Chapter 6
I groaned inwardly and planted my face on the desk. If there was a part of science I was bad at, it was chemistry. Biology, physics, geology, anything but chemistry!
"Struggling?" Said a snickering voice behind me.
I turned in my chair and glared at June. "Never," I hissed.
She giggled and I faced the front again. I'm so screwed. As Mr. Radcliffe kept teaching, I zoned out. What's the point in listening if I'm not going to understand it?
Lazily scanning the classroom, I spotted a familiar girl sitting in the corner. Evelyn wore her usual look of boredom but still dutifully took notes.
I smiled to myself as I watched her; she was so pretty. And I just realized how creepy that is. Damn it, J. Sitting up straight, I fixed my eyes on the board, refusing to look at her again.
I was paying attention now, but nothing had changed. Most of what was being said went over my head. All I knew was that for some reason, Mr. Radcliffe had combined my two worst subjects, math and chemistry. To me the board was a mess of letters and numbers. I couldn't have been more relieved when the bell rang, signaling the start of lunch.
A collective sigh rose from the class as everyone stood and started to leave. I waited for a moment before gathering my stuff and moving towards Evelyn.
"Hey, V," I said, waving.
Evelyn frowned when she saw me. "You're everywhere. Is there no escape?"
I grinned. "Nope! Lucky you," I said, winking.
Groaning, Evelyn stood and collected her books. "What do you want?"
"I was just wondering if you wanted to study together later?"
She raised a suspicious eyebrow. "Are you hitting on me?"
I wasn't, but I couldn't help it, I smirked and replied, "Well, we do have chemistry."
Evelyn's face fell and she looked at me, disgusted. "You are the worst kind of person."
I shrugged. "That's why I need my better half."
Evelyn turned and began walking from the room, but before she could leave, I called after her, "Are you an element, cuz I'd bond with you!"
The room fell silent, and my few remaining peers watched in anticipation as Evelyn slowly turned to look at me. She marched over and jabbed her finger into my chest. "I will help you," she hissed, "but you must never, ever, use another chemistry pickup line."
I frowned and tilted my head. "You don't like them? I've got plenty more."
The glare on her face told me she wasn't joking. I laughed lightly before raising my hands in defeat. "Alright, no more chemistry pickup lines."
She sighed. "Good. Then, I'll see you later."
As she walked away, I scratched my chin and murmured. "Where do they keep the chloroform?"
Evelyn stopped in her tracks. Spinning on her heel, she faced me furiously, but I spoke before she could say anything.
"Technically not a pickup line!" I claimed.
Her face flushed red; I was right. She stammered for a moment before hurriedly leaving the classroom. I chuckled, but the feeling of victory was short-lived.
June sidled up next to me. "Casanova going strong?"
"Why does it sound condescending coming from you?" I asked, watching her from the corner of my eye.
She shrugged. "Because I think you're a tool."
"Yeah, that'd do it," I replied. "So, lunch?"
"Sounds good," June answered with a smile.
Leaving the classroom, we headed for the dining hall. June seemed to be in a good mood, maybe because we were on our way to see Bark. I had Evelyn and June in my classes, but not my Bark. That poor man was all by himself, and that just meant when he and June saw each other it got sickly sweet. Though, that did create a lot of ways for me to tease them.
June and I split up to get our lunch. By the time I finally received my meat pie she and Bark had already found a table and started eating. I joined them without a word and simply began listening to what they were saying. I don't think they even knew I was there.
June ran her hand along Bark's arm. "So, tonight then?" She whispered sultrily.
Bark swiveled his head to look her in the eyes. Gently, he took her cheek in his hand. "Why wait?" He asked.
I could feel my face growing hot and my meat pie suddenly became very interesting. I picked meekly at the crust, trying to ignore whatever was happening on the side of the table, but then June and Bark erupted in laughter. I looked at them like a startled cat.
June giggled. "I can't believe you fell for that!"
Bark smirked and crossed his arms. "Oh, I can. That was a taste of your own medicine, and you deserved it," he said, pointing at me.
I just sat there for a moment, before a smile crept onto my face. I laughed louder than either of them and slapped my leg. "Fair enough. That was a good one though. Definitely was not expecting that from you, Bark."
June frowned. "What's that supposed to mean?"
I shrugged and pointing at Bark, said, "that twit wouldn't be so bold. June, it's all up to you." I grinned and took a bite of my pie.
Bark raised his hands before letting them drop onto the table. "I told you, it's not like that."
Bark didn't see June pouting and I honestly felt bad for her. "That's a shame," I said, swallowing my mouthful and shaking my head. "Girls don't wait forever. Everyone's patience runs out eventually."
Bark threw a napkin at me, but it just fluttered harmlessly to the tabletop. "What would you know about girls?"
"More than you," June muttered, picking angrily at her lunch.
"What?" Bark asked.
June looked up, surprised that he'd heard her. Flustered, she grinned hastily and pointed her fork at me. "Casanova there made a move on Evelyn."
Bark frowned at me. "You've been here all of two weeks?"
I shook my head. "I didn't make a move on her. I was just teasing."
June was shaking her head before I'd finished. "Flirty teasing," she said accusingly.
I raised my hands innocently. "I didn't mean anything by it."
June laughed in disbelief. "You were using pickup lines! You called her your better half!"
"So?" I yelped.
Bark shook his head. "You are a dick."
"What? It's not like she wants anything to do with me," I said, struggling to defend myself.
"Then why were you talking to her?" June asked, pressing me with a devious expression.
"I was asking for her help studying, that's all."
June's face lit up; I'd stepped right into her trap. "Okay, but you could've asked anyone for help," she said. "Bark's good with chemistry. Actually, just science in general. And math. You know that's really frustrating, right?" She asked, looking at him spitefully.
He shrugged. "We're getting off topic."
June huffed but nodded. "You're right. So, J, were you, or were you not flirting? Because if you weren't flirting then you shouldn't say stuff like that. She'll get the wrong idea."
First, I sighed, then groaned, and finally, I nodded. "Okay, you're right. From now on, I will only flirt on two occasions. One, to make Bark uncomfortable because that's really funny to watch."
June smiled and nodded vigorously. "It is hilarious," she agreed.
Bark looked insulted but said nothing.
"Two," I continued, "If I actually like the girl. Then can I flirt?"
June's face suddenly set like stone. She looked at me with a serious expression. "I find this acceptable. Flirting can be a powerful weapon, use it wisely."
I nodded gravely and mock bowed. "Thank you for this honour, master. I will not disappoint you.
"Good," said June. Seemingly proud of herself, she returned to her lunch.
Chuckling, I continued chomping away at my pie. I was quite enjoying myself until I noticed Bark trying to get my attention. He was leaning back, so as to be out of June's vision. He pointed at June, then at me before slowly running his thumb along his neck.
I nodded, grateful for the advice, and made a mental note to not cross June on this. Then, I finally got to eat my pie in peace.
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