Chapter 22
The first place I searched for Evelyn was that outlook on the mountainside. Unfortunately, it offered nothing but a spectacular view of the night sky. Stars twinkling overhead like jewels dancing in place. The man in the moon smiled brightly, diligently watching over the land.
Romantic ideas were budding at the forefront of my mind, but I quickly trimmed them, careful not to snip the roots. Right now, I had to find Evelyn. Courtship could wait.
Racing to the hospital left me out of breath and tired. By all rights I should be in bed already. It's just proof, girls can mess you up. I don't know why I'm looking for Evelyn. I'm not worried. There's just a pull in my gut, telling me to find her. So, I'll keep searching.
Hilda frowned as she hurried across the main reception to meet me. Concern creasing her brow, she gently helped me upright from my doubled-over position. "J, is something the matter?"
Taking a few deep breaths, I shook my head wildly. "Nope, all good," I gasped. "Just wondering if you knew where Evelyn might be."
Smiling awkwardly, Hilda shook her head and chuckled. "That girl, always running off." Drawing a finger to her chin, Hilda thought for a moment. Her face cleared as she thought of something. "Did you try the mountain lookout?"
"Not there," I answered, smiling thinly.
"Then what about the river?"
"River?" I asked, my curiousity spiking at this development.
Hilda nodded emphatically. "Come on, I'll drive you."
Footsteps echoed sharply around the wide reception space. Hilda hurried away, leaving me frozen in place, mildly confused. Jogging, I caught up in a few paces. Matching speed with her, I noticed Hilda's determination.
"Um, Hilda, aren't you working right now?"
She waved it off. "Tonight's been quiet. Besides, I can just call this my break. We've got thirty minutes. Now, hurry up."
Turning sharply, Hilda led me down a staff only corridor. She was so invested in this it was almost unsettling.
"Hilda, where are we going?" My flat voice fell on disapproving ears.
Shooting me a scornful glance, Hilda huffed and hiked up her pants. "Docking bay. We're taking an ambulance."
Stopping in my tracks, I watched her walk away. My jaw had fallen, and I reached after her noiselessly.
Looking at me over her shoulder, Hilda snorted. "Get a move on."
Once again, I jogged to catch up. "An ambulance?"
A manic glint sparked in Hilda's eyes. Spreading to her face, her lips parted in an eerie smile. "My baby girl is in danger! We're gonna go fast."
"Okay, counterpoint, couldn't you get in trouble?" I reasoned, rubbing at my neck.
Rolling her eyes, Hilda waved it off. "Don't sweat the small stuff."
Something about this was making me nervous. A cold sweat broke out across my skin. Awkward chuckles escaped my grit teeth. "You could just give me the directions and I'll run there?"
"Aw dearie, you aren't built for running."
Damn, okay. Hilda's taking shots. She must really be worried about Evelyn. That, or it has been so long since anything remotely interesting happened that she was now blowing this out of proportion.
Giving up the fight, I trundled after Hilda. She led the way outside to a carport filled with all of two ambulances. She jumped behind the wheel of one and I got in the passenger seat; curiously noting that Hilda was showing no guilt about stealing half the fleet.
Despite her prior conviction, Hilda drove to the speed limit. She didn't even flash the lights or blare the siren, which honestly, was a little disappointing.
Bouncing along old streets, Hilda eventually pulled up alongside the curb on the edge of town. Blinking streetlamps lit a sidewalk which diverged, one path leading back towards town while the other disappeared into the trees.
"Down there," Hilda said, racing to unclip her seatbelt. "Let's go."
Filling with tension, I smiled awkwardly at my chauffeur. "Um, Hilda?"
Hilda yanked on her seatbelt, begging it come loose.
"Hilda?" I didn't want to raise my voice, but hopefully she would acknowledge me now.
Sure enough, Hilda sighed heavily and frowned at me. She suddenly looked so old. Wrinkles in her brow folded over each other and her skin seemed leathery in the dim light.
I smiled gently at her. "I'm sure Evelyn's fine. I just want to talk to her, and I needed help finding her. Thank you for bringing me here."
Hilda nodded and threw her hands in the air. Looking wistfully out the window, she laughed brokenly. "I am sorry. I was in the delivery room when Evelyn was born. It's hard to see her grow up." Pausing, Hilda breathed a pained sigh. "Be good to her, won't you?"
The old nurse had requested this of me once before, but I hadn't had time to answer. Now I deliberately looked her in the eye, took her hand and nodded. My gentle smile reassured Hilda and she believed my expression more than my words, though those too were sincere.
"You know I will," I whispered.
Releasing my seatbelt, I opened the door and slid from the seat, dropping to the slanted ground below. The earth soft beneath my feet, I jogged down a wide open path, trees thickening on each side the further I went. Leaning backwards, I was careful to avoid crashing and becoming a rolling flailing mess of limbs. Though, some might find that amusing.
The path was a short one and soon the trees cleared, revealing a hidden patch of paradise. The valley spread long, a river cutting through its length; large trees occasionally dotting the land. Outdoor barbecues, picnic tables and a playground formed the local park.
The path I was on led down through the park, tall lamps standing either side. Peering through the gentle glow, I spotted her silhouette. Evelyn was standing on a bridge which spanned the small river.
There were lights each end of the bridge, but the middle was cloaked in the night. Evelyn lounged in it, lost in thought as the trickle of the water carried her far away.
Chuckling quietly and shaking my head in disbelief, I hurried down the path. Reaching the bridge, I slowed. It only took one step. One step and my heavy foot clunked against the sturdy wood.
The dull thud rang out and Evelyn sighed a moment later. Hanging her head, she called out, "J, if that is you, I swear."
Strolling across the bridge, I leaned against the railing and grinned at her through the darkness. "Guilty."
"I am this close to smacking you," Evelyn said, holding her hand directly in front my face.
Chuckling, I pushed her arm down. "You do know I can't see, right?"
She answered by striking my face. My cheek quickly turned red. Moving on its own, my hand crept to my face, and I gently touched at the stinging, unsure if Evelyn had really slapped me.
Groaning, Evelyn turned away and stamped her foot. "Don't you get it? I came out here because I want to be alone."
"We are alone," I replied dumbly, looking around to make sure it was true.
A long-held breath escaped Evelyn's lips and her angry façade came crashing down. "Please, J, just go away."
Any other person might have listened to her request, but there was something in her voice. It was sad and pained and familiar.
"No! Stop. Don't say anything." Evelyn clamped her hands over her ears and clenched her eyes shut, wishing I would leave.
So, this is what she endured to help me? This is what she pushed through. How strong she is. Here's hoping I can follow her example.
Reaching out, I placed a gentle hand upon her shoulder. She immediately pulled around and faced me. I couldn't see her face, but it was evident in her voice. She was angry, but not at me.
"Don't you get it?" She screamed. "I know I'm a hypocrite! But I can't, okay? This is different." Her voice breaking, Evelyn's hands clenched into fists at her side, her nails digging painfully into her skin. "I can't be fixed."
Shaking my head, I stepped forwards. Wrapping my arms around her, I cradled in her head in my hand. "You'll be alright."
Fighting back tears, Evelyn slammed her little fists against my chest, trying desperately to get away. "You can't take care of me forever. I won't let you!"
"It would be my privilege."
Relinquishing the fight, Evelyn instead tried to reason with me. Her fists hanging low, her lips trembled tragically, and she bit it in a weak attempt to stop her tears. "You're better off without me. I won't let you hold yourself back because of me."
Closing my eyes, I simply held her and smiled. I didn't know what to say, but Evelyn did tell me I have a silver tongue. So, I simply spoke. "I've been selfish, but I want to ask one more thing of you. It's not a question of strength. For me, it is the desire to go farther, until I reach tomorrow and the hope that that sun will shine a little brighter. What is it for you?"
Laughing, I corrected her. "Perseverance. Refusal to falter. Absolute iron will. Using that, you have saved me time and again. Evelyn, let me save you this time. You have done enough."
Unable to hold it any longer, the dam within Evelyn burst. Emotions spilled out and arms latched around me like vices. Sobbing loudly, she cried into my chest. "Why do you think I helped you?"
Stroking her head gently, I smiled. "Because of my charming, good looks?" I answered quietly.
Releasing her grip, Evelyn pushed violently at me, squirming until she was free of my grasp. Tears staining her cheeks, she screamed her frustrations to the moon. "It was pity! I helped you out of pity and selfishness. I needed to believe that if you could get better, then I could to! J, I used you. None of it was real."
My innards burned as my chest racked with uneven breaths. Tears pricked at my eyes, and I grew emotional. It was distressing, to see her this way. Can't I help her know that she is so much more than her sickness?
Tears dripping from my eyes, I nodded emphatically. "You saved me. That was real."
"That doesn't change anything!" Grabbing my arms, I could feel her nails trying to pierce my jacket. "I am sick. It's better, better if you let me go."
A gentle smile touched my face. Peeling her claws from my arms, I enclosed her hands with mine. "I don't want to let you go. You are special to me. Lean on me and I will lean on you, but don't do this alone anymore. You have done enough."
There, in that moment, under the shining moon and singing stars, she finally heard me. Evelyn finally believed that maybe she really had done enough. Perhaps, this could be her reward? It was possible that this boy could remind her to breathe.
Her knees giving out, Evelyn sunk to the ground. I shuffled closer before sitting and pulling her close. I stroked her back, ran my hands through her hair, anything to help her relax as she cried; cried away all the doubt and fear which had once pushed the air from her lungs.
Eventually the tears stopped. Rubbing her eyes, she hiccupped cutely. I laughed and she punched me weakly. Sighing, I gently squeezed her, and she nuzzled in closer.
"Tomorrow, you're taking me on a date," she murmured.
Smiling at the moon, I nodded. There was a warmth in my chest, butterflies in my stomach. "I would like that."
Perhaps I'm not completely useless. Though, I'm pretty sure Evelyn had something to do with that. Either way, I'll go a little farther, become even more useful, and we'll both be alright.
"Do you have any idea what time it is?" Cried Hilda's shrill voice as she appeared at the foot of the bridge. "I never got to eat, and my break is long since over! Also, they know I took an ambulance, we've gotta go now!"
Evelyn's head snapped up and she peered at me curiously, a weak smile decorating her face.
Grinning, I ran my hand through her hair one last time. "Milady, your carriage awaits."
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