Chapter 4: YOU MONSTER!
More inspiration from Genocide-Knight
The Guard continued to watch from above, they didn't have a moment to lose. They knew that they had to act now, and fast, but what could they do? Kion is completely out of control, if they tried to stop him, he'll most likely turn on them. But if they didn't, Fuli will be done for...
"Guys, stand back!" Beshte commanded. "I'm going in!"
"What!?" Makini cried.
"Twinde kiboko!" Beshte shouted as he lumbered down the hill
"W-wait...Wait, B-Beshte-I'm still on here!!! HapanaaaAaaAAAA!!!" Ono squawked as he gripped tightly onto Beshte's ears as the hippo charged in.
"Sorry, Kion!" Beshte said as he gritted his teeth.
He lowered his head and shut his eyes as he charged towards Kion. Kion looked up and saw Beshte lumbering towards him, but by that time, it was already too late. The hippo crashed into Kion, sending the lion across from him, then he hit the ground with a thud and a very painful grunt, away from Fuli.
"Sorry, Ono," Beshte apologized to the egret, who was shaking a lot above him.
"Next time... Please tell me to get off... Before you do that..." Ono replied, sickly.
"You got it," Beshte agreed.
He quickly rushed towards the drenched and bruised up Fuli. Makini and the rest of the Guard ran towards him as Beshte pulled the cheetah out of the stream, her blood staining both the bank and water. Everyone gasped, scars and bruises crisscrossed all over Fuli's body, on her shoulder, leg, and flanks, all which were still bloody. There was even a cut over her lip and the right ear now had a notch.
"Fuli?" Makini whispered, her hand trembled as she reached out to touch her. "Fuli, wake up!" Fuli made no response, her eyes were halfway closed and her emerald gaze was blank. "Fuli, wake up!" Makini tried again, trying to choke back a sob. "Fuli, please! You have to wake up! You just have to...!"
"Makini..." Bunga whispered, placing his paw on the mandrill's shoulder.
"No! She's there! I can still feel her spirit, it's there! She's not gone!" Makini shouted, her tears splashed onto Fuli's pelt as she shook her. "She's not dead! She's not! She can't be..."
"She's gone... She's with the stars, now..." Beshte whispered, nudging Makini away from Fuli's motionless body.
"No, she's not..." Makini cried weakly, she buried her face into her arms as she continued to weep. Beshte nuzzled the mandrill, shedding a tear of his own. Anga and Ono gazed at Fuli with a dejected look, Bunga seemed to be the most crushed. The whole day, he had been whispering assumptions about Kion becoming evil, and Fuli had continued to deny it. If only you were correct... he thought sadly to himself, tears brimming his eyes. The fact that he had been correct all along seemed to make him feel worse. Bunga then turned to look at Kion, he felt nothing but betrayal and anger. Clenching his fists, he stomped towards the lion he once called his "best friend." He knew he had been aggressive and violent to them for the whole day, but now, he had just crossed the line. Kion groaned under his breath, trying to ignore the throbbing pain in his head and side.
Ugh, freaking dammit Beshte... A hit from him was a tough one. Just too great for him. He didn't bother to look at Bunga as he approached him. What does he want? Is that idiot really going to offer his sympathies to me?
"Go away," he growled. "I don't need your pity."
Bunga's fists clenched tighter and he abruptly swung it at Kion, landing a hard punch right on the lion. A pained grunt escaped from Kion's throat and a little spit flew from his mouth. The side of his jaw now ached as new dark bruise blossomed on his cheek where Bunga had struck him. This caused everyone, even Kion himself, to flinch, none of them saw this coming. Kion stared at Bunga with his mouth slightly agape, completely dumbfounded. The honey badger only glared at him and let out slow, shaky, furious huffs of breath.
"YOU MONSTER!" Bunga screamed at the top of his lungs, hot tears rolled down his face."WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST LISTEN TO HER WHEN SHE WAS TRYING TO HELP YOU, YOU STUPID, MOUSE-BRAINED, FOOL!?!?"
Everyone was worried that Kion would claw Bunga in response, but to their surprise, Kion didn't move a muscle. He didn't even dare to breathe.
"You have done NOTHING but get angry at EVERYONE throughout the day And nobody's said ANYTHING about it! All because we don't want you to feel bad about yourself!" Bunga then let out a wry chuckle as he wiped a tear. "But HECK, you were trying to make US feel bad about helping other animals because it was slowing YOU down! We couldn't take a break because it was slowing YOU down! Because that's all you care about! YOU! All YOU want is to get to the Tree of Life so that you can help YOURSELF get better! I bet you don't even care if Ono gets there, too!"
"Please, don't drag me into this..." Ono pleaded softly.
"And we've been spending ALL day trying to help you, asking you if you're fine! And you keep SAYING that you're fine, when you're clearly NOT fine! And then you end up getting WORSE than before! And because you were so caught up with your pride and lying to us and yourself, you've killed our friend! OUR FRIEND IS DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!"
"Bunga, that's enough!" Makini ordered, quickly rushing over and pulling Bunga away back to the rest of the group, as if worried he would throw another hit at Kion. The honey badger decided to end his rant from there and he let Makini lead him away. A cold weight dropped inside of Kion as the last sentence from his friend's harsh scolding.
I killed someone? His gaze drifted towards the lake, his eyes widened with disbelief. Fuli!?
He slowly padded towards the lake and stood over Fuli's body. He gasped at the amount of scars that covered her body, her torn ear still caked with dried blood. Kion's gaze then dropped to the large wound on her neck, his ears flattened. I... I did this...?
"No, she's still alive," Kion growled to everyone. "She's just... sleeping..." He didn't sound too sure himself. Bunga then threw himself at Makini, the mandrill somberly hugged the sobbing honey badger as she and everyone watched Kion prod Fuli.
Come on, wake up, already! Kion pleaded softly. We have to go, come on! Wake up... But Fuli stayed where she was, no part of her moved at all. The cold feeling spread through inside of him as he locked gazes with her expressionless face, her glassy eyes stared at him, there was a hint of sadness and betrayal in them. No... No, oh Great Mohatu's Star, no... Please, she can't be dead, she just can't...
"It all happened, just like Rafiki said," Bunga spoke again, sniffling as he wiped his nose.
Kion turned to face Bunga again and swallowed. "What's just like Rafiki said?"
"He said if the venom stays inside you too long, you won't know the difference between right and wrong," Bunga explained, glaring at him.
"But-" Kion began to protest.
"And, it's happened!" Bunga shouted, cutting him off. "You've been acting mean all day! Saying that helping animals was a waste of time, scaring off others, and now, killing our friend when all she did was try to help! You've just crossed the line, Kion! You're out of control...!"
"I... what?" Kion gasped softly. He gazed at his friends, hoping for an explanation. They all shifted uncomfortably, Makini and Beshte had gained a sudden interest at the ground.
"Well..." Ono started slowly. "You did tell us not to stop and help..."
"You knocked over that peacock," Anga chimed in.
"And scared that clouded leopard," Makini added.
"You did get mad at me for trying to help you," Beshte said, his ears flattened.
"And worst of all, you attacked Fuli," Bunga finished off. "You not only attacked her, you killed her! You're not just a danger to her, you're a danger to all of us!"
"What? No! Bunga, don't say that!" Beshte scolded, though Kion barely heard him. He turned his gaze back to Fuli's body, he felt guilt wash over him, followed by a sharp pain that stabbed his heart. She's dead. She's really dead... And its all my fault...
Memories of his earliest cubhood played in his head. When Fuli had first joined his Pride, he was more excited than afraid or angry when seeing her, unlike the rest of his Pride. He was one of her first friends. He was always there for her, he was the only one who made her feel at home. He then asked her to be a part of the Lion Guard, and she had turned down the offer at first. But eventually, she agreed, and ever since, he and Fuli had been together for as long as he can remember. And now she's gone... They had many adventures together, made many memories, and despite their occasional ups and downs, Fuli still remained by his side with unwavering loyalty. She was the greatest friend I could ever ask for...
"What if Scar was right? What if you are turning evil?" Bunga asked suddenly.
Kion stared at Bunga, hurt flashed through him. Evil...? He turned to the rest of his friends.
"Guys... Do you all think I'm evil?" he asked, his expression growing more worried by the second as his ears pinned against his head. The group then shifted uncomfortably, seemingly hesitant to answer the question.
"Well..." Makini managed to speak up, but that was all she could muster up.
"I don't know if I'd say 'evil'...?" Ono responded.
"Maybe hostile?" Anga tried. "Or just a little too... aggressive?"
"No!" Beshte answered quickly and firmly, clearly against the idea.
"Uh, yeah!" Bunga responded. "You were acting a lot like Scar. He hurt others around him and only cared about himself! Don't you guys see? This is not the Kion we know, anymore... This is not my best friend, either. This isn't what the leader of the Lion Guard does! You are just as bad as he is, heck, you are JUST LIKE him!"
"Bunga, please!" Beshte cried.
Kion stood their, silent, letting Bunga's words sink in. His head felt like it started to spin. Now, at this very moment, everything he's done was hitting him at once, his actions, the words he's said, the friends he's hurt. He felt absolutely awful about it all. But did this mean he was evil? Beshte doesn't think so, he still thinks I'm the same lion. But, what if he's just saying that? Are those just empty words to not make me feel bad for myself? Did this mean Bunga was right? That Scar was right? About me turning evil? That I am no different from him?
Kion turned back to look at Fuli's body once more, Bunga's words rang though his head.
"You were acting a lot like Scar. He hurt others around him and only cared about himself! Don't you guys see? This is not the Kion we know, anymore... This is not my best friend, either. This isn't what the leader of the Lion Guard does! You are just as bad as he is, heck, you are JUST LIKE him!"
The last few words clawed his heart sharper than any claw. It wasn't Fuli's fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. It was all mine.
"Sisi Ni Sawa, Kion!" he heard Scar's voice echo in his head over and over again. I am just like him.
Kion lowered his head and pressed his muzzle against Fuli, feeling ashamed, guilt-ridden, and heartbroken.
"Oh, Fuli..." he whispered, tears leaked from his eyes. "You were good to me, all the way to the end... I'm... I'm so sorry..." He then looked up at his friends, they were all gazing at him uncertainly.
"I'm so, so sorry, everyone..." Suddenly, without any thought, he just ran, not bothering to wipe the tears.
"Kion, wait! Come back!" Beshte called out to him, though Kion ignored him. He continued running, without any idea as to where he was going. I need to get away from everyone. I need to go somewhere else. Somewhere far away. Somewhere where I can't kill anybody...
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