"I'm so happy hahahh" Lollipop said. She woke up very early today.. I was very confused why. Did she find something?.. Found internet?-oh wait she doesnt have her phone. "We can finally get back ahaaa" Lollipop said happily. Oh.. I remember now! Today's the day Four picks us up from here! I totally forgot about it. "Yois!" Bubble said. I heard a something come our way. I look at the road beside our camp and there it is! The bus! The bus stopped at the road. "Hello my children!" Four said getting out of the bus. "Did you guys have any fun?" "Yes.. VERY MUCH FUN.." Lollipop said with sarcasm. "Now.. I will revenge.." "Wut?" Four asked confusingly. Lollipop starts dashing at Four. Lollipop isnt a very scary as Four if you compare them. But once Lollipop starts sprinting at you your first option is too run. "AH AH AH DONT HIT ME" Four said jumping out of the bus and running away from Lollipop. "AT LEAST YOU SHOULDAVE LEFT ME WITH MY PHONE YOU HEARTLESS BEAST" "AHHH I'M SORRY HERE'S YOUR PHONE" Four yelled while throwing Lollis phone to her. "Don't throw that, I didn't buy a phone case yet! Also thank you" Lollipop said stopping and hugging her phone. "*pant**pant*Ya I didnt really think I would have had to exercise today.. Sheesh, OK everyone! Get on the bus" Four said pointing at the bus. We all got on the bus and went back to our home. While going up the stairs I noticed Firey again he was talking to Flower. He was facing away from me and I couldn't see his face tho.. With a sad face I look away continue walking to our room. Once we saw Lollipop literally hug everything in the room, Gelatin laughing and seeing Lolli chasing Gelatin we all went and continued doing our own things. I went up to my room as I didn't feel well. I sat on my little hammock. I was supposed to have a bed but I chose to sleep with a hammock for some reason. So now I'm the only one with a hammock in my room and Gelatins jealous. I feel like I'm going to barf for some reason.. Was it food poisoning? I shouldn't have trusted Lolli with my breakfast after coming late with the firewood.. No wait I don't Lolli would just do that.. Was it Beacuse of my Lightning thingys?..i take them both out of my back that I brought earlier. I hadn't told anyone about these things. I threw one of them to the ground in frustration and also beacause my head hurted. Once the lightning thingy hit the ground it flew back impaling the wall beside my head. Woa that was a close one.. 'There dangerous' I thought to myself while putting the lightning thingys back in my bag.
Time skip lol
I had been vomiting for the past.. Um.. 4 hours. It hurts. No seriously. I feel like I'm going to die lol.. Ha.. Lollipop came to check on me. Yeah.. Your right she wouldn't.. That's because I told Ruby to call Lolli earlier. "Yea? Watcha need?" Lollipop asked still with sarcasm in her voice srsly.. "You did this to me" I said death staring her. "What?! Why would I make you puke?! That makes no sense.. If I did then Gelatin would be puking too then.." Lollipop said.. Huh.. That does make sense. "Maybe you just have car sickness stupid" Lollipop said looking at me. Well that is possible.. "Oh" I said. "Well whatever" Lollipop said leaving. I suddenly start swinging.. I was on a hammock close to my window with my window open.. What did I expect? I then remembered I was sick and was trying not to puke again. I try to forget about it by looking out my window. Then I noticed it was quite a gloomy day.. Hng more wind. My hammock started swinging more. Yeah I had enough. I fell out of my hammock and laid face flat on the floor. And decided to sleep there for today.
Two days later
Gosh I stayed in my room puking for two days lol.. Hng. It's totally food poisoning. Lollipop must be lying.. If so I hate her. Every day was very gloomy. I can imagine Firey staying home for the two days because he might think it was going to rain hah.. Huh.. I suddenly feel OK for once. Great. I then see the weather outside clearing up. The next day I was alright! I guess 3 days was all I needed. The sky was clear all day! It probably found out fine now hah!
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