Chapter 68
Next shift
Herrmann's pov
"Aye Dawson what you doing here. I thought you weren't allowed to work. " I say "yeah I'm not working. I'm still not sleeping well and being with Mat at night helps. Plus I plan on making dinner for you guys." She says. "Good because Cruz's cooking sucks. " I say as everyone laughs. "My cooking is that bad" Cruz say. "Yes it is." We all say in tandem.
Chiefs pov
I hear a knock on my door with out looking up I say "come in ah Dawson Casey what can I do for you?" I ask. "Well we wanted to talk to you gabby is still having nightmares when sleeping alone so I was wondering if she could spend the night at the firehouse." Casey says "I'll even cook dinner for you guys. " Dawson chimes in. "Of course gabby can stay. We take care of family around and she is family." I say. "Oh in two days gabby and I are having a reveling gender party at our place we'd love for to come. "Casey says.
Gabby's pov
We walk into the common room. " I wanna let everyone know that in 2 days we are having a gender reveal party. We'd love for you and all your family to be there. Party starts at 2pm " I say
"Thanks we will all be there" they say. I walk over to Brett and ask her how things with Severide are going. "There great we are going out in a few days." She says as Severide walks by and winks. As she is about to talk again her phone buzzes. "It's him he wants to see me in his office" she whispers to me as she gets up out of her seat.
Brett's pov
I got a message from Severide to go to his office. I'll I can think about is the last time we kissed. It's all I wanna do. I knock on his office and open the door. I don't see him at first because the blinds are drawn. So I walk in more and close the door. As I shut the door he pulls me in and kisses me. One long kiss. "I couldn't help it he said I just had to kiss you. I hope that's okay" he says. I crash my lips into his. "I take that as a yes" he says. "It sure is" she says kissing him again. Just as we are getting at it we get interrupted by the alarm.
Ambulance 61 truck 81 squad 3 kitchen fire. 8254 Jefferson St
Severide's pov
"Be safe " she says to me as we run out of my office to the apparatus bay and hop in our rigs. We pull up to the scene and half the house in lit up in flames. As I hop out a lady runs up to me. "I turned around just for a second next thing I know the pan was on fire. " she says "ma'am what was in the pan and is there anyone in the house." I ask. "Oil I was deep frying some food when the phone rang. It thought it was at a good temperature. No it was just me." She says. I tell Casey what the Lady told me. "I think we should do a primary search just to be on the safe side." I say. I order my guys to do the search. They come up negative for people. Truck takes care of the fire, puts it outs and we head back to the firehouse.
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