Chapter 4:
Chapter 4 is finally here.
I'm pretty sure I made a few mistakes, hopefully they don't distract too much and you'll all like it just the same.
We open on a green Valley with a town nearby.
It was peaceful...or at least it would be if it weren't for the giant Mecha crab stomping towards said town.
Death Crab:
This was an absolute mechanical behemoth, easily dwarfing the trees and shaking the land with each step.
The citizens within the soon-to-be-destroyed village were all panicking and screaming.
A natural reaction to approaching death really.
There was no time for them to evacuate and they were doomed.
The Death Crab was approaching fast, tearing up the landscape as it did.
It was over for all those poor souls in the town.
Not if you and Sonic had anything to say about it though.
You and the blue hedgehog were right behind the enormous mechanical crab, running at top speed.
You both jumped into the air and Sonic curled up into an orb.
This allowed you to perform a bash off of him and you were aiming directly at one of the Death Crab's legs.
Sonic was launched at the crab with a lot of extra force as you had used as much strength as you could muster to launch him.
This was enough for him to completely severe the leg of the Death Crab, it also certainly helped that you aimed directly for the joints.
The colossal crab having lost one of it's legs immediately came to a halt and began stumbling nearly tripping.
With it stopped you and Sonic jumped once more, much higher with you so it's flat had was directly under you both.
Sonic curled up once more and once again you bashed off him, this time aiming straight down.
This launched Sonic downward and you into the air.
The blue hedgehog death or plummeted towards the Death Crab aiming right at the center of it's flat top.
Meanwhile in the air, you initiated a stomp attack which immediately launched you downward and you were aiming directly at Sonic.
The moment Sonic finally collided with the top of the Death Crab's head, you also landed your stomp on Sonic.
The force of Sonic's Collison most likely would have ended the bot, but with the force of your stomp being added garunted it's destruction.
The force of your stomp and Sonic's boosted spin smash caused both you and Sonic to slam through the Death Crab leaving it with a giant sparking hole.
You and Sonic landed on the ground and proceeded to run to avoid getting trapped under the Death Crab's collapsing body.
You both avoided getting crushed under it's body.
The eyes of the Death Crab went dark indicating it was down and out.
You and the Hedgehog turned to look back at the busted bot and you let out a sigh.
"Glad we got here in time." You said relief in your voice.
"Am I glad you got those big ol ears." Sonic chuckled placing a hand on your shoulder.
When you and Sonic exited Nibel, after a little moment your ears picked up the sound of stomping in the distance accompanied by several distant screams.
Knowing that a whole bunch of people were in trouble you immediately ran off to help.
That's when both of you saw the Death Crab going to destroy a town and so of course you and Sonic had to take care of it.
A series of loud cheers rung in your ears and you turned to see the people of the townsfolk cheering for both you and Sonic.
"That was so cool!" One of the townspeople said.
"You two were so awesome!" Another exclaimed.
The crowd suddenly flocked you both which made you flinch back a bit at first.
"Are you a new hero?" One told you with stars in his eyes. "You look so cool."
"And cute!" A female added on with a giggle.
" you." You said awkwardly rubbing the back of your head as your whole face turned pink in a blush.
"REALLY cute!" The female squealed noticing your blush which wasn't hard due your white fur.
"Heh, wow popular already?" Sonic teased with a smirk as he was hoarded by a group of his own.
"I-it would appear so." You stuttered blushing even harder.
Suddenly your ear twitched as you heard a sound behind you.
You turned and saw one of the Death Crab's eyes was glowing.
It was most likely intending to fire some sort of laser at you and Sonic and vaporize you both.
You and Sonic could have dodged it easily, but the people around definitely could not and as fast as you both were even you two couldn't get them all out of the way in time.
This left you and Sonic frozen as the laser prepared to fire from the eye.
A feminine voice suddenly rang through the air followed by someone suddenly jumping down and smashing a weapon into the still active eye breaking it for good.
Whoever that was landed in front of you, Sonic and the crowd allowing you both to get a good look at them.
Amy Rose:
It was a pink female hedgehog, a rather pretty one at that and she was wielding a giant hammer.
"You're getting sloppy Sonic." the female Hedgehog said with a wink.
"Oh Amy...fancy meeting you here." Sonic said sounding less than thrilled to see this girl for some reason.
She let out an adorable giggle before cutely poking her cheek.
"I heard what you and Tails did in the neighboring town and rushed right over." Amy explained. "I just knew I'd run into you here."
Amy turned and finally noticed your presence and the moment those emerald green orbs locked on to you, you found your entire face glowing pink in a blush.
"Oh, who's this?" She asked curiously tilting her head at you. "A new friend of yours Sonic?"
"Y-yeah..." You replied before shaking your head to get rid of the blush. "Call me (Y/N)."
Amy in turn gave you a friendly smile as she rested her hammer on her shoulder and gave you a peace sign.
"Oh, well my name's Amy Rose." She replied. "It's nice to meet you."
"Likewise." You replied with a small wave.
"So, where are ya from?" She asked making you stiffen up a bit.
"" You stuttered out.
You were never a good liar, in fact you hated lying to anyone, Naru always taught you to be honest and right now that was proving to be a problem.
Sonic saw that you were struggling to speak and so to prevent any kind of disaster jumped in.
"Sorry Amy, he doesn't really like to talk about his past." He said placing a hand on your shoulder to calm you down. "Best not to pry."
"Oh, something bad happen?" Amy asked concern in her voice.
"You...could say that." You said avoiding eye contact as your ears twitched like crazy.
In addition to hating lying, whenever you did try to lie your ears would twitch like crazy.
It was how Naru could always tell if you were truthful on the very rare occasions you did try to lie.
Many surprises you made for her and tried to keep secret were ruined by your ears.
Hopefully since no one here knew you they wouldn't pick up on that.
"Oh okay, that's fine." Amy assured. "If Sonic trusts you that's good enough for me."
"Thank you." You sighed as your ears sagged in relief. "I appreciate you understanding."
"Well, now that that's all cleared up, we better get going (Y/N)." Sonic said as he began walking off. "We gotta find you a place to stay."
"Y-yeah, thanks." You said as you followed.
"Sonic wait!" Amy yelled running up to him. "I came out here specifically to find you."
"Yeah, I know it's kinda your thing." The Blue Hedgehog said stopping, crossing his arms and giving Amy an annoyed look.
"Not like that!" Amy said puffing her cheeks out, blushing cutely. "I mean I'm always happy to see you, and I'd follow you anywhere if you'd just let me."
Amy let out a hmph as she crossed her arms.
"Oh you just get me so flustered!" She grumbled.
You begun feeling a little awkward as you stood there and watched the moment between the two.
"Um...Sonic, is she your mate?" You asked curiously and both of them had their own reaction to your awkward question.
Amy's cheeks went red in a blush while Sonic just gave you one of confusion.
"No, no she's not." He replied. "She's just a friend."
"Oh, why aren't you two together?" You asked tilting your head. "She's really pretty and it's clear she likes you."
Amy's entire face went red as her blush intensified, steam literally coming off her.
"Well, I'm just not interested." Sonic stated with a shrug.
"Okay, listen Sonic I need you to come back to the resistance!" Amy said after shaking her head to get rid of her blush.
"Come back?" Sonic asked confused. "I thought you were all doing clean-up now that the war is over."
"That was the idea, but we didn't account for just how large the Eggman Empire's army was." Amy replied a worried look on her face. "The leftover robots are everywhwre. Even without Eggman to lead them, they're a constant threat, randomly attacking anyone they find."
The pink hedgehog gained a solemn look as she continued.
"The resistance is working to finish the fight, by working from a centralized organized position, we can be more affective." She stated.
"Nah, pass." Sonic said with a dismissive wave.
"Oh for the love of..." Amy yelled in frustration. "Why!?"
"Tails pointed out something that's been bugging me." He replied. "The last group of Badniks we faced was way more organized, but Eggman hasn't shown up to claim responsibility."
You were honestly a bit lost as the 2 hedgehogs continued to speak to each other.
You were still new to all this and Sonic hadn't given you too much details on the outside yet.
So you just zoned out a bit as they spoke, but your ears suddenly twitched as you heard the sound of distant panting and running.
They sounded desperate and turning around you saw a white figure in the distance running towards you both.
Immediately, you ran towards them with Amy and Sonic seemingly not noticing.
You got closer to whoever was running and saw that they were a female with small black horns, white poofy hair.
Lanolin the Sheep:
"Is something wrong?" You asked stopping in front of her.
"Danger!" The Sheep girl yelled in her panic placing her hands on her knees as she hunched over. "Robots are invading the town from the west!"
You immediately looked up as you heard an explosion coming from the west and saw rising smoke accompanied by the sounds of distant screams.
"Sonic, Amy!" You yelled loudly to get the two Hedgehogs' attention.
Indeed in the west part of town was under attack from various, most were Egg Pawns, but there were a few Egg Walkers here and there.
Egg Walker:
Citizens ran to avoid getting shot, stepped on or impaled by the Egg Walker's beak.
It was complete Chaos as they all scrambled to get to shelter.
One unlucky Mink got his arm snatched by an Egg Walker's beak and he let out a scream as the chicken-bot began shaking him around.
The poor Mink's arm would have been torn off if not for the head of the Egg Walker suddenly being severed.
The Mink hit the ground as the Egg Walker's beak let go of his arm.
The Mink let out a grunt of pain as he clutched his now most likely broken arm and looked up at the now headless Egg Walker which fell over.
Standing over the now headless body of the Egg Walker was you, your Spirit's Edge blade in hand.
You looked down at the Mink and asked:
"Can you make it to the shelter!?" You asked before deflecting a shot from one of the Egg Pawns.
The Mink got up still clutching his arm and nodded.
"Then go!" You ordered before running at an Egg Pawn and slashing it apart.
The Mink did exactly as you ordered and ran towards town hall which had been converted into a bunker according to the Sheep girl named Lanolin.
As all the unarmed and injured ran to town hall, anytime a Robot attempted to attack a retreating individual, you and Sonic would get in the way and destroy them.
Meanwhile Amy was making sure everyone got in safely and organizing a counter attack with those who could still fight.
"Get all the unarmed inside! If you can fight rally to me!" She ordered the fleeing townsfolk.
They did just that as you and Sonic kept fighting.
"Get to the upper floors and don't fire until the Badniks have entered Town Square!" Amy ordered those who rallied to her.
As all of them did as they were told a female fox ran up to her.
"Not everyone is accounted for!" The Fox informed.
"Pair up, go door-to-door and bring back no more than ten at a time!" Amy ordered immediately. "Keep low and check your corners."
You and Sonic did your best, but even between the two of you, there were too many and quite a few managed to avoid you both and were heading right for the town hall.
Thankfully, Amy had managed to get everyone in the town into position and the moment the robots that managed to get pass you and Sonic got close, those with firearms open fired on the Badniks.
Between the relentless rain of blasts from the townsfolk and you and Sonic taking down any that weren't shot to pieces it wasn't long before seemingly every last Badnik nearby was scrapped.
"The first wave is down!" Amy confirmed as the townsfolk cheered.
You and Sonic ran over to the makeshift bunker.
"Wow, I thought Knuckles was the leader of the resistance." Sonic chuckled which Amy returned with one of her own.
"Oh he commanded alright, but who do you think kept things organized?" Amy asked with a smug grin.
Suddenly your ears twitched as you heard the stomping of more robots coming towards the makeshift bunker.
"More are coming fast a lot more, we'll be overrun soon." You informed and both Amy and Sonic gained concerned looks.
"Right now the best thing we can do is find out where they're coming from." Amy stated and you nodded before suddenly picking her up bridal style much to her shock.
Just imagine you're Sonic:
"H-hey..." Amy yelped before you ran off towards the origin point of the stomping you heard Sonic right behind you.
It wasn't long before all 3 of you encountered a crowd of Badniks blocking your way to wherever they were coming from.
Quickly you tossed Amy at the crowd of Badniks and she immediately drew her hammer and bashed the closest one into the ground.
Sonic curled up and spin-dashed into quite a few and just as he was about to hit the ground you bashed off him.
The bash was performed at an angle and so not only was Sonic launched into other Badniks, you got launched towards a crowd yourself and with your blade out you cut down a lot before flipping forward and landing.
All 3 of you pushed forward, past the Badniks attempt to block you off from reaching the source of where they're coming from.
Badnik after Badnik fell before the 3 of you as the townsfolk blasted any that got pass.
"Isn't this fun?" Amy asked as she smashed a Badnik into the air and when it fell back down batted into another.
"Yeah!" Sonic replied literally running circles around a Badnik as it rotated it's top half trying to blast Sonic with it's gun.
This of course resulted in shots being fired everywhere hitting it's own comrades.
Any shots that didn't hit other Badniks were bashed off of by you and redirected at other Badniks.
"Y'know, you could do this sort of thing all the time with the resistance." Amy said getting close to Sonic after he dealt with the Egg Pawn that was shooting at him.
"Nope." Sonic replied immediately running off to deal with another robot.
"Oh come on!" Amy groaned.
"I already told you what I'm gonna do." He replied kicking another Egg Pawn to the ground and jumping off them.
"You didn't even consider coming back." Amy said pounding another Egg Pawn with her hammer.
"I don't need to." Sonic said he ran up the side of a building and backflipping off it to spin-dash into another Badnik. "I already knows what works best for me."
"Well what about what works best for the rest of us?" Amy asked smacking an Egg Pawn's head clean off.
"I'm no good at figuring that stuff out." Sonic said with a shrug. "You are, so you do your thing and I'll do mine."
"If you won't do it for the resistance, do it for me?" Amy asked as an Egg Walker attempted to attack her from behind.
"Behind you." Sonic informed and Amy immediately smashed the Walker in the face.
"Can't play favorites." He stated as multiple Egg Pawns approached him from behind.
"Ngh, then do it for your friends!" Amy said. "Egg Pawns closing in thirty feet."
"They've got you remember?" Sonic asked as he immediately ran at and carved through the approaching Egg Pawns.
"Do it for a Chilli Dog!?" Amy asked.
"Ooh, now you're talking." Sonic said as he carved through a horde of Badniks.
"Seriously!?" Amy asked frustrated.
You had decided to stay out of this as you had no idea what they were talking about for the most part so you have nothing important to say or add.
As they continued to speak you saw that they were fine on their own so you'd let them hash things out while you went to go find the source of the Badniks.
You climbed up and began jumping from roof to roof towards the source.
As you did, you failed to notice that resting on one of the chimneys of the town was a rather peculiar butterfly.
It's wings looked like they were in the process of burning and yet it seemed completely fine.
This butterfly also seemed to be...watching you.
Meanwhile you finally found the source of the Badniks.
A flying Badnik of some kind seemed to be producing them or at least carrying a set number and unleashing them on the town.
You immediately ran back to inform the 2 hedgehogs.
"Sonic, Amy!" You yelled out making the two turn to you.
"I found a flying Badnik just outside the town and it's bigger than the rest." You stated.
"Hm, sounds like a Dropship." Sonic said with a thoughtful look.
"It also appears they still have a lot more coming." You added.
"That's not good." Amy said concerned. "I doubt they'd all let us reach it and take it down easily."
"Well, guess we'll just have to get creative." Sonic said with a smirk.
Meanwhile the Badniks landed from the Dropship and began marching towards town.
However, they all stopped for a moment when they saw you, Sonic and Amy standing before them definitely.
"You guys ready?" Sonic asked and both you and Amy nodded.
Sonic then suddenly curled up into a ball and began spinning rapidly, charging up.
You then suddenly charged at the Badniks who got ready to fight you believing you were going to attack.
Instead however, Sonic launched forward towards you at high speed and you immediately bashed off him.
But instead of launching it at the Badniks, you launched Sonic towards Amy.
The pink Hedgehog quickly raised her hammer and with all her strength struck Sonic with her hammer.
And this of course sent Sonic right at the flying ship and with the added force of your bash and Amy's smash the ship stood no chance.
When Sonic impacted the ship, he went right through it and came out the other side.
Apparently he hit something important on his way out because the Airship exploded spectacularly.
This of course took all the Badniks with it.
And while the remaining Badniks on the ground watched as the Airship exploded you and Amy took them out easily and finally this was all over.
"Whoo! Nice shot!" Sonic said as various ship parts fell to the ground around him from the explosion as he was in a sitting position.
"Are you okay?" You asked reaching a hand out for him.
"Yeah, I've been through worse." Sonic said accepting your hand and you pulled him up.
"That's it for the invasion, I guess you'll be going then." Amy said walking up to you both with a sad look.
"Yep." Sonic said with a quick nod. "It's what I do, just keep moving, doing good, saving folks and living as free as the wind."
Sonic stood tall and proud, the sunset behind him.
"Living by my way, my own way." Sonic concluded proudly.
You looked over at Amy and saw that she was red-faced with a blush as she stared at Sonic.
"Amy?" You asked and immediately the pink hedgehog shook her head to snap herself out of her lovestruck stupor.
"No, you're right." Amy said happily running up to Sonic and grasping his hands.
"I am?" Sonic asked confused.
"It's just who you are, and it's all the reason I love you." She declared making Sonic all the more uncomfortable while you stared on a bit amused by Sonic's reaction.
"I can't change you and I don't want to change you." Amy concluded as she let go of Sonic's hands and suddenly grabbing yours.
"Huh?" You asked suddenly blushing yourself.
"Knuckles went to investigate a town to the south and I haven't heard from him since." Amy explained. "Maybe go help him out and in the meantime, I'll go show (Y/N) around at resistance HQ."
Immediately your blood ran cold.
"W-wait..." You said as you needed Sonic around to help you lie.
Amy didn't seem to hear you and began dragging you off to somewhere.
You gave Sonic a desperate look that just screamed:
Sonic didn't know what to do, when Amy dragged someone off it was hard to stop her.
Plus it sounded like Knuckles was in a lot of trouble and needed help.
Sonic let out a sigh and decided it would be best to go find Knuckles as soon as possible and get back to you as quick as possible.
"Sorry." Sonic mouthed to you before running off leaving you with Amy and now you had no idea what to do as you got dragged off.
"Another failure." Said a deep and mechanical voice. "I did not account for how much Amy Rose had grown."
A pair of glowing red eyes belonging to a figure sitting upon a throne glared at multiple monitors displaying the town you, Sonic and Amy had just saved.
"And not only has Sonic deviated from my projected path, someone new has joined forces with them...someone quite frustrating." The figure said sounding quite irritated.
"On the bright side boss, here's what he's charging headlong towards." Came a voice behind the throne.
Behind the throne were 2 small robots.
Orbot and Cubot:
The one who spoke was the sphere-shaped robot known as Orbot and he was holding up a photo showing 2 roughians.
"Perhaps they will finish him for me." The figure on the throne said with a sigh.
There we go, I hope you all liked it.
Not much to say, just that.
See ya'll later.
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