T W E N T Y - E I G H T
My eyes slowly peeled open, black spots forming in my vision. What happened? When I sit up, hands suddenly grab at me and I panic, starting to squirm away from their grip until I saw Frigga and Eir. "Calm, child, sit back." Frigga says, easing my back back down. "What happened?" I croak, my voice hoarse and almost impossible to understand. "Don't try and talk, dear. I shall explain." She says, I touch my throat and attempt to heal it but hiss in pain when a burning sensation travels through my fingertips.
I look at Frigga with wide eyes and she nods. "We don't know, Eir tried to heal you but could not," Frigga pauses, and I motion for her to keep going. "Well, from what Loki tells us, this incident happened in your sleep, correct?" Eir finishes for her. I nod. "Are you familiar with dreamscaping?" Frigga asks. I raise an eyebrow, nodding my head yes. I know the power, know that it happens when minds are connected during when all of them are sleeping, the host of the dream can control every concept of it, and in some cases the person with the power can put one to sleep so their consciousness collide, could that have been how I saw the woman? Could she have the ability to dreamscape?
"When dreamscaping, all participants can effect one another, but only someone with a huge amount of power like a demon or a celestial can kill someone or harm someone in the dreamscape ." Frigga says. I give her a questioning look. "What, a-are you saying?" I choke out, Eir shushes me and rushes to get something, coming back with a glass of water and lifting it to my lips. "Something with great power is seeking you, child." Frigga says, I think back to about a month before, the dream of me dancing with Loki to Brandy by The Looking Glass. He freaked out after me singing it he next day, could he have actually been present during that dream? Could it be me that is at fault for the dream?
"Don't you recognize the face of your own mother?" Her words hung over my head like a sword, the only thing keeping it from crushing me is a thread. there was no way that woman is my mother! My mother is dead. "Lo... ki?" I croak, not being able to say anything more. "He's still in the cell." I breathe a sigh of relief, letting my head fall back onto the pillow. "Think about the person who did this to you," Frigga orders, I oblige, letting her features flood my head, letting everything about that moment sink in. I clench my fist but don't stop picturing the moment. "Alright, that's enough." Frigga says, I sense her emotions. She's in distress, confused, but she definitely recognizes her.
"Why can't I heal myself?" I ask Frigga inside my head while we still had the mental bridge she created. "We don't know exactly, we know little about dreamscaping, but it may be some sort of dark magic spell. This woman seems to be very powerful, she may be" Frigga stops, but what she was going to say was obvious. A demoness. She passes her hand over my forehead. "You're burning up. Try and get some rest, dear." She says worriedly. "You'll need lots of rest, you're very lucky your neck didn't break." She adds, I meet her eyes and fell palm falls onto my hand, clapping our fingers together. "How long had I been asleep?" I ask her, a solemn looks spreads onto het face.
"A few days, we....." Frigga trailed off before finishing her sentence. "We though you perished for some time, but it seems as though you would not accept death," Frigga said sadly, I frowned at her, not remembering this. "Now rest,"
Falling asleep was easier said than done, but it happened eventually. It was a dreamless sleep, either that or I do not remember what I dreamt of, but either way no harm was brought to me or anyone else.
When I woke, I was still in the bed from before, a soft breeze drafting across my face from the open window. I turn my head to look outside, I know I'm in the infirmary with the garden view I had. I could smell the roses next to the window from inside, and I closed my eyes to allow myself to rest for a moment more.
I hear the door open and I almost groan, I do not need a visitor. "Lyra, I'm so pleased you're awake." I hear the all familiar God of Thunder's voice coming from the doorway. "N.. Nice to be.. awake." I rasp through my dry throat, he shakes his head, walking forward and sitting on a chair next to the bed. "No need to strain yourself," He says, handing me a pencil and a notepad. I smile in gratitude, waiting for him to ask something.
"How are you feeling?" He asks genuinely. I smirk inwardly and scribbled onto the sheet, 'I've been better'. He chuckles slightly but stops immediately. "I visited the Avengers yesterday for the second time and told them your state, they're all incredibly worried for you." He says, patting my arm that rests on the pillow. 'I'm more worried for my circulation.' I scribbled down, making him laugh again. After a moment, I add to my list of notes, 'How's Steve?' "Worried sick. Not dead, though." I laughed hoarsly, immediately starting to cough afterwards. He shot up and walked swiftly out of the room, returning shortly with a glass of water which I accepted graciously. Taking a gulp of the water and placing on the shelf, I turn back to the notepad.
'Loki?' I wrote, Thor sits back onto the chair and scoots closer so he can see. "He should be allowed to visit soon enough, I asked a guard to get Odin's permission." Thor replies, making me smile. I rub the back of his hand, mouthing the words 'Thank you'. He sighed and nods, his smile fleeting. He squeezes my hand. "We all thought you were dead," he said, quietly, hanging his head in grief. I sigh hoarsely, before scribbling 'So I've heard' onto the notepad. He squeezes my hand again, taking both of his hands in mine. "Don't you dare die on me, you're not allowed. As you're superior I I order you to live, okay? You're my dearest friend," he said silently, I laughed hoarsely at superior, but couldn't comment on it since he occupied my writing hand. I mouthed the words 'Your wish is my command' and he touched my knuckle to his forehead, grinning softly. He nods and smiles, kissing my hand formally then standing up. "I really have to go, I have duties to attend to but I swear to visit again soon." He says, I smile and wave goodbye at him as he leaves the rooms. I put the notepad on the shelf next to me, rolled over away from the window, and drifted to sleep.
Third POV
In the back of Lyra's mind she heard the door open, but too deep into sleep, she didn't wake up. Loki, being very roughly handled by the two guards, steps through the doorway, his heart dropping at the sight of her. One of the guards, Calman, unlocks the restraints on his hands and sets him loose. "Don't try anything or I'll snap your head in half." He snaps, slamming the door shut. Loki doesn't blame him for not being very fond of him. Rushing to Lyra's side, he sits down and quickly examines her neck.
He could've sworn his heart stopped beating. She had deathly white skin, her lips had taken on a bluish pigment, her neck swollen purple and blue, and there were dark bags under her eyes. The shadows of the flowers on the widow sill cast eerily over her face. Carefully, he strokes her hair, wary not to wake her or disturb her neck. His heart ached for her, hours before she was believed to be dead, but moments ago the guards tell him that his beloved had awoken. Tears were quickly falling down his face.
He should've known better than to think for one minute death could be his Lyra, but he couldn't stop the tears. He truly believed that the last things he'd ever said to her were in cold blood, that he would never again hear her sweet voice, or touch her soft skin, or even see her face. He had been so cold to her, but whenever she 'perished', he realised how badly he needed her in his life. She deserved to be treated like a queen, and this, he would kill who ever did this to her. He continued to stroke her hair, wishing so badly he could help her, rid her of any pain she felt. Just like she promised to do for him.
Nonetheless, he knew he couldn't be the one to hold her for long. He was certain Thanos would take that as every reason to bring her into his schemes.
But when he saw her sitting there, he couldn't help it.
She stirred softly, and he suddenly felt the need to see her eyes, feel her breathing, make sure she was okay like they said. Seeing the rise and fall of her chest set him at ease, here she was. Alive. He kisses her hand, then kisses her hair, and stared at her for a long time, as if it would be the last time he would ever see her again. She stirred again slightly, her eyes opening slightly. "Lo... ki?" She rasps, his heart throbbed at the sight of her. "Shall I retrieve some water?" Loki asks, standing, Lyra shakes her head gently, motioning to the glass she had and he nods, leaning forward and kissing her forehead. "Y-" Lyra starts, "Don't stress yourself, just think it." He says gently, making her cringe, her face scrunching up.
Lyra's POV
"Don't stress yourself. Just think it." He says gently, making me cringe. "You're so confusing." I say inside my head. Seriously, this guy has more mood swings than a toddler's birthday party, one second he's annoyed, then he's sincere, it gave me a headache just to try and figure him out. "I'm just worried for you." Is all he says, his voice trembling with raw emotions. His hair was unkept and ratted, his eyes red and rimmed with silver, my heart tears right then and there for him, but I couldn't help but feel relieved that he still cared for me enough to get this sort of reaction from him. We stare at one another for a moment, and he sighs. "You should rest, love." He says, his voice trembling slightly but barely noticeable, but he couldn't hide it from me. The first thing I notice that reside inside his emotions is his guilt, then his regret, his anguish and relief, and most importantly, his sincerity.
"I've rested enough." I thought, getting aggravated at the recommendation. I've slept enough, it's just a neck injury it's not like I broke every bone in my body. "You were literally dead yesterday, you deserve sleep." Loki says, literally reading my thoughts. "I've been asleep for days, it's driving me crazy not being active." I think, rolling over gently onto my side. "You'll get over it." He sighs, brushing my hair behind my ear, his lip curling simply at that movement. "You know," he started softly. "When they told me you perished, I thought that I would never again touch you," his thumb touched my cheek gently, tracing down to my jaw the trailing my lips. "And here you are," he breathed, as if not believing it himself. I smiled reaching up and grabbing his hand, rubbing my thumb over his knuckle. "Here I am," I thought, so unbelievably happy to see this side of him again.
"Do you need anything? Is there anything I can do for you?" He asks, scooting his chair closer to the bedside so his elbows rest of it and his face is towering over mine. "Not really." I say in my mind, but then I think for a moment. "Actually, there's one thing."
"Anything, my love."
"Please, PLEASE tell me what happened after the black hole?" I beg, I search his eyes for any sort of compliance, and I'm grateful when I see it. He sighs, biting the inside of his cheek and running his thumb over my forehead and brushing the hair that hung in my face. "Alright, I suppose I owe you an explanation." Loki says gently,
He breathes in, then out, then looks at me again.
He opens his mouth to speak. "Thano-"
"Alright! Times up!"
Calman yells, throwing the door open. "W-wait-" I start, but I immediately regret it because my throat burns afterward. Loki stands up, his fingers lingering on my skin a moment longer, before unwillingly leaving.
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