Chapter 84
Back at the firehouse
Dawson's pov
I'm sitting watching TV in the common room when the guys get back from the call. I get up, walk over to Casey. "Hey can I talk with you." I say. "Yeah sure whats up lets go to my office. " he says. I wanted to talk to you about the new candidate. When I met him this morning something seemed off. I don't know what it is but I just wanted to let you know. " I say. "Is that why you had that look on your face earlier" he says leaning into. I trust you if you say sometimes off then I'll keep and eye out". He says kissing me. "How you feeling the baby doing well." " baby and I are great". I say as the alarm goes off again.
Ambulance 61 Truck 81 squad 3 car fire Wabash Ave
"Gotta run" Casey says as he kisses me goodbye. " be safe" I shout
We arrive on scene to find a car with very little flames on it and someone stuckin the front. I rush over to help pull the man out but the door is Stuck.Severide comes over. He uses the crowbar to open the door. we get thedoor open and I call Shay over. "Shay I need a backboard, c-collar and thestretcher ". I say. She brings them over and load the guy on to thebackboard. " any one smell gas leaking." I head Casey says. We aregetting ready to load the man into the ambo when I hear an explosion. I turnaround to see Severide being thrown in the air from the car explosion. ""Severide!!" I yell I run to him and find him unconscious. I alreadyhear Shay calling for another ambo. I'm a mess seeing him not moving. I'mfrozen. I know he needs care but I can't move. I'm snapped out of it by Shay."Brett you gotta be strong come on we gotta take our patient to Med theother ambulance is here and will take good care of him" Shay says. We takeoff and head to Med.
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