Chapter 5 • The E.N.D
Chapter 5 • The E.N.D
"I love you too... F/N."
"AAAAAAAGGGGGG!" I screamed in pain grabbing the grass beneath me. "OOOOOH MYYYY GOOOOOOD!!!!!!!!!"
"Deep breaths F/N, deep breaths." Zeref tried calming me down.
I gave Zeref a glare and screamed in pain again. "WHEN YOU'RE PUSHING A BABY OUT OF YOUR VAGINA IT'S IMPOSSIBLE TO CALM DOWN!!!!" Tears fell down my cheeks. Zeref's slim and soft hand stroked my cheek. I grunted and pushed again.
"I see the head! C'mon almost there!" He cupped his hands where the baby's head would set. I nodded and pushed one last time and the head popped out, Zeref gently pulled the rest of the baby from my area and then I collapsed my legs from exhaustion. "It's a boy." Zeref said as he cut the umbilical cord.
I smiled. "It is?" He nodded and I sat up and held the baby boy. "Hey little one!" The baby was crying while I stroked his forehead. Tears of joy came from Zeref and me. I yawned. "What should his name be Zeref?"
We thought in silence for a moment before Zeref spoke up. "How about Tatsuya?" I smiled and nodded before handing Tatsuya to Zeref and falling asleep. Only Zeref and I knew who Tatsuya's uncle is. His uncle was the demon that might have to kill Zeref. Zeref's brother: Natsu Dragneel.
So far Zeref and I have been together for ten years and Natsu was over 400 years old. Zeref was over 450 years old and I was 120 years old. Zeref and I were now technically married and now had a child. I could see tiny pink strands of hair on Tatsuya's head. He had Natsu's hair!
"Tatsuya stop running!" I yelled at my five year old child. His hair was bouncing with each step, the pink strands were flowing with the wind. I smiled at him. He had Natsu's hair colour but Zeref's hair style. His eyes were just like mine: E/C. He also had my skin tone.
"Tatsuya Dragneel listen to your mother!" Zeref said giving Tatsuya a stern look. All I could do was laugh at them and smile. I was the happiest I could be. We all were. We were a small but happy family.
Tatsuya was now 15 and using his father's magic and mine. He also knew some fire magic and healing magic. Zeref and I were extremely proud of him. He was our pride and joy. "Tatsuya, will you go join a guild to meet people? I think you'd like it." I said showing him my F/C Fairy Tail guild mark on my shoulder.
"Okay..." He was a skittish boy but enjoyed fighting people. "I'll go. How should I get there?" I smiled and snapped my fingers teleporting him to the guild.
Zeref and I smiled, "He's going to make a lot of friends, you know that." Zeref nodded and took my hands.
"Do you want another?" He asked me and I shrugged.
"I don't know, I think Tatsuya is enough, don't you?" Zeref nodded and hugged me. We kissed as we thought about who Tatsuya would meet.
It's been ten years since our son joined Fairy Tail and we found out that he grew close to of the mages their. If I remembered correctly it was the daughter of Lisanna Strauss. No one knew how 'close' they really were.
Tatsuya married Akuna Strauss and found out Akuna was pregnant. They had been together for five years before he grew a pair. They found out Akuna was actually pregnant with twins. Zeref and I were going to be grandparents! We truly were a happy family.
Story is made by: @FairySim
Fairy Tail is made by: Hiro Mashima
Copyright 2015 Abigail Racut
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