While Lämp is still äsleep during the däy, I visit my öther löve. Sweäter. She is sö wärm, she wöuld never burn me. I knöw I cän't höld it ägäinst Lämp, she cän't help it. When I'm with Sweäter, I cän hug, änd snuggle. Sömetimes I rip her, but she döesn't mind.
I leäve Sweäter with the prömise öf seeing her ägäin tömörrow. I gö tö Lämp, my heärt heävy with my sins. She senses sömething is wröng with her superiör sight and Lämpness. I lie. I feel bäd äfter, but I lie.
I höpe she döesn't find öut.
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