Chapter 75
Picking out ring
Shift has ended and I arranged for Antonio to keep gabby busy while Severideand I shop for the ring. He was taking here out to dinner then to see his kids.I told Severide to meet me at the jewelry store. I get there before he dose andwalk in. "Hi I'm Aimee how may I help you" she says. "Hi I'm Mat I'm looking foran engagement ring. I plan on prosing to my girlfriend this weekend." I sayjust as Severide walks in. "Hey man thanks for coming" I say "no problem man"he says. "what type of ring were you going for" Aimee says " gabby is a verysimple girl. I wanna wow her with a spectacular ring. I was thing of it havingdiamonds going down part way on each side then a reasonable diamond in thecenter as the main one then two small ones on each side. I would also like theband to be big enough to be inscribed, saying Always & Forever." I say asshe goes behind the counter and pulls out a few for me to look at. " There okaybut they don't remind me of gabby. What do you think Severide?" I ask "your right there not really gabby's style." He says as the lady puts them backand pulls out some more. " I like the third one here but it doesn't have thespace to be inscribed". I say "How about this one" Kelly says as he stands overat another counter. I walk over to him and look at what he's pointing at. Aimeewalks over and opens the case and puts the ring on the counter. "I'm in lovewith it. It's perfect I love that the sides of ring have Irish knots on it.It's just as spectacular as gabby is. I'll take it." I say not caring what theprice is. I'd pay anything for gabby. I can't wait to spend the rest of my lifewith her. "She'll love it" Severide says. "the ring will be ready tomorrow" shesays as she's checking me out.
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