Chapter 150
At the hospital
Sylvie's pov
Todays the day I'm starting physical therapy on walking. I'm nervous. I'm still in so much pain. The doctor walks in. " alright Sylvie I'm going to help you stand." She says. " I try and get up but end up being to weak. My legs buckle twice. I'm so frustrated. "Let's try again" she says. "I can't do this. I don't wanna not now." I say mad. "One more time" she says "no I'm done. I want Kelly." I say. "Will try again later today. You are not giving up." She says walking out. I curl up on my bed with tears. I just want Kelly here.
Severide's pov
I walk in and find the doctor. "Hi how was Sylvie. Did she walk today? I ask. "We tried but she got frustrated and quit she kept wanting you." She says. "Well if your free we can try again since I'm here now." I say to her. "I'll be free in 20 minutes." She says "great I'll see you then" I say. I walk in go Sylvie's room after talking with the doctor.
Sylvie's pov
I see Kelly and smile. "Hey babe. How is work going? I say. " work is good chief gave me a couple hours off to spend with you. I heard you aren't wanting to walk today what's with that?" He says to me. "I'm still in a lot of pain. It was just to hard my legs buckled twice." I say. "Well you're not giving up doctor's coming back in. She'll be soon." He says to me walking over to kiss me. Doctor walks in 10 minutes later. "Ready to try again" she says to me. "I'll give it another go. I say swinging my legs over the side of the bed. She stand in front of me and I slowly get up but fall right back down. I try again and again still falling each time. I'm getting so frustrated I start to cry. " I can't do this. I'm to weak" I say in a fed up voice. "Babe you need to try harder I know you can do it. How bout I'll stand in front of you. You can hold on to me. I'll be with you every step of the way. I promise." He says to me. "May I" he says to the doctor. " be my guest" she says as I walk over to my girl. "alright put your hands on my forearms I want you to have a good grip. Now place your feet on the floor. When you feel comfortable I want you to stand up." He says to me. I do as he says but I still fall. "I can't" I say "yes you can babe I believe in you. You're not one to give up. I know you. Let's go again. Take your time. Concentrate on me. I'm not gonna let you fall." He says again. I slowly get my feet on the ground. My grip goes tighter on Kelly's arms. He even holds my arms back for more stability. I slowly rise up off the bed. "I'm standing babe I'm standing" I say exited. "Good job" he says back. "Now I want you to walk a few steps to that chair. If you need to shuffle your feet that's fine." The doctor says to me. I focus in on Kelly and shift my weight on to each foot slowly walking to the chair. " I did it but I'm in so much pain." I say. Kelly picks me up and puts me back into bed. "You did good. I'll be back tomorrow to work again with you." She says "as long as I'm holding Kelly you can come back." I say. "Deal" doctor says as she walks out. Kelly and I talk for a couple more hours then he leaves. He said he be back in the am and have the whole day with me once shift got over.
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