Chapter 14
Students retreated in fear, cleaving a path. Evelyn stormed through the hallways, furious. Her face was a thundercloud. Her muscles were taut, her pace decisive and her scowl was more aggressive than usual.
Evelyn hardly noticed her peers. Anger at a certain fool drove her to focus solely on how irritated she was. Surely, J was an idiot, but this was ridiculous.
Sighing, she ground her teeth in frustration. She could not have explained it more clearly. Yet, he still failed to understand.
Her shoes clacking against the floor, Evelyn continued her march. She passed teachers, students, Josiah riding a unicycle, empty classrooms and one random frog before arriving at the library.
Hurrying through past the bookshelves, Evelyn made a beeline for the stairwell, but the librarian stopped her.
"Young lady!" Hissed old man Kurt.
"What?" Evelyn spat, looking at him venomously.
"Watch your language," said Kurt, sounding offended.
Frowning, Evelyn shook her head in annoyance. "I wasn't saying anything."
Kurt adopted a strong demeanour. Pointing accusingly, he said, "you were cursing under your breath. Swearing like a sailor!"
Going to argue, Evelyn opened her mouth before freezing. Her face flushed red and she shuffled her feet nervously. "Sorry," she said, her voice becoming meek.
In a desperate attempt to flee, Evelyn turned and bolted for the stairwell. She was so embarrassed to have relapsed into her old habit like that. Cursing under her breath was something she had stopped years ago. Now, she had started again. This was all J's fault, that idiot.
Her anger building once again, Evelyn's pace quickened as she made for the alcove hidden at the back of the library. Her normally light footsteps became somewhat louder as she stomped along, disturbing dust from the lower shelves.
"J!" She hissed, rounding the corner and spotting him in the recliner.
I looked up from my book, a smile on my face. "Hey, V."
Stamping her foot and scowling, Evelyn pointed at me. "Don't you hey V, me! Listen-"
Evelyn abruptly stopped. Breathing awkwardly, she reeled back before snapping forward, sneezing quietly.
I chuckled lightly. "Cute sneeze for a cute girl. Bless you."
Groaning, Evelyn rubbed her nose. "Don't you bless me!" She growled in a muffled voice. Rolling her nose, she exhaled a few times before redirecting her anger at me. "You said you would talk to me if something was wrong! But no, instead you decide to yell at June."
My smile faltered and slowly faded. I closed the leg-rest on my recliner and stared at the book in my hands. Though, my gaze was far away and my thoughts even further.
"Sorry," I whispered. "I'll apologize to June, later. I just need some time to cool off. Besides," I paused before raising my eyes to meet Evelyn's stare. "What can talking fix?"
Evelyn stepped closer and reached out, as if she wanted to choke me. Groaning to herself, she pulled back and placed her hands on her hips. "You won't know unless you try it," she said, scowling.
"I don't know," I answered, shaking my head. "I use glass to bottle my emotions and that doesn't break down for a million years," I joked, trying to pull some cheekiness into my voice.
Evelyn sighed inwardly. This would be embarrassing, but nothing else was getting through. It was time to switch strategies.
Bringing a hand to her mouth, Evelyn frowned sadly, lips quivering. Her brow creasing, she started trembling, buckling at the knees. "Is," she paused, taking a shaky breath before continuing. "Is it me?" She asked quietly. Raising her eyes, Evelyn looked at me brokenly. "Am I not enough?"
Her words hit me like cannonball and sudden pain wrenched my gut. "No! No, it's not you," I desperately tried to convince her. "I just," Trailing off, my gaze dropped to the floor.
Evelyn started sobbing quietly and sunk to the ground. "I'm sorry, J. I really thought I could help," she whispered, smiling hopelessly.
Springing from my chair, I raced to her side and took her in my arms. "No, no, it's not your fault," I said soothingly. Lifting her chin, I got her to look at me. Stroking her cheek, I smiled softly. "You have done enough."
Those few words cut through Evelyn's act and for a moment she froze. Time slowed as I disappeared from her thoughts. Hope filled her and she knew that she had done enough, but that moment ended, like all good things.
Burying her face in her hands, Evelyn began sobbing earnestly. It wasn't true. She had not done enough. Not yet. After all, if it were enough, she wouldn't be here now. If this were enough, I wouldn't be hurting.
Though flooded with her own pain, Evelyn overcame it. Pulling herself above the waves of emotion, she came to rescue me.
"J, what are you scared of?"
Evelyn had asked me this twice now. Twice, she had recognised my lies and reached through them for my hand. Before, I had retreated but now, could I finally be honest?
"I, I don't know," I stuttered, voice heavy. "I think I had a panic attack, several weeks ago. I felt I couldn't breathe, and it was like danger was everywhere around me." Looking into her eyes, I cried for her to save me. "I was fine. I am fine. So, why am I so scared?"
Evelyn's jaw dropped. Her eyes, full of worry, drilled into me and pulled forth all that I had thought but never said.
"I hardly sleep," I wheezed, shaking my head. "I'm always on edge, looking for a danger that isn't there. I don't know what's wrong with me, and I am terrified."
Evelyn's hand rose slowly to my cheek. Wiping the tears from my eyes, she quietly laughed at me. "You're so stupid," she whispered. Pulling me into her arms, she held me tight. "And you're so strong."
Burying my face into Evelyn's shoulder, I began bawling like I had never done before. I sat there, clawing at her back and crying until there was nothing left, and after that, still Evelyn waited. Gently, her small hands rubbed my back and she whispered soft nothings.
When finally, I pulled away from her, I saw something I had missed before. There was a kindness in her eyes, something she had hidden away behind her scowl. Though, I didn't know that behind that kindness was something else again, a sorrow, heavy and patient.
The shallowness of my vision made me laugh weakly. "You planned this, didn't you?"
Wiping the tears from her eyes, and burying her pain, Evelyn smirked. "Well, duh. You really are hopeless."
I laughed and nodded sadly, conceding her point. "Does that mean you'll stick around?" I asked gently.
Rolling her eyes, Evelyn sighed. "Don't make me regret this."
Crawling backwards, I pulled myself to the nearest bookcase and leaned against it. Taking a few deep breaths, I closed my eyes and simply sat. After a time, I spoke again, "I'm weak, you know?"
Standing, Evelyn dusted off her skirt and nodded. "It's not a question of strength."
"Then, what is it?"
"Now that's something you have to discover on your own," Evelyn answered, a smirk in her voice. "It's different for everyone."
"What is it for you?" I whispered.
Evelyn smiled. "Stubbornness," she answered, hands on her hips.
I laughed, opening my eyes to shake my head at her. "There's more to it than that."
"There is," she admitted. "But that's for me to know."
"Reliance is a two-way street," I said, mimicking her voice.
Evelyn scowled. "My voice is not that high."
Grinning, I tilted my head. "Actually," I teased.
Kicking me playfully, Evelyn couldn't hide her smile. "Shut up."
I laughed for a moment before growing quiet. My eyes drifted to the floor, and I sighed. Standing, I took Evelyn's hands in mine and looked deep into her eyes. "V, thank you."
A blush rose in Evelyn's cheeks, and she watched me for a moment before turning her head. "Don't even think about kissing me," she hissed.
A laugh escaped my gut and I chuckled noisily. "Too late," I admitted, admiring her.
Evelyn gasped and her cheeks turned from a rosy pink to deep scarlet. She ripped her hands from mine and turned her back on me. Crossing her arms, she closed her eyes and stood defiantly.
Chuckling, I hugged her from behind, wrapping my arms around her. She squirmed for a moment, fighting to escape but I held fast. Holding her tight, I whispered, "You can rely on me too."
Evelyn froze and her lips parted slightly. She stopped fighting and sunk into the hug for a moment. Then, she was back to her usual self, squirming and hissing at me.
Chuckling, I released her and turned around before she could see my face. "V, thanks again," I said, waving to her over my shoulder.
Evelyn sighed and I knew she was rolling her eyes. "You really are hopeless."
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