The farewells exchanged by Jane and I hadn't lasted long, in fact, I quickly realized my knowledge of Midgard, however infinite, was severely flawed and outdated. When I'd exited with Thor in tow, bruised pride along with his mind for whatever the doctors did to him, Jane had still been sitting there. She smiled when she saw Thor and I, both clearly frustrated, and when she offered to help I couldn't have declined.
Valhalla knows how long we'd have to remain there, our best bet was to get as inconspicuous as possible. Once I realized Thor was without his hammer, possibly for the better, I knew we weren't going to be able to travel anywhere, since I had to know where I was going to teleport.
Jane had given us Midgardian clothing to wear, thank Odin. Actually, I doubted Odin is the one I had to thank. He'd actually been the source of my suffering. It was important me and Thor remained completely clandestine, to be exposed for what we were was to break centuries of compromise between The Realms and Midgard. I wished Odin had taken some care for the realm of Midgard before banishing a cocky prince of Asgard there, I loved Thor but he couldn't be trusted with the fate of Earth just yet.
We sat at a table as Thor ate hungrily at a platter of eggs and bacon. I had insisted I wasn't hungry, so I had nothing but a cup of brown liquid. I was thinking of ways that we could end Thor's exile so we could get back to Asgard as he scarfed down his breakfast as if he hadn't eaten in years, but to be fair, he always ate like that. "This drink, I like it!" Thor concluded loudly, staring at the mug in his hand approvingly. I snickered at his wonder of the Midgardian beverage, realizing too late what he was about to do. He raised his glass and before I can stop it, smashes it on the ground and yells, "Another!"
"By the Gods," I murmured in frustration, I have been here long enough to know that wasn't a custom here. And was considered very rude, mainly by observing the others in the room that weren't throwing their cups about, also from the wide eyed glances he received from various patrons. "What the hell is wrong with you?" Darcy exclaims. "I was asking you for another one." Thor asks. "Then just ask you psycho!" Jane replies. "I meant no disrespect-" "Here, have mine." I say hurriedly, eager to get him to shut up. I slide the white cup over and say "And do not smash it this time." I order.
We sat there awkwardly for a moment, Thor utterly embarrassed at his outburst, when a man at the bar in the restaurant starts babbling on to the bartender of a satellite crash of some sort, something that had suspicious origin and many men tried to raise but could not. I bit my lip to suppress my groan of dread when I realized what such man was speaking of. Valhalla help us all. I thought, pressing my forehead into my fists and praying to Freyja he doesn't hear. "Where is it?" Thor asks, standing up abruptly. "North from here, about 50 miles." He replies, giving Thor a weird glance.
"Thor no." I scolded, grabbing his arm and trying to sit him back down. "Where are you going?" Jane asks as Thor starts walking away. "To claim what is rightfully mine!" He replies. "Oh no no no no." I mumble into my hands. I stand up after him. "Thank you again," I mumbled apologetically to Jane, then I chase after Thor into the street and pull him out of the way of the cars. Jane and her friends run out toward us.
"So you're just leaving?" Jane demands. After I elbowed him in the arm, Thor replies "Thank you for all you've done for us, we shall be on our own, now." He says, he leans down and takes Jane's hand and gently presses his lips to her hand. I resisted the urge to roll my eyes, now? Of all times? I tugged on Thor's arm. "We can't go to your hammer Thor, you can't just think to wield it and return to Asgard, do you?" I said, trying to prevent him from rampaging as an arrogant god.
Starting to realize why Odin banished him.
We start walking down the sidewalk after I couldn't convince him, that's what Jane called it. Once we walk out of their line of sight I smack him on the arm. Thor gives me a questioning look. "Thor, you mustn't be so rash. The customs are different here." I tell him. "Ah, I see why they not acted so kindly to me asking for more of that drink." Thor chuckles.
"You realize smashes a small cup on the ground and yelling 'another' isn't actually asking?" I spat. Thor contemplates this. "I see what you mean."
"Do you actually know where we're going?" I ask him after a moment, completely exasperated. "50 miles north, I suppose." He answers. "I feel so much better." I reply sarcastically. Thor doesn't reply to that, we keep walking down the sidewalk. "This walk of sides goes on forever." Thor says. "I can teleport us 50 miles north, but I can't guarantee it'll be right on Mjolnir." I say, fully intending on taking him to the middle of nowhere.
I'm not afraid he wouldn't be able to wield his hammer, I am more afraid of what would happen if he could pick the hammer up. "Alright." I grab his arm and was about to teleport us when a blaring sound pierces the air. "What is that retched noise?" Thor asks, jumping at the sound. We turn to see Jane at the wheel of a car that wasn't hers from before. "Need a lift?" I smile at her, nodding graciously.
I crawl into the seat next to her and Thor climbs in behind us. "Alright, 50 miles north? Let's go." Jane says, the car lurches forward and starts rolling down the street. "What happened to the 'van' from before?" Thor asks. "Stolen." Jane murmurs, clenching her fists on the wheel that controls the car.
We arrive at night, the rain pours down and matts our clothing against our skin, the cold that nips at my ears reminded me of Loki's cooling touch, his pleasantly cold skin when Asgardians usually were abnormally warm. I shook Loki from my head hesitantly and I touch Dygö at my side, which I refused to remove from my wardrobe though Jane begged me to ditch it. We walk out on the towering hill, staring at the vicinity before us. "That's not a satellite crash, they would take the wreckage away not build around it." Jane confirms. I didn't ask what a satellite was, I didn't want to do anything that would classify me as a stranger to Midgard.
"I'll be back, with all your things like I promised." Thor says, I grab his arm and say "You're just going to stroll in there and take it? You don't even know if you can carry it!" I say. "Nonsense, of course I can carry it. I have for most my life." Thor mutters. Jane stares at us with confusion laced in her eyes. "Wait, what are you going to get?" She asks. "My hammer." Thor rallies.
He starts down the hill, skirting around in the slick mud. "Gods-damn it Thor!" I mutter. "What in Odin's name are you going to do!" I whisper loudly at him. He only looks back at me with a grin spread from ear to ear. My head falls and I groan, he's about to make a terrible decision and all I can do is watch. "He's going to get himself killed." I sigh. "You seem normal enough, why is he like that?" Jane mutters. I sighed and laughed lightly.
"Let's just say he was raised like royalty." I joked, shrugging my shoulders. "But also including our land customs, he doesn't adjust very well to new things." I say, keeping a close eye on Thor as he penetrates the fence. "You can be surprised what he can handle though." I said. Jane is silent for a moment, then she asks me, "Do you think he can handle this?" I sighed, pulling some wet hair behind my ear. "I don't doubt his abilities, just his choices." An alarm blares, indicating Thor made in, we could see their silhouettes through the plastic tubing around Mjolnir. Jane's breath hitches in her throat, and I sighed, I'm gonna have to stop him. If he hurt those midgardians, or did something brash enough to earn the fury of the Allfather, it would be my ass on the line.
"Jane?" I ask, her head snaps violently my way, making me jump a small bit. "Want to see something cool?" I ask her. She raises an eyebrow, then says, "Define cool." I giggle a small bit at her comment. "Saving Thor's ass. Cool enough for you?"
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