"Holy-" I start, a bluish beast had burst through the rocks. And now, when thought of formations to take this down crossed my mind, of course Thor was going for it. It had spines on it's back, a long tail, and was on all fours. Sickening sharp scales littered its body in no specified pattern. It tore up the land as it ran, large feet recklessly barreling through anything and everything in its way. "Thor!" Sif yells, I could sense the urgency in her voice. We all start bolting, running as Thor goes hammer to head with the Frost Beast, I'm sure, in any other circumstance, this beast would be no problem for this group. Except the ground was being torn in two pieces. His hammer collides with its head, sending the beast scurting backward, dirt ripping from the ground and raining from the sky like rain. It didn't take long for the beast to regain its footing.
"Thor we have to go!" Loki yells, his words echoing loudly in my eyes. My feet pound on the icy ground, my muscles burn, and my lungs scream for air, we came to an abrupt stop when a raveen caves in and we stand there, dumbfounded. Thor comes racing our way, his hammer held high and the Frost Beast pounding through the cold land. He yelled loudly, his battle cry echoing through the land and causing Fandrall to face palm.
The Frost Giant leaps for us, I slide my sword in its sheath and get ready to teleport us all away, Thor lands next to us and I teleport us all on the other side of the raveen, the Frost Beast tumbles into oblivion, releasing a horrific screech that almost makes me feel bad for it, but not quite. I let out a sigh of relief, grateful that I could manage that. "Don't celebrate just yet." Sif mumbled. Pouring from all angles were Frost Giants, their numbers exceeding thousands, battle cries hung loosely in the air, and we stood with our weapons ready. The sky illuminates, a bright gold shining through the dark land. "Shit." Sif murmurs.
The worst has officially happened.
It was Odin.
Some would describe Thor's situation as a predicament, I say he was lucky to be alive. "I strip you of your power! Your title- and your armor!" Piece by piece his armor flies off until he is in nothing but his trousers, his face distraught and contorted in emotional anguish.
"You are unworthy of your title as king!"
"I banish you!" Odin finishes, sending Thor into the Bifrost.
Oh no. I thought. Thor wouldn't last a day in Midgard, he's too arrogant, and nobody knows their customs, and worst of all, he has almost no manners. "Lyra!" Odin bellows, staring at me, my heart thuds into my stomach and I thought this, this is how I perish. "You are his betrothed, you will go with him and see to him. I hold you accountable for him." Odin orders. I couldn't decline, or I would never see Loki again. I see Loki give me a horrified look as I bow my head and say, "Yes, Your Majesty." And then the Bifrost takes me to Midgard. A swirling mist and flash of colors, a weightless feeling making my toes curl, I grip Dygö, cursing myself for not putting it in its scabbard.
I land on my feet, my hand on the ground in a stance- now to find Thor, the imbecile himself. I stood up straight and scanned the obscure terrain, noticing that desert land excels here. I sheathed Dygö but kept my hand on its hilt, allowing it to calm me. When I heard the sound of whirring machinery and the sound of an engine, I whip my head around to find the source of the noise. I turn and see a weird chariot with no horse, just wheels, but unlike one I've ever seen before. I also see Thor lying on the ground and Midgardians surrounding him, I groaned in realization when I realized this was Midgard, if Thor were to be injured or injure these people, Odin would hold me accountable. I despised it, but understood it, Odin would never be strong enough to sentence his own son to death. I knew the law, not even the king was above it.
"Hault!" I shouted, strutting forward and standing in front of them. "What did you do to him?" I said, more annoyed than angry. A burnette, an elderly man, and another burnette stood in front of the strange, horseless chariot. Too distraught and confused to be incriminating.
"I'm so sorry, I hit him with my car. I didn't see him in this storm-" "Oh. So it was an accident." I confirm, the burnette nods her head violent. With one smooth motion I withdrew Dygö and stood with it poised at the other girl, who had been holding out a black box like object toward Thor in a defensive stance. "Then why does your accomplice stand holding a weapon" I demand, motioning to the weird device in the other burnette's hand. "I'm sorry, he was freaking me out!" She answers, eyeing the sword that stood a few feet before her, I heard her breath hitch as I pushed it forward so the tip touched her skin. "Was your intent menacing?" I demand, knowing Dygö would reveal the truth. "Hell no! Are you crazy? What the hell kind of mad house did you come from?" With a sigh I sheathed Dygö, scanning the lot of them. I look at the motored chariot, which apparently here is called a car, and then look back at Thor. "Alright, you may leave. I will take care of him," I said with an annoyed sigh, bending down and throwing the unconscious Thor over my shoulder. They stumbled backward in surprise and I smiled. "I bid you good day, er, good night," I said, noting the darkened sky.
"Wait, we can help you get to the hospital?"
"The what?" I sputtered, noticing their unease toward my ease of carrying him. "The hospital, we can get him medical attention," the brunette continued, I sighed, knowing that magic did not exist on this realm, but finding civilization could be the first step to getting out of this planet and back to Asgard. "That sounds wonderful, thank you." I said with a slight bow of my head.
"Y-yes of course. My name is Jane, this is Erik and Darcy." Jane says. "My name is Lyra Clovin, it is a pleasure to meet your accquintance." I say, bowing once mo e. I climb into the 'car' and set him on the flooring inside. They all rush into the car, muttering words I don't understand.
"Where the hell did he come from?" Darcy asks. "That is rather private information." I reply, I stare hard at Thor. I felt his emotions of rage and regret flowing inside me, and I reached over and pat his arm reassuringly. "You're a lucky girl." Darcy says from beside me. "Why do you think that? My luck has not been with me these last few days." I reply, remembering the events that transpired recently.
"You picked up a man like that." Darcy says, I. Erase my brow in confusion. "I am very strong, I train every day." I reply. "No, aren't y'all dating?" Asks Darcy, motioning her hands together as if it meant something. "Romantically?" I ask, confusion boiling higher within me.
"Yeah." Darcy confirms. "No, in fact, I am not so fond of him right now." I say, the armor I wear giving me a clear difference between all of them. "Okay, this is the hospital, can you carry him inside, Lyra?" Jane asks from the driver seat. "Indeed." I reply, I felt Jane's panicked and wild emotions, they were overwhelming and hurt my head. I'd never felt a Midgardians emotions before, they so easily crept into my mind that I was almost surprised the Midgardians themselves couldn't sense it. I picked up Thor and walk in behind the frantic three people inside the white concrete building.
Before long, Thor was laying on a white bed, in a weird gown. I stood there with Jane, who sat in a chair anxiously. I just place a hand on Thor's arm, healing him before they get the chance to figure out what's wrong with him. Doctors come in the room and put something in his arm, and I sit next to Jane in a steel chair next to her.
Her guilt immediately washes over me the second I sit next to her. "He'll be just fine, he's survived much worse." I chuckle. I turn to look at him the minute his his eyes flutter open and he yanks the IV out of his arms. He throws himself at the doctors "I am the son of Odin! You dare attack me!?" He shrieks, his elbow flying into the jaw of a doctor. I spring up and rush toward him, prying him from the doctors and straddling him back on the bed. "Uh, help?" I ask the doctors who stood flabbergasted at Thor.
Thor calms down when he sees my face. "Lyra? What are you doing? Let's finish them the way Asgardians do!" Thor demands. "Thor, calm down, they are helping you, moron!" I yell as a doctor straps his arms and ankles to the bed. "What he hell is wrong with him?" Jane yells. "Go be with your people, Lady Jane, he has had too much adrenaline for the day." I say, releasing Thor now that he has been restrained. I bow to her and say
"Your kindness is greatly appreciated, until we meet again, milady." I say. "Oh, um, thank you." She says, curtsying awkwardly and leaving.
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