Chapter 5
You were curled up on the couch in your apartment as you read through the paperwork Clint had given you. Everything was spelled out and straight forward. Not that you expected any less from the man. You tossed the folder down beside you and raked your hands through your hair. Now you were acting as if it was perfectly normal behavior to sign a contract to be someone's girlfriend. What was wrong with you?
But, still...You glanced around your half-packed apartment and sighed. You were running out of time and didn't have a lot of options. Live with Maria and work your ass off to maybe go to school next semester. Go back to business school. Or date the man you've had a crush on for years. When you broke it down like that, you weren't certain why you were even hesitating. The decision seemed simple enough.
According to the contract, you were to accompany Clint to any public events and on private dates in public venues. Time spent together was at his discretion and you were to make yourself available. In exchange, he would provide you with an apartment, tuition, a credit card and any other necessary items. To everyone else it was to appear as if the two of you were in a committed relationship. You could not discuss anything you might hear concerning his business with anyone else. The arrangement could be terminated at any time by either party with one month's notice or immediately upon the development of an emotional attachment.
So, fall in love and it's over. Of course, that was only if he found out about it. You chewed on the end of your thumb as you stared at the folder. And what about Wanda? Surely, she was going to freak out when you told her you were dating her dad. Or maybe not. Lord knew she teased you often enough about your crush.
You picked up your phone and sent a text to Clint before you could talk yourself out of it. Just one word. Okay.
Your phone rang almost immediately.
"I'm just verifying that's a yes," he said when you answered.
You smiled and rolled your eyes a bit. "It's a yes."
"Good. Movers will arrive at your apartment at eight. They'll pack and move you to the new place. Someone will meet you there with the keys."
"That was fast." You were a little stunned, truth be told, and didn't know what else to say.
"Already scheduled, sweetheart."
"How could you have possibly known I would say yes? I didn't know myself until I sent you that message."
He hummed. "Let's call it wishful thinking."
"What are we going to tell Wanda?"
"The truth or a version of it at any rate. That we finally decided to act on our mutual attraction. And don't try to deny it. You wouldn't have kissed me like that if there was no attraction." He sounded so smug. Part of you wished he was in front of you so you could knock him down a peg or two. How you had no idea, but you'd figure it out.
"Okay," you answered with a quiet voice.
"What's wrong, sweetheart?" His tone had dropped to match yours.
"I should feel cheap, you know. I'm basically selling myself for an art degree. But I don't, not even a little bit."
"And why is that a bad thing?"
"I don't know. Shouldn't I feel worse about this? It seems like if I was a better person I would."
He sighed and you could picture his frown. "If I thought there was something to be ashamed of, I never would have asked you. Don't overthink this. Just enjoy it."
Your lips curved into a smile. "Alright, Clint. I'll try."
"That's my girl. Now, get some sleep. You've got a busy day tomorrow."
The movers arrived at eight, just as promised. By the time they got there you were dressed and ready to go despite only getting a few hours of sleep. You'd tossed and turned the night before, excitement coursing through your veins. At some point, you'd given up on sleep and took advantage of your insomnia to register for your classes. You were signing up late, but as it was your first semester there, you were a little more flexible in the classes you could take.
By the time you figured out everything to your liking, you had classes three days a week. You'd need to sign up for studio time and whatnot but for the most part that was your schedule. You avoided any evening classes as that was most likely when Clint would need you to go out with him.
As the movers swarmed into your apartment, you just stood to the side with wide eyes. They moved like an efficient machine and would have you packed and moved in no time. You got the attention of the one that seemed to be in charge. "Hello, miss."
You smiled. "Do you guys really need me here? I need to speak with the manager then I'll grab a cab and meet you at the new place."
He looked you over for a moment then shrugged. "If you trust us we can meet you there."
"Clint wouldn't have hired you if he didn't trust you. Just be careful with the crates, please. It's my art supplies."
"Of course."
You had one bag that you'd loaded with your valuables that you slung over your shoulder to take with you. Truth was, everything left in your apartment was pretty replaceable. You headed down to the manager's door and knocked.
Joe answered with a smile. "Leaving us today, I see."
"Yeah, well..." You didn't say anything else. You didn't need to. He knew you couldn't afford to keep the apartment on your own. "Listen, are you still interested in my car?"
His eyes went widened. "Seriously? How much you want for it?"
Your car had been a graduation present from one of your father's associates trying to make an impression with him. The mustang could have been a classic, but in your eyes, it was a piece of shit. It had problems from the beginning and was always in the shop. Never mind that the paint job was hiding a lot of rust. Frankly, you didn't want to sink any more money into it and felt safer walking or taking public transportation. Joe, however, could do most of the work himself and wanted a project car.
You held up the keys and title. "I'll make you a deal. You can have the car in exchange for my security deposit. Just tell my dad that I left paint everywhere. If he wants pics find some on the internet. He's never been here so he won't know the difference."
He leaned to the side and came back with a checkbook. "You got a deal."
He wrote you a check for the correct amount and you handed over the keys and signed the title over to him. "Thanks, Joe."
"Take care of yourself." He was grinning as he shut the door. Well, you'd made his day and screwed your dad out of two grand in the process. He wouldn't even miss it.
You stepped outside, squinting against the sunlight and pulled out your phone to call a cab when someone called your name. You turned to the voice with a frown. Scott Lang stood beside the familiar dark sedan holding the back door open for you. "What are you doing here?" you asked after you walked over.
His lips twitched. "Mr. Barton received notice that you were intending on taking a cab. He sent me instead."
You shook your head but didn't argue. Scott was way better than a cab. "Well, thanks." He shut the door behind you and you settled into the seat.
He glanced at you in the rearview mirror as he drove. "I have your keys to the new place. I am also at your disposal for the day."
"Doesn't Clint need you for anything?"
Scott shrugged. "I'm a driver. There's no one to drive when he's in the office. If I wasn't driving you, I'd be sitting in the parking garage reading a book."
"Once the movers are done, I need a ride to Hawkeye. I need to deliver some things to Clint personally." Tucked with the other things in your bag were the signed contract and your bill for school that had to be paid by Friday to ensure your place for the semester. You weren't about to trust either to someone else.
"Can do."
You stayed out of the way while the movers worked occasionally directing them in the placement of boxes and furniture. You'd invited Scott up and he stood beside you, the two of you engaging in conversation to help pass the time. The movers moved everything in even faster than they'd moved it out of the other place and were completely done by noon. That was a testament not only to their efficiency but your lack of belongings as well.
You signed the movers form and tried to tip them but they refused, saying Clint had already taken care of it. After they left and shut the door behind them, you and Scott stood there in silence for a stretch. Finally, he cleared his throat. "You do realize you're going to have to buy some furniture, don't you?"
"Yeah," you said with a sigh. The large expanses of empty space emphasized the size difference between the two apartments. What had seemed just right in your old place made this one look positively barren. "Well, let's go see the boss. I'll worry about this later."
Scott nodded and held open the door for you to exit. He locked the door before handing off the keys which you secured in your purse. Paperwork tucked under your arm, you followed him down to the parking garage still in shock that this was your new home.
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