Leafy P. O. V
"Ouch my legs, my head, and my arm and my everything hurts" Ruby said on the ground. Lollipop got up to them and I didn't know what happened next as I wasnt there. But now they are now lying on the Grassy ground. "Yes ouch" Gelatin said. "OH MY- CAN YOU GET UP AND EAT YOUR STUPID BREAKFAST" Lollipop shouted at the two objects on the grass. Other then those two, we are all eating at a picnic table and they are the only one not eating. "You killed me" Gelatin said pretending to die on the grass. Lollipop then threw a bottle at Gelatin head. Well after that they went back and started eating. "Sigh what should we do?.." Balloony asked. "Hmph if Four didn't ask us to be here I could have been on my phone or something." Bubble said sitting on a pillow on the grass because the grass wss I guess pretty spiky. "OH I KNOW" Ruby said from the picnic table. "FINISH YOUR FOOD" Lollipop shouted to Ruby. "YEA I'M FINISHED" Ruby said showing Lollipop her very empty plate. "Oh" Lollipop said. "Anyways" Ruby continued putting down her plate. "As we might be here for two or one days more, we must go hiking!!" Ruby said waving her hands in the air. "Oh my-" Lollipop said fainting on the grass. I know she faked it just by looking at her. "But it does sound pretty good!" Gelatin siad getting up from the ground her was sitting on. Td gave a thumbs up. I guess it meant yes. Well after the petition again. We dragged Lollipop to the mountain Ruby was talking about. "Why do you people hate me" Lollipop asked. We started going up the mountain. Once we were at a distant height I felt weird. Like it was going to rain. I looked up at the clouds they looked a bit dark, maybe I was correct?.. "Ayo Ruby?" I called Ruby. She was just beside me so I didn't have to scream or anything. "What is it Leafster?" Ruby asked. Frick it's been so long since I heard her talk without screaming or something. "Well I feel like it's going to rain, look" I said pointing at the sky. It got even more darker then the last time I looked. "Oh! Hm" Ruby said thinking about what we should do. "GUYS ITS GOING TO RAINNNN" Ruby said shouting into my ear (Ear??). I know she was trying to tell everyone but LIKE-I MIGHT BE DEAF IF YOU CONTINUE. "Well we can go down now then" Lollipop said sounding happy. "Well but Lolli, we are quite high" Balloony said pointing down. "HAH.. I'm trying not to look down Balloony" Lollipop said looking at Balloony satanically. "Oi! There a tree!" Bubble said pointing at a tree not so far from here. Then Lollipop slammed her head at the rock she was clinging to. I.. Don't know if she did that on purpose or she acually tripped. "Seriously?.. A tree?.." Lollipop said a head still on the rock. "Well I don't see a cave" Bubble pointed. We got to tree and once we got to it, it started raining. Great. "Your right" Ruby whispered to me. Well.. I guess It was just a coincidence.. Maybe?.. We were just standing under the tree talking and stuff. "Why did it have to rain when we chose to hike and not any other time??" Lollipop complained. I felt another instinct..But I don't know what? It's like dangerous to sit under this tree I think.. Maybe a bear? I thought looking around. There was no bear or cave. I feel.. Like it's very dangerous under here. I don't know?.." You have another instinct there Leafster?" Ruby asked quietly. "Y-yeah? Like it's dangerous to be under here" I told Ruby. "Well.. That might be lightning then" Balloony said coming into the discussion. He was.. Oh whatever! Now that I think about it.. It makes sense! "Probably" I said looking out. It wasn't raining heavily so I'm a bit confuse why there would be lightning. "Well then.." Ruby said. "YOU HEARD BALLOONY!! THIS TREE WILL GET STRUCK MY LIGHTNING AHHH" Ruby shouted at all of us while running away from the tree. "Oh my-" Lollipop mumbled. "WHY IF IT DOESN'T STRIKE THOO" Lollipop asked Balloony. Oh! They might have thought it was Balloony who predicted it. Whoops. I walk out into the rain. I'm flameable and I'm not taking any chances. What I'm worried about is Gelatin.. Oh wait. "Well Im not taking any chances!" Gelatin yelled picking up Td and using her as a umbrella. Bubble followed Gelatin under TD as well. "Wha-Fine" Lollipop said walking out of tree, Balloony followed. Just when Balloony got away from the tree.. I was correct Beacuse Lightning.. Striked. The whole tree was ingulfed in flames. "Wha-" Lollipop said looking at the tree. Balloony glanced at me a bit before looking back at the tree. "Well.. Can we get back to our campsite now?" Bubble asked smiling. We postponed our hiking for that day and went back..
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