Chapter 1: Denial
(almost a moon later)
The Lion Guard continued running through the forest non stop, they've been running since early dawn now, and almost everyone was exhausted or out of breath. Kion remained way up ahead of everyone else.
"Come on, everybody," Kion ordered, not bothering to look back. "Keep going."
"Whew! Kion sure is in a hurry this morning," panted Beshte.
"Well, we are getting pretty close to the Tree of Life," Ono pointed out, smiling at the thought of reaching the safe haven so he can finally get his vision restored.
"Yep," agreed Fuli, quickening her pace. "And I don't mind moving fast for a change."
"You said it, Fuli!" Bunga concurred eagerly. "Zuka zama!" Everyone stared after him, Makini looked worried.
"Are we going to run the whole way?" she asked, almost out of breath.
"Yeah! Great idea!" Bunga cried. "Whoo!" The honey badger quickened his pace and sprang up onto a tree before leaping off of it. He landed on a rock and swung on a tree branch before hopping to another, giggling and laughing along the way. After jumping onto his third tree, Bunga then leapt down and landed beside Kion.
"Hey Kion! Race you to the Tree of Life!" Bunga challenged.
"Sure," Kion agreed. "Just don't get ahead of me." Fuli noticed that Kion seemed happy. Thank the Stars, Kion seems to be in a pretty good mood today. Hopefully, he'll stay that way...
"Pfft, me?" Bunga scoffed. "Never!" As if on cue, Bunga tripped on a root and stumbled into Kion. Fuli gasped as she watched both of them tumble a little before stopping beside a pond. Kion growled under his breath as he glared at Bunga, Bunga laid on top of the lion and returned his glare with a sheepish smile.
"Oops..." he chuckled, cracking a smile.
Luckily, Kion shook it off and managed to smile as well. "Ah, Bunga..." As they both got up, the rest of the Guard caught up with them and stopped to admire at the pond's surroundings.
"Oooooo, this is pretty!" Makini breathed.
"Poa... Perfect place for a break," Beshte agreed. Fuli had to admit, it was indeed a beautiful scenery. It wasn't like anything she or the rest of the Guard had ever seen. That, and it was indeed a perfect place to take a break. Not that she felt like taking one, but she knew that the others would appreciate one right now after running through the forest for the whole morning since dawn.
Anga and Ono took a step towards the pond and began to drink its water.
"Yep," commented Anga, raising her head.
"Oh yeah!" Bunga exclaimed. The honey badger then leapt towards the air and plunged into the water. As Beshte and Makini both ran into the water afterwards, Fuli saw Kion's smile fade.
"Guys, who said anything about a break," he asked, his voice stern.
"Kion, they could probably use a rest," Fuli said gently. You could use a rest.
"We can rest when we get to the Tree of Life," Kion snapped, the sudden change in his tone startled Fuli a little. "We're so close now!" Kion then felt a familiar sting over his left eye and he began hastily rubbing his scar. Fuli stared at him, Darn. His scar is bugging him again...
"Makini," Fuli called out to the mandrill, who was lying peacefully on the water. Makini got up and began trudging out of the water.
"Shwari, Kion," she reminded him softly to calm him down, though it seemed to have an opposite effect. "How about some Tuliza?"
Kion made a face, For the love of Mufasa, not those stupid flowers again... He knew that they were supposed to help sooth his scar, but that never changed his opinion on their taste. He thought they tasted bland and had an unsatisfying soft and mushiness to them whenever he chewed, and when he swallowed the petals, the sour taste remained in his mouth for almost the whole day. The sooner we get to the Tree of Life, the sooner I'll be rid of those stinking flowers.
Makini reached her staff and untied the gourd that held the Tuliza flowers. She took out some petals and handed them out to Kion, Fuli and the rest of the Guard seemed to have tensed a little as they watched Kion hesitate a little.
"Ugh, fine," Kion grunted. He reluctantly lapped up the flowers from Makini's hand and tried not to gag as he chewed and swallowed them. Everyone relaxed a little.
"Feel better?" Makini asked.
"I'm fine," Kion snapped. "I'll be better if we get to the Tree of Life. Come on, everybody. Let's go." Kion then turned around and left, not bothering to make sure his friends were following him. Everyone else reluctantly followed him, wishing they could stay by the pond a little longer.
"Looks like the breaks over," Beshte sighed, stepping out of the pond.
"Yep, before it even got started," Bunga added.
As Kion continued padding deeper into the forest, Fuli watched him with concern. "Huh, the Tuliza didn't do him much good," she noted to Makini.
"I know," Makini replied. "It's not working like it used to."
"Maybe Kion's right," Fuli said. "Maybe we really do need to get him to the Tree of Life soon..." Fuli wasn't sure if she was trying to convince Makini or herself.
"Yeah," Bunga agreed, revealing that he had been listening to Fuli and Makini's conversation. "Before the venom in the scar totally takes over... And turns him evil, just like Scar!" Fuli glared at Bunga while Makini gasped.
"Oh, Bunga!" she cried. "Don't even think that!"
"You said it, Makini," Fuli said.
"Rafiki said that Kion could change," Bunga went on. "Stop knowing right from wrong. Maybe it started!" Fuli couldn't believe her ears at how eager Bunga sounded at the thought.
"Bunga," Fuli hissed. "Kion's not gonna turn evil! Now come on." The cheetah shot the honey badger a final look before quickening her pace to catch up with Kion.
"I hope you're right," Bunga called out to her. Fuli flattened her ears and growled under her breath. You out of all animals should be the most worried about Kion, he's your best friend! How could you think such a thing!? Fuli sighed and shook her head, letting her anger subside. Bunga's just being an idiot, his idea of Kion turning evil is just a load of mousedung. Kion will never turn evil...
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