I broke away our kiss seconds later, laying a hand on Loki's shoulder, we both breathed heavily with the shock of the moments before, the stress being taken away from the both of us slowly.
"I'm okay," I assured him, and it wasn't a lie. He stared at me, taking a still shaking hand and moving my hair behind my face. His eyes went to my clothing, and my cheeks heated once again. I forgot I was wearing the nightgown he gifted to me, and just like that his usual impish look came to his eye. I sighed, a small smile coming to my face. I expected him to say something, but before I could I turned toward where the railing snapped, standing onto my bare feet. My brown hair blew in front of my face from the wind but I brushed is away.
How did the railing fall? That materiel was strong, a metal golden fusion that would take tons to bring it down, let alone me. I crouched in front of the one pole that broke off from the railing, the reason it probably snapped off in the first place. I stared at my hand again, the blood dripping from my skin to the balcony floor. In the heat of the moment, I hadn't noticed the cold, tender blue marks around the wound where I gripped the protruding pole. Frost bite.
I crouched in front of the pole, seeing a layer of ice so cold it would burn someone.
"Loki," I gasped, pointing at it, he looked at what I was examining and his eyes widened.
This was no accident, the Frost Giants were still on Asgard. And they tried to kill me.
I quickly turned around, bounding to through my chambers and toward the door. I needed to prove my theory, now. I needed to tell Thor.
"And where on Asgard to you think you're going?" Loki called after me, walking briskly after me to catch up. I looked at him over my shoulder. "The Frost Giants may be after more than just Asgard's treasures, they may be after the Crown Prince's life as well. We must be alert,"
How quickly I switched from being intimate with him to admiral of Asgard must've surprised him, because he delayed his steps a moment before jogging to catch up with me. I walked quickly down the golden halls, ignoring the stares of the occasional guard. When I approached Thor's door I practically punched it until he answered. "What in the name-" grumbles the prince before he finally opened the door. "Ah, Lyra," When he saw me, I got a quick explanation to why the guards were staring at me. I forgot I was in my short, plunging night gown gifted to me by Loki, and Thor quickly looking away from me explained it. I ignored him, as well as his shirtless ness, and pushed passed him, mumbling a small 'your highness'
"Hello brother," Thor said in confusion before I walked onto his own balcony. And just as I suspected, a small, barely noticeable section of ice that warranted the railing to break at any moment covered the railing.
That made perfect sense for the Giants to assassinate the crown prince, though it was a mindless attempt, but why the admiral?
Why bother with me?
The coming weeks dragged by since our discovery that the Frost Giants were still on Asgard. Since they tried to kill me. What if Frost Giants were going to break into Asgard's vault like my vision showed me? I shook the thought from my mind and went to go to the bathroom to draw a bath, rinse off, quickly change into my armor, then run our the door sliding Dygö into its scabbard, not before running my fingers over the blade admiringly.
It had been almost our second month and Loki and I were deliriously happy together, stealing private moments in the garden and sometimes wandering to the beach. I smiled at the memory of the mist on my skin, of Loki's lips touching me with a mischievous smile tugging on the corners of his mouth. Perhaps I should thank the Giants for trying to murder me, for it resulted in a relationship of my own. Pink tinted my cheeks and I touched Dygö at my side for comfort. I slid out the door and quickly, realizing I might've taken a bit too long, when someone from behind me grabbed my hand.
I recognized Loki's presence before I saw him, so I didn't so much as flinch."Where are you off in a hurry, love?" it was Loki. I looked at him and smiled warmly, turning toward him so he could see me fully. He entwined his fingers with mine and I smiled wider. "I have my duties to attend you." I tell him. "Do you now? Are these vital duties?" He says, a sly grin curling his lips as he hooked an arm around my waist and taking my hand in his. He stares at my wrist that wears the bracelet he gave me, which I wear all the time now. I feel his happiness in me, flooding into my mind and filling all the emptiness inside me.
My heart fluttered and I thought I might overdose on ecstasy. "As much as I would love to skip, Loki, Odin will not hesitate to strip me of my title as admiral if I start missing work," I said with a small grin, turning to leave, he pulls me back against him. "Maybe just one day, I assure you, you will not regret it my love;" He purred, grazing his lips with mine so gently it barely counted as a kiss. I kissed him on the cheek, each touch sending electricity through my spine , "It's tempting, but no," I said smugly. then turned and whirled toward the training grounds with a quick smile over my shoulder.
I pushed out the doors to the courtyard
"There you are, Lyra!" Sif says. "Ready to loose, I see." I joke, catching the wooden sword she tossed me. "You wish." She says. She swerved around and went for a blow on my back but I quickly whirled around and blocked it, she pulled her sword back and swung it at my side, I block it and make a clean swing for her neck, she barely blocked it.
She pushes my sword back toward me with hers then makes a swipe for my legs, I jumped up then made a slash for her chest which she blocked. I pushed forward and made a move for her lower half, before swinging toward her neck which skillfully she blocked again. after attack and attack I finally won. I kicked her legs out from under her, hooking my knee around hers and falling down so her back lay flat against the concrete and my knees sat I each side of her, my body towering over hers and my sword poised to plunge into her chest. "I win," I huff triumphantly. "How about we go another round?" Sif asks, panting, I climbed off of her and stood up, offering a hand, which she took and I hoisted her onto her feet.
"You're on." I challenged. After many battles later we wore both worn out.
We huffed and puffed but stood with our swords raised. "4:3," I said grinning.
"Best out of thirteen?" Sif challenges. I smirk. "If you are prepared for the embarrassment," I say. We battle until we could barely swing our swords. Our muscles we're aching and training finally came to an end. "I win, again," I say triumphantly. It was 8:5.
I felt frustration crawling in me, Sif's emotions. I inhale sharply at the sudden intrusion of thoughts and feelings that didn't belong to me but I turned my head, hoping to push her feelings away. What she felt was none of my business.
"What did you wish to see me about, Your Majesty?" I ask Odin. Thor stands next to me, he seems confused but also has some hint of what was going on. I felt the emotion crawling on his skin: dread, I casted a curious glance in his direction, touching Dygö at my side for comfort. "As you know Thor's crowning will be in a few days, but what you also know his he must have a bride to take his side as a Queen," Odin says. I felt Thor's emotions stronger now, they start to tangle with mine and I don't know who's is who's. My lip curled in distaste, thinking Thor's father would make him marry some royal harlot for politics, I looked at Thor with sympathy, he didn't return my stare, something like guilt in his eyes.
"Yes, sire, but I am confused about what this has to do with me?" I ask. "He wishes you to marry me." Thor spats, shooting venomous glares at his father. I feel my heart go blank. "Wh-what?" I stuttered, not expecting that. "As the most talented warrior in our arsenal and half goddess, I believe not only it is your right and the best decision," Odin says.
"My liege, I'm flattered, really-"
"It would be in your best interest, Admiral, to accept this offer. It's a direct order from your king." Odin interrupted me, I fought my snarl and maintained myself. "And if I refuse, Your Majesty?" I rasp, my fists shaking for rage that he would force Thor to do this, I am thankful that I am kneeling for my knees might have given out from under me.
"I'm afraid you have no choice, and we would have to exile you away from this realm if you refused. You know the law, Admiral," Odin says. Shock filled me at his unjust ruling, what in the name of the Gods was the purpose for this?. "Father, I ask you, please do not make her marry me. She has already fallen in love with another," Thor says; as if this wasn't unfair for him as well.
I was too angry to be embarrassed by his comment. "Who is this man she has already fallen in love with?" Odin demands. I caught Thor's mistake and had to fix it. "It doesn't matter, I'll go through with it." I say as straight forward as I could muster without making my anger clear. I didn't know if he would punish Loki, but I didn't want to risk him, I felt Thor's eyes burning . "There will be an engagement party tomorrow, Frigga will bring you a dress to wear," Odin says. "I am sorry, Lyra," Thor says under his breath. "You are dismissed."
As soon as Odin said that I angrily grabbed Thor's bicep, teleporting both of us in the hallway to talk privately. He stumbled backward in surprise as we appeared in the hall far away from the throne room. I listened for anybody nearby before snapping around angrily toward him. "What is he thinking?" I snapped furiously, gripping Dygö' hilt until my knuckles went white. Thor sighed loudly, showing his frustration as well.
"He thinks a kingdom is nothing without a Queen, he wants us married purely for politics and whatnot. Apparently he's been planning this for a lot longer than he's led anyone to believe," Thor huffed, crossing arms over his broad chest. I created my brows together. "That explains the assassination attempt on my life," I muttered, if the Frost giants knew about Odin's planning, why not take away any chance of a queen ruler? I stared at the floor. "I'm sorry, Thor. He's putting you through a lot," I said sadly, he smiled grimly, taking a step forward so he towered over me. "We'll figure it out,"
I was so emotionally exhausted I stripped my armor off and threw them onto the sofa, not bothering with my leathers. I collapsed into the bed, staring at the ceiling and not even pulling the covers over me, my leather boots still on my feet. I didn't bother to unhook the boots and I just laid there and allowed myself to stare at the ceiling, not thinking, I don't have the energy to do anything but lie there in utter shock.
I didn't even turn off the lantern on the nightstand.
"What's wrong, love?" I hear someone say, a flirtatious whisper from someone who had been waiting for me. I know who it is, the last person I need to see right now. "I'm exhausted," I lied, my head unmoving, trying to keep my voice even but to no avail. I guess it was technically not a lie, as I was exhausted. I was shocked, confused, angry....
I hear the bed creak and the weight of someone sitting next to me. Loki grabs my chin with his thumb and forefinger and moves my head so I have to meet his eyes. As soon as he touches me his concern and confusion come rushing in, and I feel something pulling at my mind. Not Loki, another presence, something I recognize it from the other two times I've had the visions. Panic starts rising in my chest but I can't do anything about it.
The next thing I know images start flooding into my mind. Thor and I are standing, surrounded by people, and we are sharing a kiss, I am wearing a golden wedding dress and there is a crown on both of our heads. As the images fade away, I see a tear slip down my cheek.
Out of all the things in the world I have to be worried about, why does a gods-damned wedding make the list?
I see Loki's concerned face staring at me, he had been trying to talk to me. "Why are you crying?" He asks me. I realize there's actually a tear down my face and I touch the wetness wearily and turned onto my side so I faced him. He glowered at me suspiciously, running a thumb down my cheek and touched the corner of my lip, eyes staring at me so intently I thought I might faint.
Suddenly, there was no Odin, no Thor, no wedding, there was just me and Loki and the distance between us. I touched the sheets between us. "You're too far away," I said, so quietly I'm not sure he heard it. By the look on his face I'm sure he did. He slowly eased down beside me, gently pressing the small of my back and held me against his chest. He smoothed his thumb over the wetness on my cheek, staring at me with confusion. I look down, ashamed about earlier's events.I feared he was recently in my head when the vision just played in my mind. "Please, talk to me Lyra," Loki says.
A tear slips down my cheek and I swipe it away with my finger, realizing I was being pathetic , finally meeting his eyes. "If you don't want to talk, why don't just show me?" Loki offers. "I don't want to do anything but sleep," I groaned, snuggling into his chest. I felt his soft smile against my hair and my heart melted at the feeling. He reached out and grabbed my chin, tilting my head up and making me meet his eyes. Guilt struck me hard in the chest when I looked into those emerald green pools.
Loki and I had been together for almost two months now, and I was, apparently, engaged to his brother. I still didn't know how Odin did not know about the two of us, we weren't very secretive, which made me think Loki was hiding it from his father.... I fought the guilt with all I had but it ultimately won. Loki lightly kissed my nose. "What are you so guilty about?" He inquired, I tried to look away but his fingers are unmoving on my chin.
I shake my head slightly. My voice quakes as I speak, "O-Odin, he wants me to," I gulp and shake my head, my throat bobbing and constricting, making it almost impossible to get the words out of my mouth. "What, love?"
"Marry Thor." I blurted out.
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