Chapter 16
You weren't certain how long you and Clint had been abusing the surfaces of his office and you didn't feel like moving to get your phone to check. At the moment, you were curled up against his side, his arm wrapped around you as you traced shapes on the skin exposed by his unbuttoned shirt.
It was time to put yourself together and let him get back to work. You'd both mentioned it more than once, though neither of you actually made any movement to do it. You tilted your head back to smile at him. "We forgot to eat lunch."
"I ate," he responded with that grin he got when he was feeling rather proud of himself.
You shifted at the reminder of earlier activities and tugged on the hem of your skirt. "Behave yourself, Mr. Barton."
He grasped your chin to hold you in place while he kissed you. "You should take some of your own advice, beautiful."
You snorted a laugh. "Yes, I'm sure I look stunning right now."
"You look hot as fuck."
Heat flooded your face and you sat up to begin buttoning your blouse. Clint sighed and got to his feet to put himself to rights. Once he fixed his clothes, he ran his hands through his hair and looked only slightly disheveled. That so wasn't fair.
You ducked into the attached bathroom and did your best to repair the damage to your makeup and hair. After a bit you realized it wasn't going to get any better and settled for what you'd managed to accomplish. You were heading straight home when you left here anyway. When you stepped out, you found Clint attempting to put the papers on his desk to rights.
Your lips twisted into a smirk. "Guess we made a bit of a mess, huh?"
"I'm not about to complain about it."
He came around the desk as you gathered your things. "What's your schedule look like this week?"
"Oh, here." You pulled out your phone and entered his email to share your calendar with him. "Just accept the link I emailed you and you'll have access to my schedule."
"Perfect." He leaned forward to give you a kiss. "I'll text you later."
"Sounds good." You made your way to the door, proud of yourself for not glancing back at him. You kept your eyes straight ahead until you'd left the office and shut the door behind you.
"Nat wants to see you." The voice pulled you from your daydreaming.
You frowned at Wade. "What?"
"Natasha wants to see you. I mean Ms. Romanoff would like a word with you before you leave." He wore a smirk like he knew something you didn't. It dropped suddenly as a thought occurred to him. "Don't tell her that I called her Nat. She scares me."
"Sure thing, Wade. Thanks." You'd been to Natasha's office before with Wanda and while you weren't as familiar with its location as you were Clint's, it was easy enough to find. It was on the same floor in the opposite corner after all.
Her secretary smiled as you approached the desk and gave your name. "I believe Ms. Romanoff is expecting me."
"Of course. Go right in."
The door to her office was open but you still rapped on it when you stepped into the opening. She glanced up and grinned when she saw you. She waved you in. "Come on in and close the door, would you?"
You did as she asked before going over to stand in front of her desk. You shifted your weight on your feet. There was no reason you could think of that Clint's best friend and vice president might want to speak with you. Except maybe about how unprofessional it was to give him head in his office. God, what had you been thinking?
You took one of the chairs in front of her desk and she leaned back in her seat. She laced her fingers together and rested them on her stomach as she looked you over. That grin never once left her face though it did slide firmly into smirking territory.
"I haven't seen you in a while. How have you been?"
"Fine," you answered with a shrug. You and Natasha knew each other but you wouldn't consider her a friend. Acquaintances about covered it, but you knew she was fiercely loyal to Clint and you wondered what she really wanted to talk to you about.
Her smirk fell into a more serious expression. "I was surprised when he picked you, you know. You're not his usual fare."
You weren't sure how to take that so you just remained quiet.
"You've been good for him, I think. He's loosened up and God knows he needed it." She leaned forward and placed her hands on the desk.
"Thanks. I think." You wondered just how many people knew about Clint's arrangements and why everyone seemed to be perfectly fine with it. It all seemed odd to you.
"You know, the others weren't allowed here."
She shook her head to emphasize her point. "They might meet him here before they went to an event or to pick him up for lunch on the rare occasion but that's it. He never ate with them in his office for..." She glanced at the time and smirked again. "Nearly three hours.
You cleared your throat and ran your hands over your skirt.
"Are you falling in love with him?"
"Absolutely not." And it wasn't even a lie. You'd fallen a long time ago. There was no hope for you at this point.
Natasha tilted her head as she looked you over and hummed in thought.
You licked your lips. "If there's nothing else, I should be going."
When she didn't respond, you headed to the door. She stopped you before you could open it.
"When I said I was surprised that he picked you, it had nothing to do with you. Clint has rules for his women. One of them is that he never, ever picks a woman that he has any sort of attachment to." You frowned and she gave you that smirk again. "He's been attracted to you for ages."
Your heart raced. Knowing he was attracted to you was one thing. Having his best friend confirm it was something else entirely. You nodded in acknowledgment and left her office. Pulling out your phone, you sent a text to Scott telling him you were on your way down.
Scrolling through your other messages, you found one from Wanda wanting to meet for coffee near campus. As you stepped into the elevator you accepted her invitation. When the doors closed and you saw your reflection in the metal, you realized that you were still grinning like an idiot.
You had Scott drop you at your apartment and ran upstairs to change. Once you looked more art student and less freshly fucked, you walked the short distance to the coffee shop. Wanda smiled and waved when you walked through the door. She held up a cup to let you know she'd already gotten your drink for you.
You hugged her before taking the seat across from her and snatching your coffee from her. "Thank you, coffee goddess."
She nodded once. "That's right and don't you forget it."
"So how goes it? Anything exciting in the life of Wanda I should know about?"
She sipped her drink and shook her head. "Nothing. And isn't that awful?"
You huffed a laugh. "How was class?"
"Good," she answered with a shrug. "Of course, all we did was go over the syllabus. It's sculpture though so I'm excited."
You grinned as you thought of your own classes that started tomorrow. "I've got art history, 2-D Media, photography and Mixed Media this semester. I can't wait."
She placed her hand on yours. "I'm just happy you're following your heart. You were so miserable last year."
Yeah, business school sucked. "So, did you see Paul?" you asked with a teasing lilt to your voice. She'd met the blond Brit at the end of the previous semester and met up with him a couple of times over the summer. She said she was taking it slow, but you could tell she really liked this guy even if you hadn't met him yet.
Her cheeks flushed a bit. "I ran into him between classes but he was in a hurry. We're having lunch tomorrow."
"I hope I get to meet him soon."
She shrugged one shoulder. "We'll see. How about you? How is your love life?"
You nearly spat your coffee. As it was, you sat and blinked at her. It took her a moment to realize what she'd just said and she held up her hands. "Never mind. Forget I said that. I most certainly do not want an answer to that question."
"Thank God." Both of you laughed.
As the laughter died down, she laid her hand on yours again. "I just want you to be happy. Both of you."
You smiled. "We are."
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