Prologue: A Promise
A slightly more "darker"(?) version of Friends to the End based on an edit I made in my Art Book.
"Safe travels, Lion Guard," said Simba.
"Thanks, Dad," said Kion.
"You know how to get there?" Simba asked.
"Don't worry, your majesty," Ono assured. "I've memorized the landmarks that point the way to the Tree of Life."
"And I'll keep watch from the sky," Anga added.
"But we should probably get going," Fuli said.
"Like my dad always says," Beshte began. "'The sooner you go, the sooner you get there.'"
"That's right!" Bunga exclaimed. "So let's go already!" Fuli stifled a chuckle at the eager honey badger. She and her friends were about to journey to the mystical haven known as the Tree of Life to help heal Ono's eyes and Kion's scar. From what she and the Guard have been told, the Tree of Life is where animals who are sick and hurt can be healed even seek refuge there if their species were being threatened, but it was a long way to bet there from the Pridelands, taking an estimate of about a few moons.
We've got a long way to go. This is gonna become the adventure of our lives! Fuli thought excitedly.
"Fuli?" Simba said, interrupting the cheetah's thoughts. Fuli turned to the King to listen to what he needed to say. "Bring Kion home safe."
Fuli gazed at Simba, surprised. "Of course, Your Majesty," she replied when she found her voice, dipping her head respectfully.
"Wait for me! a voice cried out.
"Makini?" Kion said. Fuli watched the mandrill bound towards her and the Guard.
"I have agreed to let Makini go with you," Rafiki explained.
"I've already been to the Tree of Life, remember? When I was little!" Makini said.
"Poa! I'm sure we could use the help," Beshte said. "Right, Ono?"
"Uh..." Ono hesitated. "I guess?" Fuli understood Ono's concern. Makini hasn't always been so great with memory, which could be really useful on their journey. I guess Makini can come, in case she does remember. Still doubt it but just in case...
"And I can give you Tuliza whenever you need it," Makini added, holding out a gourd tied to her staff. The gourd was overflowed with the Tuliza plants, it wasn't the actual cure to Kion's scar, but it'll help calm him down when he gets stressed.
"Oh! That'd be great, Makini," Kion said. Fuli nodded, That can be really useful. Now if only Makini can not lose or break the staff along the way... Memory was one thing, keeping her bakora staff in one piece was another thing Makini wasn't so good at. I'm being to hard on her. Who knows? Maybe she'll surprise us one day.
"Good luck, Kion," Kiara said, stepping towards her brother. Their cousin, Afua, stood beside her alongside with Kiara's close friends, Tiifu and Zuri, along with Zuri's twin brother Chuma.
"Thanks, Kiara," Kion replied. He then smirked at Tiifu, Zuri, Chuma. "Keep Tiifu, Zuri, and Chuma out of trouble while we're gone."
"I will," Kiara chuckled. The three in response all stared at Kion with a shocked and confused look.
"Heh, don't worry about it, cuz," Afua assured, giving Zuri an affectionate glance. "I'll be here to protect them. I won't let anything hurt you."
Zuri almost immediately flushed and quickly ducked away and pawed at the ground. Chuma chuckled a little at his sister's reaction, earning him a embarrassed shove from her.
"Hopefully, you'll be back in time for Kiara's first hunt," Nala said.
"I hope so," Kion agreed.
"We'll miss you, son," Simba sighed. The Royal Family and Kion exchanged a final farewell nod, then Kion turned back to his friends.
"Everyone ready?" Kion asked.
"It seems other Pride Landers want to wish you luck as well," Rafiki laughed. Everyone turned around and their eyes widened. All the Pride Landers, from Ma Tembo's big elephant herd to Laini's small galago group, were all gathered by Pride Rock. They all formed one row on each side, leaving the middle open for the Lion Guard to walk through.
Kion smiled and nodded. "Lion Guard, let's go."
The Lion Guard and Makini followed Kion down the path between the rows, Simba and Nala watched their son leave with teary eyes before nuzzling each other. The rest of the Pride nodded to the Lion Guard as they passed by them, whispering words of encouragement along the way. Bunga stopped to give a farewell hug to his foster uncles, Timon and Pumbaa, Beshte shared a nuzzle with his father, Basi, Ono hugged his mother, Akila, and Fuli gave lioness sisters, Maua and Ayanna, one last nuzzle.
"I'll miss you guys," she whispered.
"We'll miss you too," Maua replied, she then gazed at Fuli with a concerned look. "Be careful. Who knows what dangers might lie ahead?"
"Don't worry. You'll be back, you all will," Ayanna assured. "And when you do, Ono will have his sight back and Kion's scar will be healed! He'll be better and back to normal in no time, right?"
"Er, right..." Fuli replied slowly, nodding as she pulled away from the sisters. As she and the Guard continued down the path, a twinge of doubt squirmed inside of Fuli. What if we don't come back? What if we don't make it to the Tree of Life in time? What if... What if we're already too late, and Kion is already gone...? She looked back at Simba, his plea rang through her head. "Bring Kion home safe..." Fuli turned to look at Kion, the doubt feeling began to ease away. No. We will make it. We will help Kion get cured. Don't worry, Simba. We will bring him back home safely, if it's the last thing we ever do. I promise...
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