Chapter 17
I stood outside Lambarra General hospital, a dumb look on my face. Sure, I had made it here, but things did not go as expected. I thought Bark and June would come with me, but June had insisted I should go alone. Not to mention, the leave form was weird too.
To leave school grounds, students had to fill leave application forms. These forms would then be considered by admin and approved if there were no issues. Typically, the process might take a few days, but my form was filled in hours. I'm certain Josiah had something to do with it, but I don't know anything for certain. I really should go and see him again, but that can wait. Right now, I have to see about a girl.
Clearing my head, I checked the hospital. It wasn't very big, tall sure, but only one building. Though, I suppose it is a small town.
I haven't spent much time in hospitals, so upon entering I made a beeline, past the waiting area and a small café, to the reception desk. A Nurse in a blue uniform smiled sweetly at me from behind a monitor.
"Hello, what can I help you with?" She asked pleasantly.
Smiling nervously, I stuttered a moment. "Um, I'm here to visit someone."
Seeing my awkwardness, the nurse nodded in understanding. "Of course, dear. Who are you here to see?" She waited expectantly, ready to check the patient register, but she didn't need it.
"Evelyn," I said, before freezing. I don't know Evelyn's last name. It's been months now, how do I not know her surname?
Looking up from the monitor, the nurse's jaw fell open. Realisation dawning, a massive smile split her face. "Ah, you wouldn't happen to be J?"
Frowning, I nodded slowly. "That's right."
Standing, the nurse seemed pleased with herself. "Excellent. Good to meet you, J. I'm Hilda. I'll show you to Evelyn's room, if you could just wait a moment."
"O-okay," I answered, hesitantly stepping backward. What is going on here?
Hilda smiled at me once more before walking into a walled office behind the reception desk. A moment to myself, I curiously spun in a slow circle. This place definitely seemed bigger on the inside. To either side of the entrance was a small café and waiting area. The reception was in the middle of the floor with elevators and stairs to both the left and right. Opposite the entrance I came in was another entrance which boasted a small gift shop to buy get-well cards and presents.
Ignoring the clamour of voices coming from the nurse's office, I approached the shop. Browsing quickly, I picked out a small bouquet of flowers. Though, when I went to pay, the cashier smiled knowingly and told me they were free of charge.
After thanking the man, I turned around, very confused, only to find that Hilda was waiting, watching me happily. Several nurses were gathered at the reception desk, staring like birds of prey.
"Right this way," Hilda said, moving towards the elevators.
Following her, I entered the elevator. The flowers, the gawking nurses, something is off at this place. Thinking that, I couldn't stand still. Biting my tongue, I shifted my weight back and forth between my legs. Breathing slowly, I pictured the feather and remained calm.
The elevator dinged and the doors opened. Hilda hurried out and moved past a nurse's station. Grinning at her colleagues, she subtly pointed at me and whispered something, but I didn't catch what she said.
Spinning on her heel, Hilda turned into a room and called, "Evelyn, you have a visitor."
"Lucky me," Evelyn drawled, clearly not in a good mood.
Still wearing that sweet smile, Hilda patted me on the shoulder. "Good luck, tiger," she said before leaving.
I hesitated, more confused than ever. Then, shaking it off, I smiled and entered the room. Evelyn lay in a bed beside large windows. An oxygen tank sat beside various hospital machines and a TV hung from the ceiling. A chair was alongside the bed, opposite to the windows.
My eyes settling on Evelyn, my jaw dropped slightly. I had never seen her like this. Long hair cascading down her back in a beautiful mess. The traces of bags could be seen under her eyes. She was dressed in what looked like pajamas; long purple pants decorated with white swirls. Her black shirt had a large red floral print in the middle.
Evelyn's eyes narrowed as she donned her usual scowl. "What are you staring at?"
The question caught me off-guard for a moment, but I quickly remembered myself. Shaking my head, I smirked and showed her the flowers I had chosen before placing them on the bedside table. "Sorry, after several days in the hospital I wasn't expecting you to look so beautiful."
Scoffing, Evelyn turned her ahead away, trying to hide her blush. "Flattery will get you nowhere. Besides, if you think I look good now, then you should see me when I actually try."
Throwing my head back, I laughed and lightly gripped the railing on her bed. "I look forward to it."
Keeping her gaze a moment longer, Evelyn's scowl melted, replaced by a gentle smile. "Maybe one day you'll be so lucky," she whispered, meeting my eyes. Her hand crept along the bed sheets and slowly climbed the railing.
Pulling the chair closer, I sat in it and gently took Evelyn's hand in mine. Her mouth formed an o shape as she gasped quietly, but after a moment she smiled, closed her eyes and squeezed my hand.
We sat there in contented silence for some time, and I was perfectly happy to stay that way, but there was something Evelyn needed to say.
Opening her eyes, Evelyn sighed happily and shook her head at me, trying not to laugh. Her demeanour changed in an instant and suddenly she was scowling. "Hilda, do you mind?"
Hilda appeared from round the corner, frowning. "You're no fun," she whined.
Rolling her eyes, Evelyn sighed but couldn't keep the smile from her face. "Leave him alone."
Groaning, Hilda trudged from the room. "Fine, but if you need anything I'm just down the hall."
I scoffed and raised my brows are Evelyn. "What's the story here?" I asked, desperate for answers.
Evelyn rolled her eyes again and looked out the window. "Lambarra is my hometown. I've come to this hospital a lot since I was little. I've known everyone here a long time. When they found out a boy was coming to see me, they got all excited for some reason."
"Oh, well, I'm sorry to disappoint," I joked, laughing to myself.
Evelyn's eyes fell to the bed sheds. A sad smile adorned her face. "You're the first person to visit me who isn't family," she murmured.
Her forehead creasing and gaze downcast, sadness oozed from Evelyn. I gently squeezed her hand and smiled reassuringly. "Sorry I took so long."
Raising a hand to her mouth, Evelyn tried to hide her giggle. Shaking her head, she gazed upon me fondly. A sadness seemed to suddenly envelop her again, and she frowned. Chewing her bottom lip, she played with her hair using her free hand. A pensive look covered her face, as if she were deciding something.
Eventually, Evelyn sighed and looked me in the eye. "J, I've been sick since I was little. I've spent a lot of time in this hospital. I may not get better."
I took a minute to let that sink in. My heart quickened, but I was here for Evelyn, so I quickly managed to calm myself. Swallowing the lump in my throat, I searched her face. "What is it?"
Squeezing my hand, she sighed. "Asthma."
The simple word almost sounded like a joke, and I scoffed. "Oh, I thought it was something serious," I said, relief flooding me for a moment.
Her serious gaze quickly ripped any comfort from me. Evelyn frowned and watched me with heavy eyes. "I've been taking preventative medicine for nine years. About every two years, the medicine stops working and I need something stronger. I keep getting worse. The other night, I had an asthma attack and went to see the school nurse. She took care of me and brought me to the hospital, but if I hadn't made to her, it could've been much worse."
My face fell and my grip involuntarily tightened on Evelyn's hand. "I-I don't understand."
The sad smile on Evelyn's face was like a knife. I could feel it wrenching deep into my gut, twisting cruelly. When she pulled her hand free from mine, the knife was ripped free, spilling my blood across the floor.
"My asthma is severe," Evelyn muttered, biting her lip. "My airway is sensitive and can become inflamed, making it really hard to breathe. Sometimes it happens because of triggers like dust, allergens or even exercise, but other times, well, I guess my body just decides it's been too long since I saw Hilda. Not that I come to the hospital every time. Normally my inhaler is enough, but when it's really bad," She trailed off, unable to look at me.
My knuckles turned white as my grip tightened upon the bedside railing. "Why didn't you tell me?" I whispered, hanging my head.
Evelyn didn't respond but eventually I noticed the sobbing noises coming from her. She cradled her face in her hands and screamed through them. "I'm a hypocrite!"
My face covered with shock, I wanted nothing more than to comfort her. "V," I murmured, reaching for her.
Smacking my hand away, Evelyn glared at me, tears streaming down her broken face. "Sometimes it's easier to be the one in the hospital bed rather than the one standing beside it! I know that. I didn't want to put anyone in that position. That's why I keep to myself and act grouchy. That's why I hide in that corner of the library. That's why I didn't tell you."
Taking a few moments to just cry, Evelyn slammed her fist upon the bed. "Then I got your text. I realised I wanted you here." Her face was so sad, eyes screaming for help. Her voice breaking, Evelyn clutched at the sheets and whispered, "Can I be selfish just this once?"
I don't know when the tears appeared on my face, but now I wiped them off and stood hurriedly. Crouching, I lowered the railing on the bed so I could sit beside her. Taking Evelyn in my arms, I ran my fingers through her hair as she cried into my chest.
"I'm so angry," Evelyn said between choked sobs. "Why can't my lungs just work?"
Not knowing what to say, I held Evelyn tighter, trying to protect her from something I couldn't fight.
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