Vampire Money
Violet's POV
Outside of the treehouse all I could see was leaves. A kaleidoscope of orange, yellow, and red covered the ground and the branches of the tree. It's finally fall.
I love fall. Who doesn't? The air gets cooler, the leaves turn colors, pumpkin scented/flavored things start to appear on store shelves, what's not to like?
"VIOLET GET A SWEATSHIRT ON WE'RE ABOUT TO GO!" Gerard called for me from the porch. Today we're going to a farm to get a pumpkin so we can make a Jack O Lantern (A/N I think I spelled that wrong, but whatever. You guys know what I mean).
We were also going to pick up Jinx so he could come with us. Gerard also said he would pay me and Jinx 20 dollars each if we raked up all of the leaves in the yard. So after we get back from the farm we were going to get started on that and put the money towards our 'PTV Tickets' fund. They were coming to New Jersey in early November and Vic gave us free tickets and backstage passes but Gerard would only let us go if we paid for half of it ourselves. And since half of it came to around 150 dollars we had been working our asses off for the past month. Right now we're at about 100 dollars, so raking the leaves should bring us pretty close to our goal.
If I have any extra time I'm also going to try to get out to the barn to ride Picasso. There's a show in a few weeks that I want to go to and I really need to work on my position over fences.
I grabbed a Sleeping With Sirens pullover and ran out of the treehouse, "I'm coming Dad!"
We quickly swung by Jinx's house and made the journey to the farm.
"Jinx! Jinx! Guess what I'm going to be in the Halloween presentation!" Bandit said.
"Hmmm," Jinx pretended to be deep in thought, "A bat?"
"A brain eating zombie?"
Bandit giggled, "No! Guess again."
"A hairy, smelly, werewolf?"
"Ew! No! You get one more guess."
"Gerard's already the werewolf. He wouldn't even need to dress up." Lindsey commented from the front seat.
"Hey!" Gerard protested, "I am not smelly! I shower every day. And this hair is fabulous."
"An evil witch that turns people into toads?" Jinx used up his last guess.
"You guessed wrong! I'm going to be a black cat. Meow!"
"A cat was my next guess," Jinx said, "Damn- I mean darn it!"
"Are you going to come watch the presentation?" Bandit asked him.
"Of course," Jinx said, "I would never miss it."
Jinx is really good with little kids. I don't know where that gentle caring part of him comes from, but I'm glad it's there. Bandit absolutely loves him. She even refers to him as her brother.
I saw orange spotted fields in the distance "OH MY GOD WE'RE HERE!" I yelled which caused Gerard to almost crash the car.
"Jesus Violet," he mumbled, "Calm the fuck down."
"Sorry," I said, "I got excited."
After finding a place to park we got on the giant hay wagon and we headed out the field. Bandit was overflowing with excitement.
"We're going to get a pumpkin," She whisper-sang to herself, "We're going to get a pumpkin, a pumpkin, a pumpkin. We're going to get a pumpkin and Jinx's hair is green." Although her songwriting skills needed a little work, I could tell my sister was going to be a great musician. Her biological parents were Gerard and Lindsey Way, after all.
The wagon lurched to a stop and we went out to the field. There were pumpkins everywhere! It was really cool.
"Mommy! Daddy! Can we get this one?" Bandit was standing next to a pumpkin that was fucking huge. It was almost as tall as Bandit and at least 5 feet in circumference.
"Um, that one's a bit big sweetheart," Lindsey said, "What about something a little smaller?"
"No." Bandit said stubbornly. Oh shit. God please don't let her have a temper tantrum, please. We need a miracle.
"Bandit! Look at these little pumpkins!"
And our miracle just happened to be wearing a Bring Me The Horizon shirt that had an upside-down cross on it.
Jinx held up one of those tiny pumpkins. "Aren't these cute, Bandit?" It worked. Bandit went over to see the little pumpkins with Jinx and completely forgot about the huge one.
We ended up getting 5 of the little ones (to use as decorations around the house) and one perfect medium sized pumpkin. While Lindsey and Bandit were paying for the pumpkins me, Gerard, and Jinx went to the little store and got other fall themed things. Like apple cider, scented candles, candy corn, and a pumpkin roll.
"So it's my turn to hand out candy to trick or treaters this year," Gerard said, "And being the Halloween obsessed person I am, I decided we're going to dress up this year."
"What are we going to be?" I asked him.
"I was thinking a zombie prep school thing. Like, I'll be the teacher, Violet can be a cheerleader, and Jinx will be a jock." Gerard explained.
"Wait, I'm coming to this?" Jinx looked confused.
"Of course you are," Gerard said, "We wouldn't want you spending the best holiday of the year alone. You're family, Jinx."
"Thank you Gerard," Jinx said, "That means a lot."
"No problem, kid. Anyway, so we're going to get costumes and then rip them up and cover them with blood and it'll be awesome. Trust me."
My phone buzzed in my pocket. It was a text from Dallas.
Hey so Paige is having a Halloween party on the 30th. It would be awesome if you could come.
Jinx peeked over my shoulder, "It's Dallas!" he squealed and took my phone, "Let me read!"
"No! Give it back!" I tried to grab the phone but he was too quick.
"He wants you to go to a party with him! You two must be getting pretty serious." Jinx teased me.
I quickly flipped him off, "Quit it Jinxy."
"Wait, Dallas wants you to go to a party with him? Violet, you should go." Gerard said.
"I'm not going," I told him.
"Why not? You'll have so much fun, sunshine."
"Um, first off there's the anxiety thing. And one of the popular girls is hosting it, so I won't have anyone to talk to. I'll be the weird awkward person that stands in the corner and eats all the food." I said. Just thinking about this is making me anxious.
"Don't worry Violet," Jinx reassured me, "You're already the weird awkward person. You don't need to go to a party to be that way."
"Thanks Jinx," I said sarcastically, "I know I can always count on you."
"Let me see this again!" He stole my phone again! That asshole!
"Jinx, stop it! Give it back!"
He was typing something, "But I want to talk to Dallas."
"If you send that I will fucking kill you."
Jinx gave me the phone with a smug smile on his face. Oh God. Let's see how bad the damage is.
Don't worry babe, I'll be there. I love you. Violet xoxox <3 <3 <3 <3
That fucker. I will burn him at the stake and then stomp on the ashes. He deserves it.
I quickly texted Dallas back
Jinx stole my phone. I didn't write that.
Yeah that didn't really sound like you. So are you able to come?
I have something going on that day. Sorry :(
It's okay, I was just asking ttyl
"Dad, Jinx is being mean to me." I whined, "He took my phone."
"Jinx be nice to Violet. I know it's hard, but can you two please make an effort to get along?"
"But Gerard! That isn't fair! She's just so easy to pick on." Jinx grinned, "It's irresistible."
"I can't argue with that." Gerard said.
"Why is Violet going to kill people?" Bandit asked us. I guess they were done paying for the stuff.
"They read my text messages." I explained.
"Are you going to kill Jinx?"
"Of course I'm going to kill Jinx. He was the one who started it." I shot him a dirty look. Jinx crossed his eyes and stuck out his tongue. Bastard.
"Violet, no killing people," Lindsey said, "You're supposed to be the responsible child. C'mon kids, we gotta go now if Violet and Jinx are going to rake up all those leaves."
Gerard's POV
I looked out the window at Violet and Jinx. They had been working really hard at getting all of those leaves into one big pile and so far they were a little more than halfway done. I'm glad Violet found a friend. She's been doing pretty well in school too, all A's and B's.
The phone rang. It was my mother.
"Hi Gerard!"
"Hi Mom," I said, "Um, is everything alright?"
"Everything's great," She said, "I just wanted to give you and Lynz your anniversary present. It's a bit late, I know, but I think you'll enjoy it."
"What is it?"
"I paid for you two to go on a two week cruise!" She exclaimed, "Isn't that exciting?"
A cruise? I don't have time to go on a cruise. I have work and who is going to take care of Bandit and Violet?
"That's great," I managed to choke out, "I'm sure Lynz and I will have a great time."
"You've just been so busy and stressed with work lately and I thought you two needed a vacation."
"Thanks Mom." I said.
"You're welcome. I already emailed you the details so you guys can start packing. Alright sweetheart, I gotta go. Love you!"
"I love you too Mom." I said and hung up.
What the hell was she thinking? Since when did I like boats?
I read her email. The boat left November 7th at noon and it was docked in New York City, which was a couple hours away.
The next step was to call Lindsey.
"Hi Gee," She said when she picked up, "What's up?"
"Well," I said, "My mother got us a two week cruise for our anniversary."
"A cruise? We don't have time for a cruise."
"I know. What are we going to do? I've looked at the website, it's a pretty expensive cruise, Lynz. If we skip it that's throwing like 2,500 dollars down the drain." I was really stressing out about this.
"I guess we have to do it. When does it leave?" She asked me.
"It leaves November 7th, goes around the Florida area, and comes back."
"Okay, let's look on the bright side: We're going on a cruise! Yes, we'll be missing two weeks of work, but it's still a cruise! We're going to have tons of fun!" I laughed, that's one of the many reasons I love Lindsey. She always looks on the bright side, no matter the situation.
"Wait, what about the kids? Who's going to take care of them?" She said.
"I was thinking about asking Mikey to watch them. I don't think he'll mind."
I heard shouting in the background.
"Gotta go," Lindsey said, "We have to get back to practicing. We'll talk more about this when I get home. Love you."
Violet's POV
"Close your eyes." Lindsey brought the mascara brush across my eyelashes one more time.
"There you go," She said, "All finished."
I took a look at myself in the mirror. Me and Gerard went to the costume store, got a perfectly nice cheerleader outfit, and then spent the day ripping it up and covering it in fake blood. It kicked ass.
Lindsey had also done my makeup. Eyeliner, mascara, smoky eyes, and dark lipstick completed the look. Jinx's makeup was similar, but no lipstick. I made sure to take plenty of pictures so next time he tried to blackmail me I would have ammunition.
I went out to the porch where we would be waiting for trick or treaters. We had also decorated the front yard to be kind of like a cemetery. There were gravestones and bones everywhere. Gerard had even gotten a smoke machine.
"Gee, remember not to scare the little kids, okay?" Lindsey said and put the finishing touches on his hair, "We don't another incident like last year."
"What happened last year?" Jinx asked her.
"Oh, Gerard just made a few little kids cry." She said, "Their parents were not happy. Anyway you do guys have candy?"
I held up two giant bags. "We have a fuck ton. Watch this." I unwrapped a starburst.
"Hey Jinx, catch." I tossed it and Jinx caught it in his mouth.
"Crushed it." He said and we did our handshake (Okay, it's actually Dan and Phil's handshake. We borrowed it).
"Very nice," Lindsey said, "Can you guys please have self-control and not eat all of it before the trick or treaters come? That would be awesome."
"We make no promises." Gerard said.
Bandit came down the stairs. She was Princess Leia. Lindsey even did her hair in the trademark swirly buns.
"Can we go Mommy?" Bandit whined, "I want some candy."
"Yes Bandit, we can go." She said and they went on their way.
Gerard handed us each a big bowl of treats, "Okay kids, are you ready to accept your responsibility as candy givers?"
"And what do you do?"
"What do you not do?"
We went out to the porch and waited for the first trick or treaters to come. A kid in a Batman costume came to our porch. He didn't look much older than 6.
"Charlie, go and say trick or treat," His mother urged him. He shook his head and clung closer to his mother's side.
Jinx kneeled so he could closer to Charlie's level. "Hi buddy," he said, "I like your costume."
"Thanks." Charlie said, "I like your hair."
Jinx ran a hand through the green part of his quiff. "Thank you. And for that lovely compliment, you get some candy." He dropped a handful of little chocolate bars into his bag, "Plus a high five."
Charlie eagerly high fived Jinx. "What's your name?" His mother asked him.
"My name is Jinx."
She smiled, "Well Jinx, you really have a way with kids."
"Aww," I said as soon as they left, "Jinxy, you're giving feels."
Jinx rolled his eyes, "Way to make this weird, Vi Vi."
We were pretty busy the whole night, as soon as a pack of kids left, a new one would come. We got many compliments and Jinx bonded with a lot more children, none of which we made cry.
"Violet? Is that you?" I heard a familiar voice. Oh my God.
It was Dallas with a little girl in an Elsa costume.
"Um, hi Dallas." I said, "Uh, would the little one like some candy?"
He laughed, "Of course she would. Antonia, go get some candy." I gave Antonia a handful of treats.
"Thank you." She said politely and stood by her bother.
"So, you have a sister too?"
"Yeah," he said, "And 2 brothers. My Dad has a weird thing with names, we're all named after a city in Texas. There's me, Dallas, Austin, Houston, and Antonia, which is kind of like San Antonio."
"That's really cool."
"I guess I'm needed elsewhere. So, I guess I'll see you at school. Happy Halloween. Bye." I said and went over to Gerard.
"Dad, I don't see any kids." I said.
"Oh, I guess they were going to a different house." Gerard tried to cover his tracks.
"You just didn't want me talking to a boy."
"That's stupid," Gerard argued, "Why would I not want you talking to one of your friends? I seriously saw a pack of candy devouring preschoolers over here."
"Violet, you're making things up."
This time there really was a bunch of preschoolers coming towards our porch.
"See," he said, "I told you. They actually exist."
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