Chapter 18
When I left for the hospital, June had handed a me a bag full of clothes and essentials which Evelyn had asked her to prepare. Now, I waited outside the hospital room while Evelyn changed. She had been discharged and soon we would return to school.
While I waited, I leaned against the wall, thinking about all that Evelyn had told me. My gaze was far away, and I didn't notice Hilda until she said my name.
"Hello, J," Hilda echoed, waving a hand in front of my face.
Blinking rapidly, I came back to reality. "Sorry, I was just thinking."
Smiling gently, Hilda nodded with understanding. "That's alright, dear. How are you holding up? Any questions?"
Scoffing, I shook my head and looked at the floor. "I'm just surprised. She hid it well. I had no idea," I spoke, voice thick with guilt. I had thought Evelyn and I were close, but she was fighting this while helping me. How useless am I?
Knowing my hurt, Hilda leaned against the wall beside me. "Evelyn is good at hiding her pain. People only see it when she wants them to. She's strong like that, or maybe stubborn is a better word?" Pausing, Hilda thought for a second before smiling at me. "Though, she opened up to you. I've never seen that before. It gives me hope for her. You'll both be fine. Thank you, J."
My breath caught in my throat. My face fallen, I glanced at Hilda. Her face was sad, but sincere. She truly did care about Evelyn. Is this how all the hospital staff feel?
"Be good to her, won't you?" Hilda requested, smiling into the distance.
Before I could answer, Evelyn appeared at my shoulder. "Hilda, are you interrogating him?"
"Busted," Hilda said quietly. Nodding to me, she smiled. "It was lovely to meet you, J. And Evelyn, I don't want to see you here again, got it?"
Rolling her eyes, Evelyn smiled. "I'll do what I can."
Hilda nodded, as if satisfied. "Well then, I have to get back to work. Have a good afternoon you two."
Walking away, Hilda left us alone. I watched her go until Evelyn pinched me, wearing a cheeky smile.
"Ow," I whined, snapping around to look at her. "What was that for?"
Ignoring me, Evelyn placed her hands on her hips. "Now that I have your attention, shall we go?" She asked, smiling broadly.
I watched her for a second, stunned. Recovering, I laughed and nodded. "Lead the way, milady."
As we walked the long corridors, I glanced at Evelyn from the corner of my eye. Despite just being dismissed from hospital, she looked so beautiful. Hair tied up in a messy bun, wearing that pink cardigan she loves and denim jeans.
Frowning, I noticed the shoulder bag I had brought in earlier, filled with books and stuff June had packed.
"Want me to carry that?" I offered, pointing to the bag.
Evelyn frowned at me and adjusted the bag on her shoulder. "I'm not helpless."
"You aren't?" I teased, pretending to be surprised.
Scowling, Evelyn turned her head away. "Definitely not!" She insisted. "However, yes, you may carry my bag."
Evelyn smirked as she pulled the bag from her shoulder and offered it to me. Laughing, I reached to take the bag, before pulling away.
"Actually, never mind," I said, determined to come out on top.
Rolling her eyes, Evelyn went to replace the bag on her shoulder but before she could I reached out and took it.
Watching me with wide eyes, Evelyn took a deep breath. "J, so help me," she hissed.
I only laughed and smiled at her in response. Evelyn sighed and looked away, refusing to indulge me. As we walked, she rolled her shoulders and shook out her legs, desperate to loosen her muscles after being confined to these halls.
Leaving the hospital, I gratefully inhaled, relishing the fresh air. "So, what now?" I asked Evelyn, glancing at her.
Biting her lip, she thought for a moment, before peering up at me. "Well, it is Friday. We don't have to go back to school straight away," she trailed off and looked away.
I don't understand girls. I can never know what they are thinking. So, in this case, I'll take a gamble.
Grinning, I nudged Evelyn gently. "Alright, where would you like to go?"
Evelyn's quiet gasp quickly became a pleased smile and when she looked at me the sunlight bounced off her eyes in the most spectacular way.
"Follow me," Evelyn said, spinning on her heel and hurrying away.
Jogging to catch up, I fell into step beside her. She smiled at me, but I didn't notice. My attention was on the scenery. Everything I had heard about Lambarra was true. The town was built into the hills, following the natural slope of the mountain ranges.
It was a quaint place, rather pleasant. The air was fresh, crisp and carried the scent of fallen leaves. Autumn was here in full force.
"Where are we going?" I asked curiously.
Evelyn had led me up to the back of town, near where the mountain grew steep. "We're almost there," she said happily.
Squinting ahead, I noticed stairs leading up the mountain. Trees drooping with beautifully coloured leaves dotted the path, covering the trail with a golden glow. Not having the words, I whistled appreciatively.
"You haven't seen anything yet," Evelyn murmured, hurrying up the stairs.
Grinning, I followed quickly, eager to see what lay at the end of the path. Before long, my intrigue was well rewarded. The stairs ended and the dirt trail turned sharply, leading onto a viewing platform.
A square, wooden handrails enclosing it on all sides and the sturdy redwood underneath, the viewing platform was elegant in its simplicity, but it was hardly noticed. No, the what took my attention was the view.
Gently dropping the bag, my mouth fell open. I didn't realise how high we had climbed. To think that this simple wooden platform boasted one of the most incredible sights I had ever laid eyes upon.
The mountains lay sprawled before me, covered with golden trees. The sun dipping towards the horizon cast a glow over everything. Illuminating even the patch of land cleared for the town. Lambarra was like a newborn, cradled in the mountains' loving arms.
"Beautiful, isn't it?" Evelyn whispered, leaning on the handrailing.
Grinning like an idiot, I shook my head. She should know better by now. Shifting my gaze to her, I felt my heart swell. "Not as beautiful as you."
Evelyn looked stunned for a moment, then she scowled and stamped her foot. "Shut up."
An idea budding in the back of my mind, I shuffled closer, smiling cheekily. "Oh? Anyone would think you don't like compliments."
"I don't," she muttered, refusing to meet my gaze.
"Well, there's only one way to fix that," I exclaimed, mischief in my eyes.
Realising what I was getting at, Evelyn looked at me, blushing furiously. "You wouldn't," she whispered, backing away slowly. "J, don't."
I only shrugged. "Sorry, V. The truth is you are beautiful."
Clamping her hands over her ears, Evelyn backed away, hollering, "I'm not listening. I can't hear you!"
Smirking, I shook my head and began yelling. "You're sweet and nowhere near as mean as you pretend to be. You're clever and reliable."
Raising her voice, Evelyn clenched her eyes shut and shook her head. "Lah lah lah!"
Chuckling, I stopped yelling and stepped forwards, gently grabbing her shoulders. She tried to fight, but I slowly pulled her hands from her ears. Holding her hands in mine, I whispered, "You are wonderful."
Evelyn's eyes fluttered open, and she peered at me with those stunning blue eyes. Her face was covered in doubt, and I could swear she was trembling. Biting her lip, her gaze fell to the ground.
Pulling her close, I wrapped my arms around her and rested my chin atop her head. "Amazing, incredible, wonderful, beautiful, stunning, the list goes on. Evelyn, you are special to me."
Evelyn closed her eyes, not wanting to believe me. Ever so slowly, she wrapped me in her arms and buried her head into my shoulder, grateful she could at least hide her blush.
"Idiot," she whispered.
We stood like that for some time, until she eventually muttered, "You know, I brought you up here to threaten you."
"What?" I asked, laughing at the odd statement.
Her head still pressed into my chest, she nodded. "If you ever tell anyone about what happened at the hospital, I'll defenestrate you."
"Defenestrate?" I mused, tilting my head curiously.
"It means to throw someone out a window," she murmured, squeezing me tightly.
Chuckling, I broke the hug. "Alright, under threat of defenestration, this'll be our secret."
Evelyn nodded and wiped at her eyes. "Good," she said brokenly. "We should probably get going."
Checking the sun, I nodded my agreement, but it was halfhearted. "We still have some daylight left. So, what do you say?" Pausing, I pulled my phone from my pocket and placed it on the handrail. A moment later, music began to fill the air. Extending my hand, I smiled to Evelyn. "May I have this dance?"
Evelyn's jaw dropped and she looked at me in disbelief. Stammering, she stamped her foot and hardened her face. "N-no," she said decisively, turning her back and crossing her arms.
Laughing, I took a half-step forward. "Please?"
Hesitating, Evelyn peered over her shoulder before turning her head away again. "No! I just got out of the hospital and I'm tired. Not to mention, I cried more today than I have in years! I need sleep."
Satisfied, I stopped the music and grabbed the bag from the floor. "Alright then, another time."
Evelyn looked like a deer in the headlights. Stamping her foot again, she asked, "What makes you think I'll ever dance with you?"
"Well, the reason you just gave is that you were tired, right? Doesn't that mean you would dance with me if you weren't tired?" I said, raising my eyebrow.
Groaning, Evelyn turned away. "I'll dance with you when the world ends!"
"Well then, I'll have plenty of time to practice," I responded earnestly. "Milady, shall we?" I smiled, gesturing towards the path leading down the mountainside.
Sighing, Evelyn rolled her eyes and marched from the viewing platform, but as she passed me, she reached out, taking my hand in hers.
We walked back down the path, to the road and called a taxi. The drive back was uneventful. Evelyn fell asleep on my shoulder. Brushing loose strands of hair from her face, I mused at how peaceful she looked. Fondness grew within me, and I sighed contentedly. This girl truly is special.
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