would break out my skin tight, scoop neck, little black dress with 3/4 sleeve and pair it with my favorite red mini leather jacket. I decided to forgo the jewelry for the evening, allowing the outfit to speak for itself, plus I didn't want the hassle. I searched through the trunk of shoes I had lugged with me. Shoes were something I didn't lack. I opted for my 5.5" stiletto heel Pricilla red suede pumps, with the red side bow and peep toe. Venice successfully styled my hair in a fauxhawk style which cascaded down my back and only added to the edginess of the whole outfit.
When I stepped out onto the sidewalk to meet Dean who was grabbing an Uber, I was ready for the night. He was standing on the curb waiting and glanced over his shoulder when he heard the sounds of my heels on the pavement. He did a double take and spun around to look at me, but I couldn't tell if he was breathing or not, because he was statue still. He looked really handsome and stylish in his dark washed fitted jeans, white Adidas sneakers, crisp white t-shirt and black suit jacket, with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. His big chunky watch caught the moonlight and it reflected in his eyes as he lifted his hand to scratch the back of his neck.
"So?" I said to him as I did a little turn.
"Huh? Uh, wow...You look, wow." His voice got caught in his throat slightly. He snapped out of his daze when he heard the sound of chunky heels on the pavement. In true Venice fashion, she stepped up next to him and did a little dance signaling her excitement.
"Ready to have a night we will never forget?" Her excitement seemed to burst out through her words.
Yeah, I was ready for anything that could happen..... Or was I?
A/N: Hey guys!
So I hope you guys loved the chapter. Please don't forget to vote and comment
I don't know about you guys, but I love the moody yet really funny nature of Ari and Venice is so exactly like my best friend in real life, that it isn't funny.
As always, check Twitter for updates @amina_leeds and if you feel like submitting cover art of stuff, I'd love to see it!
Love you all,
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