Odin stood by a cliff side, staring out into an endless sea that stretched far beyond the horizon. His hair was unkept, and his clothes were mundane. He looked so different from the last time I'd seen him.
I stopped walking forward as Loki and Thor did, approaching him carefully. I was scared to see him, honestly. The last I had seen him he'd ordered me into prison for falling in love with Loki.
With the thought of his name, I glanced at Loki. He was watching me out of the corner of his eye, but looked away when I caught him.
"Father," Thor said, watching him cautiously, Loki caught up with the two of him. I cocked my head to the side, can't helping but studying Loki a bit, his eyes were held down and shame stirred in those emerald green pools, he felt guilt for casting Odin into exile, it was clear.
"Look at this place, it's beautiful." He says, from the back of Odin's head I see him tip up his chin and revel in the breeze for a moment.
"Father, it's us." Thor said, looking into Odin's face who did not return his glance. Odin nodded. "My sons," he said, Loki turned his head at that. Sons. I imagined was going through his head.
If he's even real, I thought, my thoughts making me look away from Loki's face and at anything else.
"Lyra," Odin said suddenly, surprising me. I looked up from the grass to see Odin still facing away from me, not even registering I was there and I was surprised he even noticed me. But he was the Allfather, he knew all. "Come join us," He added. Hesitantly, with Thor and Loki looking between me and Odin, I walked forward until I was standing beside Thor, a good few feet between us. Odin looked at each one of us. "I've been waiting for this day." he breathed quietly.
"Father, we've come to take you home." Thor told him, clearly anxious that his father was acting so spaced out. Odin chuckled dryly at Thor's comment. "Home," he muttered. "Your mother, she calls me. Do you hear it?" He asked, tilted his head toward the horizon.
I remembered Frigga then, her auburn hair, her kindness. I'd aspired to like her once.
"Loki, lift your magic." Thor growled. Odin laughed, looking at both of his sons with such love in his eyes I didn't need my magic to feel it radiating off of him. "It took me quite a while to break free from your spell," Odin said to Loki. "Frigga would've been proud." I saw the flash of hurt in Loki's eyes at the mention of his mother who'd died years ago. I looked at Loki, eyes softening toward him, before snatching my eyes away before he noticed me.
"Come, sit, we don't have much time." Odin beckoned, motioning us all toward a rock behind him. I walked with them, but didn't sit with them. Odin grinned at me. "Well, come on, then." He encouraged me, and I begrudgingly obliged, sitting next to Thor uncomfortably and staring at my hands in my lap.
"Lyra, my dear, I must apologize,"
My head perked up in surprise, never would I ever expect to hear those words from his mouth. By the look on Thor and Loki's face, they were just as surprised.
"You called out to me, and I heard you. But, I couldn't bring myself to do what you asked." Odin said, looking at me solemnly. It took me a moment to recall what he was talking about, but when I did my heart stopped beating in my chest. My face paled slightly at the mention of what happened to me those years ago. I knew what he was referring to, when I'd discovered that Thanos was right about my power. I'd begged the Allfather to kill me. He heard me, but he couldn't do it. Anger welled up inside me and I willed myself to stop shaking, tried to stop my teeth chattering. Millions died because of him. I suffered years, because the king of Asgard didn't have the strength to put down his Admiral.
"But now, I see why you asked that of me. And I'm sorry I didn't do it." He told me, I looked down at my feet, not able to handle the weight of Odin's pitiful eyes on me. And Loki's.
"Father, what- what do you mean?"
Odin exchanged a glance between Thor and I, and his gaze flashed in understanding. "I believe that's not my story to tell, son." Odin said. Thor looked at me and I dodged his eyes, but knowing this wasn't the time or place, he didn't ask.
"Father, I know we've failed you, but we can make this right." Thor said, folding his hands into his lap. Odin shook his head. "No, I've failed you. It is upon us." He looked at me then. "Ragnarok." He finished, he looked at me as if he needed me to hear it more than anyone.
Thor shook his head. "No, I've stopped Ragnarok. I've put an end to Surtur," He said. I frowned, I'd forgotten about such prophecy.
"No, it's already begun. They're coming. My life is all that held them back, but, my time has come." Odin told us, I narrowed my eyes in confusion. He sits back and closes his eye. "I cannot hold them back any longer."
Thor exchanged a glance with his brother. "Who are you talking about?" Thor asked, confusion pinching his brows.
Odin sucked in a breath. "The Goddess of Death, Hela. My firstborn, and," he looked at me and Thor. "my ex-wife, Clove, the Demoness of Destruction and the Queen of Nilfheim, Hela's mother. " He said with a sigh, and then he looked at me. "And your mother as well."
The color drained from my face and the earth seemed to sink beneath me with those very words. "Wh-what?" I stuttered, my jaw dropping.
My mother?
"Clove fed fiendish ideologies into my daughters head, and soon their violent appetites grew beyond my control. I could not contain them, so I imprisoned them, but Clove had already conceived a child with another man ," Odin said, looking at me. His words were static in my ears.
My mother was the queen of Helheim.
My mother was a demoness.
I shared a half sister with Thor.
The realizations were crushing me, and I was speechless. I couldn't force anything out of my mouth. "Hela draws her strength from Asgard, once she gets there her powers will be... limitless. But Clove..." He kept eye contact with me. "She is unstoppable, and she is a tyrant to her kingdom, and Hela may as well be a servant to her. Together, they may consume the realms, and all else." Odin said, he turned toward me once again.
"Everything I've done to you, Lyra, there is no excuse. But you must know everything was to keep your mother from you. As queen of Asgard you would be untouchable to her, but... I'd never expected for something else to happen to prevent that," Odin said, a lighthearted laugh spilling from his lips as he glanced at Loki.
I couldn't even say anything, didn't know what to say.
Thor looked at me, and he gripped my hand. I tried not to flinch. "Whatever they bring," he started, before turning to look back at his father. "we will face them together. No being is invincible." Thor said, squeezing my hand. I resisted the urge to move my hand from his, I knew this was real, but the memory of the things Thor did to me in Thanos' illusions were almost too much.
"I'm on a different path now, this you must face alone." He said. He reached to his sides and gripped both Loki and Thor's hands, looking out to the sea. "I love you, my sons." I saw Loki's lips part in surprise and look at Odin.
"Look at that," he said, pointing at the horizon. "Remember this place. Home."
And then I watched, shell-shocked as Odin's form dissolved into golden mist, and it drifted away into the horizon. Returning home to Valhalla, with Frigga no doubt.
I rose from the rock with Thor and Loki, letting go of Thor's hand and following the mist a couple steps. I stared out, watching it rise and Odin leave this world. Once, I hated Odin for what he did to me. But, while I did not believe him to be a good king for a long time, now I saw he was far better than I ever thought. I'd believed him to be hotheaded, belligerent . Maybe he had been; but he'd protected me from my mother for centuries.
With that thought I bent my head and said a silent prayer that he took his place in Valhalla.
The rumbling of thunder interrupted my thoughts, and I turned toward Thor, who had his eyes trained on the ground, anger ripe in his gaze. Lightning crackled at his fingers and I held my hands out, as if I was about to calm him down, but if anything I was scared of him. "Brother," Loki warned, Thor's lips curled in anger and he turned his head furiously toward Loki. "This was your doing," He snarled, clenching his fists, I took a step back in surprise, hoping not to get in the middle of that.
I turned my head, hearing a rumbling coming from behind us, and my eyes widened as a black cloud began to expand behind us, a cackling, green electricity sparking within it. "Guys," I breathed, watching it grow larger. They both turned, and Thor struck his umbrella to the ground, lightning striking him and transforming him into his armored self, his umbrella turned into Mjolnir. Green mist washed over Loki and his asgardian armor appears as well.
I took a breath, and I was about to (for the first time in three years) conjure my Asgardian armor, when sudden an overwhelming sensation of heat rose suddenly in my body. I gasped and my knees buckled from under me as my fire leaped within my skin. I collapsed onto my knees, not expecting to sudden surge of power within me.
Whoever waited on the other side of the portal, my fire was far more excited then I was.
"Lyra, are you alright?" Thor asked, I couldn't find it in me to nod, my head felt fuzzy and my vision blurred with the overwhelming feeling. I fought to keep my flame caged as to not let Loki and Thor see it.
Two figures emerged from the portal and my fire pounded against my skin, my jaw dropped as I watched two strikingly similar girls appear before us. Similar to each other, and similar to me. A woman with ratted, unkept black hair, yet somehow beautiful, and black and green clothing, stood there with a small sneer on her face. She had kohl smeared around her eyes and a completely black suit that was torn in places, accentuated with green embroidery.
Next to my sister, was my mother. I recognized her from the dreamscape: when she'd tried to kill me.
Don't you recognize the face of your own mother?
I could hardly comprehend her before my eyes, had never imagined of ever coming close to her again.
Her brown hair was so dark it was almost black, and I recognized her stark blue eyes from my own face. I looked so much like her it terrified me, from the high cheekbones to her rosy lips and golden skin. Her outfit, though worn and torn, was breathtaking as well. A top with sleeves that extended to her wrists and cut off above her stomach to show some midriff was tight around her shoulders, and it was completely black and accentuated with golden patterns. Her pants were tight as well, like a suit or armor, but a half skirt hung around her hips.
I could not deny how beautiful they both were, but they looked like death incarnates. Perhaps they were.
"So he's gone," The woman I presumed to be Hela said, I watched her lips curl in simple delight, her eyes skimming over the men distastefully. "That's a shame I would've like to have seen that." She said, she looked around as if already bored. From beside her, my mother walked forward, scanning the area. Her eyes skimmed Thor and Loki before they landed on me, and a smile curled her lips. I gasped silently, falling back on my hands.
"My darling, it's been so long-" Clove started, starting toward me. Loki swiped his hand and his dagger appeared there, and he held it out. "You won't take a step closer toward her." He warned, his voice deepening into a deadly growl and his eyes flashing with anger, even though he stood for me my stomach tied in knots.
My mother glanced at him, and I could practically see the mental eye roll on her face. "Ah, the boyfriend." She muttered, clearly unimpressed. She looked him up and down, and then turned away from him. "I'd expected more," She muttered, before walking over to me. I saw Loki start to move toward my mother, but I shook my head at him.
Don't make it worse, my expression told him. To my surprise, he backed down.
My mother crouched down in front of me and I flinched away from her, she looked at me understandingly. "The power, it's overwhelming at first, I know." She said, she extended her hands out and I tensed as she cupped my face with her palms, "But you must have tasted it before, or else you would've reacted much differently. My daughter, it is so good to finally be united with you."
Her thumb stroked my cheek and my body was completely rigid, fear paralyzing me. I couldn't move as I stared into my mother's glowingly blue eyes. She grinned at me, it was so genuine that it scared me more than the fact her hands had strangled me once.
"You must be Clove, and Hela. I am Thor, son of Odin." Thor said carefully, his eyes watching my mother keenly while moving between Hela and her. He was smart enough not to try and invoke my mother's wrath, it was obvious. Odin had warned us about the power the two of them possessed. Hela laughed dryly at Thor.
"Really? You don't look like him." She said, though she didn't sound surprised. Loki, his eyes still moving between Hela and me and Clove, stepped forward. "Perhaps we can come to an arrangement." He said, Hela's lips curled. "You sound like him." She said, she sighed.
Loki's eyes trained on me, looking at Clove's hand on my face, and damn myself to Hel for the fear I felt.
Why couldn't I get over it? Loki would never hurt me. I needed Thanos out of my head, now more than ever.
Clove looked at Loki and then me. "Why do you fear him, daughter?" She asked, and I stiffened as I realized her hands on my face were for more than just sentiment. She possessed the same magic I did, now I could feel the whispers of magic against my skin. I see Loki go rigid out of the corner of my eye and guilt pinched at my throat.
"I-I-" I muttered, my cheeks burning. I couldn't force words out of my mouth for the life of me. Clove squinted her eyes suspiciously, and she must've noticed a few scars here and there, because sudden pain was in her eyes. "Who did that to you?" She snarled, heat igniting in her eyes. I prayed she didn't possess the same fire I did, because I knew firsthand Thor and Loki would not stand a chance.
I couldn't say anything, just shook my head, my mouth open with unspoken words.
She stood up abruptly, looking angry. "Hela, I tire of this. Be rid of them." Clove demanded, looking down at Thor and Loki who looked just as confused as I was. I tried to stand then, begging my body to get over it surprise to my leap in power. I swayed on my feet, but stayed up. Hela looked at me and grinned fakely. "Your power is so overwhelming you cannot even stand up straight, how cute." She quipped.
Clove gave her a glance that looked like a warning.
Hela sneered, before glancing at the brothers. "Kneel." She demanded. "I beg your pardon?" Loki chewed out. Hela took a step forward. "Kneel," She repeated. "Before your Queen."
"I don't think so," Thor replies, before extending his arm back and throwing Mjolnir toward her, the hammer whirring through the air with its signature whine. I braced myself for what would follow, but my stomach flipped as Hela extended her hand and caught the head of Thor's hammer.
I gawked, my heart flipping upside down at the sight. She wasn't worthy- she was simply more powerful than Mjolnir. My breath caught in my throat as shock and panic wound my throat closed.
"It's not possible," Thor breathes, his arm stuck in a throwing position and his eyes wide with shock.
I gasped as Hela grinned from ear to ear, her arm shaking as she held Mjolnir at arms length from her body. "Darling," She started. "You have no idea what's possible." She drawled, her eyes narrowing with amusement, before looking back at the hammer and squeezing her hand. White streaks of lightning cracked through the air around Mjolnir, thunder rumbling in anger as a spiderweb cracked through the hammer. I could do nothing but stare in shock as it cracked and then shattered like a piece of glass, and then fell to the ground as a final explosion of lightning bursts toward the remnants of what was possibly the most formidable weapon in the universe.
I couldn't believe my eyes.
I hadn't been looking at my mother, and apparently nobody else had, and nobody saw her standing close to me, suddenly sweeping me up in her arms. I yelped and prepared to fight my way out of her grasp, when she placed a solitary palm on my forehead. My body hung limp and almost completely without movement in her arms. "It's alright, darling." She cooed. "No one will hurt you anymore."
She began to walk away, with Hela close behind, when I found the strength to wrap my hand around her forearm and let all the heat I can spare rush to my fingertips. She yelped and dropped me onto the ground, my back colliding with grass as she stumbled back, hissing at the pain in her arm. Clove looked at me in anger. "Do not make this difficult daughter-" She started, walking briskly toward me. But suddenly arms were around me, not Clove's, and Loki was pulling me up and away, and I stumbled onto my feet as he clutched me to his chest. He turned his head skyward. "Bring us back!" He yelled, and Thor cried out in opposition as the lights and colors of the Bifrost consumed us.
We were pulled upward suddenly at lightning speed, Loki's arms were forcefully torn away from me, and I surprised myself with wanting the security of his arms back around me. Up above us, the light of Asgard was a dot that was growing continuously as we were approaching quickly, but a shout from Thor and a glance down showed us we were not alone.
Clove and Hela were close behind, my mother looking furious, and we'd not gotten a lick of her power yet. She would show us soon. I cried out in surprise when shadows extended from her palms and reached toward me, a dark tendril wrapped around my ankle and yanking me down toward her. Loki, who was right beside me, grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me away from Clove, but Hela swiped her hand and a dagger flew past my face and into Loki. It sent him spiraling away from me, and through the light of the bifrost into the merciless fields of space. "Loki!" I screamed after him, reaching my hand toward him but being yanked down my the tendril of darkness wrapped around my ankle.
Hela soared past me and toward Thor, who struck her across the face, but in turn she elbowed his arm away and grabbed his throat, shoving him against the barrier of the Bifrost before swiping her hand and a sizable sword appeared there, but before she killed him, he kicked off of her, and disappeared from the Bifrost. "No!" I yelled, tugging the shadows wrapped around my ankle. I stared down at my mother who was catching up to me, and my face reddened with anger as flames began to spawn in my palms.
With no Thor or Loki, I had no secret to keep.
my mother's lips turned in glee. "I knew you'd tasted it before." She sneered, baring her teeth in a threatening, happy smile.
I burned through the tendril around my ankle, a my mother swiped her hand and a dark whip appeared there, she whipped it toward me and it cracked as it wrapped around my neck, yanking her toward me suddenly. I grunted and choked, gripping the whip as my fire began to tear through it, I raised my palm toward her and flames soared with the opportunity to be set free. Red and orange danced from my fingers and roared toward her, who looked all the happy to be the victim of it.
But then Hela's blade cut through the air and narrowly missed my face, nicking my cheek and then cutting through the whip, and my fire suddenly propelled me backwards, and I went spiraling out of Bifrost and into space.
Nilfheim= Helheim in Norse Mythology
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