After Loki had refused to leave my room until my ankle was taken care of, he bandaged it up for me (despite my opposition) and left. I waited for a moment, expecting to his door to click shut from across the grand hallway, but instead I hear nothing. I let my head fall onto my pillow, flipping over so my face is buried in the cloth and groan with the dramatics of a teenager. Why did I have to put myself in that damned situation? Why did I have to sprain my ankle at the mere sound of his voice? I'd surprised myself by longing to be in his arms again, to be inches away from him- and damn myself to hel, I couldn't get over him, couldn't get him out of my head.
Loki was flirtatious, it was obvious, he didn't harbor anything for me, and reading that much into his actions was so unbelievably naive of me I could hardly believe myself. I groan again, pulling my pillow over my face in frustration.
It was going to be a long night.
The next morning, after I fully healed myself, Loki appeared to be nowhere in sight, and I was completely flushed and embarrassed still.
Even Thor noticed, and chose to tease me about it endlessly over breakfast. "So, did you and my brother finally admit your feelings for one another?" Thor asks when we were finally alone in the busy day. I blush furiously and Thor tilted his head back and howled with laughter, I didn't find it so funny."Nothing of the sort happened, you blithering oaf," I said, trying to sound hateful but it came out as teasing as I chucked a biscuit at his head. He cackled madly, ducking from the food as it flew at Lady Sif who sat at the opposite side of him, she didn't even blink at us as she caught it next to her head. Thor elected to only ignore my comment, much to my dismay. "I've known you have both had it bad for each other for awhile. Loki was a little more obvious than you as I don't think he's even had a crush before," Thor laughed heartily, his smile so big I'm surprised it didn't leap off his face. I glowered at him, raising my fork at him in warning. "I will start throwing utensils," I threatened meaningfully.
Thor clapped me on the shoulder, staring at my fork-weapon amusingly. "I'm just happy you finally admitted it to yourself." Thor says. My face heated and my lip turned at him, I swung my wrist forward and tossed my fork at him pathetically. It clattered on his plate and he cackled, almost evilly, at me. I huffed in a frustrated breath and looked at him stern-fully, "As if it even matters," I started, "I'm sure Loki galavants around with plenty of women, I doubt I am anything of importance to him," I try to say this with nonchalance, but I knew I looked tense. Thor tipped his head back and laughed heartily again. "We are talking of the same Loki, aren't we?" He chuckled, and I couldn't help but return a stifled laugh at that. Sif, the last one of the warriors sitting near us, shook her head at our bantering and excused herself. "Come find me at the training grounds later, Lyra. An expedition on Vanaheim arrives quickly and we must discuss matters together." She informs me, I nodded toward her. "Of course, Lady. Shall I kick your ass before or after we discuss war tactics?" I asked her innocently, sitting back in my chair with a smug sneer on my face. She grinned at my slyly, "You fight me before, and we'll see whose ass is kicked then, Admiral." Sif smirked, before dismissing herself and leaving.
After a moment of eating and discussing business with Thor, seeing we were generally alone and out of earshot it anyone else, the question that had been pestering me came out. "Why does your father want me to keep the fact I am part Aesir from everyone?" I ask him. Thor takes a moment before answering. "I do not know myself, Lyra. My father has always been quite confusing." Thor says. I nod, pretending to understand as I stare at my spoon, which I resorted to since I chucked my fork at Thor.
"Sif is a god, the warriors three are all gods, Asgard is literally the realm of the gods. I just don't understand the fuss." I say. Thor just shrugs. "Lyra, you were found on Asgard as a child, but that doesn't mean you're Asgardian." Thor says, not unkindly. I frown deeply at him at the suggestion and the memory of being a lost and confused child. I hardly remembered anything from before the palace, in fact, I didn't have any recollections I was so young. I just remembered feeling scared- and lost. Sensing he's come across a tough memory, Thor offers up another solution. "It may be the fact who your parents are, we do not yet understand your lineage. You do have a rarity of powers. And your ease at learning magic is also quite peculiar." He says, jabbing a finger at me in emphasis.
I groaned in frustration and confusion. "I'm so sick of the secrecy and confusion. I'd just like a book- do they make those? 'Lyra's peculiar life and her messed up abilities explained thoroughly', I'd pay good coin for that ," I chuckled, Thor mirrored my laugh. "I would read that," he mused, shoveling food into his mouth. "Any updates on such abilities, recently?" Thor asked, folding his hands behind his head as he leaned back in his chair. I looked at him, suddenly excited to tell him that I actually had, but only forgotten to mention it. "Yes, actually. My empathy may be evolving, I believe I'm able to see some things in people's mind." Seeing Thor's bemused expression, I elaborated. "I mean, within reason, it's only happened about," I thought for a moment, "well, only twice." I mused aloud, Thor's eyebrows raised as if I'd captured his attention more than before.
"What have you seen?" Thor asks, his interest piqued. "Well, it started out settle, like how I could sometimes feel other's emotions," I paused with the brief memory and embarrassment yesterday as Loki's emotions came over me, I fought the red climbing my cheeks. I continued, knowing that Thor was aware of my empathic abilities. "but now, I see images. Sometimes when people's guard is down, I see an image they are thinking about. Like yesterday I sensed you were worried, and I could see you imagining what could happen if these Frost Giants we're still in Asgard-"
"Wait, what did you see?" Thor asks, alarm in his voice clear. "Well, it was your crowning day, and the Frost Giants broke into the treasure room and triggered the Destroyer. By the way, immaculate imagination, Thor." I say, teasingly, but Thor didn't return my banter. "That's strange." He says, worry creasing his brows. I frowned at him, somewhat expecting him to be impressed. "I guess so, but," "I never pictured anything like that, I mean I was worried," He interrupted. He laid a hand on my arm and his distraught emotions filled me, I suppressed a gasp and blinked at him.
I pause for a second. "Then what did I see?" I ask him. Thor hesitates, then says, "I don't know, my friend." He says, running a hand through his dusty blonde hair. I stare at the city of Asgard once more. "Thank you, Thor." I say. "For what?" He replies, the amusing glint returning to his eyes once more. "For offering me... consolation." I say, grinning at him purely and hoping he knows how much I appreciated him. He nods his head laughing at my demeanor, then says, "Well, if we're going to get all sentimental, I might as well remind you you're a good friend as well." He said, nudging me with his shoulder.
I smiled and judged him back with my elbow, before pushing myself out of the chair. "We'd better get going, I have to complete my duties for the day before I kick Sif's ass." I said, managing to keep my tone completely serious, Thor laughed loudly, clapping my shoulder. "Alright, you're the boss."
Technically, he was the boss.
We began our search once again, searching through every part we could think they could go without being found, but no luck. We interrogated mostly the soldiers directly under Cain's supervision, I had my own suspicions about him, but came up empty. We even went to the Gate Keeper to see what he had to say about it. He knew nothing about their whereabouts, which was strange, concerning he could see everywhere in the universe except for- I casted a glance toward the roaring waters of the realm's edge, but I knew that if the Jotuns were in the water, it would freeze and give up their whereabouts.
We walked onto the Rainbow Bridge and I teleported across, and Thor was by my side about one second later, landing next to me with his hammer in hand. "Where on Asgard could they have gone to?" Thor mumbles to himself. "Is it possible they could have escaped?" I ask. "Maybe." Thor shrugs, I notice his eyes also wander toward the edge of the water, possibly the same thoughts going through his head.
After we had informed Odin about our unsuccessful search and I told him about the images I saw, he gave us the rest of the day off, and after I spent some time with Sif sparring on the training grounds (and winning), we went to the library to find a map of Vanaheim to discuss our upcoming expedition. Once we'd finally got done, she retired from her duties for the day and I decided to take a break by browsing through the shelves. I was looking at the books about magic, fingering through the family trees of Asgard. Hoping to find information about my parents, I took the book from the shelves and flipped through, not sure what I was looking for.
Clove, that was my mother's name. I was told she was of the Aesir, but I never found her name in the Book of Elder Edda or Yggdrasil royal families, although I never bothered to look anywhere else besides Asgard. The Aesir live in Asgard and take their place in Valhalla when they die, well, depending on the manner in which they died, so I was deeply surprised to not find one trace of her name, but I've looked multiple times before. I was skimming through the family trees when I heard someone enter behind me.
I knew that it was Loki but I did not say a word to him, knowing me speaking was a thousand times more damaging than me keeping my mouth shut. "Hello, love. I was looking for you." He says. I turn my head, not being able to stop my smile and I closed the book that was in my hands and slid it back into the shelf. "Well, you've found me, Your Highness." I say, bowing slightly. "Your highness," Loki drawled for a second, his eyes glinting in mock distaste. He shook his head then, as if deciding something with himself. "Just as I thought, I much prefer my name from your lips than that silly title." Loki chuckles, an amusing and sly glint in his eyes, he stalks closer to me and I force myself to turn around toward the shelf, pretending to take interest in the titles.
I smile. "You are still a prince, and I am still only a soldier." I say, trying to plant warning in my voice. I heard his scoff as he ignored me. He walks closer to me. "But in my eyes, you're a queen. Why not think yourself as one?" He asks. I shook my head slightly, aware of his closeness even with my back to him, You have no idea just how unworthy of a throne I am, I thought silently, not daring to ever say those words in front of him.
"What idea do I not have?" Loki says in my head, embarrassment floods through me and I am suddenly grateful I am not looking at him. "Okay, now it's just rude." I say out loud, duties be damned. "Can you... I don't know... not pry through my head?" I say, huffing in aggravation. "I learn a lot more about you this way," Loki sneers, taking a few more steps toward me until he was merely a foot or two away. I couldn't stop my breath from catching in my throat, trying to shove my traitorous thoughts out of my head. I turned myself toward him finally, keeping my gaze level, my eyes meeting his chest since he had a couple inches on me. I knew he was smiling but looking at the impish grin on his face flipped my stomach, his smile widened and his finger went to my chin. "It's very entertaining, you'd feel the same if you were a telepath." He kidded, I slap his hand away, despite the warning light that flashed in my mind.
"By Odin's beard, ever considered just asking instead of prying?" I suggested, taking an uncomfortable step back. This sudden step forward in intimacy quickly began to make me uncomfortable, he's my prince, is this even allowed? He takes a step forward and I allow him to come back into my personal space. He grabs my chin gently, making me meet his eye-line, and says. "It's more fun this way."
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