T W E N T Y - O N E
Leaving Earth turns out to be harder than expected. Before I grab onto the transporting device, I look at Steve. I jog over to him and wrap a hug around him. He doesn't hesitate to return the gesture, his sorrow flooding in me like a river. "I'm gonna miss you, L." Steve says, releasing me.
"Come on, I'll be back. You can't get rid of me that easy." I say, he chuckles and we bump our fists together, the way he taught me a long time ago. "I understand you're mad that I lied," I said quietly, sliding my hands into the front pockets of the Midgardian robes I was wearing, he waved his hand. "You gotta do what you gotta do," he said, crossing his arms and looking at the ground. I sighed, and then lowered my voice. "About what you saw.." I said quietly, looking around for prying ears, Steve raised a hand to silence me. "It's none of my business. Just... be careful." He whispered, I grinned back at him. "Thank you," I said graciously, staring at the ground before looking back up at him. "Later, gator." I say, winking. "After a while, crocodile." He replies, smiling.
Stark gives me and Steve a deadpan look, as if he couldn't believe his ears. "You have got to be shitting me with that, what indie hippie movie did you two just skip out of?"
I rolled my eyes and Steve did also, I gave Steve a feeble wave before turning toward Thor and Loki, whose eyes were pinned to me.
I grab onto Thor's arm as Loki and him pull the levers to the Tesseract container, our bodies turning to mist and floating toward Asgard.
Back at Asgard, when we materialize at the Bifrost with Loki in tow, it was refreshing to see Heimdall there waiting. "Ah, Lady Lyra, a pleasure to have you back." He says, I sigh in relief, smiling at him. "And a pleasure to be back. Good to see you." I say, hugging him briefly. "The Allfather is waiting for you. Especially you, Loki." He says, Loki scoffs and I feel a pang in my chest at his cold nature, even when his eyes shone emerald green. "The Allfather is not pleased with you either, Lyra. You will be put on trial." Heimdall says sullenly, the color drains from my face and I see Loki mirrors my expression.
I gawk at him. "What have I done to anger him this time?" I groan. Heimdall sighs, shifting his position so he stands more firmly. "You exited Asgard without permission and against consent of the Allfather, other reasons I don't quite understand. He's angry, he'll find reasons to lock you up. I suggest you get some excuses ready."
I threw my hands up in exasperation. "Surely, the Gods are against me. When will I catch a break?" I exclaimed, running my hands over my head. Heimdall smiles at me solemnly. "You mustn't forget you yourself are the Gods, I'm afraid it's just the Allfather who is against you. I wish you luck, my lady."
After Loki was charged with his sentence in prison, which I apparently wasn't granted permission to know, I had my own 'trial'. Odin's idea of a trial is parking me in front of him asking me what the truth is. If he doesn't believe me, he comes up with a sentence. Woo hoo. I realized my days on Midgard were beginning to make my internal monologue sound uneducated and sarcastic with that thought.
"Lyra, daughter of the woman Clove and princess of Asgard, how do you plead in this case?" Odin says. My hands are bound behind my back and guards are on each side of me. Warrior, I wanted to correct. I am no princess. I look at Odin in disbelief, "My sincerest apologies, Your Majesty, if I might ask what I'm being charged for exactly?" I ask, narrowing my eyes but not disrespectfully.
Frigga, who sat next to Odin on her throne twin to his, gave her husband a glance as if she too was wondering what was happening. "You have left Asgard not only without my consent but accompanying the God of Mischief, Loki Laufeyson." Odin bellows, looking at me with his fury. I saw Frigga flinch and I gave her a quick apologetic glance, she too must have been unnerved with Odin's title of 'Laufeyson'.
He doesn't even see Loki as his own son anymore.
"How do you plead." Odin repeats, a demanding tone instead of a questioning one. My mind races with the right thing to say, I did leave Asgard, but I had thought Loki to be dead for over a month. "I did indeed leave Asgard, Allfather, and it was to retrieve Loki, but after I fell to Midgard I had no idea where he was, I thought him to be dead until I saw him with the scepter on Midgard." I say, it was the truth. One hundred percent.
"Then tell me Lyra, what was your intent hopping into an abyss after Loki, knowing you could have easily perished?" Odin says, seeing through me more than I wish him to. I choose my next words carefully, his fury for Loki could be directed at me easily if I told him my true intentions. So I tell him the half truth.
"Lord King, Loki and I have always been good friends, I thought with my healing abilities I could help him survive whatever fall awaited him, and I could bring him back." I say, I almost wince at how unbelievable that sounds. Even Frigga gave me a deadpan look that inclined me to not make this worse by lying, but I couldn't succumb to his bogus charges.
He clearly doesn't buy it. "You would have been stranded with him, the Bifrost being destroyed moments earlier, did you not take that into consideration?" Odin challenges, I gulp mentally but stand up straighter nonetheless. "No sir, Your Majesty, heat of the moment, I guess." I say, running out if things to say. "I fought against Loki's army on Midgard, protected so many people. I swear on my life my intentions were well." I beg, but he doesn't listen.
"I've had enough of this. Your intentions are clear, take her to the dungeons, I shall determine your punishment later." Odin says, his voice erupting through the halls. "My dear, perhaps-" Frigga started, standing up to lay a hand on Odin's arm. He yanked his arm from her and interrupted her. "I have had enough today!" He yelled, his face reddening with frustration. It was clear this was spilling over from Loki's trial, I felt outmatched by his fury.
"Wait, Your Majesty, I can explain-" I say, tugging at the guards who pull me away. A fist collides with my face, the guards trying to get me to stop struggling.
As soon as the guard did that, he went rigid, as if remembering who I was. I slowly turned toward him, stretching my jaw and staring at him with a look that could kill. I knee him in the chest and elbow the other in the face, teleporting behind them and knocking their heads together hard enough to send them both unconscious on the floor. "Seize her!" I froze, realizing what I'd done. Suddenly something electrocutes my neck, I yelped and collapsed, colliding with the floor and jolting with the sudden electricity singing me. Electricity jolts through my veins and bounces in my insides, sending a searing pain through every part of my body.
They were using immobilizers, on me, their admiral.
I blinked a few times, until darkness envelopes my vision.
Frigga watched with a hand over her mouth as the guards carefully picked up the twitching girl, carrying her away with apologetic stares toward her. They still respected her, it was clear, but her husband the Lord King showed no mercy in his orders.
Odin was breathing heavily, his face red with anger. Frigga approached him carefully, and this time when she placed a hand on his bicep, he did not yank away from her, instead he relaxed under her touch.
"Sending Lyra to the dungeons won't keep her away forever," Frigga said quietly, knowing her husbands true intentions for his admiral, no matter how angry he was or how buried his intent was. Odin looked at her, his gaze softened somewhat but still tense, he leaned into his wife's touch.
"I know, but I know not what else to do," he muttered.
-Loki's POV-
I pace my cell silently, walking the force field they put in the center. There had been half of the cell separated off from me, making me think Odin wishes to punish me more by making my cell smaller, at the thought rage envelopes my body, but it disperses when a more logical solution enters my head. All the cells we're taken, so most likely they needed to put someone else there, but did not trust me to not hurt anyone.
A smirk crosses my lips and a sense of pride fills me that Odin thinks me to be that dangerous to take precautions. The smile is swiped off my lips when I think of what Lyra thinks of me. I never got to explain my intentions, so she most likely thinks me a monster. I shake the thought out of my head. It does not matter if she hates me, as long as she's out of Thanos' reach. If I told her of what happened after I fell from the Rainbow Bridge, wouldn't that just put her at risk? My thoughts are rudely interrupted when I hear footsteps barreling down the hallway, uninterested, I walk over to the bookshelf my mother, Frigga, I mentally corrected myself, has given me. I finger through this books absentmindly, turning my head to see the other half of the forcefield disabled. A limp body in the guard's arms is what catches my attention. A mop of chestnut brown hair shrowding the girls face, but I recognize the woman from anywhere.
I stare in horror as Lyra is thrown into the cut off section of my cell, her unconscious body twitching, her veins bulging blue as she writhed and twitched on the concrete. "Let the poor girl go, Vic." One of the guards says, giving Lyra a sympathetic look. Anger roars inside me at the sight of her, and only when she stops twitching and he sees the steady rise and fall of her chest. The kinder guard puts her on the bed and they leave in silence, leaving Lyra in poor condition on the bed.
Leaving her to pick up the pieces of her own broken body.
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