"Hello, I'm Director Fury, I have a few questions for you." Said a man in a black suit, an eye patch on one eye. He's dark skinned and bald, with a expression that betrayed no emotions, two could play at that game. I leaned forward and propped my elbows on my knees, quirking one eyebrow in his direction. "What sort of questions?" I ask, remaining stoic and emotionless, I didn't recognize his species immediately, I thought him to be human but a lot of species throughout the galaxies looked relatively human. My head was still fuzzy but I knew for a fact that he wasn't Asgardian. I knew there was some mistake with their medications for the off feeling in my head, I almost reached up to fix it but remembered whose company I beheld.
"Well, it is my understanding that in New Jersey you fought against what is believed to be an alien, protected Jane Foster and her associates, saved many lives by inexplicably healing four unidentified people, and also people reported saying you could move things with your mind and conjured a sword in your hands, is this all correct?" He said, I was impressed by his nonchalance, so this was Midgard, I thought to myself. I don't answer, what do I say to that? "What is it to you?" I sneered, wringing my hands.
"I'll take that as a yes." He confirms, a small smile appearing on his lips. "Who were these people you were with?" He asks; he wasn't demanding or menacing like other interrogators, he was speaking like I was an old friend of his and we were catching up. "Friends." I reply simply, conveying nothing else from my eyes. "Where are you and your friends from?" He asks, getting clearly tired of my remarks. "The New Jersey." I say, that being the only name I have heard. "Where are your friends now?" He asks. "I don't know." I answer. He sighs, then says. "Jane could tell us otherwise. Says you're from another planet. Now listen here, I'm not going to hurt you I just want to know where you're from." He says. I sigh, but not in defeat, at his insolence.
"I am Lyra of Asgard, I am Asgard's best warrior of all the men and women, and you couldn't hurt me if you tried." I challenge, he doesn't argue, but also doesn't agree. "I'm stranded here, the gateway that brought me to this place has been destroyed, so I guess Midgard is stuck with me." I spat. He looks at me long and hard. "Lyra, was it?" He asks, I nod, leaning back on the bedframe with my arms crossed. "I am a part of an agency known as SHEILD, we are a counterterrorist agency, we handle earth's 'otherworldly' problems and other threats. Now you Lyra, are one of those 'otherworldly' problems, we need to know where you stand." He asks. I wanted to laugh out loud, he thinks I'm a threat. "Director, it is the sacred duty of the Aesir to guard Midgard from their "other worldly problems", if we stepped aside now, you all would surely be dead," I stated, and it was the truth. I couldn't even count how many battles I have fought to keep armies from Midgård. "If I stood against you, you would have known by now. Or you wouldn't have had the chance to know since you would be dead," I said, twiddling my thumbs nonchalantly.
Fury eyed my up and down, his gaze deep and analyzing, reading my words as if he could tell if I was lying or telling the truth. "How am I supposed to know if that's true?" Fury asked, suspiciously squinting his eyes at me. My lip curled into a half-smile, I swiped my hand to the side and Dygö appeared, his golden hilt gleaming in the light of the room. Fury was suddenly up and pointing a midgardian gun at me, a snarl gracing his lips and I laughed dryly. "At ease, soldier." I retorted. He slowly sat down again, still watching me intently and not letting go of the weapon he wielded. I grabbed Dygö by the blade, sticking forward the hilt toward Fury. I knew he wouldn't be able to lift it on his own because Dygö was too heavy, so I supported its weight by the blade. He raised an eyebrow and I sighed. "Grab the hilt,"
I rolled my eyes. "This is my sword Dygö, the Sword that Reveals the Truth. Grab the hilt and ask me any question you like," I said simply, nodding my head toward Dygö. Wearily, fury grabbed the hilt. "How do I know if you're telling the truth,"
"The sword will tell you," I said, as if it was obvious.
After a moment of confusion emitting off of him, I say, "You'll just know. It's a feeling deep inside your bones." I said, he nodded carefully, before asking. "Do you truly mean no harm to earth?" He asked skeptically. I nodded. "Yes, I mean no harm to you or your kind. I stand by Mi- Earth," I corrected, knowing that these people know Midgård as Earth and in some cases Terran. Fury startled and drops the hilt. "Holy shit," he breathed. I chuckled, "it takes some getting used to," I said nonchalantly. I placed Dygö on the bed and ran my fingers over the blade. I could see the question in Fury's eyes before he asked it.
"Alright, I shall come on one condition." I say. He raises an eyebrow and I pause before adding, "You tell no one about me being from another planet." I said sternly, Nick nodded. "I can agree to that, but why?" He asked. "Simple, as the Aesir it is our sacred duty to protect the Nine Realms, and long ago your ancestors made an agreement to end the war that transpired between our realms if we allow their race to live separately and in ignorance. That is the only thing that has kept your planet alive, if people like you all over Midgard knew of the great conquest they would jump into a war they are not prepared for. Trust me, it is in your best interest to keep this to yourself," I said firmly, he nodded in understanding, but confusion played best in his expression.
"Might I add something?" Nick asked,
"Be my guest,"
"I wouldn't put simple in front of that long ass speech no more," He said, causing me to laugh.
The jet, as Nick called it, is more high tech than I had thought. I sat at a seat next to him, nervously clutching at the sides, I didn't trust a machine to keep me safe in the air. "Have you ever flown before?" Nick asks. "I do not have the ability to fly." I answer, confused at his question. He laughs slightly then says "I meant in a machine." I blush a little at his comment. "No in fact I have not. I've fallen a couple hundred miles though, so I've gone the opposite way, but from much higher up." I say, the jet lurches forward and takes the air.
I don't dare look out the window, I feel how fast we're going, I don't need to see it. As minutes ticked by I start to get more used to the feeling of being in the air and I let myself relax. I slowly turned toward the small window and look outside, my stomach dropping. I vaguely remembered crashing into the the earth at such a high altitude, after I jumped into the black hole after Loki. I sink back in the comfortable seats and realize how tired I am, which is strange considering that I have been asleep for days. Sensing this, Nick speaks up. "You can fall asleep, it'll be a few hours before we get there." He says. I look at Nick, he was watching me nervously, as if I would conjure my sword and attack him right now. "I have been asleep for days, why would I sleep any more?" I say dully, still not sure about this Nick Fury guy. He just shook in his head and turned away, still keeping his good eye on me. "I think I would be much more comfortable if you put that sword up, or let some of my agents put it.... somewhere else," Fury said wearily. I narrowed my eyes at him, laying a hand on Dygö's hilt. Dygö laid at my side, ready for anything but comforting me more than anything else. "No one touches Dygö," I growled. He barely flinched at my implied threat. "Dygö? It has a name?"
"Damn right it has a name," I said, stroking the scabbard of my sword, it's familiar presence giving me comfort.
And sure enough, moments later, I had lulled into sleep, drifting into dreams.
The landscape spread out before me, I was in my bed chamber back in Asgard, and Loki stands in the center of the room. When he sees me he breathes a sigh of relief then rushes over to hug me, isn't this a dream? "I'm so happy you're alright, I was afraid this wouldn't work." Loki says. We seperate and he looks at me with guilt and regret. "I am sorry, love. But I will find you." Loki says, he cups my neck with his palm and brings my lips to his lightly, I hardly counted it as a kiss, it was a mere brush of skin that I didn't allow him to explore before pulling back to look at him. "What the hell happened? Where are you Loki?" I gasped, intwining our fingers together, all acrimony towards him about what transpired on Asgard disappeared when I saw his unharmed face. He sighed, looking around as if he was waiting for something. "I'm not sure," he answered, he looked around as if he could see much more than I could. He looks back at me, his eyes distraught. "Are you alright?" I said quietly, nervous about what Loki was afraid of. He sighed once more. "I will be," He lightly kissed me, folding his fingers into my hair and drawing our lips together. I sink into his touch, closing my eyes and grabbing onto him, this time permitting him to press into me.
He inhaled sharply suddenly, breaking apart our kiss but still hovering mere centimeters from me. "Don't come for me, Lyra. Stay safe, stay where you are," he says and draws back from me abruptly, looking around the empty dreamscape as if something were coming. I stared at him in confusion. "Loki- what's going on? Where are you?"
He doesn't get to answer, because soon I am back in the jet, with Fury waking me up.
"Get your sleeping ass up."
It had been months since I first joined SHEILD, I was on a mission in New York to find and uncover spies, or... something of the sort. Fury needed my truth telling sword for an interrogation, but I had to go undercover as a party attendee to first find the perpetrator. The whole ordeal almost seems royal, people in dresses and suits more expensive than gold, but thanks to my magic I was able to conjure one on my body with no cost. I was much more comfortable in this environment, as a child I was trained how to behave at such events, and it made me desperately homesick.
I was also supposed to be aware of a villain who had stolen the tesseract and was possibly in the area, so it's a double mission situation. Though I didn't yet know the name of this guy but I was sure I'd be able to see a crazed- power hungry maniac if I came across him. I ran his description over again in my head, longish raven-black hair and blue eyes that almost seemed to glow, ivory skin and somewhat slender. I knew that as soon as I found this madman I would have to take the tesseract and find someway to bring it to Asgard, an infinity stone in the hands of Midgardians would be good for no one.
The dress I am wearing is coincidentally green and gold (image) , but what can I say, I miss Loki. I wore his bracelet everywhere I went. With that I thought back to the man, wondering desperately where he could be, if he was even alive. I shook my head, don't think about that now. I see the target in a tux, across the room with a glass of wine in his hand and talking to a women in a black dress with a plunging neckline. I began to subtly make my way toward him, placing my hand on the small device that Natasha had called a comm in my ear and whisper, "I see the man we're looking for," I murmur, forgetting how Fury told me to address situations such as this one. "Excellent work, Agent Clovin." Buzzes in my ear. I stop dead in my tracks when I see a familiar face walking in the very room I'm in.
My heart leaps at the sight of him, my breath caught in my throat and all thoughts expelled from my head. Where have you been. I thought to myself. I thought I might drop to my knees at the sight of him, or maybe bound to him in that very moment and yell in happiness, but what stopped me was how strikingly different who looked. His black hair slicked back like it always was, scepter in hand as he marched across the front of the front. His smirk that I used to see daily still sprawled on his face, a staff in his hand with a stone at the end, The Mind Stone, I mentally note to myself, frowning and pinning myself in place. When I finally see Loki's eyes, I see that they are blue, even though they used to be green. I could see them from the other side of the room with their peculiar glow. I think that maybe I was hallucinating, what happened? When he attacks the person standing at the front of the room, I suddenly know what happened to him.
He's the villain with the tesseract.
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