38. Breaking Point
Thank you so much @sulkytae for this awesome banner! Please head over to her page and check out the amazing work she does 🖤 Thank you everyone for being patient through this little hiatus. I will hopefully be back to posting once a week.
My stomach sank when he ripped open the door, almost taking it off of its rusted hinges. I wasn't expecting him to be there but as soon as I saw his clench fist raised and ready to strike my body seized up in fear making it difficult for me to run. Instead, I stumbled back into the wall behind me, my open hands searching for something to use to fight him off.
Declan's face softened when he realized it was me and he quickly brought his fist down at his side.
"Christ, Scarlett, I'm sorry I thought... I didn't think you would be coming here." He said, taking in a few deep breaths, his shoulders dropping.
His damp hair clung to his forehead, droplets of sweat were rolling down the sides of his face. My eyes followed one making its way down, tracing a scar I'd never noticed before. Was this scar on his face because of me?
"S-sorry, I'll go," my voice came out quieter than I wanted. I felt the guilt consuming me when I saw his other scar. The one that was around his neck from the night at Wyndham Tower, when the Russian's tried to kill him... because of me.
This was only solidifying my decision I'd made earlier.
Declan took a step towards me and I couldn't help my body's subconscious reaction to flinch away from him. His eyes rolled back before his lids shut, breathing out another long breath through his nostrils.
A look of hurt spread across his face which only made me feel worse.
"I knew we were alone in the building and I wasn't expecting you to come in here. I thought you could have been someone trying to attack me. Please, I'm not mad at you." Declan clarified.
"Yea, no... I, I get it." I struggled to say, looking down at my fingers that were fidgeting with my stretched out sweatshirt. "You look busy, I'll leave you to it."
"I'm not busy." His voice sounded urgent when he saw me turn to start walking away.
Taking my bottom lip between my teeth, I sighed to myself, knowing I wouldn't be able to get away from him. My eyes traveled up his sweat soaked shirt before finally looking him in the eyes.
"I um, I just came up to grab some fresh clothes. I was going to take a shower." I lied.
I watched him try to hide the smile that tugged at his lips while he moved out of the doorway, holding out his arm for me to come in the room.
The room was even more of a mess than it was when I left it this morning. Open files and papers littered the bed, his open lap top sitting in the middle of the chaos. One of the trunks that was against the wall was opened and most of its contents were thrown on the ground around it making it hard to walk through the small space.
I quickly scanned the table and the bed for the thumbdrive while Declan walked towards his phone that was laying on he floor. Shit, I cursed mentally when I couldn't find it at first glance. I'd have to wait for him to leave so I can actually tear through his things.
"Sorry," he silenced Hunter Eats Hunter by chevelle that was playing from his phone. "I was, uh... letting off some steam." He said with a bit of an awkward laugh.
I looked down at the sweat stains on the floor. "Your hideouts don't come with a home gym?" I asked sarcastically.
The corner of his mouth turned up in a wider smile for a second before disappearing.
A tense, uncomfortable silence took over. Both of us stood there not knowing what to say to each other. The tension in the air was making me want to run back to my dark corner of the building. Wrapped my arms around myself, I kept my eyes on the dirt covered floor.
"Let me show you something. Maybe this will put your mind at ease." His voice sounded almost desperate. In one swift motion, he swiped the clutter off of the mattress, making the papers float to the floor while the files slid across the concrete.
I shook my head no but before I could speak he was at my side and wrapped this arm gently around my shoulders leading me to the mattress.
"Sit." He commanded while he applied pressure to my shoulders until I gave in.
He stepped on the bed and walked over me before he sat down, crossing his legs. Grabbing his lap top, he clicked around a few times then moved next to me, putting his computer on my lap. My eyes instantly landed on the familiar half cigar thumbdrive that was sticking out of the USB port of the computer. It was right there, right in front of me, the sole thing that could stop all of this. My stomach tightened and I could feel my palms starting to get sweaty from my nerves.
Declan clicked on something making movement start on the screen. I took my eyes from my target and focused on the screen. A grainy black and white image of his room back at his apartment in the city. From this angle, I could see down the steps into the living room. The frame rate was sped up but it was Declan putting on his shirt, then his jacket and grabbing Nux's leash before they left the apartment. Shortly after I was walking up the steps in his shirt and headed to grab some clothes before I went into the bathroom.
There was a few seconds of stillness before I could hear the sped up sound of the shower and then I saw a hooded figure coming up the steps. Whoever this was stopped once they got to the top and then pulled down the hood of their sweatshirt. Despite the strange black face covering on the lower part of his face, I recognized him instantly. Nick.
"If he was so concerned about hiding his face, why would he have taken off his hood?" I questioned.
"Just watch."
I watched Nick move out of frame before the camera footage changed to a different angle, this one was looking from the corner of his room down at the bed and his desk that was up against the railing.
Nick was still at the top of the stairs in this frame but then started to walk over to the desk. He looked around the room, leaned over the railing to look around before he pulled a file from under his sweatshirt and placed it on top of the files that were already on the desk. I could see him fuss with the document before he stepped back and pulled out his phone, seemingly to take a picture of his work but as he went to hold it up it fell from his hands and landed on the floor with a thud.
Then Nick's head snapped towards the bathroom door. He went to run but his foot got caught on the leg of the chair that was in front of the desk making the chair scrape against the floor and then knock against the desk. He froze in his spot, not moving for several moments. He adjusted the collar of his hoodie, slowly walking towards the bathroom.
His hand reached out for the handle but then I heard my voice call out. "Declan, are you alright?" And then the water turned off.
Nick darted down the stairs and was out of the front door just as I was coming out of the bathroom, wrapping a towel around myself.
I felt disgusted, violated even. Nick had broken into Declan's apartment. He really was the one who planted the document on the desk for me to find. And this all happened while I was alone in the shower. If he hadn't made those noises, if I hadn't called out, he could have made his way into the bathroom all without me even knowing. My stomach twisted in knots.
"There's your proof. I told you I would never lie to you." Declan spoke.
I looked up at Declan who was still looking down at the computer screen. I could hear the faint, sped up argument we were having but I kept my eyes trained on him. The sound of me breaking Declan's nose made me flinch but before I could look back at the screen he locked eyes with me.
"After everything I've done, after how meticulous I've been about everything, you really think if I had ordered the hit on your dad that I would have left the evidence in plain sight?" His brows pulled together in a mix of hurt and agitation.
"And after everything I've been through, you're angry that I questioned it and didn't just follow you blindly?" I snapped back.
He let out a curt laugh through his nose. "You're so stubborn."
I couldn't help but smile. I never thought I would miss hearing him call me stubborn. He inched a little closer and I could smell his sandalwood aftershave, another thing I never thought I would miss. He reached out to me, using the back of his index finger to gently rub my bare arm. I watched while his eyes roamed over my skin, taking in all of the scars that littered my skin.
The moment I felt his finger brush over the scar on my arm from the accident it sparked a panic attack. It started slow at first. The sounds of the metal breaking and bending around me. The sterile smell of the hospital room. The taste of the medicine at the back of my mouth every time they would inject it in through my IV, the cold feel of it spreading throughout my body.
My heart started to race and I could feel my lungs tightening.
Declan curled his finger under my chin and moved my head so I was looking up at him. He studied my face, no doubt seeing the slight sheen of sweat forming on my brow and the worry in my eyes. With his free hand he swept some of my hair behind my ear and breathed out a "Shhh,"
But it was too late. Thick tears had already spilled over my lashes and were racing down my burning cheeks. I felt my heart hammer against the inside of my chest and I fought to choke back a sob.
"You used that song as my ringtone?" He asked, pulling me from my mental spiral. I could feel my lungs opening, letting more air in while my heart started to slow.
Confused, I looked up at him. "What?"
"Waterloo." He answered, his eyes meeting mine again.
That's right. I'd changed his ringtone in my phone to Waterloo hours before everything happened. The corner of my mouth turned up into a weak smile, remembering back to that night in my apartment, singing into my wine bottle at the top of my lungs not realizing Declan had walked in.
"How... how did you know?"
Taking his hand from my face, he ran it through his damp hair. He kept his eyes focused on the wall in front of us as he spoke. "I tracked you down. I got there a few minutes before the state police and the ambulances. I didn't want to believe it was you but when I got close enough to the car I heard that damn song coming from your phone." Declan let out a breathy laugh. "I was going to get you out of there but there was a crowd of people surrounding us and the sirens were getting closer."
Silence fell between us. My fingers were mindlessly playing with the tattered blanket as I repeated his story in my head.
"You couldn't have picked a less annoying song?" He questioned.
"That song is not annoying," I argued, turning so I could glare up at him. The moment I locked eyes with him I could feel my stomach tumble. I missed those hazel eyes so damn much. God, I hate how despite everything that's happened I can't help the feelings I have for him. Bringing in my bottom lip between my teeth to try and hide the stupid smile that was forming.
"It's been stuck in my head for months. It's annoying." He arched a brow at me, his own sly smile spreading on his face.
"Mm, just like you." I hummed back.
His fingers brushed my cheek before he used the pad of his thumb to wipe away my tears that were still trailing down. Closing my eyes I leaned into his touch, wanting to feel his warmth on my face. I missed the feeling of his fingers on me.
The mattress dipped, he moved closer to me making my breath catch in my lungs. Slowly opening my eyes, I looked up to see him leaning towards me. His hand tangled in the hair at the back of my head, pulling me closer to him just before his lips pressed against my forehead. I melted into his chest, not caring he was still sweaty from working out and wrapped my arms around him, gripping his shirt in my fists for dear life. For a brief moment, everything between us disappeared and it was like it was before I found that stupid folder.
Without thinking I crawled on top of his lap, straddling him. My fingers tangled in the back of his hair while the other hand gripped his jaw. Declan looked up at me with hooded eyes and I could see his pupils dilating. My fingers spread against the stubble that was on his cheek right before his mouth captures mine in a gentle yet possessive kiss.
His tongue pushes gently between my lips, our kiss becoming even more possessive. Declan wraps his arms around my waist to pull me closer against his chest. Dropping my hand from his cheek, I rest it against his chest and I can feel his heart racing against his sternum. I open my mouth wider for his tongue. God, I missed the taste of him.
I don't even realize that I start to roll my hips against him as our kiss deepens. Or the moan that comes from feeling his erection through his black sweatpants. His breaths are coming faster now, fanning across my heated cheeks. Growling, his fingers dig into me making me moan against his mouth and pulls me closer. Declan's tongue dips in even farther, licking the roof of my mouth, our teeth hit while we devour each other.
His grip tightens for a moment more then he pushes me from his chest, breaking the kiss and backs away. I move off of him still panting from our kiss. The fleeting feeling of passion was dying along with his warmth on my body leaving me feeling cold and empty.
Keeping his eyes cast down, he took in a deep breath before he spoke. "Why did you say that about Desmond and my mother?"
I felt my stomach twist into another knot. I completely forgot that I threw that in his face the other night. Opening my mouth to speak, I quickly shut it. What do I even say to him? Do I tell him the truth or should I just lie and say that I was trying to hurt him in the heat of our argument? Would it help if he knew the truth about his dad, that Desmond really is an evil bastard or would it cloud his judgement?
"I... I'm sorry. Please forget I said that. It was nothing, I didn't mean it."
Looking down at me as I floundered, he narrowed his eyes but stayed silent. I tried to stay inscrutable but my wide eyes and flushed cheeks betrayed me.
Not wanting to push the matter, he shook his head dismissing it and leaned back against the concrete wall the mattress was pushed up against. He was silent for a while and I could tell by the look on his face he was biting his tongue. He wanted to question me, to pressure me until I finally broke and gave him what he wanted but he didn't.
"Do you remember what I told you that night, before you ran out the door?" He used his thumb and index to massage the bridge of his now slightly crooked nose, a silent reminder of what I did moments before I had run out of his front door.
He asked me this the other night. I remember the look on his face when I said I didn't. It was like I broke him, crushed his heart for not remembering. The truth is I do remember. I thought he was saying that just to keep his hold on me. Judging by his reaction though, I'm starting to realize he really did mean it which made my heart sink in my chest knowing that I hurt him.
Looking down to my hands I sighed. "Yes." My voice was so low that I could barely even hear myself.
Again, Declan nodded his head but remained silent, keeping us in this uncomfortable stalemate. The heartbroken look on Declan's face from the other night flashed behind my closed lids and with that the levy that was holding back all of my other depressing emotions gave way, enveloping me. I started to sink further below the surface, back to that dark pace I was at before my conversation with Noah earlier.
Movement from the other side of the mattress brought me back to the real world and my eyes found Declan.
"Fuck this." He huffed under his breath. He stood and took the two steps across the bed and onto the floor then headed to his trunk full of his clothes.
"Declan," I whispered, trying to hide the desperation in voice. I didn't want him to leave.
"I need to shower. Noah will be back from sentry duty soon and then it's my shift." He answered while grabbing some fresh clothes.
Tears started to pool in my eyes from him not looking at me as he spoke. "Declan, please I-"
"I was stupid for letting things go that far between us. I'm sorry for pressing the matter for a third time now." His response was so callous it made me curl back in on myself.
"But I-"
He put his hand up to silence me. "Scarlett, you don't need to explain yourself. This will all be over soon and you'll be able to go back to your normal life."
His comment sparked rage in me. "I have no normal life to go back to." I retorted.
"You'll figure it out."
Moving to grip the edge of the mattress, I pushed myself up to my feet. He must have seen my movement in his peripheral because he paused for a moment before he started to walk to the door. I ran the few steps to him and grabbed his hand to keep him here.
He stopped, keeping his eyes on the door. Annoyed that he was ignoring me I threaded my fingers between his and squeezed, trying to bring his attention back to me but he kept his gaze forward.
"I love you, Declan."
He took in a sharp, deep breath through his nostrils making his shoulders rise as he did so. I could see every muscle in his body tense up. The tension in the room rose the longer he stayed silent until finally his shoulders dropped and he released his breath.
"Stop." He demanded, his tone harsh. "The only reason you felt anything before is because I was toying with you. I needed you to be submissive so you'd do as I said."
I felt my fingers loosening around his until my hand fell back at my side.
"You d-don't mean t-that." I stammered. "A few days ago you were begging me to talk to you. You were calling me baby and trying to get me to remember that you said you loved me."
"Things are different now."
"You don't mean that. I saw the pain in your eyes when I told you I didn't remember. I'm admitting it to you now, Declan. I'm not going to fight it anymore, I love you. Please, don't push me away." My voice was starting to crack as I spoke.
"I was playing you." His tone was becoming more and more heartless.
"You're l-lying." I was trying so desperately to hold back my tears while my heart was crumbling.
"Old habits and all."
"That's bullshit!"
"Shits about to get very dangerous." He seethed, turning on his heal and craning himself over me to make me feel small. "We're about to bring down some very powerful men, I don't need to be worrying about some love sick girl."
He didn't stay to witness that aftermath of his verbal assault. He was out the door the moment he finished, slamming it behind him leaving me standing there in a silence so loud it had my ears ringing.
His words crushed me. Clutching my stomach, I could feel myself starting to become nauseous. I don't believe him. I won't believe him. Why else would he have been begging me to listen to him? He... he's just saying this to keep his head straight through all of this. He has to be.
Crumbling to the floor, I landed on my knees and buried my face in the palms of my hands. I could feel my soul being crushed as his words repeated over and over again. I was right all along. None of this meant a single goddamn thing.
I'd left Declan's room. I couldn't stand to be in there anymore, it was getting hard for me to breathe. I'd retreated to my own dark corner of the building where I left my smokes and my notebook. I must have chain smoked half the pack trying to distract myself from the voices in my head. The burning feeling in my lungs as they tried to expand certainly helped, now I was left in an eerie stillness as I stared out into the darkness.
The sound of the metal door scraping against the concrete grabbed my attention. Noah must be back from patrol. I heard Nux bark and the jingle of his tags as whoever put his collar back on him.
Mumbled voices spoke for a few moments. I heard my name followed by an "I don't fucking know." Followed by more murmurs and then the door scraped open and then closed for a second time. Declan had just left.
Noah would be going in for a shower or to lock himself in his room like he always does post sentry duty. Paul and Ben were still out. Now's my chance.
Pocketing my pack of smokes and lighter I hustled towards Declan's room. I grabbed the railing and swung around, propelling myself up the stairs, not giving a shit about how my body started to react the higher I got.
Being as quiet as I could I made it past Noah's room. I could hear him talking to someone behind the closed door. By the tone of his voice, it must have been Alie. A pang of jealousy sparked in my chest but I quickly forced it away. Now was not the time to dwell on my rejection.
Ripping open the door to the room I had to cover my mouth to stifle my gasp. Aside from the mattress and the trunk full of my clothes, there was nothing left. The files, the boxes, Declan's trunks, the folding table, all of it was gone. Including his computer with the flash drive.
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