Chapter 32
His mouth hanging open, face scrunched, shoulders tensed, and legs locked. Bark was a picture of confusion, fear, maybe a little excitement, and a whole lot of inexperience. The only cure for that? Practice. Practice, and talking to someone who actually knows what they are doing.
Though it irked Bark, he was out of his depth. Next chance he got; he would have to consult a natural. For now, he could only panic and hope he was doing this right.
June was a perfect contrast to her startled boyfriend. Composed, smiling pleasantly, she was completely aware of Bark's unease, and took cruel delight in it. Fingering her way across the carpet, June sought out Bark's hand. She grabbed it suddenly and he jumped. Laughing softly, June wrapped her fingers in his.
Bark held his breath, feeling an uncomfortable bubble sitting in his chest. Eventually, he exhaled, but the bubble didn't move. He inwardly groaned and mindlessly watched the film.
In Bark's room, he and June sat, leaning against a wall. The blinds were shut, and the lights were off. A laptop sat on the ground, streaming a movie. An empty popcorn bag lay beside June.
Their hands intertwined, June sat with her legs tucked under her, while Bark was outstretched. The room was dark apart from the light flittering off the screen.
Smiling, June dragged a finger slowly across Bark's hand. Tease him or simply enjoy this? Decisions, decisions.
It happened in the mid-semester holidays; Bark had finally asked her out. June was so surprised by it that she didn't know how to respond. It was so seemingly random too.
Bark had asked to meet, which was strange because normally she has to take the initiative. Still, June had readily agreed. Walking the streets that night, they came across a park. June set upon the swings and demanded he push her. So, he did.
Then, as the moon was high, the creaking chains of the swing quietened. The still night air cradled leaves drooping wearily from near bare trees. Bark turned away, steeling his resolve. June watched him curiously, her mouth forming a wondering o.
His face serious, Bark spun around and clenched his eyes shut. Balling his fists in his pockets, he had said, 'I like you.'
June's eyes had grown wide, colour draining from her face. She was dressed in disbelief and spoke silence. Her face had crumpled in happiness, relief, frustration. All this time she had liked him, but never known what he thought of her. If she had said something, could she have been spared years of agony?
The thought was unceremoniously shoved from her mind as she threw her arms round his neck. She never had the courage to tell him, but now he had lain his emotions bare. It wasn't a waste. Every time she dared dream; it wasn't for naught.
Cut back to the present and there they sat. Hand in hand, watching a movie. Bark was still slow on the uptake and learning how to do the whole boyfriend thing. So, June chose to relish this moment. After all, it couldn't last much longer. Evelyn had promised to keep J distracted for a while, but he would probably return soon.
Shuffling closer, June leaned gently against Bark. Stiffening at the initial contact, Bark held his breath again, but eventually relaxed. Mentally scolding himself for the tension he felt, Bark was unaware of June's internal giggling.
Bark wasn't affectionate, June knew that well. So, simply give him time. He would learn and grow more comfortable eventually. For now, she was happy to have just come this far.
Thinking on his frustrations and her delights, the pair hardly noticed the movie finishing. The credits were nearly over when June patted Bark's shoulder, breaking him from his thoughts.
"I should go. I'll see you tomorrow," June said. A pretty smiled adorned her face as she waved goodbye.
His lips tightening into a thin grin, Bark nodded. "Uh, yeah. Sleep well."
Her hand stopping on the door handle, June looked back at him. "Yeah, you too."
June felt her face warming and so hurried out the door, glancing at him one last time. Hardly noticing, Bark stood and flicked a light switch on. Sighing, he dropped the popcorn bag in the bin and replaced his laptop upon the desk.
Unsure of what to do, Bark looked around aimlessly before eventually deciding to take a shower. He moseyed out the room, up the hall, down the stairs and into the communal washrooms.
It was quiet this time of night. Only a handful of guys wandered about, finishing up. Ignoring them, Bark crossed the grimy tiles and stepped into an ugly yellow cubicle. He quickly stripped and sighed appreciatively as scalding water cascaded over him. People who like hot showers are weak. If the water isn't boiling you alive, it's not hot enough.
As Bark relaxed, his mind was quiet. There were a few questions bothering him, but they were quickly silenced by a mixture of apathy and stubbornness.
When Bark returned from the shower, I was already in the room. Lying in bed, a book hovering above my head. My phone sat on my chest, the torch casting light against the shadows covering the page.
Dropping his dirty clothes and kicking them under his bed, Bark glanced at me. "You want the lights off?"
Shrugging, my eyes remained glued to my book. "Sure," I said, my distant tone soft and distracted.
Flicking his laptop open, Bark noted the time, nine twenty-six; still far too early for him to sleep. Grunting curiously, he punched in his password before moving, flicking off the light and collapsing into his chair.
Bark's fingers clacked away at his keyboard while I finished my chapter. Bark wanted to ask me something, but seeing as I was distracted, he used this time to hone his questions.
It only took moments, but for Bark it felt like hours before I turned the page. With each passing minute he grew more agitated; desperately needing answers. Quite unusual for the normally dull beanpole.
Reading the last sentence, I grunted miserably. Another cliff-hanger? Perhaps just one more chapter. Though, it is late already; already nine thirty-five. What can I say? Early to bed, early to rise. That's how I like it.
Rolling over, I slipped my book under the bed and put my phone on charge. With that done, I sighed and slipped further under the covers, hiding from the cold.
"Night," I called to Bark.
The keyboard stopped clacking and Bark froze. The moment was finally here but there was so much pressure now. Grunting, he slapped his cheek lightly and cleared his throat.
"June and I are dating."
Slowly, my eyes opened. Sitting up, the blankets spilled down my chest, leaving me near as exposed as Bark felt.
My brows knitting, I opened and closed my mouth noiselessly before asking, "what? Since when?"
"Last holidays," Bark replied, staring headlong into his monitor, fingers resting lifelessly on the keys.
A creeping suspicion hanging in my mind, my eyes narrowed. My voice growing colder, I asked, "who else knows?"
Bark shrugged. "Anyone who's asked. Plus, Evelyn."
My jaw dropped. Sitting up straighter, I pulled the blankets to my shoulders and leaned back against the wall. "What?"
"June didn't want to tell you right away. So, she asked me and Evelyn not to say anything."
Honestly, I'm a little hurt. It wasn't easy keeping the sting out of my voice, but I think I managed. Clearing my throat, I shook my head clear. Better to just ask June herself. For now, where is Bark going with this?
"So, what, did June lift her ban?"
Bark shook his head. "No, but I need to ask you something."
"Shoot," I answered, growing curious. This freaking rollercoaster is wild; for once I'm glad I put down my book.
Groaning, Bark slumped over in his chair and crossed his arms. Kicking his feet, his chair swiveled from left to right and back again. "I don't, don't know how to be a good boyfriend," he muttered.
Oh, that's what this is about. I guess that makes sense. I mean, it's Bark; If the man played a dating sim, he would purposely find a way to make every character hate him.
Nodding, I smirked. "So, what's your question?"
Grunting, Bark wheeled around to face me. His brows furrowed; he crossed his arms even further. "How do I make her happy?"
Something in the wording tilted my head. Make her happy? Well, isn't that obvious? Bark's known June for how long? She isn't exactly hard to figure out. Despite being one of the smartest people I know, Bark is an idiot. That kind of hurts my pride.
Chuckling, I shook my head. "Twit, June fell for you, right? That means she likes you. You like her. You know what she likes. So, do what she likes and take an interest in those things. Simple as that."
Growing quiet, Bark hunched over. Eyes tunneling into the floor, his face was hidden from me. When he spoke, it was quiet and, I don't know, worried, maybe?
"It's more than that. What, what if I mess up? Should I hold her hand? Does she want me to hug her or text her a lot? I just, there's so many things I don't know."
My expression growing solemn, I cleared my throat and spoke gently. "Ask her. She'll find it funny. If not, she'll at least appreciate the effort. Take things slow and figure it out. You'll be alright."
Bark was quiet for a long time after that. In the end, he closed his laptop and climbed into bed. Without a word, he pulled the covers over his head. It wasn't even ten pm. I've never seen Bark go to sleep before eleven o'clock.
I would roll my eyes if I could. Shrugging, I sighed quietly and lay down. Burrowing under the blankets, I nuzzled into the warmth. As sleep's harsh graces latched upon me, a grin decorated my face. You'll be fine, Bark. Just a little bit further.
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