Chapter 1 • Malach Ha-Mavis
Chapter 1 • Malach Ha-Mavis
White beams of bright light burned through my eyelids, shining at my E/C eyes. I groaned as I turned over to try and escape it. But it failed. It's like the sunlight just follows you. After several minutes I finally gave up and stretched, yawning, and sat up. Today was a special day. It was the day I got to visit my mom's gravestone. My mom was known as the Angel of Life or Angel of Light. I on the other hand am known as the Angel of Death or Angel of Darkness.
Slowly I fluttered my eyes open and looked around my F/C room. Two of my walls were F/C, one of the others was white, and the last one was black. I had three windows in my room which illuminated it very nicely. My dresser was tucked away in the far up right corner of my room next to my door. I had a mirror on the wall about half a metre above the top of the dresser. As you continue to scan my room, you'll see my closet on the left wall close to my bookshelf. Adjacent from my closet was a cork board with pictures of my mom and me; along with several friends. If you looked at the back of my room you'd see my bed - which was black - and the F/C sheets on it. Next to my bed was a black nightstand. A lot of the things I own used to belong to my mother.
Above my bed was a calendar. The most recent day marked out was May 20th, X784. That being said, today was May 21st, X784. Recently I've felt the need to protect my mom's grave but what from? There aren't any people besides Fairy Tail members who can get to it. I mean sure, there are animals on that island but no humans unless they are Fairy Tail wizards. So honestly, what do I need to protect her grave from? More importantly though, why do I feel like I need to protect it?
This year's S-Class Trials were being held on the very island my mother is on. Tenroujima Island; the holy ground of Fairy Tail. I was going to be watching who got to my mother's grave first as the second part of the Trials. Many people have yet to find it, for only the Master and I truly know where it is. Maybe it's because no one should know.
I got up out of my bed and stripped from my black nightgown, brushed my H/L H/C hair, put on deodorant, got dressed in a pair of F/C skinny jeans, a black tee, and some white converse, then I brushed my teeth and packed a little bag for Tenroujima. I felt like I was forgetting something, then it clicked. As fast as I could I raced to the guild, opened the door - miraculously dodging the flying furniture - to talk to Master, and got what I needed. A map of Tenrou Island along with the directions to get there. We said our 'Thank you's' and I left for the harbour.
Since I'm technically almost 110, I've seen this world change dramatically. My mom died when I would have been ten in normal years. That's when I was being cared for by Makarov's father. I grew up with Makarov as a brother. I remember every year Makarov would look and get older. I would always get a bit jealous because everyone still treated me like a kid until I turned 18 in my years.
My mom and I were so different. She used light magic, I used dark magic. Not many people liked me because of that. My magic was often used for killing people or bad things. I didn't want anyone to get hurt...but no one believed me. They were all scared that I would hurt them. Fear made them think I was lying. Makarov was one of the only people who believed me. He comforted me throughout my life. When Makarov's father died, Makarov became the Master of Fairy Tail. His son Laxus always looked up to me. Even when he was technically older than me. At one point in time Laxus even had a crush on me. It was always so cute to see him blush around me. I think Cana was jealous of me at that time and Natsu and Lisanna were so cute together. Mirajane and Erza constantly fought which was really fun to watch. One time I even made Mira lose so Erza would feel better. When Gray stripped Cana always noticed first. No one could get him to stop so we eventually gave up on him. I remember how Cana got flustered around Gildartz whom I knew was her father. This guild made me happy, it made me sad, but it made me feel at home.
I soon left for my mom's grave. I missed her so much. The boat ride was almost a full day. And the whole time I was standing at the bow of the boat looking ahead of me, hoping to see the island fast. You could always tell when you were getting close to Tenrou because it got extremely hot. I guess my mom's spell made the atmosphere around the island hot. Though it was good no one could find it easily. I guess it was a pro and con situation. When the boat arrived I stepped off of it and went into the forest, walking to my mother's grave. I hummed as I walked along. I checked my watch to see what time it was; 19:42 it read. A huge sigh came from me and I began to search for an area to rest for the night. After about an hour I came across a clearing. It had a huge pond and was surrounded by trees around ten metres from the pond. I soon decided this was a good area to rest, therefore pitching my tent and creating a fire. Several animals came from the wooded area and I pet them. Some of the animals were wolves but I knew how to handle them. I sang a little melody as I pet them. Every animal I've ever met has liked me. Slowly I began to fall asleep hugging one wolf and her pup and petting the other pup from that wolf, not using my tent. There wasn't really a need for my tent except to store my food in. The crackling of the fire mixed with the calming sounds of the night made it easier for me to fall asleep. A smile formed on my face as I began to dream about my mom.
~~^~~ (<-- Time-Skip symbol!)
The fire had gone out overnight and the wolves left me. Slowly I stretched and stood up heading to my tent for a change of clothes and food. Even though there were supposed to be none other people on Tenroujima I still looked around slightly. Content with not finding a person I checked to make sure the pond water was clean. I was also content with that. I stripped from my clothes but left the necklace my mom had given me around my neck. The necklace had a pair of angel wings on it. I dipped my foot into the warm water then stepped in completely. The water engulfed my body, relaxing me. I let out a sigh of relaxation as I began to wash my body. As soon I was clean I realised I forgot a towel. I cursed under my breath and got out. During the mornings I found it fairly cold here but since I was soaking wet - it was freezing! Goosebumps appeared on my S/C skin and I went through my bag hoping I could find a blanket or towel. It was just my luck that I didn't have either. I stepped back out cringing at the pain that the sudden air inflicted.
I heard rustling of leaves and turned my head to the direction of them. Cautiously I covered my chest and slowly walked to the moving leaves. As I approached the leaves the rustling stopped, increasing my curiosity. I pulled apart the leaves and saw nothing. How could something move so fast? What could move so fast? I sighed and got back up finally dry enough to get dressed.
Once I was fully dressed I packed my stuff back up and continued to my mom's grave. It took about ten minutes for me to reach it. I kneeled before it and touched the ball of light. This was my way of communicating to my mom. The warmth from the ball of light enclosed my hand. I smiled and began to speak to my mother. She always responded because she was related to me directly. That enabled us to speak in our minds to one another. After a few hours I said my goodbyes and stood up not wanting to leave her. For the rest of the day I decided to walk around Tenroujima Island just for the sake of it.
When it became dark again I set up my tent in the same area as before and made the fire. But this time, instead of an animal coming to greet me, it was a man. A man with black hair that covered one eye and stood up a little at the back. He was wearing a long black robe with a white sash. For some reason he looked familiar. He looked at me dead in my eyes. His dark, dark blue ones staring into my E/C ones. I blushed and stood up walking to him. He stepped back and I stepped forward.
"Who are you?" I asked him and he stepped back. I stepped forward and put a hand out. "I won't hurt you... My name is F/N L/N, daughter of Mavis Vermillion. Now tell me, what is your name?"
At first he looked scared but then he softened up and spoke, "Zeref."
Story is made by: @FairySim
Fairy Tail is made by: Hiro Mashima
Copyright 2015 Abigail Racut
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