13. Look What They've Done
When we came out of my apartment I was surprised to see a blacked-out SUV in one of the parking spots instead of Declans' sports car. It made sense, though. The snow was now about six inches deep and it wasn't supposed to stop until midday tomorrow.
Finishing up my cigarette, I threw it out of the window that I had cracked open and then quickly pressed the button to close it. I was now frozen from having the cold wind blowing in on me while driving but I needed that cig to help calm my mounting nerves. A violent shiver came over me and I brought my freezing cold cupped hands to my mouth, blowing my hot breath on them in an attempt to warm them up.
Declans' finger moved to the dashboard of the car and pressed one of the buttons. Within seconds I felt my seat starting to heat up. I shoved my hands under my legs to soak up the warmth.
"So uh, what's for dinner? I've never been to any restaurants in the city." I asked in an attempt to start a conversation while also trying my best to not sound awkward. Not that it worked, my voice was way too high pitched and overly excited sounding. In hindsight, maybe that drink wasn't the best idea.
"I don't know. Probably just grab some fast food or something." He answered monotone. Flicking on his turn signal he jerked the SUV into the other lane to get around the car that was going fifteen under the speed limit in front of us.
"Some date." I muttered.
"Oh, I'm sorry, princess. Were you expecting some five star restaurant?" He retorted, side-eying me.
"You were the one who had a temper tantrum about the food I was about to make you and demanded we go out instead." As I spoke, it clicked in my head. The slow, creeping feeling of embarrassment taking over me. Turning, I brought my legs up onto the seat and rested my back against the door so that I was facing him.
"This was never about going out for food, was it?"
Declan smirked. "Well aren't you a sharp one."
I glared up at him for his snide comment. Was I always so oblivious to what was going on in the world around me?
"I have work to do." He finally answered after a long silence.
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Why are you bringing me then?"
Letting both of his hands fall down the sides of the steering wheel and then back up to the top, he let out a sigh. I could see him looking for the words in his head while he scrunched his lips together. Was he nervous about something?
"I saw that Jay was there." He finally responded.
He shimmied in his seat, visibly uncomfortable. Why was he so nervous? I haven't known him for very long but every time I had ever been around him he always had this air of pompous, self-confidence about him. It was strange to see him so on edge and fidgeting.
"I know what happened between the two of you and as much of an asshole as you think I am, I still wouldn't leave you alone with him close by. Particularly when Alex could give a fuck less."
I felt my blood boiling at his last comment. "Hey!"
Declan looked over while I sat upright in the seat. Letting my right leg fall so my foot was on the floor. I leaned over the center console so that I was closer to him before I let him have it.
"Alex does fucking care and he wouldn't let anything happen to me!" The vodka was talking now. "I know you think he's some bad guy but he's not. You're wrong!"
"Oh, yes. He cares about you so much and wouldn't let Jay hurt you, that's why he still lets him come around your place?"
Opening and closing my mouth, I willed a snarky comment or a remark to save Alex's character but nothing came. Declan was right. Goddamn him for being right. Sinking back into the seat I folded my arms across my chest, huffing in frustration.
"I understand he's your step brother, you grew up together but damn it Scarlett, when the hell are you going to wake up?!" He yelled, hitting his open palm against the steering wheel.
That was a good question.
The sound of a ringing phone played over the speaker, cutting me off from whatever stupid comment I was about to make. Before the name could load on the screen that was on the dashboard, Declan thumbed one of the buttons on the steering wheel. As he brought his cell phone to his ear he threatened through gritted teeth "Not a fucking word."
"Byrne." He answered in a stern voice.
I could hear the muffled voice from the other line starting to speak. Letting out an aggravated sigh, I readjusted my arms that were still crossed over my chest.
The absolute last thing I want is to be taken on some mafia job. And that was another thing. I had used the word mafia or some derivative of it more in the last two weeks than I had my whole life. If I had to say, or hear it one more time I might actually rip my hair out.
Another shiver ran up my spine. Leather seats sucked in the winter, I swear. Reaching out to touch the seat heat button in hopes of being able to turn it to a hotter setting, Declan jerked the car to the right. My hand jerked to the side from the sudden movement and accidentally hit another button on the dashboard which made the voice of whoever he was talking to come through the speakers.
I froze, hoping that if I stayed still enough I would miraculously disappear.
Declan's head jerked in my direction. His jaw was clenched so tightly I could see the muscles flexing under his skin. Sheepishly I smiled up at him and mouthed "sorry".
"I had Mac look into the shipping company. Checks out." The voice spoke and I couldn't help but notice the slight Irish accent. "What's on your plate for tonight, kid?"
Before he could answer the voice, he let out a defeated breath, his eyes rolling before he looked back at the road. "I got a lead on where Alex is going to be tonight. I'm gonna tail him." Declan answered.
"We're spying on Alex?" Both of my hands slapped against my mouth as soon as I spoke.
"What's this Deco? Is that your little darling I've heard so much about?"
Declan's eyes rolled back while his lids fluttered shut. His knuckles were white from him gripping the wheel as hard as he was. He took in a slow, deep breath through flared nostrils before he answered.
"Yes, Desmond."
Declan gave me the most menacing glare I'd ever received. If there was a god, I prayed that he would strike me down right here.
"Hmm. I see. Why not trust Nick with this?" The man named Desmond questioned.
"Dez, you know I don't trust him."
"Oh come now, still fighting because of her? Get over it, kiddo, there is a job to do."
"Yes, Dezy." Declan answered like an obedient son. It was so strange to see him be put in his place by this voice.
"Where's he going to be tonight?" And just like that, they were back to business.
"He's meeting someone named Leonid then he's going to Club Se7en." He answered.
"Little fecker has the balls to come to our place and do this shite!" Desmond's voice rose and it sounded like he had either slammed a glass down or punched a table when he heard where Alex was going to be.
Calming his temper, Desmond continued. "Keep your head on straight. Don't let the lass cloud your head. Remember her part in this, Deco." And with that he hung up.
"Look, I didn't-"
"You have no idea what you just did." Declan cut me off, sounding oddly calm.
The only words spoken for the rest of the trip were when he pulled up to the menu board at Dairy Queen and ordered us both food. He didn't even ask what I wanted but I didn't argue with him. For all I know I might have gotten myself or him in some serious trouble. Why I care if I got him in trouble is beyond me but I couldn't help but feel guilty. Now we were parked along some side street in the seafront.
I felt so uncomfortable being here considering the last time I was in this part of the city it was because I was kidnapped. As the snow continued to fall it would build up on the wind shield making Declan have to clear it every five minutes or so, despite the defrost being turned up.
I sat awkwardly picking at my fries, not really having an appetite knowing we were here to spy on Alex. I silently hoped that he wouldn't show up, anything to prove Declan wrong and me right, that Alex has nothing to do with any of this.
The photo of Alex standing there holding some massive gun would be hard to explain away, I thought bitterly. I hated being stuck in this liminal mental space of knowing that my family is involved with bad people but not allowing myself to believe Alex is a part of it. Part of me knew he was guilty. I mean, the pictures and being involved with Mike but God, I just can't let the Alex from my childhood die.
"Would you stop sighing like that?" Declan snapped, throwing his empty bag into the backseat of the SUV.
His voice made me jump, breaking the almost two hours of silence between us. I threw my fry into the cardboard box it came in and put them back in the bag, placing it down by my feet.
"Am I supposed to be happy being here with you, spying on my innocent brother?"
"Jesus Christ." He muttered, pulling out a cigarette from his pack and lighting it.
As if on queue, a familiar car pulled up in front of the rundown warehouse that was across from the alley we were hiding out in. Alex stepped out of the car, looking to the left and right before he closed the door. He pulled his hood over his head and then jogged into the building.
"Not very conspicuous, is he?" Declan asked rhetorically.
"He's going inside some old warehouse, so what? This doesn't prove anything." I grimaced.
Declans' head lulled over in my direction. "You're ridiculous. Stop being a stubborn little brat."
His words hurt. And to think, I actually thought I was starting to develop a thing for him. Fuck him.
Not long after Alex went into the building he came back out followed by some middle aged man. I could barely make out what he looked like through all of the snow. Squinting my eyes, I could see him hand Alex a small package which Alex tucked into the back of his pants, under his jacket.
Alex then reached into his coat pocket and handed the man whatever it was he pulled out. The man took the package and let it uncurl. It was a drown paper bag. He put his hand inside and pulled out a huge roll of cash. Twisting it this way and that up in the light before he put it back into the bag and then tucked it under his arm. The strange man reached out his hand for Alex to shake, which he did and with that they turned and went their separate ways. The stranger going back into the building and Alex heading back to his car.
"How'd you know he was going to be here?" I asked.
Declan put the truck in drive and slowly pulled out of the alley onto the street, not turning his lights on so he wouldn't draw attention to us.
"I heard him talking to Jay when I took out your trash." He answered.
"I mean, he could have been doing anything..." I trailed off unable to think of an alibi for what he could have been doing.
Declan groaned out in frustration at my stubbornness. He sped up more so he could make the light before it turned red, not wanting to lose Alex.
"Take a look, little one. Look at the kingdom Alex and his family built." Declan sneered.
Looking out the window I could see all of the snow covered hovels. There were dozens of homeless people out along the sidewalk, most of them bent over at the waist with their backs hunched and arms curled into their chests. Dozens more were laid out on the ground in similar positions, all hunched over with their arms curled in. They looked like they were turned to petrified statues, most weren't moving while a few laid there twitching. It broke my heart to see these people all at their lowest point in their lives. I'd seen images like this online and video clips on the news but I hadn't seen this in person.
"This is what they're doing to the city." Declan's voice wasn't as mean. He could see how upset this was making.
I took in a shaky breath, trying to calm myself. "Well, now where is he going?"
"Club Se7en."
"Didn't that guy say he owned it? What is it?" I asked.
"His name is Desmond, he is the head of our syndicate. It's a strip club and yes, I own it." I watched as he tried to hide the smirk that was tugging at his lips from the horrified look on my face.
"You're taking me to a strip club?"
Declans' smirk grew into a crooked smile.
"Oh no. Absolutely not. I'm not going to a strip club with you to spy on my brother!"
Declan laughed when he looked over to see me squirming in my seat. "He's meeting Jay there. He just picked up drugs from Leonid, that guy from the warehouse and is taking them to the club to sell to the girls and to the patrons."
"Okay, great. I don't want to be in a place like that, particularly if Jay is going to be there so please just take me home." I demanded.
"No way, sweetheart. That'll be a two hour round trip, maybe more with the weather. I'm working right now and me being a responsible adult and all, I can't just leave in the middle of doing my job." He sounded way too happy.
"I thought you didn't want me around Jay?"
Declan laughed through his nose. "Well I guess you're just going to have to stay close to me, then."
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