Before Jane could say anything, I was already in the domain, standing before Mjolnir, Thor reaching out to it, I grunted and reached my arm toward Dygö, not really sure what I'd do with it, but a yell stopped me in my tracks. "We've got another!" A slurred voice yells. I look up to see someone standing on a platform, a bow aimed at my head. it wasn't the kind I'm familiar with and skilled with, it was mechanical with a red tipped arrow that made me furrow my brows. With a wave of my hand, the hand is knocked from the bow and the man is scrambling to reload it. I frowned, knowing I didn't have much time, but turned my attention back to Thor. I keep Dygö at my side and concealed beneath my trench coat, well, Jane's coat that she insisted I wear to cover the sword. I should've stopped him, but at the moment I was really interested to see if he could wield it. He takes one hard jerk at the hammer- it doesn't budge. I figured as much, but did feel a twinge is sympathy for Thor.
He tries again, once again it doesn't budge. He shrieks in frustration, pulling with all his might. I sigh as he turns to hurl punches at the men coming at him. With one sweep of my hand, I knock him on his butt and stare at the men with weapons turned toward me. "I yield." I said quickly, holding my hands up. They rushed toward me, men grabbed my wrists from the air and jerked them behind my back.
The Casket of Ancient Winters stood before me, I held it in my quivering hands, I could find the cold within it, beckoning to me, calling me home. What was I? The tips of my fingers started to fade blue, frost gathering as the blue spreads, proving my theory right. Rage and fear ripples through me, my hands feeling cold and strangely powerful.
What terrified me was that, for once, I felt like I was in my own skin, like I could finally see clearly.
Revolt rose in me and my hands begun shaking with the casket, Odin lied, I thought. My father lied to me. All those years, I had thought I was a freak of nature, different from all other Asgardians, I never had the body heat or the bright hair, the bulk or the charisma of Thor. I thought I was a freak.
I never thought that I might've been right all along.
"Loki, stop!" I hear someone's voice in the entryway of the treasure room. Odin. Odin who took Lyra away from me, who had the throne given to Thor. I place the Casket back down, I felt my body quiver with confusion, I turned toward my father slowly, and I knew what he saw. I wanted him to see the beast that stood before him, lied to his entire life. Blue, frozen skin, crimson red eyes. As any Jotun would look. The look of a monster,
Someone Lyra would fear.
"Father. " I had held my hand in front of my face, before letting it drop to my side. I gathered myself. "What am I?" I demanded, hating the quiver in my voice, the fear I knew was evident in my eyes. Odin's eye grows with shock, "What am I?!" I say, more loudly. I know that my eyes are rimmed with silver, though I fought it, but anger roiled inside of me and I made no move to fight that. I wanted Odin to see my anger. "You, you are Laufey's son." Odin says shakily. I was taken aback,Laufey, the God of War, was my father? "I found you when you were but a baby, cast out on a frozen rock." Odin grimly adds, such easy words. Such simple words that tear me in two and throw what's left of me all over the marble floors. He so easily turned years of lying and betrayal into two sentences.
A monster.
"You were lying to me." I say quietly, I met Odin's eyes. This time, I said it strongly and loudly. "You were lying to me!" I walked briskly down the stairway that led to the Casket, fury rolling of my tongue. "So that's all I am, a monster!?" I shouted, fury enveloping me and blinding me and I know that I can't go back, I'm so deeply rooted in the fury that I don't seem to care that I'm too far in. All of my years of rage come barreling out of my mouth, how he cast away Lyra, kept me in Thor's shadow.
I stand before him, yelling "You were ashamed of me! You-" Odin eyes close, he convulses, his shoulders tremble and I slowly climb out of the pit I dived into, worry replacing my rage and confusion my fear.
I stumble back, my eyes widen with shock. "Guards! Guards come quickly!" I shouted as Odin collapsed.
What have I done?
I sat strapped in a chair, which was understandable, Thor and I were trespassing and we also had incredible strength. I sat before this guy who has no idea what he's talking about, saying things about how I should have intense military training if I was so easily able to take out Thor (when no one knows I actually used my mind) , what kind of training did they do here? Also, I have no idea what a sort of military they have here in Midgard."I assure you, I just train myself mainly." I tell him. "Where did you learn about this location?" He orders. "I got dragged here by the likes of him." I reply coldly. What was with the poor manners on Midgard? "And as far as I know that man could've seriously hurt your warriors if I hadn't stepped in when I did." I add sharply. "And you're excuse for not stopping him in the first place?" The man says, drawing closer to me. "Does he look like the kind of person to listen to the voice of reason?" I say, with a roll of my eyes, growing increasingly impatient. I could snap these shackles if I wished, but I chose to remain seated and l listened to his rambling.
When the interrogation was over he finally left me alone, silence was something I seldom get, I usually only have complete silence when asleep in my chambers. But the silence seems suffocating, rather than comfortable. They had taken my sword, dispute my growls of warning. I saw where it sat on a table across the room, Dygö, in all its glory, sitting there strewn to the side as if it were no more than just a useless piece of furniture. Anger boiled inside me, they had no idea the power that Dygö had, and to treat my weapon like it was an utensil-
"Hello, love." I felt the moment I almost went into shock, I looked up to see Loki standing there., rimmed with a green mist. I realize he's an illusion before I start blurting out questions, "You've been on Midgard, what, three days? And you're already tied up." Loki says, humor in his tone, I recognized that his smile was faked as soon as I saw it, see the pain that lurked beneath the sly glint in his eyes, could feel his shame and his turmoil crawling on my skins. "Do you seriously think it was me who got us into this mess?" I said, not hatefully but more nonchalantly. He chuckles softly, and I feel his sadness wash over me one again.
I frowned, concern pulling the corners of my mouth down. "What troubles you?" I ask him. He sighs a shaky breath and looks at me with hesitation in his eyes. "My father has fallen into a deep slumber." Loki adds after my comment as if he couldn't hold it back much longer. I stared at him in shock. "Is he alright? What happened?" I ask urgently, staring at him and feeling all of his emotions. His sorrow, confusion, and most of all, his rage. "His heart fell into poor health." Loki says, looking down in shame, I furrowed my brows at his guilt. "Loki, what happened was not your fault, why do you hang your head as if it was?" I inquired, wanting to reach out and touch him but the bounds that were so sloppily ties forbid it so, and I didn't want to be viewed as anything else but normal in the realm so I kept myself bound.
Loki met my eyes. "I did it to him." He confides, I was taken aback but made no show of it on my face. "Loki-" I started in a soft, soothing tone, but he interrupted, "I found out I was Laufey's son and I just, flipped out and started yelling." He says, his tone doesn't change but I could see he was at war with himself.
I drew my brows once again, confusion taking hold of me. I couldn't hide my shock that came so blatantly on my face. "L-Laufey? Loki, what do you mean.." he answered my question with a shameful look on his face, and he softly closed his eyes. His pale pigmented skin blossomed into a deep shade of blue, frost growing on his fingers and a chill washed over the room, an icy blast stroking my skin. My eyes widened, but I still maintained a trusting expression, still Loki, I reminded myself. This was so out of the blue I still could not wipe the shock on my face. "It's not your fault." I said, and I meant it. I knew he knew I wasn't lying.
Loki remained in his Jotun form, as if he either preferred it or needed me to see him like this. He shook his head with a empty smile taking place on his lips that tore my heart into pieces. He chuckled dryly and humorlessly, "I even told Thor Odin is dead. " Loki adds, this time my shock isn't so much as diluted, nor my horror. "Why on Asgard would you do that?"
He didn't answer, he didn't have to. It was written on his face- he wanted a lot of things, Thor to stay away from Asgard, his brother to feel lied to as he did, or perhaps revenge for him taking me. I gave him a sympathetic look. "I am angry myself, Loki." I try and say. "But don't direct it toward Thor, he wanted it no more than I did,"
He looks at me and reaches for me "When I become king, you will surely be-"
Suddenly, someone walks in who I recognize as Erik. Loki dissapears
"Oh, Rebecca thank God. C'mon, I was worried sick." He says, he sauntered forward and examining me closely , unstrapping me and hoisting me up as if I was incapable of walking on my own. "I beg your pardon?" I ask him, confused at his remark. "C'mon, we've talked about you and Frank drinking to much."
"I have never dr-" I recognize his emotions from anywhere, he was trying to get out of me by lying. "Certainly, I shall refrain myself next time." As we exiting the man doesn't notice me grab the sword and hide it beneath the coat, reattaching the strap along my waist of the scabbard of Dygö, no way would I leave that with the humans. The sword weighed a hefty amount and most humans wouldn't be able to even raise it off the ground. We make it to his car where Thor awaits in the front seat, he has a notebook in his lap. "Brilliant plan, Erik." Thor says when I hop in the car. "Where are we going to?" I ask. "We're going to drink our weight." Erik answers. Followed by a booming chuckle from Thor.
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